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19022201 No.19022201[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>she has a boyfriend
What book do I read to cope?
I feel like crying right now

>> No.19022221

Women are like carbon-copy clones of each other. Suck it up. There are like three billion other ones that have the same mundane opinions, the same bitchy attitude and are just as hot. Women are a meme

>> No.19022240
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Dont worry op there are ways

>> No.19022299

Read Post Office by charles Bukowski

>> No.19022323

Fuck an escort.

>> No.19022332

The Bible

>> No.19022349

Lol, its kinda true. Good attitude. Still, I believe my girl is out there somewhere and destiny will bring us together

>> No.19022670
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My grandmother was engaged when my grandfather met her. My wife was dating another woman when I met her. Stop being a baby, the boyfriend is irrelevant.

>> No.19022675

>dating a cheating whore

>> No.19022701
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>she wants to become a nun

get on my level

>> No.19022725

hot, imagine all the pussy she's gonna get

>> No.19022754

Prince Hamlet by William Shakespeare

>> No.19022762

Been there, anon. Feels bad man

>> No.19022770

how can your love compete with god's fuck me that's a downer

>> No.19022772

Casanova fucked nuns

>> No.19022779

Time to reincarnate bro

>> No.19022809

He's also in Hell now, barring repentance.

>> No.19022866

This is legitmate advice. Unless you have a good relationship with the boyfriend, that should be no deterrent. You've got little shot during the two week honeymoon, but past that she might as well not even have a boyfriend for all it will matter. Respecting the exclusivity of others is a spook, not all men and especially not all women are loyal. You are not responsible for her commitment. If you come at her hard and she is incensed because of her relationship status blame it on the sincere strength of your desire for her. At the very least she will be flattered and no longer upset. If she's someone who places societal spooks above personal feelings she's a lost cause anyway or very innocent.

>> No.19022907

>the sincere strength of your desire for her. At the very least she will be flattered
dork writing style

>> No.19022926

>now has to compete with the tallest, sexiest, richest, smartest, most kind and powerful being in existance
I feel bad for you anon

>> No.19022935

A boyfriend? She has a boyfriend? How did she not know, that the only reason you talked to her, is to bang her?

>> No.19022978

Why do you insist on being the enemy of love anon?

>> No.19022984

1. that has nothing to do with you writing like a dork
2. love started it

>> No.19022991

sorrows of young werther and white nights

>> No.19022996

Another irony poisoned soul that fears sincerity. You will be missed because your entire existence is a great exertion of hiding and suppressing feelings.

>> No.19023008


>> No.19023039

You're really convincing me with your passionate range of: cynicism, dismissal, and cynicism.

>> No.19023081

>you can't criticise me, that's cynicism
>you can't dismiss my made up fanfic about you, that's dismissal

>> No.19023484

Dismissal as in dismissiveness stemming from ironic detachment. Tone policing is not criticism. You have to actually put forth effort to critique.

>> No.19023525

>Tone policing
oh so you're just trolling
given how unfunny it was I can't feel too bad about falling for it, but I still have to acknowledge doing so I guess

>> No.19023785

Yes, because
>dork writing style
somehow transcends the categorization of tone policing. Irony poisoning might be the least of your problems if you lack basic comprehension. You're lucky to be born in an era where concealing your idiocy is trendy.

>> No.19023802
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>> No.19023815
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Any good novel written 50+ years ago will give you a female love interest to direct your feelings towards but without the worry of having your heart broken

>> No.19023836

The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.19023866

That's actually a very nice way to cut off contact with someone

>> No.19023943

damn sorry anon, God is some stiff competition

>> No.19023944
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She only wrote it up because she felt guilty about the way she originally cut me off, which was to wait until I was out of town for a month on a work trip, fall off the face of the earth, and never mention that she had permanently moved states away for a last-minute acceptance to grad school.
She finally called me back last night to tell me she had moved. I pretty much just told her good luck and hung up, then this morning she sent that. Don't think I'll respond.

>> No.19023949

My twisted world.

>> No.19023953
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>> No.19024023
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Sorry about that bro, I didn't know you were into her. No hard feelings? To be honest, I was kind of getting bored with her anyway so if you want I could find some other chick to fuck and I could let you have her O.P..

>> No.19024049

assuming that someone who talks like 2014 tumblr on 4channel is trolling is just principle of charity

>> No.19024111

You are probably still a sucker for beauty. By all accounts she is either disinterested or enjoying the attention. On the off chance she really does like you, I would stress that her lack or loyalty to a commitment will show up in some way in your potential future relationship. I would really consider why she is so perfect for you. It's much easier to mold someone that already loves you into what you consider to be ideal than to pick someone ideal and make them love you. She'll hit the wall one day, anon. Make sure you like what she brings to your life.

>> No.19024284

I've never once spoken to her, anon
She doesn't know I exist
I just spy on her social media accounts
She just so happened to mention a bf in one of her recent posts

>> No.19024322

That's even worse. She's no different than a porn actress or tiktok slut at that point. Get to the gym stat.

>> No.19024345

really hope this isn't actually op

>> No.19024367

>talking to girls online
>i dont actually want to meet or date them
>i just want to flirt
Im sure this will be bad karma but whatever, chicks do the same thing.

>> No.19024371

Unironically Stoner.

>> No.19024419

just ask her out

>> No.19024441

Shelley's poem "The serpent is shut out from paradise"

>> No.19024475

It's just his turn this time around.

Women are whores.

>> No.19024576

Not a slut
She's a very sweet, albeit neuroatypical, girl
It is
Thank you

>> No.19024832

>It is
ffs anon, being upset about some internet girl having a boyfriend is twitch tier

>> No.19024885

No, we went to the same school together

>> No.19024894

"The art of not being a little bitch"

>> No.19024901

the power of now

>> No.19024902

that doesn't really change my mind too much about what tier to put it in
at the very best it'd be /r9k/

>> No.19025277

Bronze Age Mindset to make you less of a faggaladuccio

>> No.19025299

Sorry, but try anyway. Fuck it. The worst you’ll get is a “no”. Shoot your shot.

>> No.19025302

Yes, my main boards are lit and r9k

>> No.19025309

Just message her, retard.

>> No.19025319

I already posted on Instagram a poem about her and then sent her a follow request but I think she denied it

>> No.19025326

If you are actually right for her, she will ditch her boyfriend for you.
Be interesting and hit them like a blitzkrieg. Your men are huddling in a trench planning to advance, if you knew what you were doing there would be 2 armored divisions in her capital by now.
If you live an interesting life, and simply gain contact with a woman and mention the things you've done, they will be so blown away by you compared to their mundane boyfriend that they'll get all confused and jump into you.
At this point, it's too late for you, not to live a good life, but to be with this girl. Establish interest within 24 hours and exclusivity within 72 hours.

>> No.19025327

I am a cat

>> No.19025329

Post some nicer photos to your page and message her in a couple months.

>> No.19025368

gee I wonder why

>> No.19025370

Women are not like hoi4 kys virgin faggot

>> No.19025372

They really are though.

>> No.19025395

Oh I don't post pictures of myself on my Instagram page, just poetry
Also it's a heteronym account

>> No.19025401

That has worked with 5 girls.
2 had boyfriends.
Establish interest within 24 hours, establish exclusivity within 72 hours.
Do not wait around and try to be their friend. You don't want to be their friend. You want to be the completely out of the box thing that just appears and sweeps them off their feet. Their defenses are expecting a creeping barrage followed by an infantry assault, not a mass encirclement resulting in complete chaos.
This might only work if you're attractive. I may have just been very lucky for my entire relatively short life. I can't answer these questions.
I can say I don't own hoi4, and I will not be killing myself.

>> No.19025422

Women are like Crusader Kings 2. After the satanist incest you make your gay horse husband pope then inseminate him to father a legitimatised half horse bastard German Emperor.

>> No.19025438

Women are like Eu4
Destroy them and continue doing so till they belong to you