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1904330 No.1904330 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you kids supporting Tao Lin, the greatest author of our generation?

>> No.1904331

fuck off, Tao

>> No.1904406

hi Tao

>> No.1904407

Is Tao Lin a running joke, or does he actually come here?

>> No.1904411

he comes here, he tweets threads sometimes.

>> No.1904412

he does but he's also a running joke
it's about 1/4 him and 3/4 running joke i think

>> No.1904417

Who is Tao Lin? I only know of him on /lit/

>> No.1904419

That feel when I bought Eeeee Eee Eeee and I'm currently reading it. Currently page 87.

>> No.1904423


>> No.1904425
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>> No.1904437

Quirky and somewhat amusing.

>> No.1904811

I learned Kung Fu at the Tao Lin temple

"Lame Ass Writer Style"

>> No.1904812
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>implying i'm not

>> No.1904821

> Read Richard Yates.
> cool 5th grade story bro

>> No.1904877

What Tao Lin book should I start with?

>> No.1907224


I think it's probably best to read them all chronologically. Or you could try his latest novel, Richard Yates.

>> No.1907232

i own 4 tao lin books

>> No.1907241


which tao lin books do you own?

>> No.1907245

you are a little bit happier than i am, bed, eeeee eee eeee, cognitive-behavioral therapy

>> No.1907247


could you say a few words about how you would rate them?

>> No.1907252

which is your favorite?

>> No.1907256

i would describe them all as "book of a lifetime"

>> No.1907265


wow, i should get these soon. is there one which would be best to start with, or can i begin with any one of them?

>> No.1907285

When I read that one that was about like a girl who worked in a restaurant or whatever, I kind of came. It was that good. Later when my man was fucking me, I was like totally thinking about Tao Lin and junk.

>> No.1907287



>> No.1907291

I cant even tell who is trolling anymore

>> No.1907306


those are in chronological order in his post. possibly this is intended as an implicit recommendation.

>> No.1907310


ah, well observed. thanks.

>> No.1907314

you are a little bit happier than i am and cognitive-behavioral therapy are poetry books
bed is short stories
eeeee eee eeee is a novel
i liked bed the best i think

>> No.1907324


thanks for this additional information.

>> No.1907341

I bought 'Shoplifting' the other day. Hoping it's better than Miranda July's trash. Still waiting for Tao Lin to blow me as a reward.

>> No.1907358

Everyone in this thread is a drunk Tao Lin.

I'm kind of jealous, I wish I could troll a board and make money off it.

>> No.1907499


If I were ever to become a (remotely) famous author, I would come on /lit/ too. Unfortunately I'm unlikely to become a famous author because of /lit/.


>> No.1907503

>Unfortunately I'm unlikely to become a famous author because of /lit/.

Yes, i'm sure that's why. Even Shakespeare would have failed if I had to put up with /lit/.

>> No.1907524

The funny thing is, I'm thinking about reading Ex3. Richard Yates was a bit below average, but that looks interesting.

>> No.1907544


dat inn n out

>> No.1908632
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>> No.1908638

FUN FACT: There are more published authors on /tg/ than /lit/.

>> No.1908643

probably because fantasy and WH40k novels have relatively low publishing standards

Alternatively, they probably have more just because they have quadruple the average number of posters.

>> No.1908775

haha, i forgot warhammer publised novels, it's so absurd.

>> No.1908797

Tao Lin is the author our generation deserves.

>> No.1908801

I haven't heard of
but let me guess
it's some sort of hack shit that is only considered good because it's different and new
call me in 50 years nig
shit is lightweight
will never read or google cuz I saw it here

>> No.1909162

Disagree, whoever wrote the Twilight books (don't know her name; can't be assed to look it up) is the author your generation deserves.

>> No.1909202

>Stephanie Meyer
Only know because I share name with the antagonist, O-okay?

Kinda interested in EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, but why would you name it that? hrmph, Is it like short stories? poetry? a novel? The cover looked cool.

is that a....goatse?

>> No.1909214

I know this is a troll, but for the people who actually do this (usually 15 year old Chuck Palahniuk fans)
>OMG guise i'm so deep and interesting I have never heard the name of that bitch who writes those vampire books, why would i waste my time with that trash, im busy re-reading fight club, durden is so awsum

>> No.1909659
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>> No.1909817
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>> No.1909824

>New York Times on Richard Yates by Tao Lin:
"By the time I reached the last 50 pages, each time the characters said they wanted to kill themselves, I knew exactly how they felt."

>> No.1909831


That snark was written by a dude. You can't name him, can ya? No, you can't. That's why it doesn't matter.

There's two kinds of writer right now, the kind who understand the opportunities Tao Lin opens up, and the kind who think Jonathan Franzen has a reason for being.

>> No.1909836

Tao Lin is great. Seriously, how is he not? He understands what literature is, and is not. He understands that the less money you're likely to make, the more serious you have to be about making it.

>> No.1909837

Charles Bock

>> No.1909847

So we should be happy that writing like a child is opening up opportunities? or simple opportunistic? riding the coat tails of an aging 'respectable' *cough* critical circle, who only look on emerging writers as kids....

>> No.1909848


OBVIOUSLY YOU CAN LOOK IT UP, that's not the point. The point is his authority comes from having his name replaced with the words 'New York Times'. Tao Lin can make a video of him and his girl walking around on E, and people will pay money for it. So it doesn't matter. Tao's business is only going to be helped by such semi-anonymous old-fart snark.

>> No.1909857

shut up tao lin

>> No.1909860


He doesn't write like a child, he's in a great tradition of Martian, unworldly writing. Look at Jane Bowles or Robert Walser. A child wouldn't hit that precise note of unearthly precision, or the kind of scrupulousness he monitors internal states with.

If you mean 'should we be glad he makes us look dumb for stomping around in daddy's dressing gown', yes. Old people need young people to be young to help them feel alive. They don't want a bunch of pear-shaped guys hanging on their every word, they want to be invited to the bacchanal.

>> No.1909871

That press, Melville House, are releasing some other good stuff, and within Tao's offshoot, Muumuu House, Meagan Boyle does seems to me to be a more traditionally engaging and entertaining writer than Tao. She gives the reader a break. Her recent tweet about snorting cocaine off of Tao's dick and balls had more entertainment value than the entire output of the tryhard Jonathans.

>> No.1909872

>You can't name him, can ya? No, you can't.
>name him
>lololo it doesn't matter I'm right you're wrong
sure is kids in here

>> No.1909880

Anything can be justified in hindsight....

I am 22 and I think he is a child..

If to be young is to be alive you better go stash that portrait in the attic now...

>they want to be invited to the bacchanal.

I am not being envious, well maybe a little, that he can live by well trodden paths of pop culture artists... This is a well trodden path Toa Lin is not opening up opportunities he is already travelling a highway that has smashed its way through the scenery and is now starting to become riddled with pot holes.

>> No.1909882


She's the author of the classic Rihanna Goes to the Hospital, so that earns her one point in my book.

>> No.1909884


I obviously meant can you name him here and now, not 'can you name him after you cut-and-paste the quote in Google'. Anyone can name anyone if they look it up, the point is that Bock's legitimacy comes from the NYT brand, whereas Tao Lin's comes from his own brand that he's worked to invent. If Bock was sacked from the Times, went into a bar and tried to tell people his opinion of a book, they'd tell him to shut the fuck up. Tao Lin can't be sacked from being Tao Lin, even if his penchant for heroin overturns his business - he is already part of the history of literature.

>> No.1909889


Don't waste your life. Think about it. Do you really want to spend the next eighteen years preparing to be forty, and then spend the rest of your life preparing to be eighty? Tao doesn't write like a child - it might be good discipline for you to READ his stuff instead of taking an attitude to his publicity, which anyone can do, and try writing as honestly as he does about how people actually live. The old guys want to hear from us about being young, they don't want to hear about being old. They know being old better than you will for some time. Using ancient, juiceless cliches like 'well-trodden path' as a 22-year-old male (I assume) makes you a freakish creature. The old don't admire you for siding with them, they pity you, and their inheritance is a handful of dust.

>> No.1909891

I didn't

simply rejecting critique without rational arguments doesn't make you seem less like a child btw

>> No.1909894


Sure you didn't. You haven't offered any critique.

>> No.1909900

I'm really getting curious now.
Are you actually Tao Lin or just a mad fanboy?

>> No.1909901

No no I assure you I have followed links freom here to some of his poetry and short stories... Don't really want to read any more.
Cliche, cliche, cliche.... a bear in the woods cried into his salmon.... I wrote that because it easily demonstrated a point... I also extended the cliche... If things are said enough they all become cliches...

I write about my life too(how does a writer do otherwise? But as Oscar Wilde 'art should not be an autobiography. Art is useless') I love LSD but i don't write about it... it is a modern cliche, eating drugs, doing outrageous things, most young people do it and don't give a fuck, the only people who do care are the people who don't do it... please tell me otherwise I would love to be convinced that it is not.

>> No.1909904

I hope it's him
it would be so sad that it's funny

>> No.1909917

>There's two kinds of writer right now, the kind who understand the opportunities Tao Lin opens up, and the kind who think Jonathan Franzen has a reason for being.

I like that, drunk Tao Lin. Only thing smart you've said, that I've read. Problem is, you're not who you think you are. Your not much more exciting yourself outside of your relatively youthful age and--you're writing sucks. And I could probably get over that if you were writing about anything of any interest to me..........

>> No.1909921

Jonathan Franzen, Tao Lin—is there a difference?

Vapid, middlebrow posturing, a tasteless commitment to 'reality' & no imagination to speak of.

>> No.1909924



You're bluffing. You've safely dismissed him. The very fact that you'd use the term 'outrageous' illustrates that you've made yourself, consciously, into an old fart before your time.
Dropping in an irrelevant Oscar Wilde quote makes you seem like a 14-year-old. Write things people give a fuck about while there's still time. If your life lacks the subject matter, change your life.

To the other person: of course I'm not Tao Lin. You're missing the point here, catastrophically. A writer emerges who includes you vaguely on the radar of relevance, and you say he's not doing it properly? This is your chance and you're going to blow it because it might mean leaving your fantasy world of manual typewriters and lunches with Mr. Shawn. The paradigmatic writer of this generation is Brian Griffin from Family Guy.

>> No.1909927

Tao Lin, are you Carles or wut?

>> No.1909928


The standard virgin's ploy of pretending that having a life is 'soooo boring'. Everyone can see through it. They don't call you on it because they feel sorry for you.

>> No.1909929

follow me on twitter

>> No.1909930

ITT: People who've never spoken to Tao Lin mistake a totally different prose style for his.

>> No.1909932

Tao Lin. Get your interns off this website. Its embarrasing.

>> No.1909937

I'm not Tao Lin's intern. I think his books are interesting, I recognise them as being about life, and I think that if you're 22 and you think you're too mature to read Tao Lin, you're taking a really unproductive line.

>> No.1909938


O believe you me, I have spoken at length with the sublime Tao; my opinion in >>1909921 still stands.

>> No.1909939


Then you don't understand what the words you're using mean.

>> No.1909941


the chief flaw being his total betrayal of the imagination for the sake of capturing 'life,' which is really just an excuse for lacking good taste.

>> No.1909942

You don't think his books are interesting you are advertising them as if they were the bible of our generation.
There's a difference between interest and worship.

>> No.1909943

Just sayin'. I fuckin' love Tao Lin. So if you are not an intern. Who is harping/running that twitter account @tao_lin?

>> No.1909944


Yeah, you've confirmed yourself as being entirely clueless. I'm getting a vibe of home-schooled Episcopalian. 'Taste' as an abstract noun was a concept that had already been retired when talking pictures were invented.

>> No.1909945

>There's two kinds of writer right now, the kind who understand the opportunities Tao Lin opens up

Yes. The opportunity of spending your whole life trying to write the Great American Tweet.

Opportunities? As far as I can tell, Tao Lin basically publishes online instant message transcripts and calls it fiction. However, my own instant messages are vastly more interesting than his inane logorrhea.

>> No.1909946


No. Check the dates on this thread. I'm not everyone who's praised Tao's work.

Tao linked to the thread a few minutes ago. Nobody's harping anything, and I have been posting for around the last 30 minutes.

>> No.1909948


I won't have to stoop to a piss contest but I can assure you I'm neither home-schooled nor of the runaway church.

Thou, however, art rather mad about my distaste for your Tao and as the prime defender of his writing only confirm my remarks about good taste.

I'm sorry, literature as documentary will never be good literature.

>> No.1909950

Tusk tusk, surely the idea of labling someone by how they talk, dress act is a bit... ummmm... fucking stupid... i dnt talk lke youf therefore not youth... I like the words I use I don't need to change or justify how I speak.

Your response justifies the Oscar Wilde quote...

>If your life lacks the subject matter, change your life.(autobiography?)

I have lots of substance in my life. I don't subscribe to the beatnic ideal of haveing to search externally (on the road, on drugs) for experiance... I hate the fucking road people don't pick up shit after their dogs, and I hate cleaning my shoes...

I write in a style I give a fuck about, about things I give a fuck about.... I don't glorify my life, and make continual referance to pop culture... I find these things to be stale an act, an extension of television nothing more...

>> No.1909951
File: 675 KB, 1366x3745, TaoLinRichardNixon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Tao Lin is following this thread, I really wish he'd give me feedback on this Tao Lin fan fiction I've written.

See attached.

>> No.1909953


>> No.1909957

No, I'm not mad, I'm just warning you that you're on the road to irrelevance.

You're going nowhere, man. I'm sorry.

>> No.1909960


This is undistinguished relationship fiction. I mean, really....so what? Did you link to that because you thought I'd be impressed? Or just to show that Ah Q can string a sentence together and doesn't merely cut-and-paste his instant messages (thereby correcting my earlier characterization of his work, or "work").

So you link me to a scrap of fiction that redefines jejune and expect----what precisely? That I'll be impressed Vice magazine is taking Ah Q seriously?

In every creative writing seminar in America there is somebody who can do this kind of thing. And guess what? You've never heard of them. Because they don't self-publish and self-promote the way that Ah Q does.


>By July Paul most days was either visibly irritated or mutely, inscrutably despondent

Did his parents emigrate from Taiwan with nothing but a suitcase full of adverbs?

Is it possible he thinks "July" is also an adverb?

If so, has he told Miranda July?

>> No.1909963

> So you link me to a scrap of fiction that redefines jejune and expect----what precisely?

It's just a link so people can read it. Nobody cares what you think - haven't you noticed?

>> No.1909964

>implying tao lin makes money.

id totes fuck megan boyle/ post megan nudes tao

>> No.1909966


>> No.1909969


I'm just showing off that I *can* think.

When Ah Q learns how to do that, lemme know.

>> No.1909972
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>> No.1909973
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>> No.1909975
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I have his first three books (his two poetry books and his first novel).

His poetry is pretty nice, if a bit informal.

>> No.1909977

there's a large discussion here
yall should continue this discussion there

>> No.1909979
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>> No.1909981

did anyone get a copy of mumblecore yet? Im thinking about it, but id rather buy a 20 sack.

>> No.1909983
File: 304 KB, 497x216, inh6w557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why so much hate for tao lin?
I'm fine with people liking him
people like many things
pic related

>> No.1909984

what's a 20 sack, is that a sexual joke

>> No.1909985


Gosh. Thanks, Tao. That really ranks up there with Henry James's prefaces to the New York Edition and Forster's Aspects of the Novel.

I'd suggest a better glimpse into the "mind" of Tao Lin might be found:


I'm sure "Tao" will explain that piece as being "ironic" but seriously there's not one critical judgment in this piece which strikes me as interesting, witty, or accurate. It's like the sort of literary criticism a moron would write, if the moron somehow thought of himself as a novelist first and foremost.

>> No.1909988
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troll harder faggot. ive smoked out with you before tao

>> No.1909990


>> No.1909991


>> No.1909992

I think this thread is the fall out from a loaded question in OP... more so than a specific hatred for Tao Lin

>> No.1909995


Yeah, I just linked to it, numbnuts.
What's the deal, Tao? You get paid by the click?

>> No.1909997


But you can't, you sound like a friendless child imitating a dead essayist. It's sad.


Again, you're making these pointless references to big-hitters you were only introduced to about five minutes ago, that you have no way of evaluating because you're not applying a critical intelligence, you're just this John Simon madlib.

>> No.1910001


If you'd like me to do a detailed analysis of a piece of Tao's work, and point out the precise reasons why he's awful, then I'll do so.

I'll even let you pick which work. Go on.

>> No.1910002


>> No.1910003

If you like Tao Lin you might also like:

>> No.1910004

here: http://thoughtcatalog.com/2010/blogging-platforms-review-tao-lin/

>> No.1910005

just started richard yates a few hours ago, 'bout 50 pages in now. really good so far. it really is a style/story which reflects our generation/society and I'm really enjoying it, it's actually pretty funny as well. i'm really not getting where all the haters got the chip on their shoulder...

>> No.1910006


Why would I care?

>> No.1910008

megan boyle

>> No.1910009

ITT: tao lin samefagging this thread/arguing with himself.

>> No.1910010


They read Tao's publicity and get annoyed that they haven't the energy or effrontery to promote their own work like that, is my best guess. Or they regret having invented a science-fiction version of their own lives in which computers, televisions and cellphones never appear, because Henry James never saw them, only for someone who dares mention all those censored elements to come to prominence.

>> No.1910013


Damn, I mispelled her name earlier, thanks for the correction Anon.

>> No.1910016

So praising is welcome but criticism isn't?

>> No.1910019

Tao Lin doesn't write about computers, he writes about people living in the year of publication. And they all use computers. In future, the books being published now where computers are entirely absent are going to be evaluated as being "about" computers, in the way Edward Said proposed that Austen's work was "about" the slave trade.

>> No.1910020

>these pointless references to big-hitters you were only introduced to about five minutes ago

They were hardly pointless. They were deliberately pointed. You, or someone, linked to an essay by Tao Lin on the future of the novel. Well, when I judge works like that written by practicing novelists, there are certain points of comparison that automatically get invoked---you know, people who have done the same thing that Tao is trying to do, except they succeeded.

Serious readers used to refer to these as "touchstones", following Matthew Arnold. But it's hardly an invalid way of discussing a new writer. Let's say that Tao Lin decided to expand his poem about having whale for dinner into a 500-page epic (to be published by---who else?---Melville House). At that point, I would have to compare Tao's work with Herman Melville, for the obvious reason that life is short and one only has time to waste on one 500-page epic about whales.

When we read any new writer, the necessary question to ask is: what fresh matter does this person bring to the table? What is new here? Is what is new genuinely something original, or is it specious novelty for its own sake?

Tao Lin's fiction reads to me like if Bella Swan tried, during her junior year at NYU, to write something like Raymond Carver's "Cathedral". There's nothing original about it. There's nothing interesting about it.


>> No.1910021

Do you need our pretty polly that urgently, Tao?

>> No.1910023


The only claim you could possibly make is that, y'know, Herman Melville didn't have an iPhone. And since he wrote a book about whales without an iPhone in it, but Tao Lin wrote a book about whales WITH iPhones in it, therefore Tao Lin is doing something worthwhile. Yeah, it's called product placement.

I am still waiting for definitive proof that Tao Lin is not some kind of algorithm devised by Mark Zuckerberg. And if your point is that Tao Lin really grasps the internet age.....well, go read Zadie Smith's essay about Zuckerberg in the NYRB. You'll see she's a novelist who actually does grasp the internet age. Or at least engages with it critically.

>> No.1910025


You're not capable, at this stage in your life, of writing criticism I would be interested to read. I've already read your idea of witty comment - it's leaden and tragic. You include sledgehammer references or babby's first lit. glossary terminology. You're clearly a kid who's been mislabeled by some of his peers as 'smart' because you learned how to talk from books, rather than from friends, and you want to give a display of your learning here. But you haven't learned anything - you splutter, you rage, and nobody cares. I'm not interested in pretending I want to know your opinion on anything for the benefit of your little ego.

>> No.1910026


You're embarrassing yourself kid. You aren't lecturing your table in the dining hall now. You've never read a book by Tao Lin, where I think you'd find it harder to avoid getting the point of what he's doing.

>> No.1910028

Seriously, it amuses me. You have less of an education than every other person who's contributed to this thread, and you're telling me what serious readers used to say. Go outside and live, kid, you're running out of time to matter to anyone.

>> No.1910032


That's a consumer-reports review. You want me to analyze the prose style?

What I would really like is to see Tao Lin's review of "The Gift"-----y'know, the book that David Foster Wallace used to give to his friends, gave it to Zadie Smith, etc.

I think what you'll find is that the animus against Tao Lin is not unlike the animus that serious novelists circa 1969 had against Jacqueline Susann. It's a grudge against people who cheerfully see writing as a capitalist industry, rather than detailing the real psychological contradictions involved in the application of America's psychotic free-market mentality to the arts.

>> No.1910033

Perhaps I have not made my own stance clear. My objection to your Tao has nothing to do with his timeliness, his modernity, his irony, his ability to name drop brand names or his publicity (which extravagance I have not really come too much across, save for a little graffito of his blog url scrawled on an obscure bathroom stall in Osaka).

It has everything to do with poor writing, poor imagination, wrapped up in the poor excuse for being a 'sign of our generation' or some such thing.

His books are nominally cleverly blog posts printed & bound & packaged as novels et cetera.

>> No.1910035


>You've never read a book by Tao Lin, where I think you'd find it harder to avoid getting the point of what he's doing.

And the next night we ate whale
And the next night we ate whale
And the next night we ate whale
Did I really miss the point of what he's doing?
And the next night we ate whale
And the next night we ate whale
And the next night we ate whale
This might be amusing if I was on mushrooms
And the next night we ate whale
And the next night we ate whale
And the next night we ate whale
Or if I was on mushrooms and the audience wasn't

>> No.1910037


One too many -lys in that last sentence. The influence of the Tao abounds!

>> No.1910041


>> No.1910043

Fuckin Bravo

>> No.1910044

did i forget to tell you that i LOVE you
yes. i am ridiculous.

>> No.1910045

that's because it's him

>> No.1910047

>They read Tao's publicity and get annoyed that they haven't the energy or effrontery to promote their own work like that, is my best guess. Or they regret having invented a science-fiction version of their own lives in which computers, televisions and cellphones never appear, because Henry James never saw them, only for someone who dares mention all those censored elements to come to prominence.

Okay, clearly you have taken that whole "If I write a novel without a cellphone in it, I am writing historical fiction" bullshit a bit too seriously.

Do you want to read a work of fiction which uses the internet in a serious and intelligent way? Try "The Sluts" by Dennis Cooper. It actually invites comparison with James' "The Ambassadors" (at least as discussed in Forster's Aspects of the Novel)----why? Because Cooper's concerns and obsessions here are formal. Because he's not writing "about" the internet. He's writing about imagination and identity.

>He doesn't write like a child, he's in a great tradition of Martian, unworldly writing. Look at Jane Bowles or Robert Walser. A child wouldn't hit that precise note of unearthly precision, or the kind of scrupulousness he monitors internal states with.

How DARE you compare Tao Lin to Jane Bowles? Seriously. Crippy the Kike Dyke had a sense of irony that could sink a Cunard Liner. Do you think she could stomach a poser like Tao Lin for a fucking second? She would have encouraged Cherifa to poison him.

>> No.1910052

that's pretty aggressive marketing, tao
if you want to be the voice of our generation you should just speak up instead of pretending to be someone else to advertise your books

>> No.1910056

>In future, the books being published now where computers are entirely absent are going to be evaluated as being "about" computers, in the way Edward Said proposed that Austen's work was "about" the slave trade.

Nice try, honey. But I think any Edward Said of the Future is more likely to note the dearth of Asian-American characters in Tao Lin's fiction. Probably in an essay entitled "And The Next Night We Ate Banana: Tao Lin and the Asian-American Experience."

>> No.1910077
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>> No.1910094


This was pointless. You seem to imagine that the dead are your friends. Perhaps you're already resigned to never achieving anything.


You don't think.

>> No.1910098

ITT: Failures who'll never publish bitch about the capitalism of their betters.

>> No.1910100

If I ever publish a novel, I want a picture of Linetrap holding up a copy.

>> No.1910126
File: 132 KB, 267x235, jifyepju.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1910135


ummm...no. but you sure are good at projecting failure.

>> No.1910144


Backsass doesn't work when what's been said is the truth. How many novels have you published?

>> No.1910362

So that would be none, then? You've published no novels. Then remain silent.

>> No.1910366

Nope no novels... Not for me anyway I can't speak for the other person.

What about you?

Do you have to publish novels to have a critical opinion?

>> No.1910379

Tao Lin gave me a free copy of Shoplifting from American Apparel for free on Twitter a couple years ago.
I think a former friend stole my copy ;_;

>> No.1910396


I was speaking to him. The joke to imagine me standing there tapping my foot for two hours while he weeps.

The point was, who gives a shit what he thinks? He's some prissy, undersocialised kid who's angry that literary merit isn't determined by 'number of works cited'. He's not an artist himself, nor is he a critic, so who cares? He might as well save the wear on his keyboard.

>> No.1910397

I gave a copy of a book of my poetry to a friend
two weeks later
i asked them if they read it
they said they liked it
they said that mice had pissed all over it
and left shit scattered
through the pages
like fenel seed on a curry.
i smiled

>> No.1910404


It is a bit sad to get so carried away with outcasting people who don't like the work...

>> No.1910407


Also as a post note it is a bit narrow to define art.....

>> No.1910410


He outcast himself - I was trying to help him find the light, which has nothing to do with whether he likes Tao Lin novels or not. He was being a pompous little clown, and that's the way to no sex, no body of work and no fun. I'm an angel of mercy :D

>> No.1910419


No. If you start letting people say that their 4chan posts are art, we'll have a lost generation of writers!

>> No.1910429


I don't think he outcasted himself. The OP was a loaded question. It instantaeniously polarised people, and has the definate pro against the definate con....

You don't consider this art?

>> No.1910440


Just let people be lost, they have to learn how to read maps eventually

And besides I love the slag heap that 4chan is. Everything written here is doomed to obscurity. It is fucking fantastic.

How else could you get such knee jerking, absurdity.... people looking at CP talking to born again christions both unaware... Fuck me i mean maybe shaspeare could be on here somewhere - who the fuck could say otherwise.

- A good lier is a good writer, the same applies to excelent... Everyone else writes autobiographies.

>> No.1910444


Why don't you read the dismissive crap he wrote rather than wasting my time with your 'can't we all get along' bullshit? To refuse to correct error when you encounter it is ABUSE, not kindness. Also, learn to spell.

>> No.1910447


The original question doesn't really relate to it, this thread's contained three separate mini-threads.

>> No.1910451


and force feeding everyone what you think is right is coddling.

Failed those years of english because I heard that remedial english was listening to book on tape. I really don't care about spelling. Especially not on here.

Fuck people getting along opinions are the best way to decide who you can't be fucked with.

>> No.1910461


No. Nothing you've said there is either relevant to the exchange that took place, or valid as a principle. It's not even consistent. Just because you failed once doesn't mean you have to defend everyone who's in the wrong for the rest of your life. Stop interfering.

>> No.1910467

OK sir...

I will stop bringing up points of questioning that you can ignore with a swift flick of arrogance...

But let me leave with one last reitteration of an earlier question

is this art?>>1910397

>> No.1910487


I'm not ignoring anything - you're the one ignoring the nature of the earlier exchange because you want to wax paternal for no apparent reason.

Why are you asking me if I think it's art? What's happened is, I made a nice, light point in humor, and you are turning the humor sour. 4chan posts can't be art, though they can contain art, they can cite art, of course.

>> No.1910492

Why can i not find any of his works for free for my kindle, I would think someone so despised by /lit/ would have his entire library uploaded. How else am I suppose to be able to critique him if I can't read his works.

>> No.1910499


This is the thing about Tao Lin - you have to buy the books. Real books. And he's never appeared for even a moment to doubt the future of books. He's a writer. That's what annoys people.

>> No.1910510

God damn it you fuck!!! I need to go to bed but I keep getting dragged back like a clammy fucking smakie....

I was present during the earlier conversation. The other person said that they didn't like the work and cited critics opinions relating to their point of view, this was dismissed by directly insulting the other person, 'you are not going to acomplsh anything...'

There was no light point of humor, if you think that is the case you are writing here nievely...

they can cite art?

an old man went to the toi-toilet
to see what he could sea, sea, sea
but all that he could sea sea sea
was a bowl full of red-d pee,pee,pee.

>> No.1910511

tao lin's work has diversified to other platforms, but books are central to it. i am looking forward to his forthcoming iphone app 'north american hamsters'.

>> No.1910512


Are you drunk? Go away.

>> No.1910513


is that still happening? i lost track of that project. possibly because of his exciting filmmaking with megan boyle.

>> No.1910519

Are you drunk? Come over to my place

>> No.1910529


Yeah, there we have it, timewaster.

>> No.1910532
File: 21 KB, 300x338, guacamole101006_narrowweb__300x338,0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was about to start a new thread... but I guess not. If anyone hasn't read Relationship Story, you're fools... it's fantastic. I read it to my girlfriend while we were driving home from boston last weekend and we both loved it. really, really funny, but also touching...

>> No.1910536

Yep I am listening to
the poets
reading slowly
to keep in time
with the clock
slowly pushing forward
to another

>> No.1910591


> Michelle began walking away, her long legs scissor-like in their little, orderly movements. It would take her thousands of steps to get anywhere, Paul thought vaguely, but she would get there easily, and when she arrived, then, in the present, it would seem like it had been a single movement that brought her there.

Oh my God. This guy is the real thing.

>> No.1910635


“Brunch,” he said in bed a few hours later. “Cornbread.”

“Yeah,” said Michelle in a sexy voice and undulated her backside against the front of Paul as he said “Guacamole,” a bit loudly, as if ordering it

>> No.1910642

ITT: Tao Lin.

>> No.1910652 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 323x280, Sara_sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when Andrew can't stop thinking about Sara
>My face when I will never be able to hug Ellen.
>My face when bears, Dolphins and Moose don't have conversations with me.

>> No.1910677

fucking attention prostitute...

>> No.1910688

are his books as bad as this?


>> No.1911671

dead link

>> No.1911736

I really like Tao Lin because he just doesn't care about the haters. He only cares about his fans. I mean, that's the wonderful thing about Tao----he's one of us. I know a lot of people like to say that the real sign of a genius is that all the dunces are in confederacy against him----but that's not Tao. He's one of the dunces. He talks to us on Twitter. I once gave him a recipe for a vegan quinoa-and-chick-pea salad that i found in a vegan cookbook by Isa Chandra Moskowitz, and he actually cooked it and told me it was pretty good. I asked for proof since, well, this is the internet and who knows what anybody is really doing, and he even took a pic of the poo afterwards and posted it to his Tumblr so I really believed that he did make that recipe for vegan quinoa-chick pea salad which I gave him. The people in this thread who are making fun of his work clearly have never read it. Tao has so many interesting things things that he talks about, not just technology and hamsters, but also vegan food and great literature. Honestly, I wept the first time I read "Eeeee Eeee Eeeeeeee" and I weep every time I re-read it. There is a scene in that novel between Elijah Wood and a dolphin that just really gets me everytime. I'm getting a lump in my throat just thinking about it right now, and I'm also getting one somewhere else, but honestly I don't understand why everybody can't be nice to writers. I took a creative writing class in college and the teacher forced us all to be nice to each other. And it's not like Tao Lin is famous or successful or anything. He's just doing it because he has to. I guess it's like peeing or something. But I don't think that's any reason to make fun of him. He truly is the greatest writer of our generation.

>> No.1911746

No it isn't. You didn't put the point in, dumbass.

>> No.1911763


I'm pretty sure Tao is not a vegan anymore, he's a fruitarian. I know that I saw him on Mott Street buying a sack of durian fruit.

>> No.1911774

Tao Lin tweeted this thread 14 hours ago.

>> No.1911781

can we get some Tao Lin / Michiko Kakutani slash hentai up in this hizzle?

Come on, somebody must be game to write some. I'll even suggest a plot: Tao Lin burmps into Michiko Kakutani at St Mark's Books, and realizes that she has a prehensile tentacle underneath her Issey Miyake caftan. It begins creeping up Tao's trouser-leg as he tries to continue browsing in the well-stocked section of books on anarchism and situationism, then suddenly it occurs to him: if I play this right, this could be very very good for my career....

>> No.1911872
File: 118 KB, 400x299, taopoodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tao Lin summarized in 4 "words".

>> No.1911883


>> No.1911887

Fuck that noise, Kakutani/Franzen hatefuck or GTFO

>> No.1911920

i'm an avid reader of tao's tumblr and i've never seen this quinoa dish you referenced. is there a link? it sounds delicious.

>> No.1911959 [DELETED] 



2 cups cooked, "cooled" quinoa
1 "small" red onion, sliced thinly
4 cups chopped romaine lettuce
1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas, "drained" and rinsed

"Optional" add-ins: roasted garlic, baked tofu or tempeh, shredded carrot, sprouts, fresh basil

Balsamic vinaigrette

In a large mixing bowl, mix all the salad ingredients together. Add the dressing and toss to coat. Keep chilled in a tightly sealed container for up to 3 days. If you have difficulty making up your "mind", or you don't enjoy watching people who seem "awkward", then you might not want to "eat" this with me. I used to eat this when I "lived" in Jersey City for a year. It was kind of lonely, but also subtly, ingratiatingly not lonely at the same time. I would often sit there reading something by Joy Phillips or Mazie Louise Montgomery, thinking to myself "some people refer to chickpeas as 'garbonzos' but to me that sounds like a euphemism for breasts" and "how would Lorrie Moore feel if I referred to her 'breasts' as 'garbonzos' on my blog"? Now, of course I realize that Lorrie Moore doesn't know what that even means and she would probably give my work an even worse "review" than she gave to Meghan O'Rourke last month. In any case, I would often "sit" there alone eating this flavorful, versatile salad---not unlike tabbouleh if tabbouleh got raped by an undressed Caesar salad and then decided to just go with it and the rape turned into sex---and thinking to myself "Tao, you should 'write' some 'fiction' yourself." And so I did. And I've been "writing" the same damn thing ever since. I could post my own recipe for vegan balsamic vinaigrette too, but I don't suppose you're "interested".

Serves 2.

>> No.1911971



2 cups cooked, "cooled" quinoa
1 "small" red onion, sliced thinly
4 cups chopped romaine lettuce
1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas, "drained" and rinsed

"Optional" add-ins: roasted garlic, baked tofu or tempeh, shredded carrot, sprouts, fresh basil

Balsamic vinaigrette

In a large mixing bowl, mix all the salad ingredients together. Add the dressing and toss to coat. Keep chilled in a tightly sealed container for up to 3 days. If you have difficulty making up your "mind", or you don't enjoy watching people who seem "awkward", then you might not want to "eat" this with me. I used to eat this when I "lived" in Jersey City for a year. It was kind of lonely, but also subtly, ingratiatingly not lonely at the same time. I would often sit there reading something by Joy Williams or Mazie Louise Montgomery, thinking to myself "some people refer to chickpeas as 'garbonzos' but to me that sounds like a euphemism for breasts" and "how would Lorrie Moore feel if I referred to her 'breasts' as 'garbonzos' on my blog"? Now, of course I realize that Lorrie Moore doesn't know what that even means and she would probably give my work an even worse "review" than she gave to Meghan O'Rourke last month. In any case, I would often "sit" there alone eating this flavorful, versatile salad---not unlike tabbouleh if tabbouleh got raped by an undressed Caesar salad and then decided to just go with it and the rape turned into sex---and thinking to myself "Tao, you should 'write' some 'fiction' yourself." And so I did. And I've been "writing" the same damn thing ever since. I could post my own recipe for vegan balsamic vinaigrette too, but I don't suppose you're "interested".

Serves 2.

>> No.1911975
File: 240 KB, 400x300, richardyates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guys just popping in to say that i read the entirety of richard yates today (at work at BOBST LIBRARY no less. "heh." nyu.).

i was/am a big fan of most of the tao lin stuff i've read. i felt like "shoplifting from american apparel" was probably the natural progression from "perks of being a wall flower" for the angsty pseudo-intellectual alternative teenager going off the college (and grappling with exciting new literary techniques.) his poetry is usually uncanny at describing general discomfort everyone has. (ex. "my perfect book of poetry... will not have a special thanks section because the author has no friends") i even love his occasional thought catalog piece, and enjoy his "drug related photoshop art" column.

however, this book was not good. i was expecting it to fall into the usual "hipster trash lit" category, where it is enjoyable for maybe an hour after you read it, then you realize how trite it is and move along with your life. every page was almost offensively bad. the only redeeming quality of the book was the fact that the main characters were named haley joel osment and dakota fanning, so when the book was unbearable to read, at least you could picture those two child stars doing the unbelievably mundane yet simultaneously unrealistic and nauseating actions.

maybe some people are not meant for novels!

um, so, yeah, that's it guys!

>> No.1911995

i'm reading richard yates right now and i'm starting to talk and think the way dakota fanning and haley joel osment do. i don't think this is a good thing.

>> No.1912014


silly tao, pretending to be someone reading your book!

>> No.1912038

I like Tao's fiction writing and poetry, but I think I like his "writing on writing" most. Mostly because I find it confusing and intriguing.

Tao, since you're lurking this thread: I've read you and other Muumuu House-ers say that you don't think there is such a thing as "good" and "bad," just actions, reactions, perceptions, feelings, etc. But I've also read you say that you think veganism is preferable to eating meat because it involves less harm. Isn't this what "good" and "bad" is? I know you're not a vegan btw but that's the best example of your writing that I can quote back at you. I am just generally confused by the Muumuu House moral relativism statements and the claims that they are different from the way the rest of the world things, which I don't feel is true.

>> No.1912058


>he takes anything a bunch of NYU/Brooklyn hipsters say seriously.


>> No.1912067


Are you seriously asking for Tao Lin's opinion on ethics? GTFO.

I have to say, Tao's veganism and his obsession with iPhones reminded me of this passage from Douglas Coupland's latest:

>People who shun new technologies will be viewed as passive-aggressive control freaks trying to rope people into their world, much like vegetarian teenage girls in the early 1980s

>1980: “We can't go to that restaurant. Karen's vegetarian and it doesn't have anything for her.”

>2010: “What restaurant are we going to? I don't know. Karen was supposed to tell me, but she doesn't have a cell, so I can't ask her. I'm sick of her crazy control-freak behaviour. Let's go someplace else and not tell her where.”

I'm sure Tao's veganism is precisely like this: a combination between passive-aggression and rather uninteresting narcissism. I'm not surprised that someone who thinks there's too much cruelty involved in eating an omelet also thinks nothing of trying to crush a reader to death with full-bore tedium.

>> No.1912153

'i encourage people to review my books on amazon' - tao lin


'thank you' - tao lin

>> No.1912155

Tao seems, to me, like a pretty interesting guy who is willing to share his personal thoughts. Which is why I thought he might have an interesting response. I don't agree with all of his opinions on morality or fiction but I think they tend to be well-thought out and compelling.

>> No.1912177


no tao, you're not interesting. you're a cookie-cutter hipster, and you married a whore and your books suck.

>> No.1912345

Tao Lin rocks my fucking socks. Seriously.

>> No.1912776

i'm only here via tao's twitter, but i think it should be said: his taste is literature is good. i was mildly obsessed with reading everything available online from tao a few years ago and his interviews and blog are how i got into joy williams, jean rhys, richard yates, ann beattie, james purdy, kobo abe, lorrie moore, and obviously zachary german, sam pink, and ellen kennedy. and from there i discovered dennis cooper and blake butler and htmlgiant.

so tao's basically the reason i'm 'into' literature. he's like the english teacher i wish i had had. and if /lit/ likes lit, you should be able to appreciate lin's extolling of great, underappreciated writers.

>> No.1912783

Nice opinions and you were curtious enough to give them away for free for all to view....

>> No.1912800
File: 11 KB, 794x266, tao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, it was really him posting in this thread. Hahaha, oh wow.

>> No.1912857

i can't believe i read all this shit on two different boards about a guy i've never read a complete anything from, but i laughed really hard at "jizzard of id"

>> No.1912872


HOLY SHIT. I didn't think he actually came here honestly. Fuck. Hi Tao nice work. my friend is going to NYU, we should hang out sometime faggot. i added you on facebook.

>> No.1912873


you are so fucking retarded

>> No.1912874

Guys read this shit
http://twitter dot com/tao_lin/

If we retweet it he's going to release a sextape!

>> No.1912877

Anyone ITT who posts without capitalization or proper punctuation is probably Tao.

>> No.1912881

i really really want to see tao lin having sex

>> No.1912887

I feel sorry for Tao, he can do better than Megan. I guess maybe she's the only one who can deal with his neuroticism.

>> No.1912894

>deal with his neuroticism
>implying that one time where she beat the fuck out of him for being unbearable didn't happen

>> No.1912896

I feel sorry for this guy because:

1. He's shitting up Brooklyn and all that is glorious about it.

2. His twitter account reads like it was written by 15 year old with Aperger's

3. He resorts to posting on 4chan and trolling for publicity.

This guy's pathetic.

>> No.1912902

eeeeeeeee eeee eeeeee was tao lin's best novel and he needs to stop writing autobiography and start writing good shit again

>> No.1912937
File: 63 KB, 523x437, Screen shot 2011-07-09 at 4.48.10 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres your chance

>> No.1912959

what happened?

>> No.1913132

what happened

>> No.1913430


We are sick of the tired, cynical, post-modern posturing. We need sincerity. Lin does not represent sincerity or progress; his work is a retread down the same old path, spiced up a bit to sell to a new generation who don't know their lit history. That is why.

>> No.1913445

I'm currently writing a short novel. There is a scene in which a yardie bumps into Tao in a cafe in Brooklyn. He tells Lin "I like dem creps". Lin does not understand, says pardon to which the rudeboy replies "I said, I like dem creps".

Long story short, Lin gets dem creps jacked while Megan Boyle stares in disgust.

>> No.1914062

tao lin is plenty sincere
have you ever read him

>> No.1914086



choose one

>> No.1914619


Choose one

>> No.1914626

>well defined culture or meaning

pick one

>> No.1914634


he's* NYU/williamsburg and he writes for vice. He's* the Hipster Boss at the end of the level. He's* the hipster every AZN male in NYC wants to be.

*You're (as I'm replying to Tao)

>> No.1914637

there are currently 560 "new" tao-related answers on this thread so i guess we're not the only ones with a weird fixation on this dork

>> No.1914649


>yeah, you prob don't know who they are....

>> No.1914652


UuehUHEUhuehUEHUheuEUhuehuUEuBRBRRB I honestly hope you fucking hipster get the fuck out of here. Thanks.

>> No.1914657

here is no they. You are blind.

>> No.1914858

damn i just read a story by him an hour ago:

>> No.1914936

I will have the honour of being the first one to say the following:

>> No.1914959


>> No.1914970


>> No.1914977

>published in Vice
You've really got to work hard to be this dumb.

>> No.1914983


It can be titled
"I love the smell of viral marketing on a monday morning or; how my eyes dialated and my stomach shrunk in my life I could find no press release"

Or we could not archive it.... Because you know as well as I that this is a troll thread

>> No.1914993

>to write something like Raymond Carver's "Cathedral".

"Cathedral" made me cry. I felt like I wasn't me.

>> No.1915048

it's lol how there are sychophantic comments on tao lin's thought catalogue articles from some guy called 'BROWNBEAR'

>> No.1915156

this thread is still here...jesus

>> No.1915168

because I'm getting a book published in september and everyone will say that I'm a tao lin imitator even ifI never read a single sentence of him...

I just live in ny and I do alot of drugs.

>> No.1915575

ask jeeves

>> No.1915583

Bleep Bloop. Cancer detected. Initiating self-destruct sequence.

>> No.1915587

Tao Lin is one of the greatest authors not just of this generation, but of any generation.

I truly think Tao ranks up there with names like William McGonnagall, Amanda McKittrick-Ros, Minou Drouet, Julia A. Moore, Thomas Holley Chivers, and Matty TJ Stepanek.

>> No.1915590
File: 272 KB, 1024x576, img-322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know people will say you are imitating him if you've never read his works.
I doubt you write like him anyway so you should be fine.

This post was terrible, you should feel terrible about posting it.

>> No.1915598

"Imagine a person, tall, lean and feline, high-shouldered, with a brow like Shakespeare and a face like Satan, a close-shaven skull, and long,
magnetic eyes of the true cat-green. Invest him with all the cruel cunning of an entire Eastern race, accumulated in one giant intellect,
with all the resources of science past and present, with all the resources, if you will, of a wealthy government--which, however,
already has denied all knowledge of his existence. Imagine that awful being, and you have a mental picture of Tao Lin, the yellow peril
incarnate in one man."

>> No.1915599
File: 14 KB, 416x300, Ingmar_Bergman-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite director is Angst Ingmar Bergman. He thought a lot about God and movies, usually at the same time. And he also had a lot of trouble with women and thought a lot about his wives and his mother, again usually at the same time.

>> No.1915602

On the UK network Film Four they showed 3 of his films back to back the other night. I must say I actually enjoyed them.

>> No.1915606
File: 40 KB, 470x352, winter_light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite Bergman movie is "Winter Light" because Bergman bravely broaches new subjects he had never dealt with before like men having trouble relating to woman, suicide, forbidding fathers, and God.

>> No.1915609

What films did they show?

>> No.1915611

Through the Glass Darkly, Pleasure Garden and I think the last one was Winter Light, but I'm not sure, it was about 3 in the morning and I was tired. I still watched it though.

>> No.1915617

Well, we had a film club night on /lit/ sometime in late 2010 where a bunch of us all watched "Virgin Spring" at the same time.

But my favorite Bergman films, in this order, are:

1. Persona
2. Smiles of a Summer Night
3. Virgin Spring
4. Wild Strawberries
5. Sawdust and Tinsel
6. Fanny and Alexander
7. Magic Flute

"Cries and Whispers", however, I'd classify as must-to-avoid. Unless you wish to see repressed 19th century Swedish matrons engaged in genital mutilation

>> No.1915633


what about Scenes from a Marriage? I'd give it 10/10 despite the un-fucking-believable length

still, shorter than the full-length Fanny and Alexander

>> No.1915639

Cool. I've never seen the Pleasure Garden, though. You guys should always support the official release of movies, but you can errr ... sample a few here, including Winter Light:


>> No.1915645

Yeah, Cries and Whispers isn't one of my favorites either, though I enjoyed them reading from the Pickwick Papers for like, five minutes.

>> No.1915652

Though Bergman is thought of as the director of "art house films", like every other public figure these days, he is also a "celebrity." Here is a recent tabloid article on him claiming his was switched at birth.

>> No.1915655

Yeah, I remember the discussion after the movie. It was polite, but very passionate.

>> No.1915656

I had almost forgotten about that night. Thank you for reminding me.

>> No.1915694
File: 50 KB, 421x533, mansfield1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to write short stories like Katherine Mansfield. They are pithy and understated but in their own way exemplify post War Britain like no other body of work does. Joyce said that if Dublin were wiped away, it could be recreated from "Ulysses". I never got that sense. (Maybe I'm just a poor reader). But I always felt that each of the worlds Mansfield delineated in her short stories could be reproduced, down to the texture of the dust kicked up by a young girl walking down the road or the glint of candlelight off a bald man's head.

>> No.1915695

I once tried to write a short story like Katherine Mansfield. It came out all wrong. It felt bad.

>> No.1915698


That's because you hadn't properly done Gurdjieff's recommended spiritual exercises first.

>> No.1915703

I support him by checking his books out from the library

>> No.1915704

I'm too busy reading the greatest authors from other generations.

>> No.1915715

Feels bad, Mansfield

>> No.1915717

lovely racism there

>> No.1916169

We return to Bullitt, already in progress.

Why did you reply to what wasn't a question, old fart?


>> No.1916186
File: 76 KB, 410x410, 1310161060882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks alot, /lit/, now I'm so curious I'm gonna go buy some fucking Tao Linn.

>> No.1916190


You won't regret it man, I'm telling you, he's the real thing. If he weren't, all the criticism levelled at him would be justified, but he is.

>> No.1916880

Another interesting thing about Tao Lin is the distinctive look of his books' cover designs. The whole package seems carefully thought out.

>> No.1916892

doesn't melville house publish (at least some of) his stuff? they have such consistently fab cover design that I can forgive them for referring to him as "the american murakami"

>> No.1916893

>the whole package
HE is the whole package baby

>> No.1916903



tao, you're fucking pathetic.

>> No.1916940


No, you're pathetic for thinking he would waste time shilling to a bunch of George R. R. Martin-reading poorfags at this stage in the game.


Ah, now you mention it, checking their site there does seem to be a consistent level of tastiness.

>> No.1916981

Ok, THIS is Tao.

>> No.1917039
File: 24 KB, 311x311, 1271478024999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey kids

don't feed the tao

>> No.1917353

>implying it's tao

>> No.1917425
File: 28 KB, 400x300, 0917_142258_jayzcool06_25_pap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lay the fuck off the brooklyn williamsburgin' hate y'al fags ... tao ain't the only one livin' here and we REP him. hear me? REP. as in shotty to yo face REP gayzzz aaahahahahahahah

>> No.1917449

Can we hurry up and post cap this fucking thread so I don't have to see it on the front page anymore please

Only one step above the ASOIAF threads, I swear to god

>> No.1917586

ASOIAF thread?

>> No.1917593

Some stupid neckbeard book

>> No.1917601

That fucking George R.R. Martin series no one shuts the fuck up about anymore because the TV show made it popular.

I see threads about it so often that I'm now familiar with the acronym.

>> No.1917603


>> No.1917843
File: 50 KB, 750x567, 原節子91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the spirit of sending this thread into autosage, I just want to write that my favorite actress is Setsuko Hara. Now, I tend to be a very emotionally cautious person, so I don't fall in love very easily, but I can say without reservation that I love Setsuko Hara (even though she probably looks like my grandma by now.)

She is a Japanese actress who began working in the 1930s to support her family. She is most famous for being a cardinal member of Ozu's venerated acting troupe, but she also worked with other major Japanese directors, like Kurosawa. Interestingly enough, when Ozu died in 1963, she went into retirement within the year, and has since politely refused all interviews.

If you haven't seen any of Ozu's films, I would highly recommend doing so. They are all variations on the theme of family life: reluctant daughters encouraged to marry by equally reluctant fathers who would much prefer having their girls around ("Late Spring"), whimsical old men who never truly grew up entering their second childhood (End of Summer), an improvised "family" of itinerant actors on the move (Floating Weeds), war orphans who need to settle down (Record of a Tenant Gentleman), and on and on and on.

Against the centrifugal force of the narratives which shift from film to film as well as the shifting fortunes of the characters within the films themselves (usually daughters marrying and families splitting apart) there is Ozu's troupe, lending a sense of stability.

To me, Hara represents the fullness of life's possibilities: an intensely public and private life; fashioning oneself through art (Setsuko Hara wasn't even her real name), then disclaiming everything; having a strong sense of filial responsibility and collaborating with others yet having a mind of her own. Yeah ...

>> No.1917853


>implying it wasn't popular before the TV show existed

hahahah cry more bitch nigga

>> No.1917869
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I think that's what stands out most for me, the strong will that is unmistakable even when she is in character. In some of her roles, this is strong will defines her character, like in Kurosawa's adaptation of "The Idiot" in which Hara plays Taeko, the Nastassya Filippovna character. Yet, even when she is playing the dutiful daughter, there is an ambivalence and diffidence. In the uneasy distance between the character's duty and her own wishes, Hara deftly creates a sense of interiority in each of her characters. What's more, in the unease she brings to all of her characters, I think we can see Hara herself, the artist and the woman refracted through her art, her own misgivings about the life that has always and never been her own. Or maybe she's just that damn good of an actor, anticipating our preconceptions of her and calibrating her performance accordingly. It's impossible to know, and I love her for it.

>> No.1917872

Just curious, but have you seen Millennium Actress? The main character was based largely off Setsuko (as well as Hideko Takamine), and the whole movie is pretty much just one huge love letter to her and actresses of that era as well as the movie industry as a whole.

>> No.1917891

I haven't seen it, though I know I should. What did you think of it?

>> No.1917892
File: 88 KB, 750x409, brentcorrigan016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the spirit of sending this thread into autosage, I just want to write that my favorite gay porn actor is almost definitely Brent Corrigan. Winner of 6 GayVN Adult Video Awards, including "Best Bottom" for 2 consecutive years, Corrigan is instantly recognizable from his smoldering Scorpio good looks---he was born "Sean Paul Lockhart" on Hallowe'en in 1986---and from the tattoo of a blue star on his pert yet voracious derriere, Corrigan is one of the most sought-after performers in the all-male porn market. New Yorker magazine film critic David Denby has described Corrigan as "like Zac Efron is Zac Efron sucked cock for spare change".

Corrigan's controversial early work with Cobra Video, and with Cobra's now-defunct producer Bryan Kocis, sets the gold standard for twink bottoms in gay porn today. Corrigan's films for Kocis---which include such classics as "Fuck Me Raw", "Every Poolboy's Dream", and "Take it Like A Bitch, Boy"---virtually courted controversy with their condom-free buttfucking and inane dialogue ("What is that you're listening to, man?" "The new Dave Matthews" "Oh cool").

Yet Corrigan would step beyond mere controversy when he broke his contract with Cobra by claiming that he was underage when most of his early work---including his now-legendary scenes with Brent Everett and Cody Lockheart (whose own porn-names indicate a certain want of inspiration on Kocis' part)---had been filmed when he was 17 and thus underage. The federal government immediately shut down Cobra, but Kocis filed a massive lawsuit against Corrigan, who by that time had signed with major gay-porn player Falcon Studios under the name of "Fox Ryder".....[To Be Continued]

>> No.1917901
File: 47 KB, 187x270, Velvet Mafia 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corrigan's debut film with Falcon---which had the unintentionally appropriate title of "The Velvet Mafia"---demonstrates what is arguably the most hilariously bad acting ever committed to video (if not film). The opening six minutes presenting Brent Corrigan as "Fox Ryder" demanding a 50K salary to get fucked by resident Falcon meat-slab Erik Rhodes really rivals the work of Tommy Wiseau for inadvertent hilarity.

Yet laughs were unsurprisingly few when two small-time male prostitutes from Norfolk Beach, Virginia----the aging greek Joseph Kerekes and the tragic mulatta Harlow Quadroon---e-mailed Corrigan in the hopes of producing a film where they both had sex with him, and Corrigan pleaded the lawsuit with Kocis as his reason for vacillating. At which point, Kerekes and Quadra promptly drove to Kocis' home in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and stabbed him 58 times, stole his video equipment, and set fire to his corpse.

Brent Corrigan testified at the first degree murder trial in Moosejaw County, Pennsylvania, and then returned to his career in gay porn.

>> No.1917909

lol that fucking star tattoo

he's attractive enough that i can overlook his porpoise-like hairlessness but the star tattoo makes it like you're watching a my little pony get assfucked

>> No.1917941

One of the best anime I've ever seen. Satoshi Kon is a fucking genius. It is a very different movie, so some patience and an open mind is required, but if you love Setsuko Hara, I really think you'd get a kick out of it.

>> No.1917955

In the spirit of sending this thread into autosage, I've been working on my vocabulary for the GRE, and I've found some really wonky words. Take the verb "to cleave". One sense of the word is to cut, separate or pierce. On the other hand, "to cleave" also means to be loyal to someone or to cling to them. How odd that the same word can have the opposite meaning. Or take the verb "to bandy". If you bandy compliments with your girlfriend, it suggests a playful and casual exchange. But you can also bandy blows with an attacker, which is to say, exchange fisticuffs in a heated manner. Very peculiar how words can be so slippery.

>> No.1917965


In the spirit of sending this thread into autosage, I would inquire whether you have encountered Sigmund Freud's essay "On the Antithetical Meaning of Primal Words", which addresses this very issue, of words which are apparently their own antonym. They were more common in more primitive languages, so Freud talks mostly about the Egyptians and Romans, if I remember correctly. There are a few other examples in English----I think one of them means "let", which under certain circumstances can mean either "allow" or "stop". I'll look it up in the OED after posting this.

>> No.1917966
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Thanks for the recommendation. OK, I'll have to still my ADHD addled brain for two hours, long enough to enjoy this movie.

>> No.1917971

That's interesting. I've never heard of that essay. OK, so now I need to read the Freud essay and watch Millenium Actress. Busy busy.

>> No.1917972
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Hope you like it!

>> No.1917974


BTW: it is "let". As a verb, the OED lists two separate definitions. The first basically means "to allow". The second basically means "to prevent".

>> No.1917994

Anyone have that Richard Nixon/Tao Lin threesome erotic short story?

>> No.1918003


It's already been posted up at:


Although nobody has cut and pasted it into the thread yet, if you wanna help with the autosage efforts.

Or write a continuation! Or a prequel!

>> No.1918010

I think I will

word by word

>> No.1918011


>> No.1918015


>> No.1918016
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>> No.1918019


>> No.1918021


>> No.1918024


>> No.1918027


>> No.1918028
File: 60 KB, 800x552, nixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much muthafuckin win

>> No.1918031


>> No.1918032


>> No.1918033
File: 22 KB, 414x286, myboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually a pretty incredibly shitty love/time writer from Wilmington, California - I'd never allow you gimps to read it.

I gotta read this something from this fucko.

>> No.1918036


>> No.1918037


>> No.1918039


>> No.1918042


>> No.1918044


>> No.1918045


>> No.1918046

(Damn, I was really hoping for "cabbage" for some reason.)

>> No.1918047


>> No.1918050


>> No.1918053


>> No.1918056


>> No.1918059


>> No.1918060


>> No.1918061


>> No.1918064


>> No.1918067


>> No.1918070


>> No.1918073


>> No.1918076


>> No.1918095


>> No.1918116

Ugh, this thing will finally sink to page 15 like the Titanic.

>> No.1918125

>5 days


>> No.1918143

Setsuko Hara is good.

And so... is Tao Lin.

>> No.1918286

Is Shoplifting any good?

>> No.1918343

Is nothing special, I'd pay about £5 at max for it... whihch I did.