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19033657 No.19033657[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Unironically why does the right always come up short in discourse with the left?

>> No.19033669

Buckley won the debate

>> No.19033670

because they are short

>> No.19033672

>why does the right always come up short in discourse with the left?
Source: Your sweaty bumhole

>> No.19033680

Because the right is stupid, closed minded and unwilling to accept new theories in light of new evidence.
Happy lefty? Now delete this thread.

>> No.19033685

Reminder that most of the ‘left’ hates Chomsky lol

>> No.19033686
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>Unironically why does the cereal always come up short in discourse with the milk?
This is what you sound like

>> No.19033756

Because leftism is about creating fair and just circumstances for everyone while right wing politics is about cretaing a perfect world for a small elite on behalf on everyone outside that circle. This generally leads to left wingers coming across as more open minded while right wingers come across as short minded.

>> No.19033759

Leftism is just upper class college kids mentally masturbating for their own position as the upcoming intellectual elites in society.

>> No.19033766

buckley always got tangled up in low resolution minutia, for some reason

>> No.19033769

So in other words right wingers just have a more realistic view of human society whereas leftists just engage in mental gymnastics to justify why they should have all the power and automatically devaluing everything that lords over them, i.e slave morality

>> No.19033770

leftists tell themselves this while they tear everything around them to the ground, even concepts and language

>> No.19033774

This doesn't make any sense. Most people would agree that the interest of the majority > interest of the minority. The opposite view (which you attribute to right wingers) is much more radical and unintuitive which would mean that the right wingers are more open to radical ideas

>> No.19033775

No they don't, unlike the right, leftists actually respect different views in their circles.

>> No.19033780

Whats the point of debates? I'm serious. Did a single debate in human history end with one of the sides going "You know bro you're right, I was wrong, thank you for convincing me!"

>> No.19033784

Winning a debate against a Conservative wins you art hoes.

>> No.19033785
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>> No.19033786
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>leftists actually respect different views in their circles.

>> No.19033792

>Whats the point of debates
The debate isn't for the debaters, it's primarily for the audience.
It can serve as a respectable form of discourse.
It can also serve as the degenerated nonsense that is high school debate.

>> No.19033795

Look at how many varieties of leftist thought there are yet they are united in their opposition to unfair Capitalism and Imperialism.

Leftism is inherently intelligent because debate is encouraged and because debate is encouraged, there would be more different types of beliefs within Leftism.

>> No.19033800
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My tribe is better than yours. Get it?? ACCEPT IT. I NEED TO FEEL VALIDATED. You WILL accept that my tribe is better than yours. Your tribe is shit, ok? It's complete garbage, while my tribe is smart, educated, open minded. Not your tribe. Your tribe is filthy, low IQ, uneducated, angry, hateful. Pathetic, hateful, spiteful, closed-minded silly people, all of you. The world would be better if you all just disappeared from the face of the planet. I hate you so much. I attached a picture that represents you and your tribe. Here is also a list of 800 books to read so you realize why your tribe is shit and my tribe is le good: The Bible, The communist manifesto, Mein Kampf, Critique of the Gotha Programme, Revolt against the modern world, The Right Side of History, Becoming (Michelle Obama), The Origin of Species, Might is Right, Basic Number Theory, On Anarchism, On the concept of the political, Conquest of Bread, Leviathan. Understood?

>> No.19033801

>Unironically why does the right always come up short in discourse with the left?
Because in the post-1945 West the Right is eternally cucked from the ever-reverberating defeat of Nazi Germany.

>> No.19033802

Well where would you rather live? Left Wing countries like Canada and Denmark och right wing ones like Afghanistan and India

>> No.19033806

This is hilarious considering the entire history of 20th century is just leftist factions infighting for more power and conflicts over minor theoretical differences

>> No.19033808
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War is the only honest form of human discourse

>> No.19033811

this comparison is so retarded i'm not even going to answer you

>> No.19033816

Are you implying that anyone in the audience gets convinced either? "Debaters" just take turns preaching to their respective choirs and then everyone goes home being none the wiser. As it stands, the only practical value of debates is to create an illusion of two+ party views when in reality there's only the will of the Powers That Be

>> No.19033817

Weak bait

>> No.19033818

Because you know what's better but can't admit it lol

>> No.19033819

Is this one of those threads were people just make claims and expect others to take it at face value?

>> No.19033825

The left understands that debates are won by appealing to emotions and making the other person look like a fool. The right believes in finding truth through calm reasoning. This distinction is imperceptible to millennials and zoomers who never studied logic.

>> No.19033827

Economically? Canada and Denmark
Culturally? Afghan or India

Which is, hilariously, what muslims do anyway when they migrate to Cucknada and organize their little enclaves.
Leftism lacks the simple capacity of defending itself

>> No.19033846
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>Left Wing countries like Canada and Denmark

>> No.19033857
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>has to cherry pick this hard to try and get his point across
lol you lost

>> No.19033864
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>Anarcho-[insert flavor here]

>> No.19033867

Leftism is just a power struggle between factions. But leftists are determinists who don't believe in intentions.

>> No.19033870
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>> No.19033873

>Are you implying

>> No.19033878

If shutting down everyone who is a serious challenge to your narrative and only debating controlled opposition is coming out on top, then I guess the left does come up on top.

That aside, the left always has a rhetorical advantage because rhetorical speech is about playing with the public's bias; the public bias is left wing as the left is the status quo. That's why ''debates'' between left and controlled opposition from the right are commonly just the latter making a billion concessions and pandering to the other side whereas the other side is focusing on destroying him.

>> No.19033896

Are you kinding me? Literally all what Lefties does is Scream "NOT REAL LEFTISM, THAT IS LIBERALISM" at any Left wing position that aren't theirs

>> No.19033900

It's not that leftists are good at debates, it's just that all debates in the western world are preset to have them winning. For right-leaning thinkers it's always going to an away game. "Leftist" mindset is the ground of all propositions made in any debate these days. In other words, the Overton Window. Every view straying from it has to fight a number of meta-factors, such as fear of cancellation, repressed christian moral upbringing (ironically the most leftist thing in existence), 'common sense', livelihood etc.
This is the same logical loophole that lets many claim that 'left produces better art' or that 'right cannot into art'. They're right, under the condition that all art must swin upstream through the thick filter of leftist narrative and risk being dismissed and attacked for any unconforming slights.

>> No.19033902

The right has this problem where they are far too easy to understand
I mean this unironically

>> No.19033923

I think it's because they have a less developed intellectual tradition. Obviously you have your Joseph de Maistres but it's common for right wingers to adopt an anti-intellectual stance as a reaction to the left-leaning disposition of academia at large.

>> No.19033928
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There are people who actually believe this

>> No.19033929
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stop making this thread schizo you just btfo each time

>> No.19033933

Texas is the most immigrated to state in the US. People vote with their feet. There's a reason everyone is fleeing California (including/especially businesses) and going to Texas. People vote with their feet.

inb4 tranny cope

>> No.19033934

I think the "left" in academia is usually a big tent of anyone with a bone to pick with the conservative, usually religious orthodoxy.

>> No.19033938

Tankies would like to talk to you about that