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19040279 No.19040279 [Reply] [Original]

Give me the truth and nothing else, /lit/: i'm almost 27 and i'm still a midwit with very little reading done and near 0 understanding of philosophy. Is it over for me, or can i still make it?

>> No.19040284

Quit browsing /lit/ and start browsing wikipedia.

>> No.19040291
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just fap

>> No.19040371
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>> No.19040381

What do the colored lines mean?

>> No.19040391

*lines of color

>> No.19040402
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>> No.19040423


>> No.19040424

>Doesn't include the Anabasis

Why even post this

>> No.19040434

>i'm almost 27
>0 understanding of philosophy
This is an *incredibly* good thing—do NOT ruin your streak now. I highly advise you to instead invest your time into literature, poetry, history and science.

>> No.19040535

But all these are always full of philosophical bits and heaviky influenced by philosophy.

>> No.19040604

don't listen to this idiot. all of those things are good to read, including philosophy. just don't filter yourself by reading too much heavy philosophy all at once.
you can start reading and learning at any time OP, it's not too late.

>> No.19040621

Anon you are blessed
Just enjoy your ignorance

>> No.19040643

Philosophy is just a type of literature/mythology. May as well just read the source material.

>> No.19040658

Listen to this man, for he is wise beyond all our years. Philosophy is the coldest and most disenchanting of all the sciences, it only damages the soul.

>> No.19040665

I think its the perfect age to start reading more difficult stuff. (you could even postpone it for 2-3 years) Your mind is more mature by now and you'll get it easier.

>> No.19040759

>Philosophy is the coldest and most disenchanting of all the sciences,

>> No.19040772

Philosophy is the source material you failure as a pot smoker

>> No.19040775

Hamlet, Act 1, Sc 5

>> No.19040786

>story telling and myth were born out of philosophy
Not even Plato thought this, retard.

>> No.19040789


>> No.19040796

Wisdom isn't exactly a young person thing, believe it or not.

>> No.19040801

No you Mingus. Story telling and myth are philosophy. Why do you think people who dig Phil are so into Greek tragedy?

>> No.19040843
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>"story telling is philosophy"
>pic rel is philosophy according to les philosophes
This is why you don't do philosophy, kids—it makes you lose grip on quotidian reality and turns you into a retard.

>> No.19040848

This man is speaking Truth.

>> No.19040967

You have to try to find out. Whether it is over for you, or whether can you still make it, I have no fucking clue.

Stop wasting your time seeking validation and start reading

>> No.19040988

Yes! There's so much in there it's crazy!

>> No.19041508

Philosophy is pointless by definition. The moment is becomes applicable to real world it becomes science and ceases being philosophy.

>> No.19041536

Ok I'll be back soon lads

>> No.19041543

Make what?

>> No.19041577

Start with first year college textbook, or if that's too much at first, try an Oxford "Short Introduction To". This is usually good advice for almost any academic subject.

>> No.19041593


>> No.19041613

start with Copleston's History of Philosophy Vol. 1, then you can jump up to Descartes and then to Spinoza (end here)

>> No.19041621

Chasing a vague idea of success will get you nowhere

>> No.19041628

>Philosophy is pointless by definition.
Au contraire, it contains all kinds of points.

>The moment is becomes applicable to real world it becomes science and ceases being philosophy.
Do theoretical physics departments know this? Just what does define the scientific method, anyway?

>> No.19042282

Because you totally need a book to tell you what to think, right? Reading philosophy is for retards.

>> No.19042351

Is mythology by Edith Hamilton worth reading?

>> No.19042414

what kind of retard...?

>> No.19042417

what would you have achieved if you had read philosophy lol

>> No.19043883


>> No.19043928

Definitely not too late for you but you do need to start reading now.

>> No.19043971
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the entire western philosophical canon unironically basically culminated with pic related

>> No.19044048

Do not ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive. Greatness comes from honesty and humility.

You are a composite of all that came before you, and they are all forgotten. Remember that eventually you will be nothing, and be forgotten, and that this shit here won’t last past the rapture.

>> No.19045790


>> No.19045834

Find a truth that is true for you

>> No.19045853

yeah sure anon you can make it in as far as anyone can make it which is to say they can't

>> No.19046708
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>> No.19046736

Philosophy is useless. Billions of people are able to get by without reading it.
What percentage of the population do you think has a good grasp of philosophy? 2%? And they are academian parasites who don't do real work.

>> No.19046762

Yes, it's not terribly long either.

>> No.19046792

What a bizzare take, like many others in this thread.
Surely philosophy is useful to some, despite no being useful to most?
And although you say that billions get by without it (which seems strange as there are billions of those with religious faith, a certain flavour of philosophy), does the massive increase in mental illness not seem to be an indicator of something contrary?

>> No.19046945

Unfortunately you got BTFO anon, philosophy is a midwit trap
When somebody asks "What's 2+2" and your answer is "Define 2" or "Define plus" you may make some philosophical point about the nature of knowledge but you contribute nothing to the actual topic at hand
This is the essence of philosophy

>> No.19046983

I consider philosophy to be more impactful and generally more important from most for the development of the soul, rather than metaphysical/epistemological questions that you're giving there.
Modern philosophy has all but abandoned the cultivation of the virtues, a stark contrast from earlier philosophers.
Classical foundationalism was a mistake.