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File: 14 KB, 277x359, PhilipDick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19024526 No.19024526 [Reply] [Original]

> Tries to commit suicide by driving a car with his #1 fan off a cliff.
> Nothing personal kid...

What other authors have tried to kill their fans?

>> No.19024535

what a dick

>> No.19024545

Me, when I tried to kill my only fan, my mom.

>> No.19025900

schitzophrenia's a real bitch

>> No.19025945

GRRM, his fans have been holding their breath for a decade now.

>> No.19026010 [DELETED] 

I'm going to stay up all night and watch PKD videos

>> No.19026021

have you ever heard him talk?

>> No.19026057

I timestamped ole dicky talking about the authors he read in Berkley.

>> No.19026059

Based social outcast.

>> No.19026067

A very interesting historical interview. Things have certainly changed.

>> No.19026073

yeah, I'm 11min in this is really good stuff. I've read a ton of his books but have never seen an interview.

>> No.19026081

i didn't realize how heavily the french influenced him

>> No.19026090

at 12:30 he talking about Nixon and you can tell the schizo seed has already been planted.

>> No.19026122

> Tries to commit suicide by driving a car with his #1 fan off a cliff
I've never heard this. Source?

>> No.19026123

ok, now he is talking about American anti-intellectualism and the etymology of the word 'egg-head'. Apparently the Nazis coined it

>> No.19026384
File: 89 KB, 660x574, C57DA12B-11DE-4C4C-97C4-6329175A6A14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His prose is awful.

>> No.19026392


>> No.19026393

Dick's books are almost as bad as Gibson's.

>> No.19026485

it's pulp soft sci-fi, what do you expect? he had to churn out books like a machine while snorting crank all night and drinking coffee just to pay the bills.

>> No.19026501


>> No.19026504

>“Whisk. “It is awful,” she said. “They violate. I ought to know.” Ready for purse snatcher; the various night prowlers, I can certainly handle. Where had this one gone? Slapping his neck, doing a dance. “Let me by,” she said. “Don’t bar my way unless you want a lesson. However, only women.” Holding the blade up she went on opening the door. Joe sat on the floor, hands pressed to the side of his throat. Sunburn posture. “Good-bye,” she said, and shut the door behind her. The warm carpeted corridor.”

I mean it’s barely comprehensible a lot of the time. I just read this paragraph a few moments and didn’t understand what even happened until a page or so later.

>> No.19026510



>> No.19026530

Yup. It's the exact same kind of trash that William Gibson wrote in Neuromancer because he literally was such a poor writer he couldn't do any better. Dick is just an awful writer, but tried to make his inability to write prose a stylistic choice and never got any better at writing.

>> No.19026723

Nah Gibson was far better

>> No.19026744

Atleast he tried, unlike Dick.

>> No.19026750

My schizo idol.

>> No.19026755

no shit, but his ideas are good.

>> No.19026770

he was also trying to convince the FBI that Stanislaw Lem was a Soviet agent trying to destroy US science fiction

>> No.19026774
File: 266 KB, 521x937, based department.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19026777
File: 361 KB, 2611x1469, B9320304828Z.1_20151229181020_000_GGAD0OUR3.1-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sounds like E. Emmett Walsh

>> No.19026782

top 3 dick?
1. Ubik
2. Flow my tears, the policeman said
3. Do androids dream of electric sheep?

>> No.19027052

I fucking love dick so much, bros.

>> No.19027119

if you want to hear more this interview's 2 hours


>> No.19027130

1. A Scanner Darkly
2. Flow my Tears the Policeman Said
3. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldrich

androids is a classic of course. it's been years since i've re-read them sadly

>> No.19027133

Gibson was kino noir, retard

>> No.19027169

His ability to write coherent prose is trash.

>> No.19027303

It's been years since I read lots of PKD. At the time I liked Ubik best, but when I re-read it last year it felt a bit thin. So I'll pick these but I'm not sure if I'd still feel the same about them now.

1) A Scanner Darkly
2) The Game-Players of Titan
3) Martian Time-Slip