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19036550 No.19036550 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on how to be funny? Not try-hard funny, genuine funny.

>> No.19036558

Why the fuck is he shooting at that typewriter, that's an IBM Selectric 3

>> No.19036562

>scope on a revolver
What did he mean by this?

>> No.19036624

I enjoyed a confederacy of dunces, but a lot of the humour for me came from seeing the protagonist was almost 1:1 a neoreactionary long before the internet.

>> No.19036981

Back in a decade when people could afford Aspen, or at least Woody Creek.

>> No.19037049

It's called having a personality, being interested in people, and having good social skills, none of which you'll get from a fucking book. You actually have to talk to people to gain and sharpen these skills, but of course, it's harder to do when you're an adult because there tends to be less room for error. That's why it's tragic when kids are such young ages become reserved; they're in danger of not developing these skills.
This isn't going to be easy, but you just have to make friends.
Although reading a book won't get you that either, unironically "How to Win Friends and Influence People" has some of the best social precepts to guide you. Also, always have in your mind a version of karma, where if you are good to other people, they'll tend to be good to you. If you are kind, others will be kind in turn. If you're unjustly an asshole to someone, not only will you distance that person, but word gets around and you'll distance others as well.
good luck

>> No.19037080
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>> No.19037134

incel hands typed this

>> No.19037166
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>> No.19037183

Have you tried being Southern? I've found the being Southern, dry Southern wit, etc. are generally the traits most funny people have. Northerners tend to think being loud = funny (see Will Farrell [how the fuck do you spell that unfunny Jew's last name?] Jimmy Fallon, etc).

>> No.19037199

yes it's quite funny through that lens

>> No.19037204
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>incel hands typed this

>> No.19037501

>Have you tried being Southern?
Maybe suggest something he has control over?

>> No.19037502
File: 580 KB, 683x1024, the right one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19037514

There was nothing incelic in that advice

>> No.19037592

Sound advice.
>it's tragic when kids are such young ages become reserved; they're in danger of not developing these skills
It's terrible how easy it is to fuck up raising a kid nowadays. We are overwhelmed by media. When I was a kid even though I had some antisocial tendencies we still had to play football outside, play tag, or hide and seek. If I had spent even more time playing video games I would be a complete social retard, but luckily I turned out to be an alright guy.

Is this bait or retardation? Both? :-S

>> No.19037596

If you have to read a book on how to be funny, you're try-hard funny.

>> No.19037598

nice pasta

>> No.19037997
