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File: 129 KB, 767x651, i-hate-reddit-nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19040563 No.19040563[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop being a Nietzschean fedora tipper?
I want to believe in God. I want to be a Christian. It's just not there. I feel like the part in Thus Spoke Zarahustra is constantly playing in my head, where Zarahustra met the wise old man who didn't know God was already dead.
Pros of being a Christian:
>you can be openly homophobic
>you can be openly racist
>if somebody disagrees with you, you can tell them they are sinners and going to hell (this is epic)
>you can always point to the Bible to back up your belifs, you're always right (everything in the Bible is true)

Pros of being a Nietzschean:
>You're right but nobody knows it.
>you''re an autistic weirdo with beliefs that can't be explained without making you sound like a psychopath

>> No.19040569

>I feel like the part in Thus Spoke Zarahustra is constantly playing in my head, where Zarahustra met the wise old man who didn't know God was already dead.
because the first chapter is the only part you read.
maybe go for dostoevsky.

>> No.19040572


>> No.19040578

read all of Zarahustra twice.
read most important works of Dostoyevski, brothers, c&p, the one where they're in the prison
I really don't think reading books is going to go anywhere, another thing Nietzsche ruined for me.

>> No.19040580

You cannot be openly racist or homophobic as a Christian, the point of Christianity is not to shelter maladjusted loners who've replaced their personality with edgy tweets. No church is going to welcome you if that is why you are there.

>> No.19040581

Seize power and realize you are god.

>> No.19040591

I know this is a larp but god the part about being a nietzschean is so damn true

>> No.19040599
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Why do you feel you have to justify yourself?

>> No.19040603

So Christianity allows homosexuality and Jews didn't kill Christ and get subsecuently punsihed by Gods wrath?

>> No.19040611

Christianity isn't a mask to justify your political/secular beliefs.

>> No.19040612

What part exactly is larping I'm not making any grandiose claims here buddy

>> No.19040618

My political beliefs are a mask for God's divine will.

>> No.19040625

Oh you want the Russian version that hasn't caught up yet with the rest of the religion. They are always a few centuries behind. They had feudalism in the 19th century—isn't that just wild? Anyway good luck on your quest for an English speaking church that doesn't celebrate pride and ecumenicism.

>> No.19040629

Nice bait. Don't worry, sweaty, I bet you're plenty racist and homophobic all on your own.

>> No.19040630

>fifth Neech thread today

>> No.19040637

>God's divine will
<>You can be openly racist
>God's divine will
>Racist at all
Are you even old enough to post on this website?

>> No.19040645

If god wasn't racist why would he make niggers so dumb?

>> No.19040647

I have been thinking about becoming Orthodox, yes.
explain niggers

>> No.19040651

God favours certain races over others

>> No.19040655

Well he did give his chosen the highest IQ didn't he? Maybe you are on to something.

>> No.19040659

>Source: /pol/ infographics

>> No.19040663

go outside and see for yourself dummy

>> No.19040664

>anglos fill up orthodox churches
>next generation is exactly like the culture that was fled from
If you're such a racist can't you figure out how that will work? You'll get the religion you deserve.

>> No.19040671

Those would be (y)our Jewish overlords.

>> No.19040673

I'm Finnish, sweaty. Never call me an anglo ever again? Do you understand me?

>> No.19040674

>God's racist because of [x]
Read the bible jeez

>> No.19040690

Ah so you're a Mongolian. You should look into Vajrayana Buddhism.

>> No.19040694

But nietzsche is peak reddit.

>> No.19040708

Why do people say this? Reddit would probably ban you for posting excerpts from N. Especially if from BGE, GM, AC, TI...

>> No.19040709

>I want to believe in God. I want to be a Christian.
Then you want to go backwards. If you want something to worship, make it the overman.

>> No.19040719

>caught up with the rest of
That's christianity being replaced by another religion wearing its skin.

>> No.19040722

das right now bend over for this Khan Cock

>> No.19040730

Nietzsche would definitely be a redditor, or at least a poster on both reddit and 4chan.

>> No.19040735

Ok, and? Are you going to be the pagan holdouts against the new religion? The new Julian the apostate? That always works.

>> No.19040739


>> No.19040748

a religion as degenerate as whatever this zeitgeist thing is, is not going to stand the test of time. We're either going to be worshipping Allah or Xi Jin Ping. If Christians are all this gay I might just become a muslim actually.

>> No.19040765

>I want to believe in God. I want to be a Christian.
I suggest that you begin to pray everyday. It may feel silly at first, but if you do it genuine and sincerely, good things will come, and you will have far more faith in God from prayer than you will from any amount of intellectualizing, I can guarantee you.

Along with praying, I would recommend that you watch William Lane Craig debate atheists on the existence of God and on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. These were very important on my own journey, but ultimately were not as decisive as things such as prayer and talking with other Christians about their religion.

I’m sure this is a LARP desu, but maybe it will help other anons.

>> No.19040774

I don't think that you actually want to believe in religion.

>> No.19040781

>Source: the bible

>> No.19040784

Also, if you were a true Nietzschean, you would know that you shouldn't believe in religion because it chains you and adds another layer of independence. So I don't think you really want religion.

>> No.19040797

Prayer is boring and so is religion. If people want someone or something to worship, they should make it modern-day creators: inventors, formulators of new theories and ideas, artists who tread new ground, etc.

>> No.19040806

Only misinterpreted Nietzsche is reddit. If Nietzsche were around today he would probably browse /lit/ and hate reddit.

>> No.19040836
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>If people want someone or something to worship, they should make it modern-day creators: inventors, formulators of new theories and ideas, artists who tread new ground, etc.

>> No.19040845
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>> No.19040864

It's not nearly as degenerate as you think. It is highly efficient at reproducing itself. It simply sucks all the like-minded people in from around the world and uses them as drones. If they have kids, that's great, they can be raised properly in the nu-religion; if not, more drones can be brought in. This happens both internally and externally, through the conversion of the children of non-believers in education system, and through the supplying of deracinated foreigners who will serve it for pay and produce children at a higher rate than the domestic population, children who like all others, can be educated to believe. It is actually your "trad" religion that is emaciated and wounded, limping around in the margins of the glorious circassian trannissary empire.

>> No.19040870

A living virile religion isn't chaining, it's an animating force. If you look at ancient societies this was the case, it's obviously not the case now. Or rather the currently animating religion (the anti-christ zeitgeist thing) is so repulsive that I want no part in it.
I'm trying to make a bet for the future. I hope the pendulum swings back in some way and we get this epic ubermensch religion where everyone is all racist and redpilled and so on.
I hate the anti-christ

>> No.19040893

The bigoted religion is here lol. It's target is (You). You're getting your wish. The nu-Christians coming for the outcast retrograde pagans.

>> No.19040938

>leftists are the real racists
No, I'm the racist. They are just faggots with a lot of money.
Never forget that while phenomena with their own will do exist without humans, this one is being bank rolled artificially by a bunch of old white dudes (Jewish people) and mostly preached by people who look like this >>19040836

>> No.19040956

and basically what I'm saying is that this religion is one solar flare or Chinese invasion away from being completely btfo

>> No.19040998

yeah you're just describing the latest version of christianity, which defines itself in opposition to the previous religion and after achieving state power sets about viciously persecuting the original faith (now considered heresy). it also comes from that group you don't like—amazing coincidence huh?
Oh dear, well be careful what you wish for. What if the nu-bishop asks the nu-barbarians for peace and baptises them as the new satraps of your civilization?

>> No.19041009

What is this nonsense, what ceremonial American Christians talk about seizing state power? Is this the buttblast fallout over some random abortion law again?

>> No.19041014

>Pros of being a Christian:
>>you can be openly homophobic
>>you can be openly racist
What about love thy neighbor?

>> No.19041023

The funny thing about intellectuals and their literature is that anyone with decent comprehension can debunk them as they read along. He was marcus aurellius, he was a liar and and angsty reject like most trannies today.

>> No.19041030

Is this that lovely American centric, self aggrandisement and imperial mindset I’ve heard all about? In the play An Inspector Calls, the capitalist pig caricature character also says Russia is naturally less advanced than the West, scary resemblance.

>> No.19041032

>everyone is dumb but me

>> No.19041040
File: 177 KB, 700x1035, 1560757128731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You`ve been redpilled, there is no coming back. Btw N. have nothing common with modern fedora tippers.

>> No.19041050

Well that's the joke, yes. Progressives have outgunned them and stolen all their slave moralists as followers, and now run governments from California to Berlin. It's the truly muscular and intolerant religion that smashes all heresies and enforces its doctrines. It does not beg for a place in public life, it orders it and furnishes it.

>> No.19041058

oh, to be 22 again

>> No.19041095 [DELETED] 

I'm 16.

>> No.19041109

Nietzsche would definitely not be a redditor. He wrote not be to be understood and wrote uncomfortable truths about his time. What do reddit do when they read uncomfortable truths? Downvote and call the person racist or a bigot. Nietzsche would not even get his message out if he was on reddit. At least on 4chan he would be read and engaged with.

However I don't think Nietzsche would even bother reading 4chan either. He would probably be busy actually writing

>> No.19041127

Nietzsche is lame as fuck but he's essentially correct about Christianity. Just become a based Neoplatonist instead. All the early Church Fathers like Aquinas and Augustinian plagiarized Plato and Aristotle to make their philosophy work, and then appended Christian fanfiction to them. The Hermetic/Neoplatonist school that ran in tandem to the kooky Gnostic/Christian cults make much more sense to me. It still lets you understand what God is, and gives you tools to reason about it, whilst separating yourself from the entire Christian tradition which is mostly full of cancer.

>> No.19041143


>> No.19041155

Absolutely fucking reddit

>> No.19041246
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Shut up pussy bitch

>> No.19041311

I'm 23 tell me where I'm headed

>> No.19041318

No he would be a powerlifter or something. He would hate 'intellectuals' like he did back then.

>> No.19041346

idk. but imo: its just a painful intermediate stage that you grow out of eventually as your horizons expand and stuff.

>> No.19041351

Belief in God is literally a choice. Just choose to believe

>> No.19041361

It's not painful I'm having a good time.

>> No.19041362

I'm in an english speaking church that opposes both of those things. But they dont like racism desu

>> No.19041372

How does paganism have anything to do with thinking people worthy of worship are modern entrepreneurs? It's reddit as fuck to worship these types since culture is degenerate and they are just accelerating it. Pagans should be wanting more tradition and less postmodern trash and AI

>> No.19041374

Curse of Ham bro

>> No.19041379

t. Kierkegaard

How is it a choice to believe if the belief isn't genuine? LARPing is not the same as actually believing

>> No.19041380

Projection much?

>> No.19041391
File: 118 KB, 590x486, AAB4BE5B-B31A-4B1E-B101-27C75DCF7260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bloodless abstractionism

>> No.19041393

neoplatonism seems like the biggest cope

>> No.19041395

Thats such an atheistic mindset
>this religion isn't politically expedient, so i'll arbitrarily choose this other religion
If you genuinely believe in Christ then you'll understand social conditions are irrelevant. You won't be trying to craft a religion of the future, but would be sticking to an eternal truth
>Romans 12:2

>> No.19041399

Entrepreneur worship is the real contemporary paganism and you're a redditor in denial if you disagree.
>muh AI
>muh degeneracy

>> No.19041401

You are painful degenerate. Look at the "friends of N." society back to early 1920-1930-s. Look who was in, than talk about sTaGeS. What next stage by you, go to psychologist? How YOU can be indulgent, anime enjoyer?

>> No.19041413

Nah Nietzsche would be some taleb reply guy on twitter, posting his Lindy walks

>> No.19041414

Fuck am i cliche?

>> No.19041421


>> No.19041422

Choosing to believe makes it genuine, otherwise yo didn't actually choose.
All beliefs are a choice. This realization is liberating

>> No.19041431
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>everything I dislike is paganism, reddit, cringe, etc.

>> No.19041436

What's a Lindy? What's a Lindy walk?

>> No.19041438

>you can be openly homophobic
>you can be openly racist

This along with all other based aspects of Christianity, such as recognizing women as subservient, are no more, anon. Modern Christianity is a well domesticated lapdog of the progressive establishment.

>> No.19041445

Christ told us that we would be lonely and persecuted

>> No.19041451

>waaaah I am being marginalized for suggesting we marginalize people

>> No.19041459

The difference is that faggots aren't people, anon.

>> No.19041463

The great contradiction of modernity

>> No.19041464

>fuck your familiy
>fuck your Fatherland
>fuck everything, go die for some Jew
How dare you....

>> No.19041465

Paganism is the ultimate religion of traditionalism. You're more in Evola's camp than in the reddit science worship camp if you're a pagan.

I do feel like you are a low tier troll though. No way you can be this stupid

>> No.19041478

Actually, from the progressive perspective, which by its exercise of state and cultural power is increasingly muscular and robust, it is you who are the subhuman barbarous pagan deserving of elimination from public life in order to end your pollution of morality and virtue

>> No.19041487

>20th century neopaganism

>> No.19041489

Then you must define what a choice is. Saying I chosoe to believe in God and actually believing are still seperate and I don't see you you can make them equivalent

>> No.19041491

Terrible bait, shame on anyone who fell for it

>> No.19041498
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>> No.19041499

it's not bait I'm serious I actually think like this
I think it's epic.

>> No.19041509


>> No.19041512

What is the nature of faith in not a voluntary conviction? How meaningful is faith if it's not your choice to have

>> No.19041519

They are larpers, anon. There is no neopaganism that isn't just traditionalism. Pagan religions are old and their revival is not compatible with modernity. Any person who calls themselves pagan are just larpers who use the belief system as an excuse to porport fascist and racist ideas

>> No.19041524

I believe in God but I can't believe in Christ as the son of God. I know I should just give myself to the religion with a positive mindset and maybe Christ will answer me. I think I'll do that

>> No.19041527

I love when progressives show their power level, just need to poke them a little bit. Here you show your first premise is bullshit; wanting to defend yourself despite the fact you antagonize others is natural. We have preference for certain values over others and of course you don't want society to be polluted by people whose existence antagonize these values. Good boy, anon.

>> No.19041530

Good idea. Be sure to pray and be sincere.

>> No.19041531

Explain how I'm wrong dimwit. I personally know so called pagans, and their type. You may browse reddit and see pagans posting there, but I'm not a redditor so I wouldn't know

>> No.19041533

>to porport fascist and racist ideas
Well maybe that is the religion. Fascism and racism aren't pathological, they are awesome.

>> No.19041549

Fascism is a product of the industrial age. It isnt traditional or reactionary. It is futurist

>> No.19041550

neopaganism =/= real contemporary paganism

Neopaganism is a traditionalist larp. Real contemporary paganism is a genuine revival of the ancient pagans' sentiment of honor towards great beings.

>> No.19041562

Why would you adopt a useless institution though? It's one thing if you believe in God. If you don't the current Church is just a proponent of cuck morality and a tool for the establishment.

>> No.19041573

>adopt a useless institution
Useless? To what end? Christs goal wasnt to build a worldly kingdom. He came to offer salvation. It is to salvation that I aspire. Evaluating religion on the basis of political function is just a form of atheism.

>> No.19041583

That's why I said that's different if he believes in God. He doesn't seem to.

>> No.19041601

Oh I see

>> No.19041604

Faggots were considered abominations for thousands of years. This new trend of forcefully shoving them down our throats isn't even 30 years old. Let's see how long it lasts.

>> No.19041616

Choice is merely ONE of many prerequisites for genuine belief. People make a bunch of choices they don't really believe in

>> No.19041631

Your definition of real paganism sounds traditionalist too

>> No.19041654

Traditionalism requires a conscious effort to bring back old sentiments and great beings, what I'm talking about isn't a conscious effort on this part but an authentic revival in unconscious nature which does not at all acknowledge old great beings but instead seeks and creates new ones. The industrial age and modern atheistic urban landscape produced the conditions for it.

>> No.19041667 [DELETED] 

yeah not literally fascism but whatever the alphabet people call fascism

>> No.19041676

I love when people are too dumb to follow a conversation. I'm not voicing that opinion as my own view I am describing it. Proggies inherited that disposition from the ressentiment-laced christers they have since pushed out of the nest.
You really think you're going wait out the people controlling the education and employment of future generations huh? I think it's time you gave up grand political theory and focused on personal goals
Pagan revival is entirely due to modernity quashing the spiritual and moral authority of the Christian churches. There is a vaccuum to be filled; this is why N said god was dead.

>> No.19041679
File: 7 KB, 183x275, 38002EBA-8BE1-4544-95B7-752DE9BB0CC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Research symbolism. Don’t take Christianity literally. To do so is silly. Read the language of creation.

>> No.19041683

Not literally fascism but whatever they call fascism these days which is just being normal.

>> No.19041688

>it's normal to alienate yourself from other people over moralizing concerns and spend all day whining to anonymous strangers about how things would be better if the timeline were different

>> No.19041766

I can hide my power level and just not associate with faggots, progressives, drug addicts etc. and live a happy normal life.
Nobody likes you people, but people are polite and put up with it because to not do so would be anti-social.

>> No.19041798

It's quite the rabbit hole. Lindy is discussed in Taleb's antifragile book but Paul Skallas took it over and the preeminent lindy scholar


>> No.19041829

If it's anti-social to side with you how could you be considered normal? Stupid glowie

>> No.19041854

because society is abnormal.

>> No.19041883

I have no clue what it is you are asking, but there's nothing wrong with liking Nietzsche. Most people in philosophy do

>> No.19041887

Society defines which norms there are, not you.

>> No.19041898

No it doesn't, normal isn't relative. Crimes against nature are not normal. Child abuse isn't normal. Making homos dance in front of old chrurch ladies isn't normal. Niggers everywhere breaking everything and doing drugs isn't normal.

>> No.19042208

Read Kierkegaard or just develop your own Christian philosophy.

>> No.19042248

>things i like are normal and things I dislike are abnormal
Try a bit harder there. It's a Nietzsche thread and you're starting to sound like you didn't do the reading.

>> No.19042292

>presuming the nietzschean standpoint

>> No.19042554

Every single significant Christian in history, including Christ himself, was a deeply political figure whose belief was weaponized in pursuit of greater power for themselves and their group in the earthly realm. The only people who "genuinely believe" are the idiot lay people like yourself who don't have the capacity to do these things. You have it exactly 180 degrees backwards. Their "eternal truths" are all in pursuit of loyal followers and with it power.

>> No.19042640

The only "Larpers" are Christians, who themselves don't even believe in Jesus, but only pretend to for social and political purposes, and who have to pretend that the prophesies of old testament Jews are somehow relevant to their lives as they LARP as Israelites. It is a total joke that I refuse to take seriously.

>> No.19042643

do you have a single fact to back this up

>> No.19042653

The persistence of Christianity in the modern world, which only survived this long by being Machiavellian and ruthless against its enemies so as to ensure the future was dominated by them.

>> No.19042668

people self inserting themselves as what Nietzsche would be today and (for the most part) people who have a very weak understanding of what Christianity is about.

>> No.19042704

>Why do you feel you have to justify yourself?
How would someone find out why that might be the case? Asking for a friend.

>> No.19042722

Christ was the God of the "political power" that He sought to fix. The "political power" refused and denied their own God, so God now says my covenant is open to those who WANT to be a part of it. Your idea of what Christianity is and what it really is about is not in sync with each other. Christianity is a Spiritual pursuit, and has very little to do with organized religion.

>> No.19042782

No, it's entirely a political pursuit on both levels, Christ's ambitions of leadership which were crushed. And the later evangelism of Paul and the Church fathers who kept this story alive because it created a universal political narrative that they could use to realize their own ambitions. The story changed after he died and they tried to justify it that it was always meant to be that way, it wasn't they were clearly expecting a divine king that would unite Israel and even return in their lifetimes, they are still waiting, and still justifying the silence.

>> No.19042790

Ah I see. You're a materialist with no idea what the Spiritual teachings found in the Bible truly entail. It's a treasure far more valuable than gold, or anything this material world has to offer.

>> No.19042821

I'm a Neoplatonist, I reject materialism. The spiritual teachings are propaganda for an extent political movement, that's what this religion is it's a political party.

>> No.19042826

I truly pity you. You and I are wasting our time with the continuation of this discussion. You can fool the one who doesn't know, but the one with direct experience knows better. have a good day.

>> No.19042920

There are zero ways in which I can interpret "sincere" faith of people like you, believing in absurd obvious untruths like a divine carpenter, whose murder was some kind of metaphysical nexus, without interpreting it as type of political motivated reasoning. I think if you take away the political, the ambition, the thymos, the belief in absurdities will evaporate away. I'm not trying to offend you, just being as honest and plain as I can be.

>> No.19042965

I'm exactly like you, and it took me some undeniable proof for me to believe. So I don't have blind faith, my belief, trust and absolute drive in regards to these things come from experience. Despite it being about faith, I had a very scientific mindset entering all of this. There's so much more going on than what we can physically see or perceive. I hope you come to realize this and snap out of the lie that most people are living under.

>> No.19042993

>There's so much more going on than what we can physically see or perceive.
It doesn't get much more Platonist than this, bro.

>> No.19043004

So, perhaps we are more alike than you wish to accredit me with, and this misunderstanding between us stems from your lack of understanding the divine undertones of what is spoken of in the Bible, more specifically the New Testament. Just because you lack the mindset to understand what is being said, does not mean there is nothing of value to get from the text. I'd have thought that people from /lit/ of all places would understand this.

>> No.19043043

>There's so much more going on than what we can physically see or perceive.
Only the creativity of other, more complex wills.

>> No.19043044

I read John today and I'm half way through Acts. I still maintain that this is the 1st century equivalent of QAnon. There is nothing divine going on here. He was a man who lived at a time when messiahs were being predicted in their scriptures, he believed that he was it, and everybody else tried to make whatever happened fit some kind of divine narrative. I still don't understand why he was so absolutely obsessed with making everybody around him believe in him, why would a god need such followers if he were not simply a man accruing political capital and power? Just use your brain.

>> No.19043062

Again, your lack of getting any divine understanding does not stem from the lack of it being in the text, it just means it's going straight over your head. You are free to believe whatever you want, don't mistake my defense as trying to force you to believe anything, just simply pointing out that your lack of understanding doesn't mean there's nothing to understand, it just means that you don't get it. I think it is your pride that is preventing you from understanding this. You are being too proud to admit that you just don't understand it, so instead of admitting that, you seek to justify your lack of understanding by trying to discredit it entirely.

Such a simplistic and destructive mindset to hold when it comes to knowledge.

>> No.19043067

And what would a divine human look like to you?

>> No.19043075

And if you actually studied the texts, you'd know that He wasn't obsessed with making everyone believe in Him. In fact, His intentions were purely for Israel only. He never intended to open the covenant to the gentiles as well. He was specifically focused on Israel only. And even at that, He kept to Himself for the most part outside of what He came down to fix and accomplish. There are many accounts in the Gospel where the Pharisees desperately try to bait Him to get Him to respond or react to something.

>> No.19043122

I understand there are divine claims, I just believe them to be chinese whispers geared toward a political gambit of accruing man power. I think it's a bluff and I'm fine with calling it out. I don't know what it is I'm supposed to not understand here. If I believed he were divine, would I suddenly gain an "understanding"? The man straight up says blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed.
There are no divine humans, or at least we are all equally as divine as each other. You have to go up the celestial hierarchy in the great chain of being to find beings with a greater divine spark than ourselves.
At the start of John he tries to convince a Samaritan woman that he is the messiah, and tells her that "Salvation is only from the Jews". I get what you're saying though, but it doesn't mean he isn't still a political figure, just a local one without global ambitions.

>> No.19043146

Yes, you've made your point clear that you feel it's politically motivated. It isn't, it's purpose is to liberate mankind from the fallen state that it's in. That's partly why they denied Jesus, because it was prophesied that He would come from the seed of David, and David was a great king that won many battles and elevated Israel in regards to worldly matters. So they were expecting the messiah to be like David, a warrior-like savior to free them from their worldly oppressors. Instead, Jesus Christ came down to liberate people from all that keeps them in this fallen state and basically became an intermediary for man to elevate themselves closer to God and break free from the bondages of sin.

>> No.19043177

Sin being that which keeps man from God. It's not like some slapstick punishment, sin literally pushes away further from the divine inheritance we all potentially can carry within ourselves. Sin is kryptonite to the Spirit, you don't harm God by sinning, you are only screwing yourself over by doing it. And no, simply believing He was divine is not enough, there's so much more to it. And yes, I understand completely that blind faith is stronger than faith that comes from experience. I never once stated I am superior to anyone because I know He exists. And if He has revealed to me that He exists, I'd be pure foolishness for me to deny what He has taught. Again, I entered this with a scientific mindset, i.e there is a path presented, I put it to practice I got results. There are others who have done the same and have gotten results as well. So just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.

>> No.19043180

The narrative about him being an amazing inversion of warrior values only occurred after he got murdered though, and his followers attempted to rationalize what had already happened to make it fit their belief in his divinity. In the parallel universe where Jesus won the political conflict, his followers would venerate him on the basis of having taken over and saying that it was his divinity that allowed him to do this (similar to the life of Muhammed). What actually happened is the equivalent of "Here's how Bernie can still win" when Bernie is standing in front of a firing squad.

>> No.19043183

>There are no divine humans, or at least we are all equally as divine as each other. You have to go up the celestial hierarchy in the great chain of being to find beings with a greater divine spark than ourselves.
seems like a definition to me, do you have any arguments as to why humans cant have variable divinity? It seems to me obvious that jesus is better then a serial killer in terms of goodness, justice, beauty and so on

>> No.19043189

>and tells her that "Salvation is only from the Jews".
And then immediately afterwards Jesus tells her a time is coming when people will worship the Father neither on the mountain the Samaritans worshiped on nor in Jerusalem and the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. Salvation coming ‘from the Jews’ also clearly refers to Jesus himself. The Samaritan woman is convinced that he is indeed the Messiah as well

>just a local one without global ambitions.
Jesus tells his disciples in every single Gospel to go forth and baptize all nations in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus gives parables where the vast majority of Jews are rejected in the gospels in too, such as the parable of the vineyard (Matthew 21:33-46) and the parable of the wedding banquet (Matthew 22:1-14). Jesus had plans for the whole world all along. It’s indisputable.

>> No.19043192

Jesus did win, He accomplished all that was prophesied would happen to Him thousands of years before He came down to earth. All this is cross referenced in the Old Testament. All you're doing is showing more and more how little you understand anything in the bible with every post you make.

Your idea of a victory in these regards is so worldly and counter intuitive to what it implied in regards to divinity and things such as these.

>> No.19043226
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>didn’t win

>> No.19043230

He got arrested and murdered for challenging the political authorities with his growing movement of followers. Saying "No, he actually *wanted* to get killed" is, and I really hate to use this word, the single biggest cope in all of human history. These are all post-hoc rationalizations. Don't confuse the current movement of present day Christianity with the historical context around his life.

>"My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?"

What is your explanation of this utterance?

>> No.19043232

Only weak people need to justify themselves

>> No.19043247

Don't confuse Jesus political struggle against the Pharisees for the later movement started by his followers. The movement of Paul absolutely and without ambiguity has dominated all of human history. But Jesus was still captured and was killed. If you're being honest about human affairs you can usually bring yourself to admit that in a political conflict, when the leader of a movement is killed, usually that side or at least the personal ambitions of that person, has failed.

>> No.19043249

>Pros of being a Christian:
>>you can be openly homophobic
>>you can be openly racist
This is an obvious American poster.
After a while, you start to notice the way the American speaks. I just hope that this is a larp, and that there isn't someone stupid enough to believe this.

>> No.19043266

Isaiah literally prophesies of everything that would happen to Jesus Christ. His sacrifice, His own people denying Him, everything was prophesied thousands of years before. Had there been no cross references between the testaments your argument would hold up, but given that there are references and prophesies that explain in detail what He experienced says that's it's not cope at all.

It's not what you think because Jesus Christ said in the garden
“My Father, if this cup cannot pass away unless I drink from it, Your will be done.”
Basically, Jesus already knew what was going to happen to Him. He didn't want to suffer, but ultimately knew that God's will was for the best. It is referenced in the Gospels that Jesus already prophesied His death to His disciples before it happened, and told them to remain quiet until it happened.

>> No.19043277

>Jesus had plans for the whole world all along
Okay, it seems you're arguing against your own (I assume it's you) point from here >>19043075
>His intentions were purely for Israel only
Either way, this was not related to any argument I made, and I'm fine to accept either of them.

>> No.19043283
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Always funny to see indoctrinated Abrahamicists posting sincerely on 4chan(nel).

>> No.19043288

>What is your explanation of this utterance?
Read Psalm 22

>> No.19043312

That’s not me.
I’m referring to the Gospels, not Paul.

>> No.19043313

No, I'm >>19043075
but i'm not

I actually don't trust the church at all or any of the christian leaders currently present. I was born into the faith but never accepted it. I only truly came to understand when circumstances in my life forced me to search for answers, and the Bible was the last place I looked.

>> No.19043334

When you live in a social context where all the scriptural authorities point in the direction of a coming messiah, what do you think that is going to do to the social incentives of ambitious and aspiring people who live and breathe these scriptures? If you know anything about human behavior and how we see patterns in randomness, how we confirmation bias ourselves, how we rationalize anything to get ahead. I'm not impressed by the fact that these prophesies were arbitrarilily filled by people seeking to fill them.

Interestingly I learned in Gospel of John the author refuses to mention that Jesus was born in Bethelehem, he notes a conversation where people refer to a prophesy in the Book of Micah about the messiah being born in Bethelehem, and people refuse to believe in Jesus because he's from Galilee, not Bethelehem. But the author of John doesn't correct them, even though he has every reason to. Maybe he wasn't actually born in Bethlehem? Maybe the other gospels just wrote that to make their prophesies fit.

>It is referenced in the Gospels that Jesus already prophesied His death to His disciples before it happened
Again, the gospels were written decades after the events took place. When I read things like that in the gospels, I see post-hoc rationalization. I see them filling in the gaps to make it make sense to them, but not in a way related to how it actually went down.

>> No.19043343

I have more respect for them than I do you shitty drive by teenage Nietzsche fags, they've put serious effort into their belief.

>> No.19043354

If you think Nietzsche and Christianity are polar opposites, you should definitely read more philosophy.

>> No.19043359

>Again, the gospels were written decades after the events took place.
Ahaha daily reminder that this claim all hinges on the fact that Jesus predicted that the temple was going to be destroyed. Atheist academics can’t cope with the fact that Jesus predicted it, and thus put the Gospels after 70AD.

>> No.19043360

Yes, I understand the Gospels were written decades after. You see post-hoc rationalization because you deny any potential of the divinity of Jesus Christ. You lack understanding of what His Spirit entails. You are reading the Bible from a literalist, materialist standpoint. Once you take into consideration the divine aspect, the parables, the metaphors, all that; a whole new world opens in that book.

You don't get it because your eyes are closed. There are many key references in these regards as to why the Gospel goes over certain peoples heads.

>> No.19043367

Very beautiful

>> No.19043370

Please, I post on here regularly and have contributed entire essays' worth. I'm just here for laughs right now.
>serious effort
Youtube videos and arguing on 4chan for who knows how many years.

>> No.19043373

Imagine projecting atheism onto religion

>> No.19043374

Don't respond my niggas. Even academics agree the gospels are based on older texts that were lost (Q-hypothesis). Some of these texts were found in the Nag Hammadi library

>> No.19043390

Even Plotinus took christian metaphysics seriously you fucking midwit

>> No.19043391


>> No.19043393

It's easy to make the arguments he is making when you take out the most crucial aspect of the Bible, which is the divinity of the Lord God.

>> No.19043408

>Machiavellianism is inherently atheistic
Bro, no it isn't.
I don't deny it, I have been willing to believe for such a long time. It just so happens that I'm not particularly impressed by the things I have seen.
>You are reading the Bible from a literalist, materialist standpoint.
It's a critical standpoint, I'm not taking the claims in it at face value. I don't see anything wrong with that. It's a little worrying to me when going out of your way to question things is disapproved of, it makes me suspicious. This is one of the reasons I drifted to Platonism in the first place. That guy wrote dialogues ripping his own philosophy apart.

>> No.19043419

Nothing at all wrong with questioning things, I thought I made that clear with everything I've said so far. Basically, you just don't understand the point of what is being said, and due to that you disregard it as being nothing more than a political conspiracy.

>> No.19043420

I'm taking it seriously too.

>> No.19043430

Christ literally told us to pay our taxes to whatever state we live in

>> No.19043449

I read this as "you don't believe" not that I don't understand. What is it that I'm missing other than a lack of belief? There are many good things in Christianity and its cultural output is colossal, many things about it I will never understand. But I'm just talking purely about the claim of Jesus' divinity here. From everything I've seen so far I don't buy it.
Yeah, he did. But Paul is much more shaky on the question of rendering unto Caesar.

>> No.19043456

That's because understanding His divinity is not something that comes from reading, it's something that comes from building a relationship with Him.

>> No.19043458

>No church is going to welcome you if that is why you are there
According to Christianity, homosexuals WILL be tortured for all eternity. Protestants, Orthodox, and Catholics. You will never be able to stray away from this truth and the truth that the compilers of your very tradition believed those people deserved death. Keep coping.

>> No.19043464

Nothing is going to be the polar opposite of Christianity because Christianity is an illegitimate mix of Greek philosophy and Judaism.

>When, for example, a man gets any pleasure out of the notion that he has been saved from sin, it is not necessary for him to be actually sinful, but merely to feel sinful. But when faith is thus exalted above everything else, it necessarily follows that reason, knowledge and patient inquiry have to be discredited: the road to the truth becomes a forbidden road.—Hope, in its stronger forms, is a great deal more powerful stimulans to life than any sort of realized joy can ever be. Man must be sustained in suffering by a hope so high that no conflict with actuality can dash it—so high, indeed, that no fulfillment can satisfy it: a hope reaching out beyond this world. (Precisely because of this power that hope has of making the suffering hold out, the Greeks regarded it as the evil of evils, as the most malign of evils; it remained behind at the source of all evil.)
The Antichrist 23, one demonstration in how Greek philosophy differed from the Christian.

>> No.19043475

Hey atheists, if the Resurrection was fake, then why do we have historical proof of a huge group of followers of Christ who suddenly, out of nowhere, decided to travel all over the world to talk about the same Guy? Something strange must have happened there, don't you think? Why were so many people prepared to give their lives to Christ suddenly? Why were the Romans so intimidated since the beginning of this so called "cult"...? Unless... there was a group of people who witnessed 'the impossible'...? Ancient Juda, and the entire Empire, was filled with these so-called 'apocalyptic preachers', 'zealots' are whatever nihilists call them... Why didn't they inspire the same passion, why didn't they have followers on such a large scale who were prepared to be tortured and murdered? ... Check mate, non-believers.

>> No.19043493

There are documented cases of mass hysteria all throughout history.

>> No.19043497

We don't get saved from sin, we are told to avoid it like the plague. Faith can coexist with reason, knowledge and patient inquiry as well, in fact they go hand in hand. You can't reach the goal Jesus placed without these things. It's not a forbidden road either, it's explained clear as day in the Bible. Greeks don't understand Jesus' divinity either, which doesn't surprise me, being pagans and all.

>> No.19043510

You're a bad Christian, anon. You're in no position to judge who will be and who won't be tortured in the afterlife. Christ showed mercy to murderers and rapists on the Cross. You still have much to learn. Only the Lord knows the depths of our souls. There is more to a human life than the sin of sucking dick. Do not cast the first stone.

>> No.19043513
File: 76 KB, 821x462, holy spirit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sola scriptura is American garbage.
God the Father is untestable.
God the Son exists in the historical record, but does not resound with you.

Therefore the only way to God available for you left is the Holy Spirit. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel already showed us this path, which is why he is called the Protestant Aquinas.

The Phenomenology of Spirit is called such, because cutting through the Greek it is the "study of the appearance of the Holy Spirit"


>"The chalice of this realm of spirits
Foams forth to God His own Infinitude"

Now go and read the whole thing.

The unfortunate thing about this is that you are compelled to become a ChristCom. For as Hegel reveals the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit also demands you follow the works of his heirs, to destroy America the Synagogue of Satan.

Or you can continue being a Randian atheist.

>> No.19043526

Homosexuality is the act of sexual misconduct (in accordance to our faith) of a man laying with a man, or woman with woman. Jesus states multiple times the necessity of not giving in to lust and to overcome such passions. For if we can't even overcome the desires of the flesh, how can we overcome the enemy of man? I'm not that person and I personally don't care about what people do in regards to sex, but self denial, especially in regards to our worldly human/bodily desires is a crucial lesson taught althroughout the new testament.

>> No.19043528

>There is more to a human life than the sin of sucking dick
Not according to the literal Word of God. You can't get around it, and if you try you'll just be making shit up. How do you cope with the fact that your religion's morality is dead in the minds of most Christians? Just look around you. Look at this society.

>> No.19043536
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Absolutely finna basedola.

>> No.19043541

>Greeks don't understand Jesus' divinity either, which doesn't surprise me
Maybe of them understood the claims and wrote passionately against it, only for their works to be burned and erased from the historical record.

>> No.19043549

Because political power.

>> No.19043557

I totally agree. But it is not up to us to condemn others. We all live in sin, and we are no in position to judge other sinners. Christ has taught us this over and over. You and me are no better than any homo.

You sound like a reactionary, not an authentic Christian. Nothing in this post makes actual sense. Back to /pol/ (or actually read the Gospels).

>> No.19043558

If they truly understood they'd have no issues with what was said, only those who are burning with hatred and destruction would see Jesus' teachings as wrong.

>> No.19043569

>But it is not up to us to condemn others
I agree to disagree. You have no idea what my relationship with Jesus Christ is or even entails.

>> No.19043584

But for the most part yes I agree, we are not to condemn others.

>> No.19043591

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." It's literally there, anon. English is not my native tongue but there is also that verse with the splinter and the big piece of wood in the eye. Christ clearly states: keep to yourself and your own sin, let God do the judging of others. Otherwise you will be like the Pharisees.

>> No.19043603

Yes I know, but we are called to be witnesses to Jesus Christ. And while yes, we are not to blindly accuse others, but if we see an injustice and don't speak up about it, it is a great sin on us for knowing that someone has been wronged and refusing to seek justice for the one who was wronged.

>> No.19043605

>We don't get saved from sin, we are told to avoid it like the plague.
The so-called difference here is negligible in regards to what he's saying; the effect is the same in either case. The person who believes in sin feels saved, as in experiences salvation, that comes from either having avoided sin altogether or repented. The belief in sin is what matters here, not whether it is committed or not.

>Faith can coexist with reason, knowledge and patient inquiry as well, in fact they go hand in hand.
Not where the belief in sin is concerned. When one believes in sin, faith becomes something at odds with reason, knowledge and patient inquiry.

> It's not a forbidden road either, it's explained clear as day in the Bible.
In the Bible, that road is depicted as the forbidden fruit:

>Has any one ever clearly understood the celebrated story at the beginning of the Bible—of God's mortal terror of science?... No one, in fact, has understood it. This priest-book par excellence opens, as is fitting, with the great inner difficulty of the priest: he faces only one great danger; ergo, "God" faces only one great danger.—[...] It was through woman that man learned to taste the tree of knowledge.—What happened? The old God was seized by mortal terror. Man himself had been his greatest blunder; he had created a rival to himself; science manes men godlike—it is all up with priests and gods when man becomes scientific!—Moral: science is the forbidden per se; it alone is forbidden. Science is the first of sins, the germ of all sins, the original sin. This is all there is of morality.—"Thou shall not know":—the rest follows from that.

>> No.19043620

No it's not. Being saved from sin implies a lack of responsibility for ones actions, while on the other hand, avoiding it like the plague implies one taking responsibility for their own actions.

sin is going against the natural order that God has intended for mankind to live in a higher level of existence. So you're wrong in your second statement too.

Everything that Adam brought into the world, Jesus Christ has fixed with His sacrifice. Your parroting arguments are weak when you understand what Jesus did.

>> No.19043622

>You sound like a reactionary, not an authentic Christian
I never claimed to be an authentic Christian. I have read the Gospels, though. The thing about Christianity however is the entire Bible is the word of God, who IS Jesus. Homos are damned. It's not really a difficult question. That being said, even heterosexuals who live in promiscuity will be damned, too. That's how it works. My issue is that most Christians hardly even believe in the morality of their own religion anymore.
>Christ clearly states: keep to yourself and your own sin
True, but we also can't allow deranged people to run amok in society. We can clearly see what happens when we do.

>> No.19043626

>claims to have a relationship with Jesus
>contradicts all his sayings

>> No.19043628

Jesus already knew there'd be people who claim the faith but don't adhere to it.

Matthew 15:8
“’These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.

Matthew 7:21
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

>> No.19043629

>Being saved from sin implies a lack of responsibility for ones actions, while on the other hand, avoiding it like the plague implies one taking responsibility for their own actions.
The feeling of salvation comes from the belief that there is sin and that one is free from it. That's what's being addressed.

>> No.19043641

Also to add to this: hatred is never from Christ, never. Any Christian who talks shit about this or that group lives in sin, period. Homosexuality is a HUGE sin, but we should ALWAYS treat these people with compassion and love, always. Christ literally prayed for those who tortured Him in ways unimaginable to the modern mind. His love is infinite. Of course, we should work to make sure no one is tempted by homosexuality. But those who are tempted deserve guidance, not scorn or condemnation. Are we not the same? Didn't we all jerk off to porn, look with lustful eyes at attractive women on the street? These sins are all equal. Lust is lust.

I'm glad we are on the same page, anon. LGBT ideology is cancer and needs to be eradicated, but individual homosexuals / transsexuals deserve nothing more than our love and patience. The Lord is with them even though they refuse Him, what more do they really need?

>> No.19043648

Yes, but personal responsibility is required to remain free from it.

>> No.19043655
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The homophobia of Leviticus is of American Judaizers. I literally was browsing on /cm/ wanking to traps and shotas right before I saw Christ with Alice.

>> No.19043659

>Jesus already knew there'd be people who claim the faith but don't adhere to it
Of course he did. Plenty of Christians who pay lip service to evil will be damned. Plenty of Christians who try to justify a watered-down religion to homos, pro-choicers, trannies, etc. WILL be damned. That's how it works, does it not? I just don't like dishonesty. Your religion is brutal and has no place in a hippy liberal society. You should embrace that.

>> No.19043661

Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

>first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

>first take the plank out of your own eye

>and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

Hmm, it's almost like He is saying don't accuse others of things you are guilty of yourself, but first seek purification before you go on and try to tell others of the errors in their ways. But what do I know?

>> No.19043676

please get off the internet and stop looking at porn you artistic weirdo

>> No.19043682

In theory, yes. It is the Lord that judges the hearts of everyone, and He will ultimately decide their fate. But in accordance to what is taught, yes that's basically the gist of it. It's not brutal at all, it's a Spiritual path that calls the strong in mind and heart. It's not for the weak.

>> No.19043686

This is some next level Poe's law shit, congrats Opie.

>> No.19043689

You believe out of reactionary impulses, not because your soul finds peace with it. Christ is gentle, not brutal. Please find your way back to Him. Christ is not an escape of liberal society. He wandered in a society much more degenerate than we live in. Submit yourself to him, do not add anything to His words.

>> No.19043698

There's anti-homosexuality being spoken of in the New Testament too. At it's core, homosexuality is lust. Anyone who can't control such things and give in to every whim that their body commands implies a weak Spirit and mind.

>> No.19043700

Faith is the opposite of personal responsibility. You are leaving the outcome up to something beyond yourself.

>> No.19043708

Nonsense. I have faith that Jesus Christ practiced what He preached, and having faith in Him means having faith in what He taught, and He taught the importance of taking full responsibility for your actions. We are in a position to tell our bodily impules "no", but very few want to. Very few want to deny their humanistic impulses because they're too weak to tell their bodies "no".

>> No.19043711

>Nietzsche is secretly a theist if you read enough

>> No.19043716

It isn't nonsense, you're just abusing words. "I am taking responsibility for my actions by having faith" is an abuse of words, for the word "faith" means, properly understood, "to leave it up to chance." One can't take responsibility by leaving things up to chance.

>> No.19043727

It's backwards, by having faith I acknowledge that sin is counterintuitive to the benefit and growth of my Spirit, and thus I have the personal responsibility to not give in to temptation and to go out of my way to avoid sinning, even if it means having to amputate yourself to prevent it from happening.

>> No.19043734

Oh my god these people are actually real.

>> No.19043739
File: 133 KB, 500x500, christian breeding sow xv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Hegel.

>> No.19043741


Hey christians if the book of mormon was fake, then why do we have historical proof of a huge group of followers of Joseph Smith who suddenly, out of nowhere, decided to travel all across the united states to talk about the same Guy? Something strange must have happened there, don't you think? Why were so many people prepared to give their lives to this new faith suddenly? Why were the americans so intimidated since the beginning of this so called "cult"...? Unless... there was a group of people who witnessed 'the impossible'...? upstate new york, and the entire country, was filled with these so-called 'apocalyptic preachers', 'zealots' are whatever nihilists call them... Why didn't they inspire the same passion, why didn't they have followers on such a large scale who were prepared to be tortured and murdered? ... Check mate, non-believers.

>> No.19043749

>He wandered in a society much more degenerate than we live in
1st century Judaea worshiped sodomy and the chemical castration of children? News to me.

>> No.19043753

The belief in sin is backwards, and it grants one the power to abuse words like you're doing. If you were to take responsibility you would not label actions as sinful or not, you would label them according to how you personally see them: good or bad. Instead, you have faith that certain actions are sinful or not; you leave it entirely up to chance, on a hunch, on the inner fear that if you do not believe in sin and act in accordance with this made-up principle you will end up punished and miserable.

>> No.19043761

To do so would imply that I'm in a position to judge my own actions, that's not for me to do but God when my time on earth is done. I don't have faith that certain actions are sinful or not, I can literally sense a change in perception when I indulge in sin and I can literally feel the consequences it has against my Spirit.

>> No.19043771

>1st century Judaea worshiped sodomy and the chemical castration of children? News to me.
Your brain on /pol/

>> No.19043779

>To do so would imply that I'm in a position to judge my own actions
Maybe you aren't, but some people are, and the first step towards becoming one of those people yourself is to stop being driven by fear. There is no reason or knowledge in your faith, only an irrational fear and the hope for salvation / reward that it has produced in you.

>> No.19043790

>travelling from the Levant to India 2000 years ago is the same as travelling from Salt Lake City to New York
Typical mutt

>> No.19043792

Anyone can judge my actions, but the only judgment that concerns me is that of the Lord Jesus Christ. I'm not driven by fear, that's a blind assumption on your end. I'm driven by a pursuit of truth, and the Lord Jesus Christ gave me a taste of what that entails. And I'm devoting my entire life to receiving that.
Maybe to you there's not reason or knowledge, but what does your opinion matter in the grand scheme of things? I'll answer that, nothing.

>> No.19043800

>o my god i cannot imagine people being religious while living in a time where atheism is literally just a fad invented 30 years ago

>> No.19043812

>we don't worship sodomy
>what are pride parades
>we don't chemically castrate children
>literally google
A Christian allying with a society that hates him and wants him dead rather than admit me, a non-Christian in his eyes, is right.

>> No.19043816

It's time for you to move to Kabul and join the victorious, the miraculous followers of the one God

>> No.19043823

The average person does not give a fuck about these things. It is you who is obsessed by it.

>> No.19043824

I just don't remember Christ ever talking about gay people and trannies all that much in the gospels

>> No.19043830

There's videos of pride parades of old men with their ass cheeks bare and some of them walking around with dildos shoved up their butt holes and I can't even begin to understand how people can justify this ludicrous behavior. What's worse is they go out of their way to justify their sexual deviancy to the public and try to defend themselves and saying that children should be allowed at pride parades. And people just blindly say yes to them. This world has truly gone mad.

>> No.19043847

Christians should care, that's the issue he is pointing out. You know something is wrong when the church is bending its back to the lgbqt+ mob

>> No.19043855

Jesus Christ is LORD of the Sabbath. That alone implies so much more than you think.

>> No.19043858

>The average person does not give a fuck about these things. It is you who is obsessed by it
Yeah? The average person is a fucking drooling retard, too.

>> No.19043862

>I'm driven by a pursuit of truth
More abuse of words. Truth and faith are opposites, for the reasons already explained.

>It appears, unless I have been incorrectly informed, that there prevails among Christians a sort of criterion of truth that is called "proof by power." "Faith makes blessed: therefore it is true."—It might be objected right here that blessedness is not demonstrated, it is merely promised: it hangs upon "faith" as a condition—one shall be blessed because one believes... But what of the thing that the priest promises to the believer, the wholly transcendental "beyond"—how is that to be demonstrated?—The "proof by power," thus assumed, is actually no more at bottom than a belief that the effects which faith promises will not fail to appear. In a formula: "I believe that faith makes for blessedness—therefore, it is true." ... But this is as far as we may go. This "therefore" would be absurdum itself as a criterion of truth.—But let us admit, for the sake of politeness, that blessedness by faith may be demonstrated (—not merely hoped for, and not merely promised by the suspicious lips of a priest): even so, could blessedness—in a technical term, pleasure—ever be a proof of truth? So little is this true that it is almost a proof against truth when sensations of pleasure influence the answer to the question "What is true?" or, at all events, it is enough to make that "truth" highly suspicious. The proof by "pleasure" is a proof of "pleasure"—nothing more; why in the world should it be assumed that true judgments give more pleasure than false ones, and that, in conformity to some pre-established harmony, they necessarily bring agreeable feelings in their train?—The experience of all disciplined and profound minds teaches the contrary. Man has had to fight for every atom of the truth, and has had to pay for it almost everything that the heart, that human love, that human trust cling to. Greatness of soul is needed for this business: the service of truth is the hardest of all services.—What, then, is the meaning of integrity in things intellectual? It means that a man must be severe with his own heart, that he must scorn "beautiful feelings," and that he makes every Yea and Nay a matter of conscience!—Faith makes blessed: therefore, it lies...
The Antichrist 50

>> No.19043881

Truth and faith go hand in hand when you know the Lord Jesus Christ. Save that text for those that don't know any better, because you're trying to convince someone that there is no truth in the Gospel to someone who has directly communicated with Jesus Christ.

>> No.19043892

Lord Jesus Christ is a lie. Of course truth and faith go hand in hand when you believe in a lie.

>> No.19043900

All of that the antichrist drivel you're quoting goes on the basis in accordance to one that doesn't understand the deeper aspects of the faith and could easily be used against your average Christian that doesn't understand their faith but these arguments are weak when presented to someone who understands their faith.

Says you, and you're free to believe that. But you clearly know nothing in these regards. So I'll just leave you alone now given that you have nothing of real value to say.

>> No.19043949

Please stop LARPing

>> No.19043955

How much simpler my life would be if I was LARPing. It's dangerous to be in direct relations with Jesus Christ, there's eyes and ears everywhere on this planet.

>> No.19043985
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>> No.19044002

>The fact that faith, under certain circumstances, may work for blessedness, but that this blessedness produced by an idee fixe by no means makes the idea itself true, and the fact that faith actually moves no mountains, but instead raises them up where there were none before: all this is made sufficiently clear by a walk through a lunatic asylum. Not, of course, to a priest: for his instincts prompt him to the lie that sickness is not sickness and lunatic asylums not lunatic asylums. Christianity finds sickness necessary, just as the Greek spirit had need of a superabundance of health—the actual ulterior purpose of the whole system of salvation of the church is to make people ill. And the church itself—doesn't it set up a Catholic lunatic asylum as the ultimate ideal?—The whole earth as a madhouse?—The sort of religious man that the church wants is a typical decadent; the moment at which a religious crisis dominates a people is always marked by epidemics of nervous disorder; the "inner world" of the religious man is so much like the "inner world" of the overstrung and exhausted that it is difficult to distinguish between them; the "highest" states of mind, held up before mankind by Christianity as of supreme worth, are actually epileptoid in form—the church has granted the name of holy only to lunatics or to gigantic frauds in majorem dei honorem... Once I ventured to designate the whole Christian system of training in penance and salvation (now best studied in England) as a method of producing a folie circulaire upon a soil already prepared for it, which is to say, a soil thoroughly unhealthy. Not every one may be a Christian: one is not "converted" to Christianity—one must first be sick enough for it... We others, who have the courage for health and likewise for contempt,—we may well despise a religion that teaches misunderstanding of the body! that refuses to rid itself of the superstition about the soul! that makes a "virtue" of insufficient nourishment! that combats health as a sort of enemy, devil, temptation! that persuades itself that it is possible to carry about a "perfect soul" in a cadaver of a body, and that, to this end, had to devise for itself a new concept of "perfection," a pale, sickly, idiotically ecstatic state of existence, so-called "holiness"—a holiness that is itself merely a series of symptoms of an impoverished, enervated and incurably disordered body!... The Christian movement, as a European movement, was from the start no more than a general uprising of all sorts of outcast and refuse elements (—who now, under cover of Christianity, aspire to power). It does not represent the decay of a race; it represents, on the contrary, a conglomeration of décadence products from all directions, crowding together and seeking one another out. It was not, as has been thought, the corruption of antiquity, of noble antiquity, which made Christianity possible ...
The Antichrist 51

>> No.19044018

>these arguments are weak when presented to someone who understands their faith.
>reason, knowledge and patient inquiry have no effect on my faith, which has nothing to do with these things
Thank you for further demonstrating my position.

>> No.19044021

Who are you talking about exactly? Christians or Nietzsche ideologues?

>> No.19044047

Now you're just going in a circular motion. You don't see it, so to you it doesn't exist. i don't mind that you feel that way, but you're wasting your time trying to convince me of the nonsense you're spewing. Please, if you have nothing new to respond with, just stop responding to me. I enjoy a good discussion but when it gets to that point of circular arguments, I get bored.

>> No.19044078

>You don't see it, so to you it doesn't exist.
Nietzsche really was spot on with that asylum metaphor, lmao.

>> No.19044084

The issue of free will is the issue of whether one man can be evil, why or why not? The answer is quite simple: all of us can be evil if we have a choice. Some men commit atrocities not because of their innate evil but rather because they had a choice not to. Some do, because they want to. This is a fact, if one can choose not to, then this means one has a free will.

It is our free will which causes us to fall into the abyss of hellfire and rage. God wishes to help men that wish to repent, but those who refuse the opportunity to repent, God then sends us to the fires of hell. If one does good and refuses the opportunity to do evil, then he will receive reward for that good deed.

>> No.19044087

And now you have devolved to personal attacks. Why do you feel the need to cause hostility between us? Either way, it's saddening to see that you felt the need to stoop so low. I'll leave you alone now, honestly this time. Good day.

>> No.19044092

>It is our free will which causes us to fall into the abyss of hellfire and rage. God wishes to help men that wish to repent, but those who refuse the opportunity to repent, God then sends us to the fires of hell. If one does good and refuses the opportunity to do evil, then he will receive reward for that good deed.
Amen and God bless you.

>> No.19044095

Man’s behavior is not what makes him good, but rather it is his understanding of what is good. This understanding comes from God.

>> No.19044109

>And now you have devolved to personal attacks.
As if ad hominem is required here in any capacity. You exposed yourself for being no different from a genuine schizophrenic with that comment.

>> No.19044113

If that's how you wish to perceive me, I'll let you know right now I hold nothing against you. Good day, my friend.

>> No.19044121

>can't defend himself
>can't actually argue any points
>just acts smug and walks away feeling superior
It's always the same with your type. Nietzsche really had your number.

>> No.19044129

When I said you don't see it, so it doesn't exist, I wasn't speaking from a literal standpoint. It was in regards to the metaphorical aspects of the faith. But I'm sure you knew that already.

>> No.19044145
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>But I'm sure you knew that already.

>> No.19044188

>Can't be explained without making you sound like a psychopath

The issue is that the will to power can't be understood in itself. It only makes sense within the thought-system's internal logic. It sounds psychopathic until you are nested in his ideas of sublimation, the fact that we are talking about organisms who don't just survive, they strive to self-furtherance, and the reason for his philosophy being a sort of answer to the question "what is to be done when the music stops".

>> No.19044189

>Christianity makes you...
>"le raycist"
>If somebody disagree with me cite verse from "LE BIBLE!"

These aren't practices made by proper Christians, Bait-lord Anon.


>> No.19044205

>This understanding comes from your local priest, be sure to donate to his church on Sunday.

>> No.19044261

>These aren't practices made by proper Christians, Bait-lord Anon
Proper Christians? You mean the prim and proper guys who sit back while homos take over society and trannies are brainwashing their kids because wrath is a heckin sin?

>> No.19044338
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>It's a critical standpoint, I'm not taking the claims in it at face value. I don't see anything wrong with that. It's a little worrying to me when going out of your way to question things is disapproved of, it makes me suspicious.

You have the right to apply a hermeneutic of suspicion, but it's not going to get you anywhere, and you're missing the much deeper meaning and significance by doing so. But with that said, you are of course free to do so. Sometimes only God can answer, or somehow arrange a satisfactory answer, to your questions. I would suggest you pray, for an answer that makes sense to you, and satisfies your points of critical inquiry. But do pray in good faith, if you are going to pray. Sometimes interesting things happen, pic related.

>> No.19044448

Check em

>> No.19044474
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Reminder no matter what, no matter if you can't detect God the Father, if you can't relate to God the Son, if through humble Hegel's work you detect the Holy Spirit, then God the Holy Spirit and thus all three persons of the Trinity are with you by extension.