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/lit/ - Literature

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19041001 No.19041001 [Reply] [Original]

What's next for Waldun's literary journey bros?

>> No.19041005 [DELETED] 

I've been told I look like the female Waldun

>> No.19041015

dumb attentionwhore

>> No.19041028

Just like Waldun :3

>> No.19041047

Did le academy come out

>> No.19041049

What happened to that shitfucker book that kept getting shilled?
Lying fuck said he was gonna pay for ads and I havent seen a single ad for it
Did he finally neck it?

>> No.19041066

Tales of a Hack Writer

>> No.19041082

his book got annihilated by a youtuber and he's been crying in a corner since

>> No.19041090

i dont mean lacademie i mean shitlickers by that jason guy

>> No.19041130

Reviews of l'academie from good reads
>I cannot sneed this book. It deserves a place on the bookshelf between Shakespeare and Call of the Crocodile

>A decade from now academics will still be debating who got it right: Orwell or Huxley. Waldunchads will sit in the back of the lecture halls with a slight smirk on their face. They're still debating this...even after all these years? Heh. They'll get up and move slowly to the door.
>As a cool wind blows through the campus they'll put their earbuds in and adjust their collar. Slyly, they'll drop a copy of L'Academie onto the ground. It's not rubbish--but it will surely be picked up...eventually.
>L'Academie was truly a wonderful textual journey that almost transcends any form of analysis. Though, with a sad heart, I am almost sure it will be looked over by today's Idiotocracy I'm just as sure it will be nudgeing it's place among the other literary classics very soon. I can't wait for the inevitable film adaptation as well. Surely one of the modern greats (J.J Abrams, Kevin Feige etc) will be at the directing helm; at least I hope so. I also hope they keep true to the books more darker scenes as everyone of them is integral to it's dystopian narrative. Waldon's descriptions of massive mile long complexes full of white kids being forced to watch sissy hypnosis videos on YouTube while in isolated cubicles was one of the most harrowing things I've read in a long while

>Mr. Waldun, sir, your proses... they flow! The pure orthodoxies drip from your pages as if he were carrying a box of hotdogs down a street and bumped into a stray dog.
>To anyone who questions this fine novel by pointing out so called "typos" or "plot holes" I have only this to say:
>Fellow Waldun Scholar and devoted follower of the Melbourne Movement--let me explain. Such points are nonimportant within the corpus of Waldun's writing. While a well-read individual, which I'm sure you are given your taste has lead you to our man, will easily point out such discrepancies as plot holes or lazy writing, it should be firmly pointed out that such are actually part of Waldun's meta-dream logic prose. I know it's difficult, given how deeply immersive Waldun's prose always is, but we must remember where we are--we're in Waldun's world!
>Oh, we have but a window through which to look upon this man. Men like ourselves must always remain on the periphery as our mundane and normal lives fail to provide us with the keen discerning eye that belongs to our man. Waldun knows this and he'll use meta-fictional devices to remind us that we are in fact reading a book...he must keep us grounded.
>We shall name this device THE EDDINGTON WINDOW.

>> No.19041134


>> No.19041139

Yes. It's awful. You can get it on libgen for free. It's in an unpublishable state. There's so many errors and things which should not have slipped past from proofreading 5 different drafts.

>> No.19041147


>> No.19041165

Fuck off attention whore
Treat your split ends

>> No.19041195

The angrier you get the longer I'll stay
You've learned nothing

>> No.19041205

you're ugly.

>> No.19041212

Like I haven't heard that a thousand times. Please bitch. Go outside

>> No.19041219

I go outside a lot. You are far below average in looks, hence why you hear that everyday.

>> No.19041232

I only hear it from moids and femcels
Thankfully I am relatively well-adjusted
Notice how I'm saging and you're the one shitting up the board

>> No.19041236

I am a man and you are ugly.
You should sage your split ends off gross smelly fujo

>> No.19041249

Not a fujo
You've misread me because you're terrible at speaking to women whether you are one or not
Again, go outside. This conversation is over. You can't come back from these sick burns

>> No.19041258

>you're terrible at speaking to women
No, I just have no reason to flatter some ugly attention whore facedoxing herself on a literature board. End yourself split end bugwoman

>> No.19041269

A man born a Waldun can never become a Gardner. He should just give up.

>> No.19041270

kys moid

>> No.19041277

Cut your hair and stop washing it with dollar store shampoo.

>> No.19041283

she might be ugly but at least she's funny, as far as tripfags go
the same can't be said for the butterfly, and you people actually worship that old cunt

>> No.19041285
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>> No.19041290

stfu whiteknight

>> No.19041304

all my whiteknights get blowjobs. maybe you should try it

>> No.19041312

you really are a pathetic slut.

>> No.19041322

he cute

>> No.19041328

your ventromedial prefrontal cortex has to be injured or you're just really stupid. no one taught you sarcasm?

>> No.19041357

your vmPFC has split ends phineas sassoon

>> No.19041363

damn the whale got mad

>> No.19041364

Tell me what else google said

>> No.19041373

you thought you were sooooo smart throwing jargon at me
newsflash bitch ur not the only one who knows neuroscience
you picked a fight with the wrong person

>> No.19041376
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Vroom vroom

>> No.19041383

The more I see tripcoders the more fun it looks to have one. At the same time I think it defeats the purpose of using 4channel.

>> No.19041386

Then prove your student loans didn't go to waste
Unless you're trying to neg me and it didn't go the way you wanted?
Either way it's your ass moid

>> No.19041396

you really are pathetic
fucking indentured servant bug labgeek
go back

>> No.19041402

How is that bike so big compared to him? Is he 4 foot something? His clothes look like a kids. How sad.

>> No.19041407

You're stewing that my university paid for my degree ahahahhahah
Have fun with those monthly payments wagie cunt

>> No.19041410

so not even a grad student
enjoy your useless state university certificate

>> No.19041423
File: 50 KB, 200x200, 8A78FB5D-A0D7-4632-91E5-7F25528BF275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What debree did you get?

>> No.19041429

Grad student soon. I'm employed in the uni lab

>> No.19041433

She’s kind of cute, but fucking annoying. Finna report this dumb hoe

>> No.19041441

Believe me the mods are aware

>> No.19041456

Why do you do this?

>> No.19041474

I think it's funny to make faggots on the internet angry

>> No.19041495

Uh oh, I don't think your university would appreciate the use of this kind of language

>> No.19041507
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What debree did you get?

>> No.19041517


>> No.19041520

>thinly veiled threat of doxing because you lost an argument
Who's the real pathetic one

>> No.19041640
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HH (Homosexual Hypothesis) being scientifically proven. The other day I got a captcha that said HHJAY, but sadly there wasn't a Waldun thread to share my discovery with.

>> No.19041745

Basic literacy?

>> No.19042252
File: 39 KB, 1280x112, 169B2D3D-EDA7-459F-9D31-EF29DACF650D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gardener tried to save him

>> No.19042274

Based. Gardner sounds like a wise older man in this.

>> No.19042588

Gardner is not based and his "opinion" is objectively wrong. Gardner's writing shows he doesn't understand nuance, but this "opinion" illustrates it even more. He doesn't realize the nuanced situation surrounding Waldun's editors.

>> No.19042600

you just make yourself look pathetic, I'm not sure who you're trying to fool.
95% of the posts I've seen from you are entirely about yourself, how worthless and boring.

>> No.19042609

lol filter me already fag

>> No.19042612

cope and seethe you utter loser

>> No.19042687

How is he wrong? Sounds sensible to me.

>> No.19042713

same to you cutie pie

>> No.19042714

well I hope the next journey for his dick is my boypussy

>> No.19042745

>no u
i see your childish intellect at full work there
congratulations on being yet another blight on this board

>> No.19042759 [DELETED] 

Says the petty one who only wants the last word and adds nothing of substance. Again just filter me you sensitive faggot. Saged

>> No.19042764

The poor quality of the book is partly to blame on Waldun himself. But the editor's hold a lot of blame since they weren't real editors. Waldun should throw them under the bus. They shouldn't be respected. You also shouldn't publicly stand by a work that wasn't ready for publication. You should retract it and work on it until it is truly ready.

Frank Gardner can't understand any of this because he's a hack who is in it for money and quick fame.

>> No.19042781
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The only logical conclusion is to create an asian-centered 4th reich with Führer Waldun as its spiritual leader.

Therefore I propose this classic:

>> No.19042788

>Frank Gardner can't understand any of this because he's a hack who is in it for money and quick fame.

As someone who know him on discord I can say this is pretty much bullshit. He apparently already has money and just seems to enjoy writing.

>> No.19042801

Well he's just as bad at it as Wally is

>> No.19042807

He's a hack who is in it for the quick fame. The only reason Frank Gardner writes is because people on 4chan will talk about it and make fun of it and ironically support it.

Make no mistake: Gardner is a passionless hack.

>> No.19042811


>> No.19042831

>He's a hack who is in it for the quick fame. The only reason Frank Gardner writes is because people on 4chan will talk about it and make fun of it and ironically support it.

Dude I've talked to the guy and I know for a fact this isn't true. If anything Gardner has a bit of an ego. He thinks his books are masterpieces. Again I do think he's overall a good guy and don't mean this to sound too critical. But if you think Gardner thinks his books are bad then you're extremely wrong.

>> No.19042840


According to this guy Gardner is great.

>> No.19042893

I honestly don't understand how he thinks his books are great when he fails at simple grammar and punctuation. I'm taking you at face value and assuming you actually talked to him, so what's his justification? I actually don't think his ideas are bad but his actual technique is sloppy.
All that being said, I've only read the crocodile book, if his work has actually improved I'll try others.

>> No.19042907

>who only wants the last word
oh come now don't be smart with me, you know that's exactly what you want also. Funnily enough I was thinking of mentioning that in my last comment, but it would have been hypocritical of me, so I didn't. I see that didn't stop you though.
do you even know what that does or means?
>sensitive faggot
you seem to be seething quite hard, are you sure this website is for you?

>> No.19042937

I’ve Croc too. Jigoku is the only other book of his I read but I will say he improved with that one. He seems to have improved or hired an editor. I don’t know the exact details. From what I remember his justification was something like “As long as the story is good then it’s a good book.” I’m paraphrasing because I don’t remember exactly how he said it. But it was something like that. He’s kind of the stereotype of an arrogant artist type. In that he believes God put him on this planet to write his books. He talks about this part quite a bit.

>> No.19042940

*ive read Croc too

>> No.19042968

Did you read Call of the Crocodile all the way through? I noticed that a lot of people who say they didn’t like it gave up on it. The posters who get to the twist and go all the way are the ones who say they liked it. From my experience I agree. I was torn on it till I got to the big reveal in it. After that I ended up appreciating it for just how strange it was.

>> No.19042974

Yeah the long coat doesnt do him any favors

>> No.19043002

Why didnt you screenshot

>> No.19043010

If Waldun gains a reputation for throwing others under the bus then no one will want to work with him.

>> No.19043016

Proof ?

>> No.19043027

Just join any of the /lit/ discord’s and ask him if you really want to know.

>> No.19043061


>> No.19043078

I got a ban for posting it in the past here. So I don’t wanna do that again. It’s just the Goodreads one. Neo /lit/

>> No.19043086

Sirs, the proses flow

>> No.19043316

He's going to have an Ezra Pound phase next.

>> No.19043366

Idiotic take. This assumes Waldun ever becomes relevant. This also assumes Waldun wouldn't be hiring an editor, i.e. a publishing house would publish his book. But Waldork has already lost that battle by vanity publishing his monstrosities.

>> No.19043388

Who? Is this one of those things were some "author" spams himself on /lit/ so eventually people here believe he's relavant? Do people remember Tao Lin?

>> No.19043395

>88 replies
>33 posters

>> No.19043965

No, half the thread is a trip and someone yelling at them about using trips. I wish this was more Waldun related

>> No.19043974

That trip is on a rampage all over the board

>> No.19043986

He's a nobody who thinks he is a talented author. So /lit/ dabs on him.

>> No.19044094

Frank, no twist can get you out of the hole you dig under yourself page after page with subpar prose. I enjoy the dedication to these shitposts somewhat but I'm also sure you could do better than all this.

>> No.19044098

Sorry for arguing, I've learned my lesson. No more getting baited

>> No.19044136

Im not him

>> No.19044386
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I only read Call of the Arcade, and I read it from front to back and can tell you it's unredeemable trash. The "twists" are just ridiculous asspulls that come out of no where. And that's ignoring how bad the writing, exposition, dialogue, and characterization is done

You're either Faggot Garnder himself, a shill, or a genuine retard if you think his writing is acceptable. Because I have a had time believing that Croc is much better than arcade

>> No.19044395

Subtle bait against F Gardner. He’s humble and doesn’t have an ego. Either that or you’re retarded.

>> No.19044427

>Conveniently doesn't say anything about the plot.

Uh huh. Totally sounds like you read it and are not just shitposting.

>> No.19044438

I could care less if you think I'm Faggot Gardner or a shill. The idea that I'm getting paid for my posts is pretty kek inducing. I have not read Call of the Arcade so I can't comment on it.

>> No.19044468

I liked what I saw on goodreads for l'academie.

>> No.19044687


I actually did a detailed review of the book and posted it here. He's a link to the archived post:

>> No.19044722

Holy shit that's actually a wild ride.
The summary makes the story seem better than I expected.
I still can't get past the obvious grammar mistakes though.
also >there's a second half

>> No.19044736

This....sounds amazing

>> No.19044750

Yea they’re really good. I read through the series about a month back. Ignore the memes and retards bitching about grammar. These books are legit batshit insane and really fun to read. I am almost positive that must’ve been F Gardener’s intent.

>> No.19044801

>say it’s bad
>but it sounds really good

I don’t know if this is some 4d chess you’re playing or not. I will now buy your books

>> No.19044827

The glue factory

>> No.19044887
File: 3.44 MB, 3024x4032, F274F23B-96FA-4B95-B852-0AAEAC21C71A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At your service m’lady.

>> No.19046355

bump for Waldun

>> No.19046360

cool trip, tripfag

>> No.19047307

The C stands for Chen, Chang, Chu, Chuan, etc. Robin's real last name.

>> No.19047507

His real name is Robin Wu. So you're very wrong.

>> No.19047601

c stands for cunt

>> No.19047633

No that's just a meme