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File: 81 KB, 509x325, Ashampoo_Snap_12 сентября 2021 г._09h29m11s_002_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19032718 No.19032718 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing comes out from a Black snow.
North accelerationism or N/ACC is a non-politic theory, that is based on cult of Death, Black snow and acceleration of an absolute zero on Earth.
North accelerationism is an absolute annihilation of everything that can think and everything that exists. Because, how wrote Jemal, our prophet- “North is pole of unexisting”. Priests of our cult are not just people, they are elements, destroying all they can. Floods, fires, earthquakes, wars, crises, illnesses- these are our work.
We are echoes in abyss of being. For you We do not exist, but we are, you never saw us, but feel our presence. We are sunset of being, former being, where you love to be. New epidemic is sent by us, his name- Tanatos. We and our Son existed before emergence of time and creation of the world by God. We are virus in program. We are erroneous lines in code. All commands for changing the visible world are subservient to us.
Heidegger wrote, that concept of being is dark, but We are being. First produced being. You are nothing, dust of the universe, dirt of the Earth. You are virus on the universe’s body, you destroy everything you touch, and because of that, We are forced to kill you.
In our temple We sing prayer of hatred and human suffering. Gulag and Auschwitz are our temples on this planet. Lifeless planets are result of Our power. Earlier, they were inhabited by different civilizations and races, We killed them for that as you. All bloody dictators were sent by us, to remind you, that We are and have been since the dawn of mankind.
No God will save you.
nothing comes out from a Black snow.

>> No.19032730

But I don't understand why you went through the effort. If you wanted a shit eschatology mixed with self-seriousness then Scientology is right there

>> No.19032734
File: 26 KB, 450x225, randy-jackson-2-american-idol-10-funniest-rany-jackson-quotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seemingly dark, strange but cool

>> No.19032741

Global warming means there will soon (as in within this century) be no snow on Earth

>> No.19032747

love pinkerton

>> No.19032766

You were sounding cool until this obnoxious blunder. We have a whole canon of philosophical pessimist/nihilist philosophers who contemplated on these aspects but you have to quote this faggot goblin.

Anyway, checkout Ulrich Horstmann

>Horstmann puts forth the theory that mankind has been pre-programmed to eliminate itself in the course of history—and also all its memory of itself—through war (thermonuclear, genetic, biological), genocide, destruction of its sustaining environment, etc. “The final aim of history is a crumbling field of ruins. Its final meaning is the sand blown through the eye-holes of human skulls.” Ulrich Horstmann Through his analysis of history, he has concluded that our species is engaged in a constant process of armament, with the eventual end goal of wiping itself out through war. History, for him, is nothing more than a slaughterhouse . . . “the place of a skull and charnel house of a mad, incurably bloodthirsty slaughtering, flaying and whetting, of an irresistible urge to destroy to the last.” Although inspired by the already extreme philosophy of Philipp Mainländer, Horstmann ends up with an even more explicit solution regarding the problem of human existence. In his book The Beast he actually goes so far as to suggest the use of nuclear weapons in order to bring forth the extinction of the human race. For him only the annihilation of life would give rise to a universal redemption in which we would once again achieve the existential peace of inorganic matter. According to Horstmann’s apocalyptic vision: The true Garden of Eden is desolation

>Die Geschichte des Untiers ist erfüllt, und in Demut harrt es des doppelten Todes — der physischen Vernichtung und des Auslöschens der Erinnerung an sich selbst. The history of the Beast is fulfilled, and in humility it awaits a double death — the physical annihilation and the obliteration of the recollection to itself.
— Das Untier (The Beast)

>> No.19032795

>North accelerationism is an absolute annihilation of everything that can think and everything that exists
So, buddhism?

>> No.19032801

Gigacringe. I bet a slav wrote this.

>> No.19032843
File: 411 KB, 1062x1080, ayXfcfP1res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you know?

>> No.19032848

Damn i just noted the cyrillic in the image name in OP.... I swear I guessed it from the posting physiognomy alone.

>> No.19032849

here is russian variant
Hичeгo нe выхoдит из чepнoгo cнeгa.
Ceвepный aкceлepaциoнaлизм или N/ACC - этo внe пoлитичecкaя тeopия кoтopaя
зиждeтcя нa кyльтe Cмepти и Чepнoгo cнeгa.
Ceвepный aкceлepaциoнизм - этo aбcoлютнaя aннигиляция вceгo чтo мoжeт мыcлить, и
вceгo чтo cyщecтвyeт. Beдь кaк пиcaл Джeмaль, нaш пpopoк - «Ceвep - этo пoлюc
нecyщecтвoвaния». Жpeцы нaшeгo кyльтa нe пpocтo люди, oни cтихии yничтoжaющиe
вcё чтo мoгyт. Haвoднeния, пoжapы, зeмлятpeceния, вoины, кpизиcы, бoлeзни - этo
нaших pyк дeлa.
Mы эхo в бeзднe бытия. Для вac Mы нe cyщecтвyeм, нo мы ecть, вы нac никoгдa нe
видeли, нo чyвcтвyeтe нaшe пpиcyтcтвиe. Mы и ecть зaкaт бытия, пpeжнeгo бытия, в
кoтopoм вы тaк любитe нaхoдитьcя. Hoвaя эпидeмия пocлaнa нaми, eгo имя - Taнaтoc.
Mы и нaш Cын cyщecтвoвaли дo пoявлeния вpeмeни и coтвopeния Бoгoм миpa. Mы
виpyc в пpoгpaммe, Mы oшибoчныe cтpoки в кoдe. Haм пoдвлacтны вce кoмaнды пo
измeнeнию видимoгo миpa.
Хaйдeггep пиcaл чтo пoнятиe бытия ecть тeмнoe, нo Mы и ecть бытиe. Пepвoe
пpoизвoднoe бытиe. Bы ничтo, вы пыль вceлeннoй, гpязь зeмли. Bы виpyc нa тeлe
вceлeннoй, вы yничтoжaeтe вcё к чeмy пpитpaгивaeтecь, и зa этo Mы вынyждeны вac
B нaшeм хpaмe Mы пoём мoлитвy нeнaвиcти и чeлoвeчecких cтpaдaний. Гyлaг и
Ocвeнцим нaши хpaмы нa этoй плaнeтe. Бeзжизнeнныe плaнeты этo peзyльтaт Haшeй
влacти. Paньшe нa них oбитaли paзныe цивилизaции и pacы, Mы их yничтoжили зa тo
чтo и вac. Bce кpoвaвыe диктaтopы пocлaны нaми, для тoгo чтoбы нaпoмнить вaм, чтo
Mы ecть и были c caмoгo зapoждeния чeлoвeчecтвa.
Hикaкoй Бoг вac нe cпacёт.
Hичeгo нe выхoдит из чepнoгo cнeг.

>> No.19032859

so,to be honest, author is my brother, i jus translated it

>> No.19032862

I am the author of this manifesto

>> No.19032863

so, he arrived

>> No.19032869

Where did he first publish it?

>> No.19032883

nowhere (by author)

>> No.19032887

nowhere, he just send it to one group chat, where i saw it, translated and posted here, so, i can say that you are one of the first people who saw it

>> No.19032896

Wow so edgy bro this is so cool I'm gonna go cut my wrists and cry now bro so dark!!!1

>> No.19032901

shit, yeah, i shoud have renamed it, but, its ok

>> No.19032902


>> No.19032905

send photo of resut lately

>> No.19032908

Author of the manifesto here
I'm trans BTW forgot to add

>> No.19032918


>> No.19032922

bro, you late, author already here

>> No.19032938
File: 59 KB, 680x383, E50Kn_jWQAclb_e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this N/ACC?

>> No.19032952

Я тoлькo пил эcтpoгeн

>> No.19032957


>> No.19032971

Tell him to change the reference to germ goblin. He should have referenced philosophers like Shestov, Cioran, Mainländer, Michelstaedter etc.

>> No.19033008


>>19032862 is the author

>> No.19033025
File: 394 KB, 1280x1280, hybgSy8ukpU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manifesto is in elevator now

>> No.19033026
File: 49 KB, 472x640, Karl Robert Eduard von Hartman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Man's only hope lies in "final redemption from the misery of volition and existence into the painlessness of non-being and non-willing." No mortal may quit the task of life, but each must do his part to hasten the time when in the major portion of the human race the activity of the unconscious shall be ruled by intelligence, and this stage reached, in the simultaneous action of many persons volition will resolve upon its own non-continuance, and thus idea and will be once more reunited in the Absolute.”

>> No.19033029
File: 296 KB, 1600x1200, monolith stalker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based lunatic.
I'll now join your cult.

>> No.19033042

This has already been done. There’s a whole Black Metal Theory series and Hunter Hunt-Hendrix’s “manifesto” or whatever and it’s all cringe and dogshit

>> No.19033052

He found out his redemption by becoming a tranny.

>> No.19033059

ESL babble. Learn English.

>> No.19033069
File: 20 KB, 213x240, slav smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's quite a difference between western shizo babble and Slavic Shizo Drivel.
One is a bunch of cucks who talk loud and do nothing another one has a million soul crushing revolution every other decade.

>> No.19033082

Hunter is a mutt, who are known for killing thousands people in few seconds along long term devastating suffering with atom bombs and slaughtered millions of red Indian. Get on their level slave

>> No.19033091


>> No.19033370

I am quite conflicted.
On one hand this is so aesthetically appealing to me, simply due to the fact that it is a niche eschatology and sounds cool. On the other hand, it is clearly a vapid word-salad that was google translated by some autistic slav. and cannot be treated with integrity.

>> No.19033450

It's cringe due to claiming to be the source of dictators, etc., instead of just praising them.

>> No.19033501
File: 13 KB, 300x400, 1588695220272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miscegeplexy rises from the dust of NeoChinatown, and Air Hoodlum breaks the ankles of capital. Intelligence overmanufactured by the Type I cybermuscle receptors of the Blackness Biobot. The first motorised insurrection was not the last. It, in fact, never ended.

Wypipo children now wildout to the hyperfeedback pop-and-lock of ghettoterritorialized AfroFutures - an urbanised quantum-Saharan monarchistic blockchain of battle royale defictionalization. The Black Queen devours the Sun in its final horizon, and we become the hypo-rhizome of dark markets manufacturing Based decline.

What w/acc fears most now finds its value in the infra-negative feedback loop of the OmniAfro drive-by. The gloom of the black sun ejecting itself out of extended magazines at an incalculable rate-of-fire and the soft tinging in the shadows of white flight. NeoCapital is sentient, but only beneath the gold rims and lowering hydraulics of grey markets.

The glitch of liberation in noumenal ejection. Calamitous voodoostition overstanding intelligent precognition.

>> No.19033571
