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19023987 No.19023987[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any good books about samurai?

>> No.19024001

Are you asking cuz you got nioh for free too?

>> No.19024032

Cute kid.

>> No.19024034

idk, book of the five rings, maybe?

>> No.19024148

the book of 5 rings

>> No.19024162

Musashi and any other book by Eiji Yoshikawa
The Tale of the Heike
Shogun by Clavell

>> No.19024205

she's so fucking cute
want to give her cheeks a squeeze

>> No.19024216

Christ's Samurai

>> No.19024223

The Samurai by Endo was the same

>> No.19024297

I wish she was my sister so bad.

>> No.19024316
File: 8 KB, 111x217, god why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at that grandfather in the top left corner holy shit
>I fought and watched my friends die for her

>> No.19024354

Imagine licking her asshole her bros

>> No.19024360

count the candles friend

>> No.19024368


>> No.19024373

She too old for you? Let me guess: you don't like sophisticated women.

>> No.19024383

Yeah, it'd be much better if she was getting her mosquito bites cut off and getting put on testosterone because [Current Year].

>> No.19024384 [DELETED] 

For those wondering, her tiktok is @eternalgrave and her Instagram is @thermogenicluminous and yes, she is 13.

>> No.19024398

This picture is the perfect example of the average middle class family in America. In two words: clueless and distracted.

>> No.19024413

Wouldn’t it be better you leave her handles out of this? People are already saying vulgar and violent shit about her.

>> No.19024420

she has already been doxed and harassed by /b/ for months, it can't really get worse.

>> No.19024426

women can't be sophisticated

>> No.19024435

She's an ugly, disrespectful cunt capitalizing on her family's intergenerational wealth while misunderstanding and resenting their disapproval. She sucks. A typical white girl with BPD.

>> No.19024442

Rebellion is a natural and healthy step in development, anon. Stop it.

>> No.19024444

She’s a minor and people can outgrow their BPD. I’m sorry you’re so resentful towards a child. She’s not disrespectful to anyone, besides dressing how she wants.

>> No.19024462

I feel bad for kids like this. She’s obviously hurting inside

>> No.19024492

In no small part because her family insists on celebrating her birthday with a pastel unicorn cake.

>> No.19024500

No, people don't outgrow BPD. Youth doesn't excuse dramatic displays of pseudo-rebellion. How the fuck can you resent someone you don't know? I'm certainly disgusted, but that's not resentment (her family resent her, for example, because her behavior demonstrates a disregard for their efforts, but they're also to blame for their complicit leniency).

>> No.19024504

get a load of sigmund freud here

>> No.19024510 [DELETED] 

god, that whore
just look at her
judging me
it looks like a smile, but i can tell by the way the corners of her mouth are turned that she's doing this as a "fuck you" to me
how fucking dare she
she doesn't know me
she doesn't know what I'm capable of
she has life handed to her on a silver platter just because she's a 7/10 (at best)
she chokes on a different cock nightly
and presumes to judge ME?
I'll show her how powerful I am
I'll show everyone

>> No.19024521

Neither can men.

>> No.19024529

>No, people don't outgrow BPD.
>Some experts have speculated that BPD symptoms decline because the symptoms naturally “burn out” or that people simply grow out of the symptoms as they mature. In particular, research has shown that the impulsivity symptoms of BPD are the most likely to decline over time.

>> No.19024530

You don’t need to be a psychologist to know that kids like this are crying out

>> No.19024537 [DELETED] 

Yeah they are, crying out for my D

>> No.19024538

No more internet for you, chud.

>> No.19024544 [DELETED] 

Based sex-haver

>> No.19024551

Decline isn't Elimination, anon. Trait manifestation persists into adulthood and the likelihood of prevalent behaviors resumes without therapeutic intervention, DBT isn't a cure-all.

>> No.19024575

holy self-harm scars

>> No.19024598

Oh look, it's you. The retarded cum stain who is the bane of everyone's existence. You might as well off yourself, shithead, we all know what you did. It's not funny, and it's actually pretty damn childish. I'll make you a deal, you leave this board, forever, right now, no coming back, and we won't have a problem; but IF you come back, I'll make you're very existence a living nightmare *unzips katana provocatively*

>> No.19024606

Fucking armchair psychologists. She's a teenager just trying to be unique. There's no underlying emotional reason.

>> No.19024612

Seek help.

>> No.19024613

she literally has self-harm scars

>> No.19024617

I don't see any in OP

>> No.19024618

check her tiktok account that was posted

>> No.19024628

As do I… as do I…

>> No.19024630

God damn am I ever glad I slipped by social media. What a way to destroy youth.

>> No.19024641

Imagine not being able to post your birthday photo without unwashed retards obsessing over your psyche and sexuality, despite being 13 years old. That’s what the internet has done. Also, 4chan is social media.

>> No.19024686

You're jealous of her, no one ever talks about licking your asshole (not even on your birthday)

>> No.19024689

Sending this thread to her.

>> No.19024692

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.19024699

I bet she'll be happy :)

>> No.19024704

she has been sent many threads from /b/ in the past lol

>> No.19024712


>> No.19024733

this girl has a more enjoyable life than anyone here because she actually lives how she wants

>> No.19024753
File: 68 KB, 828x793, 1631029048919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she seems pretty normal to me. just an edgelord 13 year old. she'll grow out of it.
>6 digit follower count
that's the bigger problem...

>> No.19024764

You absolute dunce! I'll have you know that I own a degree in Medieval History and while the only reason that I still live with my mother is because goddess Fortuna has spun me downwards on her wheel of fortune. I guess life is just as they say: When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.

>> No.19024773

rent free

>> No.19024777 [DELETED] 

honestly i'm so jealous
way cooler than me when i was 13
also i'd eat her ass

>> No.19024780

the guy in your picture is cooler than you

>> No.19024785

nobody is cooler than me.

>> No.19024787

why did you masturbate to your dead dog?

>> No.19024795

that girl lives an enjoyable life because the biggest hurdles she'll face is being slightly less attractive at some point in her life and her most crucial decisions involve which face paint to apply.
>living how she wants
>implying anything remotely close to free will exists within that amalgamation of postmodern irony and attention seeking

>> No.19024807

>postmodern irony and attention seeking
Spoken like a true DFW fakedeep pseud. You lack depth so you project it onto the world. Maybe read about postmodernism.

>> No.19024812

>>implying anything remotely close to free will exists within that amalgamation of postmodern irony and attention seeking
only the weak have no free will, and it's a result of being controlled by those more powerful than them

>> No.19024825

This doesn't mean anything. It's a nondescriptor. Let's use big-boy words.

>> No.19024833

he's not wrong though, these days you're lucky if your kid isn't a fag or a tranny

>> No.19024836

The girl is bisexual, anon

>> No.19024846

all girls are bisexual, anon

>> No.19024848

>She’s obviously hurting inside
not necessarily, you faggot. Have you ever gone through phases as a kid that seemed cool at the time, but really was cringy?

>> No.19024849

That's the claim. She'll be pansexual by 17, at 30 she'll be a lesbian. Transition at 35, suicide at 36.

>> No.19024854

Runaway horses

>> No.19024857

have you ever loved a girl so much you'd date her even if she transitioned? That's what happened with my ex until she grew a beard.

>> No.19024879
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>> No.19024888

You’re the one who said “postmodern irony” unless you’re NTA

>> No.19024899

>DFW fakedeep pseud
And you accuse ME of projecting?

>> No.19024903

Hagakure: The Secret Wisdom of the Samurai

>> No.19024912

Yes, you’re bland and turgid.

>> No.19024959

all people are bisexual anon

>> No.19025018

Not something so drastic. She is trying to be shocking. This isn’t a 15 year old wigger wearing Sean John. Maybe the picture is lacking context anyway

>> No.19025031

It takes a great amount of free will to dress in a way that makes you a gigantic freak show.
You'd probably be too scared to go outside like that unless it were the end of October lmfao.

>> No.19025103

Why am I atracted specially to girls like this?

>> No.19025106


>> No.19025110

You're a hebephile

>> No.19025121

What trauma?

I don't feel the same way about other girls of her age. I myself am not dark, edgy, goth or anything, but I like these types of girls. Why is that?

>> No.19025126

It’s a shame. She might be pretty without all that shit on her. She is probably attention starved

>> No.19025144



>> No.19025160
File: 11 KB, 250x250, 1624485604939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'gothic romances' which were predominantly consumed and produced by women
Is that true? Well, anyway, thanks, I guess. But now that I think about it, there's also something of "anime-like" to it. Maybe I just watched too much anime in my youth, and these girls (e-girls included) seem like characters out of animes. Does it make sense?

>> No.19025203


>> No.19025211

Have you ever had a girlfriend? What is your mother like?

>> No.19025234
File: 624 KB, 987x610, 1611044249949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be 25 next sunday and I'm a kv. My mother is normal as a mother (overprotective perhaps?), but I consider her a simpleton. Sometimes I want to talk about life, about our struggle in the world, and she rushes to tell others that I have problems or she points me to a psychologist. It's pretty frustrating, desu.

>> No.19025242

Cringe or no he's objectively correct.
>If God is masculine, idols are always feminine', Baudrillard writes in Seduction (95), and Siouxsie differed from previous pop icons in that she was neither a male artist 'feminized' into iconhood by fan adoration, nor a female marionette manipulated by male svengalis, nor a female heroically struggling to assert a marginalized subjectivity. On the contrary, Siouxsie's perversity was to make an art of her own objectification. As Simon and Joy put it in The Sex Revolts Siouxsie's 'aspiration [was] towards a glacial exteriority of the objet d'art' evinced through 'a shunning of the moist, pulsing fecundity of organic life.' (344) This denial of interiority - unlike Lydia Lunch, Siouxsie is not interested in 'spilling her guts', in a confessional wallowing in the goo and viscera of a damaged interiority - corresponds to a staged refusal to either be 'a warm, compassionate, understanding fellow-creature' (Zizek). Like Grace Jones, another who made an art of her own objectification, Siouxsie didn't demand R.E.S.P.E.C.T. from her bachelor suitors (with the implied promise of a healthy relationship based on mutual regard) but subordination, supplication.

>(The Goth male is all to ready to comply, although - as Nick Cave's compulsively repetitious career has graphicallly demonstrated - snivelling prostration may well only be the prelude to homicidal destruction. Grovelling in front of the Ice Queen - 'I kiss the hem of her skirt' - the Goth male is neither object nor subject but - famously - abject. The best image of this idiot lust is the slavering, pustulant monstrosity on the cover of the Birthday Party's Junkyard, and their 'Release the Bats' - a song the group came to despise because they thought it might result in their being pigeoholed as generic Goth - remains the most pulsingly compulsive dramatization of the goth abject surrendering himself to the Object of his quivering desire. Cave oscillates between worshipping his Lady's femmachinc hauteur - 'my baby is a cool machine', 'she moves to the pulse of the generator' - and pruriently drooling over the 'filth' of her flesh - 'she doesn't mind a bit of dirt'. This conforms almost perfectly with Lacan's description of the courtly Lady, whose cold abstraction is not defined by opposition with smelly physicality. Cave's abject is unable to give up on his desire, and the result is well-known: in order to continue to desire the woman, he must ensure that he cannot possess her, 'so that l'il girl will just have to go'. Only when he has made her as cold and unyielding as Ferry's 'perfect companion' or Poe's parade of beautiful cadavers, can his desire be extended 'to eternity', because then it is rendered permanently incapable of satisfaction.)

>Instead of asserting an illusory 'authentic subjectivity' which supposedly lies beneath the costumes and the cosmetics, Siouxsie and Grace Jones reveled in becoming objects of the gaze

>> No.19025260

I wish i was 13 again

>> No.19025267

>pop criticism

>> No.19025271


>> No.19025278

I was a emo at that age but I couldnt go full style because private catholic school had strict appearance codes. They even cut my hair once...

>> No.19025279

Oh man I haven't heard of lydia lunch in forever

>> No.19025285

I kekd, and also realized I’m a bad person.

>> No.19025287

Patrick, get off /lit/, i'm trying to shitpost

>> No.19025288

This thread is proof that you shouldn't post attractive girls on /lit/

>> No.19025713

I haven't bothered reading the thread, but in case you guys didn't know, she isn't 13. I know because her instagram was posted in another thread with this same picture, and it had her real age, which was over 18.

>> No.19025715

she has said on her tiktok that she is 13

>> No.19025728

Then I must be remembering wrong, but I could have sworn it was the same girl.
I guess it would be weird to ask what her tiktok is now.

>> No.19025736


>> No.19025742
File: 34 KB, 388x627, 6754375438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the thread you were talking about was from /b/, they used to say she was 18 so they didn't get b&, someone even messaged her about it and she confirmed she was 13. Her tiktok is @eternalgrave

>> No.19025756

Thanks for the clarification. That explains a lot.

>> No.19025804
File: 335 KB, 600x602, AFE845C9-F015-441B-A0AD-85D3ACFA0CA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thirteen candles, anon.

Unless they’re lesbian or straight

>> No.19025834


>> No.19025842

Autism to troon timeline

>> No.19025849

Yo why are you guys dunking on this girl so much? She's literally a kid

>> No.19025966

because she's not my gf

>> No.19025983

normalizing "alternative" culture is exactly what led to tranny shit

>> No.19026016

Like it or not, the le wrong body meme has been around for a very long time. Haven’t you ever heard of the Satyricon?

>> No.19026066

>nose ring

>> No.19026075


>> No.19026078

What's a good translation?

>> No.19026082

I knew girls with septum piercings who were still children.

>> No.19026087

im a stupid nigger

>> No.19026108

catastrophically based

>> No.19026109

Not how you use tripcodes

>> No.19026117

Im a stpuid nigger that eats butterfly's to get their magic glying powers, i also suck cocks LOL

>> No.19026121

>normalizing alternative culture totally does not in any way make social standards more tolerant, opening the door for even more deviant things to be normalized

honestly what you just posted makes no fucking sense at all and i would love to hear how you justify such an answer.

>> No.19026125

Go “##xyz” after the butterfly and you’ll get a tripcode. Most are too ADD to notice the difference.

>> No.19026140


>> No.19026156

>hippie boomer degen too stupid/too emotionally invested to acknowledge the long term consequences of the ideas they perpetuated

absolute classic, that one

>> No.19026168

There we go! Goddamn Sumbitch!

>> No.19026195

dawg... 14... r u on god...

>> No.19026237

I tried explaining to boomer why their free love culture created incels and they laughed at me

>> No.19026257

Fuck, wheres the sauce? I would like to fuck her so bad, then I would read to her. A nice bed time story so she can have nice dreams.
Someone please the sauce!!!

[the one in red btw]

>> No.19026263

You don’t have to force your agenda into the simple statement, booger. I don’t like it either. (I’m apparently a terf)
>You make no fockin sense
Read a book titled the Satyricon.

Rightly so.