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19039804 No.19039804[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If studying buddhism and practicing meditation can make you a buddha like Sakyamunī, why hasnt any buddha appeared since him?

>> No.19039857

>why hasnt any buddha appeared since him?
Not all buddhas preach after reaching enlightenment, most die anonymously in forests and caves.

>> No.19039864

so there's been exactly one buddha that preached enlightenment in recorded history?

>> No.19039880

he was a bit of an attention whore but the others knew that someone had to take the bullet

>> No.19039906

There have been countless Buddhas since Sakyamuni Buddha. Just off the top of my head, I can name several that are alive today just off the top of my head: His Holiness the Dalai Lama, His Holiness the Karmapa, His Holiness the Sakya Trizin, and more.

>> No.19039909

>Just off the top of my head, I can name several that are alive today just off the top of my head: His Holiness the Dalai Lama, His Holiness the Karmapa, His Holiness the Sakya Trizin, and more.
*I can name several that are alive today just off the top of my head: His Holiness the Dalai Lama, His Holiness the Karmapa, His Holiness the Sakya Trizin, and more.

>> No.19039921

Wait a minute how can the Dalai Lama reincarnate if he's a buddha?

>> No.19039929

Yes, all of the Dalai Lamas are the reincarnation of the first Dalai Lama, who was an emanation of the Buddha Avalokiteshvara. Before he dies, he informs several disciples where to find his next incarnation. A year or two after his death, they go where he told them to and test all of the children by having them identify people the former Dalai Lama knew and objects the former Dalai Lama owned.

>> No.19039938

I just reread your question and you asked how not if. Because if you take the Bodhisattva vows, you will continue to reincarnate until Samsara is empty. On top of that, he probably controls where he reincarnates through the use of phowa, a yogic practice that allows you to eject your consciousness at the moment of death through the pineal gland and direct where you want it to go.

>> No.19039939

Doesnt becoming a buddha imply you wont return? This seemed to be Sakyamuni's situation, is he special in this way?

>> No.19039948

That's an arhat you're thinking of; they attain enlightenment for themselves and cease to reincarnate when they do so. A Buddha is someone who attains enlightenment for the good of all sentient beings and vows to continually reincarnate until Samsara is empty. And Sakyamuni Buddha did reincarnate. He reincarnated as Guru Rinpoche, who brought Buddhism to Tibet.

>> No.19039958

How does this square with the idea of Parinirvana?
In Buddhism, parinirvana (Sanskrit: parinirvāṇa; Pali: parinibbāna) is commonly used to refer to nirvana-after-death, which occurs upon the death of someone who has attained nirvana during his or her lifetime. It implies a release from the Saṃsāra, karma and rebirth as well as the dissolution of the skandhas.

It seems to me that buddha achieved this and thus is free from rebirth.
Are you saying that while he's free from rebirth he's also free to reincarnate to help other beings reach enlightenment?

>> No.19039965

>they attain enlightenment for themselves
isn't that a selfish desire? wouldn't that block enlightenment?

>> No.19039977

Yes, a Buddha vows to postpone Nirvana until all sentient beings have attained enlightenment. This is done simply through the taking of Bodhisattva vows for most people. If you take these vows, you will continue to reincarnate even once you have attained enlightenment. How often and where a Buddha reincarnated varies. The Dalai Lama always reincarnates in this world as soon as he dies; other Buddhas may reincarnate elsewhere and/or only when they are needed. For example, Amitabha Buddha reincarnated in a pureland after he died and promised that everyone who had faith in him and chanted his name would also reincarnate there, where they would be taught by him directly. Another example is when the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism was suppressing the other schools nearly to the point of extinction, several Buddhas reincarnated and became scholars that preserved the teachings of these schools.

>> No.19039980

That is the Mahayana point of view, yes. Theravadins would say otherwise.

>> No.19039982

This sounds interesting, thanks for the information

>> No.19039986

So which one is true? How does the Buddhist know which school to follow?

>> No.19039991

>And Sakyamuni Buddha did reincarnate. He reincarnated as Guru Rinpoche, who brought Buddhism to Tibet.
"In modern Tibetan Buddhism, Padmasambhava is considered to be a Buddha that was foretold by Buddha Shakyamuni.[2]"

>> No.19039998

Most Buddhists follows whatever school they're born into. Different countries are home to different schools. Converts would decide which they believe to be the best school for them. It is similar to how Christians decide whether they're Catholic or Protestant.

>> No.19040007

It's curious, to me at least, that Tibet requires 'the guy' to be a rebirth of another guy, while China and Japan generally go with him being a lineage holder whose chain goes back to Buddha. I wouldn't get hung up on this though since there are more important factors in assessing the quality of a teaching than its nominal pedigree.

>> No.19040009

>Buddha Shakyamuni actually predicted Guru Padmasambhava’s appearance. Nineteen different sutras and tantras contain clear predictions of his arrival and activities. In the Mahaparinirvana Sutra, Buddha Shakyamuni announced his own mahaparinirvana to the students who were with him at the time. Many of them, particularly Ananda, the Buddha’s cousin and personal attendant, were quite upset upon hearing this, so the Buddha turned to Ananda and told him not to worry.
>“Eight years after my mahaparinirvana, a remarkable being with the name Padmasambhava will appear in the center of a lotus and reveal the highest teaching concerning the ultimate state of the true nature, bringing great benefit to all sentient beings.” Buddha Shakyamuni said that Padmasambhava would be even more enlightened than himself. Of course, Buddha Shakyamuni was fully enlightened and there is no higher realization, but by the Buddha’s manner of expression, we can begin to understand the importance of Guru Padmasambhava. Some accounts hold that Guru Rinpoche is a direct reincarnation of Buddha Shakyamuni. Buddha Shakyamuni also said Padmasambhava would be an emanation of Buddha Amitabha and Avalokiteshvara, and referred to him as the “embodiment of all the buddhas of the three times.” Many prophecies indicate that Guru Rinpoche would be a fully enlightened buddha, appearing in this world to help sentient beings.
Whether Guru Rinpoche was merely foretold by Sakyamuni Buddha or whether he was also a reincarnation is a point of contention, but many Tibetan Buddhists believe him to be a reincarnation.

>> No.19040353

Whoever attains enlightenment through the Buddha-Dharma becomes an Arhat. A layman can also become an Arhat, but he will not live in this state for a long time, or he will become a monk, or he will die, however, it should not matter to him anymore. If there is no Buddha-Dharma, in the sense that there is not even a memory of this, then the enlightened one becomes a pratyeka-Buddha, that is, he himself awakens, but does not preach. The Buddha who proclaims the Dharma turns the wheel of teaching - appears very rarely, there must be suitable conditions in the world. The past was Kashyapa, now Shakyamuni, the next will be Maitreya, who has already prepared in the world of Tushita for rebirth on Earth. But in our time, countless billions of years may pass.
So you just have to learn the terminology.

>> No.19040359
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Because it takes an incredibly long time to become a Buddha, the time since the Buddha's passing is a blink of an eye in Buddhist cosmology

>> No.19040364
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>You called?

>> No.19040376

No, there are many Buddhas. There were even Buddhas before Sakyamuni.

>> No.19040404

>Annihilating the treachery of the United States and Britain and establishing the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere is the only way to save the one billion people of Asia so that they can, with peace of mind, proceed on their respective paths. Furthermore, it is only natural that this will contribute to the construction of a new world order, exorcising evil spirits from the world and leading to the realization of eternal peace and happiness for all humanity. I believe this is truly the critically important mission to be accomplished by our great Japanese empire.
In fact, it must be said that in accomplishing this very important national mission the most important and fundamental factor is the power of spiritual culture.

>> No.19040416

There's nothing distinctly Buddhist in that quote.

>> No.19040442

There is, in the sense that it presupposes the rectitude of Buddhism, the falsehood of all other faiths, and the necessity of combating them resolutely.

>> No.19040534

So are there many buddhas or is it a very rare thing, I'm getting conflicting messages here

>> No.19040550

No, there isn't. It's literally just a word for word transposition of the contemporary political anti-semitism in Europe at that time, given by someone clearly just promoting the state ideology of imperial Japan.

>> No.19040668

I don't think he is just promoting the state ideology of the time, and I don't think that there is any contradiction between Buddhism, anti-Semitism, and empire.

>> No.19040680

You'd have to argue that yourself since in that quote he is just saying "x are the enemies of the Japanese empire for reasons copied from Germany"

>> No.19040704

That's not what he's saying. I'd need to see the full quote, anyway.

>> No.19040725

>some dude warmongering for Japan in the 40s' using German rhetoric isn't warmongering for Japan in the 40s' using German rhetoric
Ah you're just dense. Carry on then. Perhaps your next rebirth shall bring you closer to understanding.

>> No.19040737

There are many Buddhas

>> No.19040744

not him but i guess it depends on what school of thought you subscribe to and how you define a buddha whether its your average joe taking the robe and achieving the status of arahant or an actual world teacher with much greater wisdom that comes by once in a long while, i read somewhere that there have only been a dozen or so of these buddhas in the entirety of samsara, which is considerable since buddhists believe the first buddha lived several quadrillion/quintillion years ago or what they describe as 'innumerable' aeons ago.

>> No.19040752

I would not call the idea that Asia needs to be liberated from European rule mere "warmongering." There are good reasons for a Buddhist to support this.

>> No.19040830

You can't read. That's not what the quote says. The quote is a direct copy of German wartime rhetoric. It has no relation to Buddhism or Buddhist concepts. An argument could be made and entertained using those instead and he probably has at some point or other. But it is not in the quote provided. He is just literally reblogging Hitler.

>> No.19040867

It is not simply a copy of German wartime rhetoric, and you have to take the quote in context. I looked him up and found another quote and posted it >>19040404
The "great upheavals of today" in 1943 can only refer to the "Greater East Asian War," at least in his context.
And in any case, what are we to make of such phrases as "the phenomenal world?" Where is the discussion of "Judeo-Bolshevism?" Japanese anti-Semitism has roots going back to interactions between Japanese troops and White Russians during the occupation of Siberia from 1917-1922, not Nazism.

>> No.19041000

>statements by subjugated clerics during the war
About as valid as a forced confession

>> No.19041145

They were not subjugated. They did what they did voluntarily. Do not kid yourself.

>> No.19041156


>> No.19041718

all buddhists schools say there are multiple buddhas the mahayana go in detail about this

>> No.19041811

Ok so now you are arguing about a second quote but writing in response to my comment about the original one. Neat. Yes your second quote has some buddhist references towards the end but is front-loaded with Japanese imperialism and the very short-lived theory of pan-Asianism under Japanese paternalism. This is a distinct message from the previous quote, which is note for note western anti-semitism. I was not aware of White Russian influences on Japan, but I suppose you also know emigres of that faction also went to Germany after losing the revolution. But in any case, the political link is far stronger between Nazi Germany and imperial Japan than either has with White Russian emigres, and these emigres merely added to western anti-semitism, they did not invent it, and Japanese proclamations of anti-semitism are obviously in alignment with their German ally and not based on some profound Buddhist rumination on the matter. The Germans were already calling them demons.

>> No.19043409

>can make you a buddha
can make you an arahant, not a buddha, arahants don't preach of establish schools
only in mahayana tradition the idea of becoming a buddha is accepted, andin mahayana tradiiton there's tons of buddha thru the history of the shanga, padmasambava, milarepa etc

>> No.19043416

mahayana buddha keep reincarnating inorder to free all sentient beings form suffering

>> No.19043428

mahayana buddhas don't care or want paranibbana

>> No.19043561

it doesn't

here is the chronology of eastern teachings

The Jews of the East are called Brahmins and they are saying that to please blue gods, the Jews, I mean the Brahmins , have to kill horses and cut very special woods in order to burn it and dance around the fire while chanting ''''''''''sacred'''''''''''' sentences called mantras. Brahmins live off the royal families and have a comfy life, spending their day doing rituals mandated by the king, because the local jew, i mean Brahmin told him that the gods were somehow not pleased with him...
At this point karma rebirth and meditation are not in the Vedas and do not matter. The only way to live the holy life is to be a born a Brahmins and do ritual by dancing around a fire and killing some animals once in a while.

Buddhism and so on
Then Buddhism, Jainism and some materialist gurus came along and said the Vedas and Brahmins are full of shit. Sainthood is not hereditary for instance. Buddhists introduce karma, aggregates are not self, and very precise meditation and their only goal is to ''end suffering''. They do not give a shit about politics. The Jews get super triggered and write the Upanishads as a counter attack.

From now on, in the Upanishads it's wrong to kill animals to please the gods and they say any past killing was ''''''''''''symbolic''''''''''''.
They say that sainthood is not hereditary and instead Brahmins should meditate once in a while. They do not say what meditation is since they don't even know themselves. They just heard the word from the buddhists and jains, so they just mention the word and cross their fingers their audience will move past that.
THe Upanishads is a half-assed work.

>> No.19043568

Buddhism dies
Buddha died a long time ago already and buddhism with him. The Brahmins are still seething at the buddha and start to kill whatever remains of buddhism from the inside by making up new teaching like Mahayana inside the buddhist monasteries. There is barely any filter at the entrance to become a buddhist monk, so everybody charismatic could join and change the daily rules and the teachings.
The ''''buddhist'''''' bramins create new '''buddhist'''' sutras for the first time written in perfect sankrit [the language exclusive to the brhamins] in the exact same prose as the brahminical texts, but they say that those sutras are totally the Budhdas teaching '''dude just trust me lmao'''.
Now in buddhism there is a '''''primordial mind'''' which '''encompasses everything'''' and it's the ''''''''''''true self''''''''''''. Doing ''''''''rituals''''''''' makes good karma and anybody can be enlightened just by saying ''''''''''mantras''''''''''.

Some Brahmin tard called Patanjali decided also to write a manual on meditation. Since Brahmins made that shit up in a rush in the Upanishads ,, they can't pad their manual with custom teachings, so they copy word for word the buddhist manual. But this time they call it ''''''''''yoga'''''''''''''''and they use ''''''''''''''the breath'''''''''''' in order to ''''''''''''''reach Brahman'''''''''''''''.
In the middle ages, a Poo called Shankaracharya was still striggered by buddhism from 1000 years go so he tried to rebute it by saing '' lol buddha did not use sanskrit so what he says is wrong lol''. To this day, the POos still use this turd to ''''''''''''rebute'''''''''' buddhism and sometimes jainism.

Buddhism has been dead for several centuries and what is left is various Brahminsical-buddhist intellectuals struggling to differentiate Vajrayana, Mahayana and Hinduism, saying each one is better and different from the others. They make up lots of contrived mental gymnastics, but since they all reject the buddhist claim that ''things don't have any essence'', their teachings get more and more confusing and more and more the same. At this point in buddhism, buddha is literally the essence of the universe and to get enlightened you have to do some rituals on the order of the newly introduced concept of the local Vajrayana guru [the buddhist equivalent of a brahmin] while saying some mantras. Buddhist fucking love mantras at this point.

Nowadays, the situation is the same with:
- buddhism still dead
- hindus still seethe IRL and online at buddhism and jainism, even though there is like 0% buddhists and only 1% jains in India right now lol
-hinduism-mahayana-vajrayana still desperate to say they are different yet still saying the exact same things and still contradicting buddhism like >>19043416

>> No.19043577


- now lay people try to do meditation, but they either do the non-buddhist meditation like all the zen ''do nothing'' crap, all the mahyana worship crap, or do the the meditation from buddhist commentaries also written centuries after the death of the buddha.

>> No.19043668
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>waaah don't do stuff that wasn't in the Buddhist bible, I uhhh mean the Pali Canon
Get rekt hyperprotestant, I'm going to read the Lankavatara Sutra and you can't stop me.

>> No.19044628

Okay but what was Buddha's method of meditation then?

>> No.19044867

Wait, if souls aren't real what exactly is reincarnating? Ego?

>> No.19044949

Indra be praised the Vedas still keep triggering Mlechhas. Shankaracharya (PBUH) look at how they seethe, when you tried to free them.

>> No.19046120

Ask me how I know you're not white

>> No.19046185
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>Ask me how I know you're not white

>> No.19046556

Tibetans aren't real buddhist, they are a shill

In the way I see it there have been multiple Buddhas and there might be some even now, they just don't know they are.
I see Nirvana as the completion of self (as Jung sees the meaning of life), you can become Buddha simply by walking the path of your life and applying the lessons you have learned in the right way, the appearance of a Buddha isn't loud.
You walk the middle path.

>> No.19046678

Everybody has Buddha nature, so everybody is Buddha in some respect. Wether Buddhahood is actually experienced or realized is a different matter.

Officially Sakyamuni is the latest Buddha to come along but there were innumerable Buddhas before him and there will be innumerable in the future. Oh and the Dalai Lama is not a Buddha, he is regarded as a bodhisattva bu the Tibetans which is a bit different.

>> No.19046821

Mahayana are literally the mormons of buddhism

>> No.19047169
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>he wasn't invited to the meeting of the seventy quadrillion bodhisattvas on the astral plane when Maitreya expounded the Just B.E. Yourself Sutra

>> No.19047519

>tibetans aren't buddhists

>goes on to make up shit about buddhism not found in any tradition

>> No.19047557

What are you talking about? There are about seven billion Buddhas on Earth right now

>> No.19047594
File: 105 KB, 513x732, ED8B421C-AFEE-4D6C-BEC0-D06AAFC90F34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re just jealous you don’t get to coom your way to enlightenment in a single lifetime

>> No.19048002

A buddha has not to reveal himself to anybody. The path of becoming enlightened needs community work since dhamma increase is necessary to regulate karma, but because nirvana means getting out of the wheel of samara, once it is achieved, it is a solitary experience. Remember that according to buddhism the empirical world is an illusion.

>> No.19049574

they were tons of buddhas after shakyamuni