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File: 47 KB, 1024x607, upgrade_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19031845 No.19031845[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


It means the act of drawing away from humanity. And that's exactly what I did when I found out that people weren't worth the travails or endeavors of helping. To cut a long story short, over the course of five years, I begin to be frazzled down by the wear and tear of the work I did and the dramatic that my co-workers often brought to it. It was "take my side" "Listen to me or i'll ostracize and alienate you" "Don't you think x is a expletive who works too hard?" or they act effeminately passive aggressive one day, not making the effort they did the day before to befriend you. Or sometimes they didn't even show up for weeks on end and still managed to keep the job and their pay without any consequence other then a stern talking to.

Don't tell me in this day and age that you never dealt with anything like this. Don't lie. There's enough lies in the world to poison the air with an intolerable smugness. You know how it is and you know how God-damned tiring it is.

But I didn't quit and I didn't isolate myself from the world, just the people if that makes sense. I no longer make the effort to make small chat or offer convivial touch like a comforting touch on the shoulder or hug or handshake. I was there but I wasn't.

This indifference cost me everything when the simple act of not trying or acting caught the attention of him.

Mr. Iniquitous, as he likes to call himself.

You see, he likes the outliers in society. Not necessarily loners or introverts; Just the things and people that stick out in odd ways. You would call this a perk among normal people. But to Mr. Iniquitous, it was a reminder of how things use to be before the soulless modernization of the world, as he told me whenever he gets nostalgic. And that's always on the anniversary of his birth into his human form.

He calls himself Mr. Iniquitous because that's the near perfect word to describe what he was like in Hell.

He says he's something worse then a mere demon because mere demons can only haunt the living like ghosts but with more kinetic energy. So he says but I digress.

He didn't come to me for friendship. He came to me with an ultimatum of continuing on in failure...or seeing the world through new eyes. I wasn't drunk or high or inebriated; I wasn't in a state of mind that could be called dangerous when I made the choice. To me it was perfectly crystal clear and so simple.

If it was anyone else, the offer would have been shirked.

But I wasn't just anyone else. Not anymore.


Previous Thread:

>> No.19031877 [DELETED] 

there are too hardcore anti-vaxxers at my work, and we just went vax mandatory after biden's thing last week. will be interesting to see what they do now. that said by the deadline i will be due for a booster and i don't want that shit. i dodged myocarditis once, not trying to try my luck every 8 months for this shit place.

>> No.19031894

Kinda emo bloggy, anon.
>I give up on all of you!
Is there a suicide pledge at the end?

>> No.19031918

I love cats

>> No.19031934
File: 52 KB, 960x540, 5654756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I though I would make the effort to have a short story for you guys to read and music to "vibe" too. Kind of like how I use to make these threads before it became a fight for whoever made it first.

>> No.19031954

Upgrade is kino but OP is autistic

>> No.19032067

Maybe the board has a schizoid theme today, sometimes the topics are by the same person I am sure I see 2 of the same topics by the same guy. Oh it’s not a picture of a corkboard, sad.. I thought us frens would be looking at a theme together. I sure love you guys but I’m not gay.