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19041204 No.19041204 [Reply] [Original]

I took an IQ test and scored the equivalent of about 145 on the typical 15pt standard deviation curve. This is considered "genius level" but I've done nothing of note in life. What books should I read to reach my potential?

>> No.19041222

IQ is a metric designed by the government. It means you are well suited to do technical things they need done. If you want to reach your potential as a slave, join the air force.

>> No.19041225

The Denial of Death

>> No.19041230
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Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe

>> No.19041254

Langdon is the greatest meme. He shills his CMU all the time. He's actually a brainlet who specializes in windbaggery.

>> No.19041255

low iq cope

>> No.19041262

you should be able to solve this

>> No.19041272

Langdon fuck off. Nobody cares about your IQ you faggot.

>> No.19041273

Try anything related to engineering, and if those don't interest you, try philosophy. Look out for snake oil, though.
Also, do you know where this is? If not, sauce?

>> No.19041555

Having a high IQ means your brain takes up alot of resources making you lazy and unmotivated.

Not only that, but it turns out knowing alot of stuff doesnt make you happy or more efficient except for in very specific situations.

At least you get to experience life in completely novel and unique ways on a level sheeple couldn't understand

Welcome to the club

>> No.19041579

>What books should I read to reach my potential?
Well if you're such a genius why don't you figure it out? Unironically. You probably know better than we do what interests you.

>> No.19041647

you're actually retarded sorry

>> No.19041649

It's extremely intellectually lonely.
If I want life advice, nothing on Google has been written that I haven't already considered. The higher order problems of whatever question I have are never addressed. I can only find answers occasionally in philosophy.
I have no living role models for how to live. People around me call me smart and can't see how dumb I still am. People are impressed by my meager achievements which I put no effort into, not understanding why the achievements mean nothing to me.
I'm not even autistic, I have normal friends and lovers, I just can't talk about certain things with any of them. Maybe I should join Mensa or something.

>> No.19041684

Do like me, get into Zen Buddhism, alot of smart people there, lots of annoying sanctimonious yuppies too, but who cares.

Meditation also helps alot with chronic overthinkers like myself, i find when i meditate getting drunk doesnt do anything positive anymore, cause the calm and still mindedness is already there

>> No.19041686

I'm not looking for something as straightforward as an engineering textbook or anything related to a skill or field of work. I didn't mean capitalistic potential. I would like to read books that help me to reach my potential as a human. I can find books about what I'm interested in, you're right. But I can't find books to induce self actualization, not without reading literature at random. Any given work could have this effect.

>> No.19041755

What more is there to reaching humanistic potential than reading about what interests oneself? The action of reaching new heights could be construed as a means to the process.

>> No.19041779

are you me? just be glad you don't have a violent stutter like me so when you do find intellectually stimulating individuals, you can actually communicate with them.

>> No.19041786

>What more is there to reaching humanistic potential than reading about what interests oneself?
Cultivating virtue, for one example.

>> No.19041790

You sound Croatian

>> No.19041794

you sound like you have a fantastical imagination

>> No.19041802


>> No.19041803


>> No.19041807

Where's the virtue in that? What good will that do you?

>> No.19041809

i know this feel

>> No.19041820

I scored three standard deviations above the mean

IQ means nothing anon

>> No.19041862

This, or the navy. I got 130 but I answered the first 30 questions, I filled in randomly the rest.

>> No.19041872

I want more liquid intelligence desperately, but I know this is practically impossible
how do I cope with what i am?

>> No.19041904

Yes. The curse of high IQ is you have to figure it out on your own. Sit outside, or go for a walk and think deeply about it.

>> No.19041975

Consider that intelligence is linked to unhappiness and alcoholism, then rejoice

>> No.19042134

>Also, do you know where this is?
It's Lauterbrunnen in Switzerland (but not too different from many other places in the Alps).

t. living in the Alps

>> No.19042136

When people say this it always feels like dishonest humblebragging to me. Next to nobody would willingly make themselves less smart and even if they did I seriously doubt it would make their lives better in most cases.

>> No.19042158

Sometimes I think I would trade some smart for some confidence, desu.

>> No.19042267

There are many other human qualities besides IQ. It just so happens to be very important at this time in history. If the diversity of human intelligence should tell you anything, it's that high IQ isn't desirable in most environments.

>> No.19042303

>midwits patting each other on the back over how “smart” they are

>> No.19042332

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.19042424

>>midwits patting each other on the back over how “smart” they are
Yeah, pretty much, they do it all the time. What about them?

>> No.19042468

I can see that. But at the end of the day very few people would give up their intelligence just to be able to connect or fit in with more people.

>> No.19042596

whereabouts in the alps do you live?

>> No.19042679
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145 IQ is nothing. What's that 1 in 1000? You weren't even the smartest kid in my high school. No wonder you haven't done anything special. There are thousands of other people just like you in your city. What have they done? Probably nothing, wrote some books or some shit

>> No.19042689

Protip: stop reading and start doing.

>> No.19042870

I think you'd be surprised. Being low IQ enough to enjoy the folly of parenthood for example is a worthwhile trade off

>> No.19043089

What do you mean? It seems to me there are plenty of very smart people who find being a parent worthwhile and enjoyable

>> No.19043788

reddit: the thread

>> No.19043921

Unironically start with the Greeks & hit philosophy hard. But the Germans and specifically the Modernists will be your best bet

>> No.19043935

What do you mean when you say 'good?'
Something is good either for some other purpose or it is good in itself. Many might argue that the virtues are good in themselves, and so are self-affirming

>> No.19044161

>What do you mean when you say 'good?'
I honestly don't know. Just trying to get a read on why one might want to do such a thing. As for why not, well I guess I couldn't tell you that either.

>Many might argue that the virtues are good in themselves, and so are self-affirming
If that's your goal, then you may want to take a note from a lot of anons here and unironically start with the Greeks. Unless I'm mistaken Plato had said a lot about those (virtues).

>> No.19044485

I guarantee no one in this thread is above 120 IQ. I used to think I was intelligent too then I met a few people who really were genuises. It's a humbling experience. Unless you were moved up grades multiple times and were actively pursued by other talented minds you're probably a slightly above average dolt like the rest of us.

>> No.19044570

ITT: Teenagers who think an online test is meaningful

>> No.19044590

psycho cybernetics
how to win friends and influence people
rapid learning techniques by bryan tracey
creativity unleashing the forces within by osho
7 habits of highly effective people

also heard meditation teacher Shinzen Young say after mastering mindfulness meditation he went from an F student in math and sciences to understanding them at a graduate level. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cVBohQ2x1c could try his program unified mindfulness, also heard good stuff about the mind illuminated.

>> No.19044698

I really don't understand why folks can't comprehend that smart people can use the internet and sometimes congregate on places like 4chan. Where else do you think these people would be? Universities? Silicon Valley? There's at least a couple hundred thousand at or over the 145 point mark in the US alone. You think a couple of them might wind up here from time to time, or no.

>> No.19044742

Read the Bible if you wish to cultivate virtue. You're going to have to let go of the idea that only things you can see exist. There's so much more going on in life.

>> No.19045205

Doing what?

>> No.19045224

Not that guy but there's only so much knowledge you can consume before it starts going in one ear and out the other. Eventually you have to put to practice what you learn to see what resonates with you, what doesn't, what sticks, what doesn't, etc and what not. And sometimes things wont resonate with you immediately but its important to not immediately drop certain things. Some ideas are for great benefit but may ask for the individual to make some needed sacrifices to truly get value out of something taught.

>> No.19045227
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>t. actually midwit iq and mad
>surely if I had 25 more IQ points I would win a nobel prize, so these people must actually be stupid and larping
>doesn't realize just how many leagues away they are from the top

>> No.19045248

The city of Seattle has 700,000 people so anyone over 145 IQ is only 700 people. 700 people in one of the biggest US cities is actually very rare. You'd likely never meet any of them without actively seeking them out or being in the chess club or something. Imagine literally never meeting someone smarter than you in your life.

>> No.19045254

It's possible but, judging from what I'm reading here, I doubt it. Having a legit 145 IQ is pretty rare. Yet, everyone here is definitely not lazy just so incredibly intelligent that their highly functional brains have calculated that slothful inaction is the most logical strategy for confronting life. Very smart!

>> No.19045327

This is the kind of response low IQ people always give because they idolize high IQ as some kind of inhuman perfect logicians.
Mate, high IQ people are more likely to suffer from depression, and they experience the full range of emotions that everyone else does. There is absolutely no reason a high IQ person would be expected to be less lazy, less depressed, or less anything than someone else. Posts like this are as absurd as a 95IQ writing the same thing about a 110IQ middle achiever.

>> No.19045366

Not everyone cares to win first place in the rat race. Just because one is intelligent doesn't mean their aspirations are purely material. You have a lot to learn.