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/lit/ - Literature

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19037357 No.19037357 [Reply] [Original]

War is bad. Massacre is bad. And noone should ever be killed, because killing is bad. All with a layer of whiny sarcasm. (Oh btw God is bad too)

Why did you guys trick me in to reading this low-test midwit r/atheist shit again?

>> No.19037364

>War is bad. Massacre is bad.
These are irrefutable though

>> No.19037368

the point is that its a retarded observation. ofc murder is bad with no other context given

>> No.19037370

he doesn't know

>> No.19037388
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He was Reddit incarnate, awful writer just like his contemporaries Dick and Heinlein

>> No.19037417

can you or anyone else recommend me some good authors because i don't trust the lit charts anymore after this one

>> No.19037430 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 300x450, 1631488839646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"why is this 200 page literary fiction novel that /lit/ recommended not profound?"
i have some bad news anon.

>> No.19037439

Just read john Barth or William Gaddis. HELL EVEN READ MCELROY.

>> No.19037459

That is not what he said, you might be too stupid to read anything that does not pander to you.

>> No.19037461

Read the works of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells.
Actually good classic sci-fi that’s gripping and absorbs you into their worlds instead of being vehicles for their authors to vent their depression/indulge in their fetishes.

>> No.19037467

Actually I only read the first chapter, but I can guarantee that's all he said. Therefore, it goes in the burn pile. So it goes.

>> No.19037474

Yup, too stupid for books which don't pander.

>> No.19037843

war is only some of the setting (there isnt a moral stance on it or anything else) it has almost religious themes and the tone isnt self serious.

second verne and wells
>instead of being vehicles for their authors to vent their depression/indulge in their fetishes
but thats not a pro

>> No.19037885
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now here's another sex scene

>> No.19038050

Kurt be triggering lit hard lately.

>> No.19038054

I don't think any of those things are explicitly stated in the book.
>Massacres are bad
You have to be a real weirdo to disagree with that.

>> No.19038067

Actually, I'd say the main focus of the book is the acceptance of one's fate and finding peace with it. The war bits are there but more as something the main character learned to accept instead of being an antiwar message.

>> No.19038131

correct. that's why the aliens perceive time in the way they did.

>> No.19038153

I think the point of all Vonnegut's books is to help himself get over his trauma from WW2. He repeats the same simple ideas over and over for his own sake, not the reader's. Slaughterhouse 5 was written before the term PTSD was even coined; I doubt there was much counseling for soldiers.
Just curious, has anyone in this thread ever survived being bombed by their own country by hiding in a meat locker? Probably none of you because hiding is too reddit

>> No.19038177

Hiding from a firebombing is 100% pseud, dying like a man is based
Got to say though I liked the irony of the slaughterhouse containing the only survivors.

>> No.19038211

It's sort of embarassing how he exaggerates Dresden in hindsight.

>> No.19038214
File: 39 KB, 600x600, 88D51F8D-B090-4988-A949-6246B32AE919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>War is… LE BAD!

>> No.19038224

not as bad as phoneposting

>> No.19038234

>there isnt a moral stance on it or anything else
you'd have to be a real blockhead not to pick up on his moral stance of war and killing

>I don't think any of those things are explicitly stated in the book.
another blockhead who's incapable of interpreting anything on his own

>> No.19038338

this, but it isnt even fully in favor of acceptance as it led him knowingly to his death. it ends up being about the ambivalence
>God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom always to tell the difference

finish the book first

>> No.19039110
File: 148 KB, 960x700, PhotoofdevastatedDresden - Jason Dawsey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/tards on this site will make the argument that war is necessary and just, trying to conjure up this image of brave soldiers and knights or whatever charging off to battle, but in reality very few of them actually understand, or have the empathy to understand, that war is just a gross exercise in brutality carried out by the super rich via the super gullible. Most the people who die in these wars are young, brainwashed kids who have no real idea of what it means to die until they are moments away from realizing they are about to be erased from existence. Americans are the worst because we are literally bombarded from birth with all kinds of pro-war propaganda. Kurt offers a great perspective on WWII because it's the perspective of the people who are actually coerced into these pretty much meaningless conflicts. War isn't a necessary evil, it's just evil, but will always be around as long as powerful sadist can convince poor idiots to kill, and die at the hand of, people they wouldn't have any beef with otherwise.

>> No.19039265

yeah I'm not reading all that
I'm happy for you though
or sorry that happened

>> No.19039272

He you leave my pal PKD out of your shit flinging. Unlike those two Fedoratards, PKD had strong religious and mystical inclinations.

>> No.19039306

What's your beef with Heillein ?

>> No.19039401

>He makes valid points I cannot argue against, therefore I must portray him with negative traits to make myself look better.

This is middle school level debating if not lower. If you copy this with a basedjack next to it you're only proving my point

>> No.19039620

If you can't argue against war without also expressing your weird voyeurism fetish by having a dude mate with a porn star in a zoo exhibit in front of aliens, I am not going to take your "arguments" seriously.

>> No.19039832

Cat's Cradle and Breakfast of Champions are both better.

>> No.19039953

Who cares to argue with some disingenuous rat like you most likely are?

>> No.19039992

Are you 16 or older? If so, why are you just now reading Vonnegut? Go read something for adults instead of fouling your drivel onto this (already) shitty board

>> No.19040138

kurt vonnegut is a scifi writer who tricked people into thinking he was a pomo literary writer like pynchon.

>> No.19040142

I don't know, I disagree with a lot of HG Wells messages but I still enjoyed his stories because his perspective is cool. I thought Vonnegut's humor was still worth despite the sarcasm. Timequake and his short stories were cool.

>> No.19040149

LARPing as based and dying like a bitch is still dying like a bitch.

>> No.19040161

I didn't like Timequake. I liked his short stories though. That one where nothing weird happens and it's just a kid who doesn't want to admit to his dad that he wasn't accepted to a prestigious school stuck with me a long time. Makes me wonder what could've been if Vonnegut had dropped the irony.

>> No.19040282

The Christian needs to believe he is special, so he invents a reason

>> No.19040334

The point of the line is about looking upon the vast expanse of creation and feeling despair, but also awe and appreciation of its beauty, and appreciation of being able to witness it. Not really a view predicated on having a religious belief.
But you saw “God” and malded out, so whatever.

>> No.19040373

holy shit /lit/ really is this dense.
it's not about arguing against his points, it's about how retarded they are to begin with.
>murder is bad
Ok? and? This isn't some profound discovery.

>> No.19040421

Kilgore trout felt like the author inserted his hack self into the book

>> No.19040433
File: 23 KB, 245x270, 49D659E6-9266-4F55-9AD8-0B20CC666246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is middle school level debating if not lower. If you copy this with a basedjack next to it you're only proving my point

>> No.19040478

That's not really the point of the book, it's a comedy. You're like a pretentious child whining about how Dr Strangelove is dumb because 'obviously' war is bad. It wasn't written to be some dense philosophical tome. That's not the point, the point is for it to be funny and entertaining and since you're a humorless retard who only reads books to feel smart and probably only skimmed the book you don't get it. You do realize that there are a limited amount of themes available in art, right? Are you going to get mad because someone wrote a book about sex and death now? I'm sure if Kurt Vonnegut was alive today that he would be really upset that his book didn't appeal to some 20 something 4chan dilettante with the attention span of a toddler. It's like being mad at a romance novel for spending too much time on the romance. It's minimalistic ironic satire and it's well known for being exactly that, nothing more and nothing less.

>meaningless conflicts
Well, they're not meaningless. They actually have a pretty big affect on pretty much the entire world and usually there are good reasons as to why the conflicts are started like 'they have resources, land, precious metals, textiles, spices, pharmaceuticals, etc, let's take them' or 'they're different so fuck em'. It's not moral to start a war because 'gimme dat' so our leaders make up justifications for it but regardless every great nation owes their success to imperialism regardless of how immoral, destructive or evil war is. There's clearly way more going on than just 'le rich people do bad things because they're rich'.

>> No.19040529

Dont care germs deserved it

>> No.19040590

Thanks for proving me right!

>> No.19040617

Did you read the first chapter?

>> No.19040686
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>Thanks for proving me right!

>> No.19040754
File: 50 KB, 200x200, DA268EE8-764E-4E5F-A624-0976B6BA5E21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah never thought of it that way, thanks kirk

>> No.19041267

not really

>> No.19041298

Evaluating literature on its didactics is peak psued

>> No.19041447
File: 26 KB, 400x288, EX2igRtXsAIus5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it speaks volumes that your first point of reference is fucking reddit, maybe you need to go back. i think the point was more that war (generally not always) is pointless. but then again i would only give that answer if i knew you weren't trolling, and you are. so this whole post is a waste of my time and everyone here's time and i wish you would all fuck off back to where you came from. thank you.

>> No.19041490

came here to post this

>> No.19041837

In that case I recommend you to read the Torah :^)

its really an amazing text

>> No.19041976

this whole point of the book got BTFO in the foreword where vonnegut describes his writing of the book and its being anti-war and some random guy he was talking to about it saying he may as well make a book about being against glaciers.

>> No.19041988


>> No.19042188

it's funny

>> No.19042884

Not the guy you're replying to, but war is never really pointless. If it truly were, then there would be no wars.

>> No.19042894

Imagine being filtered by Vonnegut

>> No.19042951

These are meaningless statements, faggot. Whether or not a war is justified depends on the context and perspective you're coming from.