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19022570 No.19022570 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best epic poem of the English language?

>> No.19022597
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>epic poem
Wow such epic bro! Epic. Poems are for faggots, guess you're a faggot. Faggot.

>> No.19022602

Even the most amateur poem in French is better than any English poem

>> No.19022697

I can't think of a single epic poem in French tho

>> No.19022742

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.19022857

Milton, Donne, Keats, et al more than beat any frog

Imagine coming to a literature board and not knowing what an epic poem is. It’s like not knowing the difference between novel and novella

>> No.19022905

1. Clarel
2. Paradise Lost
3. Faerie Queen
4. Tale of Balen
5. Tristam of Lyonesse
6. Weeds and Wildings
7. Canterbury Tales
8. The Legend of Good Women
9. Trolius and Cresida
10. Dream of Gerontius
11. Confessio Amantis
12. Ring and the Book
13. Sordello
14. Idylls of the King
15. Harold the Dauntless
16. Lord of the Isles
17. Marmion
18. Roderick the Last of the Goths
19. Thalaba the Destroyer
20. Madoc
21. Joan of Arc - Southey
22. Endymion
23. Don Juan

Read the complete works from these poets as well:
Excluded but kino: Shakespeare's Sonnets and Plays, Coleridge's Poems and Plays, Andrew Marvell, Thomas Wyatt, Blake's Prophetic Works, Sir Philip Sidney, TS Eliot, Shelley's Epics

>> No.19022990

Paradise Lost, without a doubt.

>> No.19022994


>> No.19023001
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Not even close to this masterpiece

>> No.19023014
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>> No.19023051

Are you stupid in the head

>> No.19023120


>> No.19023181
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joseph sama

>> No.19023201

Why the fuck have I never heard of Clarel. Clearly this anon is extremely based.

>> No.19023277
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It's kino

>> No.19023295

This guy knows poetry.

>> No.19023363

As someone who hasn't yet read Clarel but who is currently working on a doctorate thesis centering on Paradise Lost, could you briefly explain why you prefer Melville's epic to Milton's? Genuinely very curious and I don't have the time right now to start such a long and undoubtedly dense work.

>> No.19023396

Song of Hiawatha.

>> No.19023415
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Any of the Top 4 are really interchangable in all honesty, but Clarel I liked the best.
Paradise Lost is probably the better work for most, since it's lucid and kind of obvious what it's getting at, whereas Clarel is mostly inaccesible.
Sure, Melville in general owes a lot to Milton, but it's really hard to describe Clarel without someone having read it. It has these extreme odd rythmn to it with it's exposition producing this sort of natural sound, like a conception of light, then it delves into theological questions that I can barely understand to the full extent, but can appreciate it. IDK it feels like a lost text and something you could read endlessly even while only partially understanding it, like you're being confronted with the truth of existence and can still only make sense of little of it.
Even the introduction to it basically says, he relinquishes this work to the world indifferent what becomes of it, his only solace is if one reads it.

>> No.19023461

I love it already from the excerpts you've posted and how you describe it, thank you for sharing this

I also hadn't even heard of Tale of Balen, these two are definitely going near the top of my to-read list

Do you have any information on Balen? I can find precious little through a few minutes of Googling

>> No.19023494

Shouldn't the reflection be flipped?

>> No.19023505
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Balen is barely an epic, it's very short like 75 pages and just a late work from Swinburne in his aesthetic. Tristram of Lyonesse is the longer one, and I'm not sure he even considered the two epics.
Tristram is like 150 pages.

>> No.19023513

Interesting, thank you for all the info, clearly-well-read-and-erudite anon.

>> No.19023519
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Here's an excerpt

>> No.19023530

kek we're never well-read enough :(, but thank you. Good luck on your thesis.

>> No.19023706

any reason you don’t mention Wordsworth’s Prelude? It’s not the best but I think it has merit

>> No.19023877

I knew a very annoying woman in college who loved Wordsworth, and I cannot stand her, so I don't read his works.

>> No.19024120

theres this really annoying woman who loves breathing

>> No.19024125

Please go read some books. Find a mentor or go back to school.

>> No.19024149

Too based

>> No.19024159

Oh fuggg Moby Dick was fantastic but is Clarel even better?

>> No.19024180


How long should an epic be?

>> No.19024196
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1805 version's got my vote

>> No.19024201

12 cantos ~800 lines long

>> No.19024243

The novel, although it is a descendant of and conserves epic features, is a different genre entirely.

>> No.19024278

it's not a novel

>> No.19024291

Kek this is funny as fuck

>> No.19024307


>> No.19024312
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>> No.19024337

novels are prosaic works about city slickers having affairs
mb is a heroic poem in prose

>> No.19024350

That's not what a novel is.
>poem in prose
Based retard

>> No.19024361

yes it is
unbased actual retard

>> No.19024385
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Sorry, I don't argue with people with room temperature IQ, have a good day.

>> No.19024387

Moby dick is to Clarel what Typee is to Moby Dick

>> No.19024394

you have centigrade room IQ I have kelvin room IQ

>> No.19024395

Prose poems exist but I'm not sure that Moby Dick is a prose poem.

>> No.19024405
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Based bait.

>> No.19024429

Do you mean blank verse? Because that is still not prose, by definition.

>> No.19024437


>> No.19024443

I know you're still mad I called you a retard, baby girl. It's okay, you can cry.

>> No.19024455
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kys b2 plebbit retard

>> No.19024850

Good list but you forgot Pope and his epic

>> No.19024855

And Whitmans