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/lit/ - Literature

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1902290 No.1902290 [Reply] [Original]

List your favourite films and good films you've watched recently, c/lit/izens. Recommend films to otherwise if you feel like it.

Favourites (vaguely ordered):
1. Gozu (Miike, 2003)
2. Barry Lyndon (Kubrick, 1975)
3. Blue Velvet (Lynch, 1986)
4. Short Cuts (Altman, 1993)
5. Eraserhead (Lynch, 1977)
6. Persona (Bergman, 1966)
7. Fargo (Coens, 1996)
8. Jules et Jim (Truffaut, 1962)
9. Holy Mountain (Jadorowsky, 1973)
10. Sunset Boulevard (Wilder, 1950)

As you can see, I've yet to get into foreign cinema properly and that's recently been my project. I watched part of Bergman's faith trilogy and Wild Strawberries. I much preferred the latter, because it achieved it more with less, and disliked the sensationalist leanings of Through a Glass Darkly. Godard's Breathless worked for an extent for me, but fell short partly because of its poorly handled existential leanings, that Michel was entirely authentic by Sartre's criteria and Patricia always in bad faith seemed really stupid, although the scene with the interview was really clever and the love scenes were often brilliantly realized. Looking to get into Fellini, Bergman and Resnais right now.

>> No.1902294

>Has a Coen Brothers film as a favorite
>It's not No Country.


>> No.1902296

Do we really need this thread every fucking week? What could have possibly changed?

Try again next year.

>> No.1902297

>Off-topic but well-meaning thread
>First response is an asshole and/or a troll.

Stay classy, /lit/.

>> No.1902303

/lit/ (barely)
not /lit/

is it really so hard?

>> No.1902305

12 Angry Men
Pulp Fiction
City of God
Citizen Kane
Sweeney Todd
Mulholland Drive
Exit Through The Gift Shop

>> No.1902307

Breathless is god tier if just for the scene in Patricia's appartment. Watch moar noir.


>his favourite film is a miike film
>he ranks fargo above sunset boulevard
>fargo is his favorite coen film
>he likes eraserhead and altman

there is no salvation for you.

>> No.1902308

>makes offtopic thread
>expects to be handled with kid's gloves

are your feelings hurts? because you can fuck right off if you like, no one will care.

>> No.1902311

1. Memento
2. Amélie
3. Synecdoche, New York
4. Oldboy
5. Mullholand Dr.
6. Pan's Labyrinth
7. Requiem for a Dream
8. Fargo
9. American Beauty
10. City of God

If you haven't watched many foreign films yet, check out all the ones on my list: Amélie, Oldboy, Pan's Labyrinth, and City of God.

>> No.1902312

this list is like the nerdlit list of books that get mentioned every six minutes everywhere on the internet. so generic. watch more films.

>> No.1902314

Whoah bro, I'm >>1902311 and we got alot in common, didn't even see your post before.

>> No.1902318


>>1902312 applies to you as well.

>> No.1902320


>off topic but well-meaning thread
>that we have every week
>that usually shits up the board for a week
>that usually has the exact same films by the exact same posters
>first reponse is an asshole and/or troll

Oh, I wonder why?

These threads are fine every so often, but it's been done to death and it's annoying, not to mention fucking pointless (other than for ego-masturbation)

>> No.1902323

I've seen alot more obscure stuff but those are my favorites. If something gets mentioned alot...sometimes its because its actually better than all that obscure stuff and the obscure stuff remains obscure because it is flawed. Why won't you post your list? Worried that someone will immediately point out the hundreds of flaws in your obscure films, to which you are blind to because obscurity makes your penis erect?

>> No.1902325

Pulp Fiction
City of God
A Clockwork Orange
The Godfather Two
The Shawshank Redemption
Nah, seriously: Tropical Malady, Syndromes and a Century, Caché, The Seventh Continent, Europa, Dogville, Z, My Winnipeg and Werckmeister Harmonies

>> No.1902328

1. WaSanGo (MTV English Dub featuring Snoop Dog as the MC)
2. WaSanGo (MTV English Dub featuring Snoop Dog as the MC)
3. WaSanGo (MTV English Dub featuring Snoop Dog as the MC)
4. WaSanGo (MTV English Dub featuring Snoop Dog as the MC)
5. WaSanGo (MTV English Dub featuring Snoop Dog as the MC)
6. WaSanGo (MTV English Dub featuring Snoop Dog as the MC)
7. WaSanGo (MTV English Dub featuring Snoop Dog as the MC)
8. WaSanGo (MTV English Dub featuring Snoop Dog as the MC)
9. WaSanGo (MTV English Dub featuring Snoop Dog as the MC)
10. WaSanGo (MTV English Dub featuring Snoop Dog as the MC)

>> No.1902331

Blade Runner: Final Cut.
Tropa de Elite
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
The Departed.
Ice Station Zebra.
Day of the Jackal.

>> No.1902330

Or maybe because they're easier to decode, and therefore easier to 'enjoy' and more accesible for everyone. People still thiking that popularity is a meassure of quality (in either way, popular or obscure) is ridiculous.

>> No.1902332

Not literature.

>> No.1902335

Hey have any of you guys seen Satantango directed by Bela Tarr?? Lol

>> No.1902340
File: 38 KB, 1187x317, satantango.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm preparing my body for it.

>> No.1902342

>I've seen alot more obscure stuff but those are my favorites.

Good for you?

>If something gets mentioned alot...sometimes its because its actually better than all that obscure stuff and the obscure stuff remains obscure because it is flawed.

Dear god learn to write, and no one is talking about obscure stuff. Seven of your movies are post-90s, one of them was made by Burton and the other three are the equivalent of Catcher in the Rye for anyone who likes films.

>Why won't you post your list?

Because I consider the thread idiotic and don't want to associate myself with the kind of people who enjoy this threads.

>Worried that someone will immediately point out the hundreds of flaws in your obscure films to which you are blind to because obscurity makes your penis erect?
>assuming I like obscure shit
>implying my favourite filmmakers didn't all die or continue to be world-renowed masters of the craft

It's sad how you have to make me a hipster in your mind to make any kind of argument, instead of actually defending your choices.

>> No.1902346

American Beauty is entertaining to the average viewer in its eccentric plot, and it is thought-provoking as a social commentary on white middle-upper class suburban life. The best films are those that are entertaining pieces of cinematography as well as mentally stimulating. Most "obscure" stuff may be mentally stimulating, but the cinematography is slow-paced, monotonous; in other words, it would be better if it was a book, because then the reader could create scenery in his mind to replace the former horrible cinematography, complimenting the intellectual aspects of the movie further than the director's miracle of passing film school and actually making enough money to eat the expensive brand of ramen every day.

>> No.1902349

Name your movies kid, its not hard. When I explain how shitty all your movies are, maybe you will break free of your malignant narcissism and you will never have to visit that psychiatrist.

>> No.1902351

Did you even read his post?

>> No.1902357

Altman is a great film-maker, particularly in the nineties. The visuality of films like Short Cuts and the Player are undeniably brilliant, and I would argue that Short Cuts is the only great hyper-link movie.

Sunset Boulevard has some mawkish tendencies, particularly in the often stupid and trite romance, what also damages Blue Velvet but to a lesser extent, that mitigate its brilliance. I won't deny that that romance has some narrative pay-offs here and there but otherwise, it sickeningly plays to type. Eraserhead and Gozu play to my love for the absurd, which is something often enjoyable in films, I find. Fargo is probably the best Coen's film because it features their cleverest humour and their cleverest narratival games, a composite, if you will, of Miller's Crossing and Lebowski, A Serious Man comes a close second, perhaps controversially.

>> No.1902358

>American Beauty
>eccentric plot
>thought-provoking as a social commentary on white middle-upper class suburban life

oh lawd

>the cinematography is slow-paced, monotonous; in other words,
>it would be better if it was a book

Dear fucking god I hate you so much. You're the kind of fucking idiot that should be barred from posting on the internet. protip: A VERY SIGNIFICANT PART OF THE WORTH OF A FILM IS IT'S CINEMATOGRAPHY. IT'S THE DEFINING FUCKING TRAIT OF THE MEDIUM. you're complaining about books having too many words inside or paintings having too much paint.

>> No.1902359

Why didn't you sage the thread this time? And yes, I can still criticize the shit out of his (your?) movies even if they aren't obscure.

>world-renowed masters of the craft

Sounds like a Hitchcock fan. Hitchcock was nothing but a stepping stone for the progression of film techniques. Yes, for his time, he was certainly above and beyond others, but in our time his work is incredibly aged. His influence can be seen everywhere, but it is put to better use than he was ever able to use it.

>> No.1902368

The problem with American Beauty is Sam Mendes. He directs as if for the stage and as a result, the subtleties of cinematic communication are all lost. It has a very engaging plot, although often it treats you like an idiot, and great cinematography, so it is Mendes' best. Mendes at his worst is Revolutionary Road, pretty dang bad.

>> No.1902369

>quoting aspects I mentioned
>laughing at them, flaunting your AMAZING skill of ad hominem

People that use ad hominem actually think they are smart! Did you know that? Probably not. Because you aren't smart.

As for the second part of my post, I was talking about movies with bad cinematography, but a entertaining/thought-provoking plot. Story remaining the same, a book would allow you to replace that terrible cinematography with your own.

>> No.1902375






>> No.1902372

Post your films, sage-fag. It should be easier than finding big vocab words to feign intellectual superiority.

>> No.1902373

I've never posted in one of these threads or made one, the reason why these threads are posted here is because films that typical /tv/ posts ignore are discussed, I'm interested in recommendations and I'm sure other people are. Close the thread down if you are not interested.

>> No.1902377
File: 179 KB, 531x327, Picture 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visual media

>> No.1902380

Sage in capital letters doesn't work, its okay you malignant narcissist who won't post his film list because he is scared of facing reality :))))))

Why are you afraid of reality?

>> No.1902385

Only good list so far. /lit/ I am disappoint.

>> No.1902389

read this post here>>1902373, then hide this thread, it only seems to aggravate you.

>> No.1902391

>assuming bullshit
>replying to aforementioned assumed bullshit
>implying hitchcock's movies weren't soulless works created to experiment with the technical aspect of the movies

Hitchcock was like the virtuoso guitarrist who doesn't write songs. And can't you fucking read? That wasn't me, he said "his".

Oh, that makes sense. See, >>1902359, that's how you defend your favourites list, not by being a tard and continually exposing yourself as a fucking idiot.>>1902369

>People that use ad hominem actually think they are smart! Did you know that? Probably not. Because you aren't smart.
>telling me I'm not smart
>misusing the term ad hominem

Protip: ad hominem happens when I claim I'm right because you're an idiot, not just when I say you're an idiot. Who's trying to look smart now?

>I was talking about movies with bad cinematography, but a entertaining/thought-provoking plot.
>implying a significant part of your favourites didn't rely on plot and not on cinematography

So, by your logic, Pulp Fiction would've been better as a book. k.

>mommy he said a word I didn't understanding!

Cry more.

>> No.1902400

Dear fucking god, how much of an idiot can you be? NOT EVERYONE WHO SAGES IS THE SAME PERSON. That's capsguy. You'll see he has sage in caps. That's how we know.


Mah nigga. Have you seen The Five Obstructions? von Trier wants to do a sequel with Scorcese.

>> No.1902407

I feel bad for not having a clue what any of those films are. To demonoid I go...
My list:

Blade Runner
The Deer Hunter
Pulp Fiction
OSS 117; Cairo, Nest of Spies
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Blazing Saddles
Elite Squad

>> No.1902413

Jumping in on those films cold-turkey might not be the best way to enjoy them. Pick a director and follow his filmography and it's much more... interesting and his later works become much more... fullfilling? I can't find the right word, but you'll like it more that way.

>> No.1902420

Hm. Perhaps I'll do that.
Also, since I'm quite new to /lit/ I would like to take a moment to applaud the practice of saging non-board relevant material, well done everyone.

>> No.1902422

Yeah, well-done, but this time was exceptional. It doesn't happen that often and it almost never happens where it's really needed (tripthreads). I guess we just got conditioned to do it since so many shit thread finds it's way to the front.

>> No.1902427

Bumped for pathetic anon circle jerk

>> No.1902433

see what happens?

>> No.1902436

>>mommy he said a word I didn't understanding!

I never said I didn't understand it. This is an internet forum, there is no need to use big words. We're all big kids on this playground. You only come off as a narcissist. And you still haven't posted your movie list yet.

>> No.1902438

See what I mean about triptards?

>> No.1902442

>I never said I didn't understand it.

You complained about it, it amounts to the same.

>This is an internet forum, there is no need to use big words.

I'm sorry I write the way I do. Can you give me a list of the words that made you uncomfortable and their acceptable shorter synonyms?

>We're all big kids on this playground.

Sure we are.

> And you still haven't posted your movie list yet.

And you ignored the entirety of my post, so we're even. I'm not the one that decided to post my tastes to the public. Defend your shit list, defend your shit argument (I submitted plenty of rebuttals) or stop complaining and fuck off.

>> No.1902444

Get out of your turtle shell. Post your list. We can't have a proper fight if you're hiding the entire time.

>> No.1902448

I'll take your incessant repetition as an admission of defeat, I seem to have triggered some sort of logic loop in your primitive brain. Good enough for me.

>> No.1902451

You're like a pair of old women who fuss about stupid inanities at the local Church council, neurotically averse against certain generalized categories and transgressions. We could have a constructive thread here, but instead two small-minded anons decide to assert their moral beliefs and feel as if that entitles them to some sort of status. The reason this thread is here is because this is the only place that foreign cinema can be discussed, as established earlier. So far, none of the old anons have posted their same lists here, as a result nothing is inherently wrong.

>> No.1902457

>mfw /lit/ tries to discuss film

Think about how laughable a thread about literature on /tv/ would look to you. You simply know nothing of the medium. Reported as well.

>> No.1902459

I don't have any particular moral objections to the thread, I just don't like tripfags and I like making fun of idiots.

On the subject of foreign films, I was going to a premiere of un amour de jeunesse yesterday but I missed it (the trailer looked interesting), so all I have to look forward to is Melancholia on saturday. I liked most of von Trier so it will probably be a treat.

>> No.1902472
File: 6 KB, 251x189, Hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>look forward to is Melancholia on saturday. I liked most of von Trier so it will probably be a treat.

But Von Trier is a hack, who cannot conceptualize pace and writes drama like a sappy woman.

>> No.1902475



But seriously, arple warekcquigop or however the fuck you spell his name ( I don't care enough to look it up) is such an under-rated director.

>> No.1902478


Oh god, von trier is shit tier.
I was watching Epidemic on netflix the other day, made me want to puke, I couldn't get through it it was so fucking bad.

>> No.1902481

Ohh, great, so I might have to reset my router, that's no problem, mate. And I can imagine /tv/ talking about literature, they would talk about A Song of Fire and Ice, maybe Ender's Game and Lord of the Rings, and that would be fine.

And I know nothing of the 'medium.' Oh, okay, that basically means that I haven't watched my Von Trier and gone to great depth with my Thai Cinema. Point out an area where there's an issue with my analysis of the films and granted you would look okay, but right now you're just bleating away like a prize fool with no real agenda other than self-aggrandizement.

Go on then, try to make me look like an idiot. You haven't succeeded so far...

Melancholia looks interesting, but there's a myriad of areas it could fall down on. Von Trier himself says that it could be too 'perfect,' in the sense of the 'German romantics,' too unified and cohesive and contained, which could be pretty problematic.

>> No.1902484


I still enjoyed his films. Who do you think writes good drama right now? There's a film festival going on so maybe I'll get a chance to see them if they have something premiering.

>> No.1902485


I lol'd, well played.

>> No.1902497

>Go on then, try to make me look like an idiot. You haven't succeeded so far...

Why are you so touchy? I didn't mean you when I said idiot. It was obviously >>1902323

>> No.1902498

Sick literature thread bro.

Also, Eraserhead sucks, Blue Velvet isn't even that great either, and Fargo is your favorite Coen Brothers film?

Get it together. But don't even tell us about it please.

>> No.1902537


>> No.1902557


>> No.1902606

Favorites, in no real order...

Blade Runner (Final Cut, mostly)
Good Night and Good Luck
The Baader Meinhoff Complex
Pulp Fiction
Black Swan
The Seventh Seal
No Country For Old Men
Seven Samurai
Blues Brothers