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/lit/ - Literature

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19039728 No.19039728[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Son of a Wealthy family
>Grew up speaking Spanish and French before ever learning English
>Educated in three different countries
>Graduated from Yale
>Served his country during World War II
>Worked for the CIA
>Authored more than Fifty Books
>Founded the National Review
>Founded Firing Line, a Conservative Discussion show and kept it going for 33 Years in Liberal America
>Made Libs seethe
>Had sex
>Was sought after by Presidents for his advice

Name me a bigger Chad

>> No.19039733
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Gore Vidal

>> No.19039736

Buckley Gored Vidal

>> No.19039741

Love Buckley

>> No.19039753

cringe,he only had 1 offspring

>> No.19039759

He was too dogmatic. He was extraordinarily parochial...which is to be expected of these praetorian types.

>> No.19039770
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>son of a carpenter
>as far as we know, only spoke Aramaic
>probably had no formal education
>never fought with anyone
>worked as a carpenter
>authored no books
>founded the Christian church
>was according to some sources exactly 6ft, but in all likelihood was smaller, as the average male height at the time was 5'5"
>made the Pharisees seethe
>did not have sex
>was persecuted by the state and eventually condemned to death

>> No.19039774

Buckley was a sad closeted man who hid behind religion and married a manly-looking woman as a way to cope. Vidal, on the other hand, was a based guy who did what he really wanted to do with his life, and also managed to be a very successful novelist, something Buckley tried to, but failed miserably.

>> No.19039775

You forgot one thing:
>fictional character

>> No.19039785
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Vidal wasn't a very successful novelist and Harold Bloom in "The Western Canon" said Vidal told him that his success was suppressed by the establishment because he was a fag.

>> No.19039794

Vidal is unfortunately forgotten today but back in his day, he was one of the best American writers around.

>> No.19039802

>one of the best American writers around
not really a high bar

>> No.19039809
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i dont get these pro buckly posts i see every now and then on lit, i have to imagine its one freak making them over and over again. I dont see how you can see that neocon fuck face and closeted homo as anything but pathethic, with the rise of the alt right, his type of conservatism is over

>> No.19039812

>his type of conservatism is over

Classical Liberals still exist in both parties.

>> No.19039925
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>insults your favorite writer
>refuses to elaborate

>> No.19039928

>as far as we know, only spoke Aramaic
kek, outstanding "knowledge"

>> No.19039933


>> No.19039936

Literally who

>> No.19039945

>tryhard glowie pseud who faked his accent to seem more high-class than he actually was

What is wrong with WASPs. Please idolize someone normal

>> No.19039957

Look at this Ben Shapiro-tier self-insert shit:
>Buckley presents a thrilling spy novel as he introduces Blackforf Oakes for the first time in "Saving the Queen."
>Young Blackford Oakes, the handsome, debonaire, and audacious Yale graduate and ex-fighter pilot, is selected to penetrate the royal circle, win the Queen's confidence, and plug the leak. The action leads to an explosive showdown in the skies over London, one that could determine the future of the West.

>> No.19039994

lmao this can't be fucking real

>> No.19040036

>closeted homo
Where does this closeted homo business come from? Is there a substantial basis for the charge? /lit/ is the first place i've ever heard such a thing.

>> No.19040099

>lace curtain Irish striver
>pathetic suck up (even to jews ffs)
>gay liberal children
>recants all positions before death (except the warmongering)
It’s not hard. Btw you will never be an American, Ellis island trash

>> No.19040104

Gore is banned on blue boards. Begone ogre

>> No.19040112

>>recants all positions before death
What are you talking about?

>>gay liberal children
Christopher Buckley? Lib, yes. Not gay that I've heard. He is a successful novelist.

>> No.19040125
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real men always know that civil rights act was a mistake, and don’t recant just cause they a drink sodden low IQ paddy.

>> No.19040133

He wasn't a wasp, miguel

>> No.19040136

>Son of a Wealthy family
>Grew up speaking Spanish and French before ever learning English
>Educated in three different countries
>Graduated from Yale
So, a person that had no idea of what the life of the vast majority in his country was like became a proud conservative? What a surprise

>> No.19040137

gtfo jew

>> No.19040144

None of those things give me any respect for him. If anything, they make me like him less. A drifter who does manual labor would be more respectable than some snob spook whose "success" was determined before he was even born.

>> No.19040172


>> No.19040216

Cool it with the homophobia

>> No.19040298
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I don't think a single person did more damage to American conservatism than Huxley, not even Ronald Reagan and that's saying something.

>> No.19040311

>It's real
Oh no no no no

>> No.19040407

that just sounds like YA trash. why is this "man" relevant?

>> No.19040417

>Ben Shapiro-tier self-insert
Does Ben do that? Aren't this protagonists all tall strong veterans that possess all the traits and life experience he wish he had?

>> No.19040461

Stop associating pedos and gays

>> No.19040720

he had a cool accent

that's literally it

>> No.19041035

>purge the birchers for opposing the vietnam war
>purge russell kirk for noticing neocons seem more concerned with israel than the us
>purge john o'sullivan for being actually based and seeing what issues would be relevant to the american right in the 21st century
>replace them with a bunch of rootless cosmopolitans and rich lowry
i don't hate buckley. he wasn't a villain in my mind, although his legacy is disaster and wanting to copy his example is folly. he made bad call after bad call - embracing goldwater (when an ed scranton nomination would've stanched the gop wipeout and prevented the worst excesses of the 89th congress) or nixon (when reagan could have had a shot in '68), never holding reagan's feet to the fire domestically once he got in office, totally failing to see how the end of the cold war demanded a new ideological configuration of the republican coalition. he wasn't terribly smart.
buckley was never a classical liberal at any point, although one can be forgiven for missing this this since the only ones who take up his mantle today are.

>> No.19041194

>Classical Liberals
he feigned classical liberalism for optics

>> No.19041214

Fuck the birchers, Kirk was a luddite weirdo who didn't drive cars, O'Sullivan works at National Review to this day.

Nixon was based and Reagan wasn't ready in 1968.

>> No.19041427

shaddup schizo, he was realer than your imaginary gf

>> No.19041466

>Fuck the birchers
no, fuck the anti-birchers and their opportunistic rewriting of history. they were the ones who correctly saw that communists at home were a far greater threat than the viet cong could ever be while buckley and friends were wanting to nuke china.
>O'Sullivan works at National Review to this day.
they keep him on the masthead and let him publish on the web. i fault no one for not knowing the inside baseball of the 1990s conservative movement, but claiming that o'sullivan wasn't purged is ignorant.
>Nixon was based
sabotaging your own administration and getting nothing accomplished other than buddying up with chairman mao to own the libs
>Reagan wasn't ready in 1968
he was the only competition nixon feared

>> No.19041671

Watch "Best of Enemies", a documentary about him and Vidal. Some of his close acquaintances basically imply he was closeted.

>> No.19041841

>while buckley and friends were wanting to nuke china

>> No.19041878
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>>Silver-spoon trust fund kiddie (6’3)
>>Grew up speaking Spanish and French before ever learning English, legend has it.
>>Educated in three different countries (kept getting kicked out) Graduated (bravo)
>>Served behind a desk during World War II
>>Worked for the CIA just like Salinger the pedophile
>>Authored more than fifty drab Books
>>Founded a snobby magazine old men subscribed to
>>Hosted a tv show on the taxpayers dime
>>Made Libs seethe (was a liberal himself)
>>Had sex with a woman AND MEN
>>Was sought after by crooked politicians for his advice

> Name me a bigger Chad
Gore Vidal

>> No.19041890

Buckley gored his pool boy
Vidal wouldn’t touch that man.

Speaking of liberals.

>> No.19041906

I imagine he probably spoke Greek, Latin, and Hebrew as well but I have no proof.

>> No.19041929

He was a lowly carpenter.
If he were a god he can speak everything, but he certainly wasn’t an intellectual polyglot.

How about Mohamid? Supposedly illiterate but a middle class merchant’s son. He’s likely to have have spoken two or more languages

>> No.19041940

Americans are all liberals, some are based, and some are gay.

>> No.19041961

Some are not liberals. It’s just they've forced this false dichotomy on everyone. Some progressives would fit well in genuine socialist circles.

>> No.19041978

no, they are gay. Don’t care about marketing techniques or branding issues, progressives are just gay liberals.

>> No.19041997
File: 405 KB, 715x1024, C07B8AED-3E47-4876-97C6-4C20398176BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bernie Sanders isn’t gay. Jimmy Dore isn’t gay, Ralph Nader isn’t gay.
Your field of vision is narrow as fuck

>> No.19042105

but jimmy dore thinks bernie is gay these days