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19039814 No.19039814 [Reply] [Original]

Just ordered all of his books, what am i in for?

>> No.19039829

i'm surprised he's capable of writing

>> No.19039839

Why do you buy books without knowing what you're in for? Are you retarded or what?

>> No.19039843

Schizo writings

>> No.19039901


While we may believe
Our world - our reality
To be that is - is but one
Manifestation of the essence

Other planets lie beyond the reach
Of normal sense and common roads
But they are no less real
Than what we see or touch or feel

Denied by the blind church
'Cause these are not the words of God
The same God that burnt the knowing

>> No.19039927

>caveman metaphysics
this dude is unironically a couple of centuries behind Plato

>> No.19039934

who cares lmao

>> No.19039940

He's indirectly referencing Hyperuranion though

>> No.19039941

Just sounds like neoplatonism or hindu metaphysical beliefs

>> No.19040547

he's pretty cringe

>> No.19040568

I miss his comfy vids talking with a soothing voice while driving his jeep through the French forest.

>> No.19040575

i ain't no killer but don't push me

>> No.19040587


not much, him just repeating his wife's beliefs about how mythology is actually just about pregnancy and such

>> No.19040675

at 16 years old

>> No.19040702

He's kind of a nazi, so I guess that you'll get some of that.

>> No.19041572


>> No.19041699

Revenge is like the sweetest joy
Next to getting pussy

>> No.19041782
File: 72 KB, 361x901, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19041791

>In one stunning feat, she manages to equal 100 years to 9 months
Fucking lol

>> No.19042314

kek this reviewer is funny

>> No.19042339

Rambling nonsense and horrible scholarship. Varg tries to make everything fit into his 'Thulean' worldview, and it's really cringe at points.

>> No.19042344

> 0,14592653589793
Did the reviewer mess this up, or was it her?

>> No.19042348

I have his book Sorcery And Religion In Ancient Scandinavia. In his intro, he effectively says "if you disagree with anything I say, just trust that I am right."

I'm not a big fan of books that start with "trust me brooo"

>> No.19042371

someone post the video of him irately yelling at a farmer’s field

>> No.19042374

Then you might enjoy this

>> No.19042557

thanks, I appreciate it.

>> No.19042813


>> No.19042952

>Crappy """music"""

>> No.19043352

distilled autism