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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 248 KB, 674x974, Harold_Bloom,_literary_critic,_author,_teacher_at_Yale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19027971 No.19027971 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any defender of western canon after bloom still alive?

>> No.19027977

*white mans canon
no and thats a good thing

>> No.19027998

>lewronggeneration man

>> No.19028001

You let some fat, thick-lipped kike dictate your tastes for you? Utter pseud.

>> No.19028005

ok liberal.

>> No.19028006


>> No.19028009

white man's burden my nig-nog,white man's burden

>> No.19028034
File: 490 KB, 935x715, ingres - apotheosis of homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classicism and the canon® was first established by alexandrians 2000 years ago.
it's going to be fine without him.

>> No.19028084

>everyone I disagree with is automatically a liberal, even when they use anti-semitic slurs

>> No.19028211
File: 41 KB, 225x203, 1_uhHlQVcxnSE_NS4Aohii6Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent post. Have some pinakes and a lock of Berenice's hair

>> No.19028233

no. the reason for this is that "the western canon" is not worth defending and regardles the "school of ressentiment" is a boogeyman that lives rent free in bloom's head

>> No.19028270

There isn't one central defender of the Canon. There's various defenders everywhere, except they'll always be drowned out by their screeching opponents. The Canon will survive, and eventually the opponents of the Canon will die off or lose support. They are already losing that support, which is why they're so radical in their hate.

Just go look up almost any male booktubers. Most of them believe in the Canon or in Great Books. Some even repeat things Harold Bloom has said, but don't give him credit because they want to seem like they thought of that idea themselves.

>> No.19028310

other races haven't developed literature as extensively as the White Man has. There is no "African canon" or "Asian canon". Neither of these groups have anything even resembling an imagination.

so cope anti-white fgt

>> No.19028330

>Neither of these groups have anything even resembling an imagination.
At least if we pretend that Japan doesn't exist.

>> No.19028341

The Asian Canon isn’t as extensive in my opinion but there’s Basho and Tale of Genji in Japan, Dynastic histories in China, among its many Chinese Classics (Journey to the West, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, The Red Mansion), and all the religious texts of Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and Hinduism.

>> No.19028359

>romance of the three kingdoms
>religious texts
>meanwhile this is the sum of two thirds of the world's pop
Jesus, why are non-whites so pathetic

>> No.19028362

That mysterious white supremecist hacker known as 4chan

>> No.19028385

Yet today whites are desperate to become "anime" producers and claim credit for everything Japan does.

>> No.19028393

OK schizo. Stop browsing /a/

>> No.19028402
File: 14 KB, 355x590, 2F4C5615-6B5F-4E62-9567-BBF5B978B12B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tang Dynasty poets are amazing in their own right. Even Pound believed they were kino. He translated Noh plays too.

>> No.19028434

I'm not a schizo, unlike you, and I never said anything about /a/.

>> No.19028445

OK schizo, tell us more about how white people are rushing to steal credit for the pinnacle of artistic representation known to the world as anime

>> No.19028459

>Jesus, why are non-whites so pathetic
Obviously Western culture is superior. If you disagree you are just recentful.

>> No.19028471

Anime is basically a strange mixture of american cartoons, american scifi, french comics and european art films, at its best.

There isnt much to steal.

>> No.19028496

Non-whites just didn’t develop the productive capabilities or technology for comfort, so they didn’t have a boom in literary culture as we did in the early modern period in the West. Also, Chinese dynasties had a history of book burning and we lost a lot of books from that.

>> No.19028523

I'm not a schizo, unlike you. Whites are constantly trying to claim that everything Japan has done is entirely thanks to whites and may as well be copyrighted by them. They want the credit because they think it's superior to their own stuff.

>> No.19028530

Every semi historical literate person knows all ancient societies where ruled by a either a European, Indo-European or Mongolic upperclass.

>> No.19028536

Anyone who has knowledge about French comics will accept their superiority.

>> No.19028540

>can’t spell
Time to go back.

>> No.19028544

Only a small minority of people would believe this.

>> No.19028548

When you dont have arguments attack spelling.

>> No.19028556

In psycho lefty world thats bad.

>> No.19028564

You didn’t provide anything but absolute horse shit conjecture.

>> No.19028572
File: 31 KB, 600x600, 1618793701731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do the mud races try and tear down the Western Canon instead of organizing their own African/Muslims/Latinx Canon?

>> No.19028577

Me. I myself shall I unseal the seventh seal and unleash the unadulterated wrath of a white man facing the usury of the Temple. The time has come for the world to burn and be reborn by the pure Force of Western Willpower. Woe to the Spiritual Niggers of the Fourth Estate, your clenched fists shall be shoved down your throat! Choke on the sheeR unadulterated Power of an awakened STATE. No more brother wars, no more miscegenation of our children to the highest, most liberal bidder, the time has come. EVOLVE OR DIE. THE WEST WILL MARCH FORWARD.

>> No.19028587

Does the native European have a storytelling soul?

>> No.19028610

>There is no "Asian canon"
Wow... so THIS is the power of /pol/ education...

>> No.19028619

Asia is several cultural complexes, therefor there is no asian canon.

>> No.19028647 [DELETED] 

Because no such thing exists.

Niggers have always been and forever will be Cultureless primitives, incapable of the Spiritual dimensions necessary to bearing a High Culture. The Native American Culture was all but swept from the face of the planet. All that remains is a few ancient ruins and tales of human sacrifice, their sacral character long forgotten.

The Desert nomads on the other hand know exactly what they are doing: intentionally undermining the west. They have no need to broadcast their Canon.l, it remains within, the untouched substance apart from the World, the Spatiality of the Cave, the Sacred Unknown which MUST remain unknown for it to function. They hide behind lies and dissimulation, admit and deny everything, never let yourself be pinned down. Always speaking through their teeth with their fingers crossed. The West, with it's far reaching sense of a DEFINITE AND DISCOVERABLE Unknown would drag them into the Light and burn them in the Sun's light. If they are to survive they cannot allow this, thus they play the game, allow the world to revolt and actively promote it. Make no mistake, there is a Desert Canon, but they cannot allow the Profane Gentiles to see it, lest they be undone.

>> No.19028673

The Native American exists in the wind and in the soil. They commune with the trees and bleed the Spirit of God. They are a Solar people whose Space is Pure MacroKosmos. Not as individual but as a River of Blood they pass through Time. Unfortunately, Blood is all they have left, and even this is becoming diluted.

>> No.19028700

I misread.

The Native EUROPEAN has a storytelling soul insofar as the story is the expression or Actualization of Time in Space. All stories are EXPRESSION, the exploration and discovery of an unknown manifold in the Infinite Reaches and the behavior of the Fluxion therein.

>> No.19028703

>English canon
>Russian canon
>French canon

>> No.19028716

These are all Indo-European languages spoken by the same related racial group with the same cultural roots.

>> No.19028724
File: 36 KB, 401x450, second-jetliners-terrorists-al-Qaeda-smoke-billows-crash-Sept-11-2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it ain't white, it ain't right.