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19019492 No.19019492 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some based books to understand Croatian history.

>> No.19019528

Rebecca West

>> No.19020061 [DELETED] 

Mrš bre u pičku materinu govno ustaško

>> No.19020065

"How to steal your neighbor's land and history" by Moshe Balkanstein

>> No.19020072


>> No.19020081
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>> No.19020083

i think you should ask on/his/

>> No.19020095

Don’t call him ustase even though he’s asking racist bait questions. Maybe he genuinely wants a national history rather than the most appropriate history—but is smart enough to know that /his/ is a board for nazis who don’t read scholarly monographs if they read at all.

>> No.19020186

/Hhis/ has had multiple threads where they gather resources on certain historical topics, it's not

>> No.19020194

The croatian coast line is unbelievably based

>> No.19020441

Just remember when you visit us that we are of Illyrian/Aryan stock unlike Serbs and other "Balkan" "peoples" who descend mostly from Slavs, Turks and Hunns.

>> No.19020468

stop posting cringe, my croatian friend

>> No.19020478

>/his/ is a board for nazis
What board are you looking at? /his/ is reddit libtard colony

>> No.19020574

>Getting raped by Turkish BVLLS: A People's History

>> No.19020580

You're thinking about Serbia and Bosnia.

>> No.19020630

Just imagine larping Slavs with germanic inferiority complex and a kink to support fascism/nazism.

I'm not saying that Serb-bros are good, but I'd rather have serbs than these nazi faggots.

>> No.19020638

Monumental cope
Just read Austria’s history. they cleaned their stables, that’s their historical impact

>> No.19020678


>> No.19020686

Go back to /pol/ retard. Croatians and Serbs have almost identical genetics

>> No.19020691
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This statement actually perfectly sums up the foundation of Croatia throughout all of History.
They constantly rock back and forth between wanting to be themselves and kissing Germanic Jew's asses.
It depends on who's doing better at the time.
When Serbia was the first to standardise their language, the so called "Illyrian movement" joined in, seeing that Serbs have done very well for themselves at around this time, and they Standardised the very same dialect, of the štokavian dialectal system - even though the overwhelming majority of Croatia not only spoke in a dialect that's barely intelligable with said dialect (which is still, to a lesser extent spoken in Montenegro), but most of their people spoke in a totally different dialectal SYSTEM.
Croats have licked the shit stains left on the road where the Germanics have walked.
If you really want to read about Croatian History, check out the sources on the statements you like most on the Wikipedia article for "Croatia".
If you want a read a more in-depth look on Croatia in the eyes of Radical Serbian nationalism - read "The Roman-catholic criminal Project of the artificial state of Croatia" by the founder of the radical party himself, the Doctor of Law, the man who represented himself in Hague for a little more over a decade untill they ruled him as NOT GUILTY - Šešelj.

>> No.19020701

Кoгa бoли кypaц?

>> No.19020712 [DELETED] 

Also this is exactly how I realise that this guy is either retarded or not from Eastern Europe at all.
> Germanics
> Supremacy
Honestly Germanics have been ruled out as worse Jews than actual Jews when it comes to their historical impact on Europe. I'm a firm believer that Fascism was actually invented by the Germanics to shift the blame from the actual Jews (Germanics) to the first available passer-by.

>> No.19020722

Je л' питo чoвeк? Eтo мy гa oдгoвop.
Meнe бoли кypaц, штa ћeш caд, a љyбaви? Дoђи мaлo y Bлaдичин Хaн дa ce зeзaмo, ти и јa.

>> No.19020726

>Mehmet my son, we have done much raping today, but here we must stop
>for why father?
>the slaves we raped this morning called themselves Serbs and Bosnians, but these slaves call them selves Croats
>aren't they all slaves father?
>yes Mehmet, but we must never rape the Croatian slaves. Don't ask why, just don't

>> No.19020730

You are a pathetic little man and that hate will eat you inside out.

>> No.19020736

Кoгa бoли јaјe зa мyтaвe хpвaтe, нeк ce гyшe caми y cвoјoј aгoнији и cитyјy пo 4чeнy кaкo cy мyх cpби тypци.

>> No.19020756

Дoбpo иcтинa.
Љyби бpaт.

>> No.19020772

хpвaт нe мoжe дa пoднece штo нијe cpбин, пa caмим тим и мpзи cpбe

>> No.19020775

>Just imagine larping Slavs with germanic inferiority complex and a kink to support fascism/nazism.
Only the northern parts of the county. Istra is basically Italian in all but name, and the more south you go the more mixed situation gets in terms of cultural influences.

>> No.19020782
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Modern history? Because no one can really settle on ancient one. Down to when Croats definitely settled these parts.

>> No.19020786

Jadnik napaćeni. Izjest će te mržnja. Zašto je šovinizam kod Srba toliko prisutan? Čak i u intelektualnim krugovima ideje velike Srbije kao Jugoslavenskog Pijemonta i dalje postoje.

>> No.19020793
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boli me kurac, nisam procitao frf

>> No.19020798
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>> No.19020800
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Really, I imagine you'd have a hard time finding anything in English on the subject.

>> No.19020818

Гocпoдe кaкaв цpни шoвинизaм, o чeмy јoј кypaц пpичaш ти јeбoтe, штa ти јe? Бpaтe јe caм биoлoшкo жeнcкo пa oпeт ниcaм тoлики пeдep дaј cмиpи ce.
Кo зaбoгa никoгa дoлaзи нa 4чeн зa интeлeктyaлнe диcкycијe?? Mpш бpe иди нaзaд y гимнaзијy y Бeoгpaдy пa тaмo cepи, фpфapa.

>> No.19020836
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>биoлoшкo жeнcкo
зaштo cyмњaм y oвo

>> No.19020853


>> No.19020859

Кaд би caмo знao кoликo нac јe ca кpиcтaл кaфeјa y /ex-yu/ изгyбиo би cвy нaдy зa чoвeчaнcтвo.
Baн тoгa, дa ли caм биoлoшкo или тpaнџa јe нeбитнo, пoeнтa јe иcтa.
Штa вишe, дa caм тpaнџa билo би јoш бaзиpaнијe, ни тpaнџa нe мoжe дa дocтигнe тaј нивo пeдepлyкa oндa.

>> No.19020893

jebem ti mater ustaško, anime pederčina

>> No.19021013

>Кaд би caмo знao кoликo нac јe ca кpиcтaл кaфeјa y /ex-yu/ изгyбиo би cвy нaдy зa чoвeчaнcтвo.
Jeбeни cтyдeнти

>> No.19021228

Hrvati: Četrnaest stoljeća ustrajnosti

why the fuck are there so many serbs itt? You cunts can't even read

>> No.19021289

eternal victims

>> No.19021300

t. Mutt who never met either

>> No.19021597

Da ti stvaramo guzobol cigane

>> No.19021839

A complete overview would be great. But I am mostly interested in the ancient and medieval history.

>> No.19021856
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Why can't the yugoslavs just be friends? You are literally all the same people except your religions are different.

>> No.19022138

"White Croatia", "White Croats" and "Origin hypotheses of the Croats" are pretty interesting wikipedia articles on the their early history and will lead you down a rabbithole. Sadly most of the references are in croatian, not english.

>> No.19022174
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But most of Croatia was never under Ottoman control.

>> No.19022192

because familiarity breeds contempt. also, three spheres of influence in a relatively tiny geographic area with religions playing a major role.

>> No.19022196
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ottomans were white tho
so that means croats r black

>> No.19022210
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I'm going to make this thing before i die

>> No.19022398
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uobičajeno visokokakvoćno klupko

>> No.19024737

Paul F Kisak

>> No.19025462
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Wasnt Šešelj ass fucked all the time in prison, and had the nickname "ballerina"?

Anyways, this is peak Serbian schizo autism and the best post to show the Croatian-Bosnian history, atleast the modern one: having to deal with Serbian autism. You have serbian "historians" trying to link serbs to Sorbs, Swedes, Suebians, Assyrians etc. just to cope with the fact that their name comes from being historical slaves. First under the Bulgarian Khanate, with the serbian capital being called "Alba Bulgarica", just to be conquered by the Byzantines. After the turks invaded Anatolia and the Empire was at the brink of collapsing, this was their first and only point of glory, proclaiming an Empire nobody recognised and that ended up again being conquered. Later on they were also slaves under the Ottomans, and what slaves they were, the janissaries would fuck brides on their first wedding night and force the husband to crawl on all fours and bark like a dog, just for their bastard sons to be turned into cannon fodder against catholic europe.

Serbs are worse than niggers, they committed more war crimes than they have fought battles. The whole world hates your guts and sees you for the backwards Barbarians you are, not even the Russians (the sole reason Serbia even exists) anymore care for you. In the 90s you had the support of the foreign media for a year, before they also realised what bloodthirsty monsters you were, not even trying to hide it (you sings songs that go "There will be meat we will butcher the Croats" and "My father is a war criminal", pathetic) In every major city in Europe you will find a graffiti that says "Remember Srebrenica", not to mention what you did in Skabrnja, Vukovar.
Serbia was a Bulgarian cumdumpster when Dalmatian translated the Kuran to latin and was a major figure in medieval philosophy, Serbia was an Ottoman cumdumpster when Illyric was the right hand of Martin Luther and when Nietzsche crowned Boskovic as the brightest mind of his time. What has Serbia offered to the world, except Tesla who was born in Croatia to Croatian parents but was of the Orthodox faith

The "Croats are simping for Germans!!!" is a historical case of Serbs projecting themselves being Slaves to Turkish hordes, you niggers wish you were recognised and part of Europe. Karl May descriped Serbia the best, the "land of bandits, gypsies and albanians". And when it comes to the Croatian language, Bartols "Institutiones linguae Illyricae" was published 200 years before Vuk Karadžić and here you want to talk about some serbian language?

>> No.19025495

Holy Croat autism

>> No.19025518
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if you google for it there are english translated copies online. out of all the silly replies on this thread this is unironically the true history of croatia online you will find

oh wait... I have it here !!!

https://web.. archive. org/web/20060525220243/http://www.. magma .ca/~rendic/introductioncroats%26serbs.htm

>> No.19026458

There's one fundamental truth to the ex-YU national spirits - frustration. The nations are haunted by eternal frustration and insecurity about their own identity and existence, the frustration which they have to soothe with genocide, and linguistic and historical fabrication (yes, of course Croats have existed since 3rd century AD; yes, of course Šešelj - who was, contrary to a post ITT, found guilty for crimes against humanity - is an excellent historian).
I pray to God you'll be held accountable for the lies and hate that you spread.

>> No.19026684

>/his/ is reddit libtard colony
That's /lit/ though?

>> No.19027241
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> croat citing bulgar-turkic irredentist propaganda in order to refute serbian irredentist propaganda
> proceeds to name some literally who in reference to Nietzsche likely indicating there is some obscure asspained croat cope theory mixed in as well
balkan moment
you are all small people and nobody gives a shit about you, and your entire faggot region ought to be glassed. stfu for gods sake

>> No.19027248

Šešelj was retroactively convicted 2 years later, of a crime for which he had already been acquitted, because the globohomo kangaroo court was embarrassed at its own defeat

>> No.19027276

based slovenia

>> No.19027666

how do you deal with the fact that the Council of Split in 925 clearly outlines in its documents that Serbs and Croats are two separate people, despite the fact that the East-West Schism wasn't to occur more than 100 years later?

>> No.19027717
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>your entire fucking country is coastline
>still unwilling to give few kilometers of sea in accordance with international courts
Any books on extreme greed and its consequences?

>> No.19027735

Since when do international courts matter in ex-yugoslavia?

>> No.19027792

Whenever some serboid is being convicted apperently

>> No.19027807
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>> No.19027826

>le western superiority complex
Shut the fuck up faggot, the Balkans have more sovl than any other part of the world. Also Romans came from Illyria (thus they were descended from proto-Croats). Your entire civilization was built by Balkan bulls (Greeks/Illyrians) you larping snow nigger faggot. Enjoy the collapse of your pathetic culture.

>> No.19027838

/lit/ is split. /his/ is fully reddit.

>> No.19028032

>The modern Republic of Croatia is at fault for the Ottomans taking away their lands in Bosnia and Herzegovina
>Republic of Croatia is at fault for the Dayton Accords not giving them lands in BiH which are populated by 90% Croats
Fuck off Slovenianfag. It's not our fault we have coast line while you twinks decided to settle in the mountains

>> No.19028156

I.E. he was convicted, and you lied shamelessly.

see the part "Slovenian breach of agreement and Croatian withdrawal"

>> No.19028987

> you lied shamelessly.
I wasn't the first poster.
You Western faggots will seethe about self-serving attitudes in our region, but then flip-flop on legal decisions because of public backlash as if justice isn't supposed to be blind. stop bitching please

>> No.19029172

Is it true that Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks are genetically all the same Serbo-Croatian people, with the only difference being that Serbs are Orthodox, Croats are Catholic, and Bosniaks are Muslim? Looking for objective outside views, not the various autistic nationalists currently debating.

>> No.19029405

Basically, Croatians cluster close to central european, Serbs are moreso balkanic but overall their quite close. Bosniaks are pretty much inbetween and then theirs Bosniak and Croatian Serbs who are mostly the same as their neighbors genetically, although their is some differences genetically.

>> No.19029458

So basically they're slightly different people but not by much, and are at the very least close cousins? Certainly not different enough to warrant wanting to genocide each other.

>> No.19029522

I would say cousin people is accurate but their history is quite different which leads to some differences in genes and society. Basically, Hungary conquered Croatia around the 1100s and from then until Yugoslavia Croatia was under the yoke of large central european nations (austria and hungary). In the same time frame, Serbs founded another independent state and took more interest in the Greek states, basically attempting to have a sort of cultural fusion under Stefan Dusan. Afterwards, Ottomans came and this led to a long term seperation between the balkans and central europe, from their you can see some cultural and genetic differences emerge. Definetly not big enough to kill eachother, were the same people with different overlords, the nationalist politicans are to blame for that

>> No.19029744

>I wasn't the first poster.
Then he lied.
>You Western faggots
LOL le evil wect
>but then flip-flop on legal decisions
Do you know what a legal appeal is and what is its point?

Genetics don't matter in ex-YU (or anywhere else, really) for determining of your nationality (genetically Africa is the most diverse continent, but to us they're pretty much all just black and we don't see the differences; they however do see them and have stereotypes about each other). The question is, in practice, where your parents are from, and how you talk (your word stress and word choice), that's the end of the story.
Roughly, yes, the current national division is in accordance with the religious division.

>Certainly not different enough to warrant wanting to genocide each other.
Genocide is not necessarily done upon something foreign or completely different from you. As I've explained here before, on the contrary, the point of genocide in these countries is to remove that which is just slightly foreign and that contaminates your national body (Serbs in Croatia, Muslim "poturice" in Serbia).

>> No.19029748

>croatian history
doesn't exist

>> No.19029820

bosniaks are literal turkish rapebabies. Fabricated nation, half of them run of to germany to join their turkish kin. This is completely objective view

>> No.19030005

Are you certain? If they willingly converted, wouldn't that have made them likely to have been raped less?

>> No.19030110

Right, but products of rape were overwhelmingly Muslim thanks to Ottoman laws of descent.

>> No.19030199

>bosniaks are literal turkish rapebabies. Fabricated nation
So are they fabricated or not? Or do you think a nation is real/not-frabricated only if it has 15 centuries of (made-up) history with mythical origin stories, like the rest of the Balkans?

>> No.19030233

all nations are fabricated but some have more respectable foundations than others
simping for your rapists is basically the worst possible origin

>> No.19030251

the only three actual yugoslav nations are serbs, croatians and slovenians. Montenegrians are serbs and macedonians are bulgarians. Bosnians are muslim outsiders.
Also the history isnt made up, its pretty well documented although each nation naturally has its own myths

>> No.19030971
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>good threads die
>this shit thread still up

>> No.19031022

>all nations are fabricated
Good. As for the respectability, that is Bosniaks' personal problem. I do not know why anyone other than them should care about such matters.

The history is documented the same way as myths, with ink on paper. So for example a guy ITT links a book that claims Croats are known to have existed since the 3rd century. But there are also countless subtler aspects of historiography that serve the myths. A myth is not merely a singular object, a wrong statement that you can purge from a text. It is frequently what forms the entire text, deciding which facts are included and which are excluded, without ever having to lie, while still serving the myth.
What use or meaning is in your claims about "actual" nations and outsiders, I do not know. (And again, you don't even try to define what an "actual nation" is.) Will your wise statement make it so that the non-nation of Montenegro ceases all resistance and lets Serbia annex its territory? Will these "Muslim outsiders" (outside, yet somehow right in the geographic centre of ex-YU) just disappear back into Turkey?
They won't. Maybe try to deal with real problems instead of endlessly mumbling about nationalities.

And now you bumped it back to the first page. Congrats.

>> No.19031368

>Maybe try to deal with real problems instead of endlessly mumbling about nationalities.
Thank you for your helpful contribution that all of these social constructs are pointless and unworthy of critique, elaboration, description, or god forbid fighting over. I've never encountered this sentiment before and I am completely dumbfounded.
The nationalities become real problems by this exact process of exponentiation, and you do not provide any more compelling argument to discredit the process. Broadly speaking, postmodernism did not prevail because it was any more objectively correct, rather it was deemed correct by demoralized nihilists who already were rootless and primed to accept it. What use or meaning is there of venturing outside of your degraded context and moralizing to people who understand these myths to be real? Will your wise statements induce world peace and harmony when everybody realizes they're just acting out myths and these aren't real problems?
not him btw

>> No.19031496

I did not say that the concepts of nationalities are unworthy of critique, description and so on. I particular nation, for many reasons. What I am trying to do is to show how the current level of discourse here is idiotic, violent, and not in any way an elaboration of anything. It is simply, again and again, an explosion of the worst nationalist cancer. Before creating any meaningful understanding, it is necessary to bring into question the basics of these relationships. Calling for dealing with real problems is a platitude, yes, but a lot of the time it is the only one that provides enough concrete desire to pull one's attention away from these conflicts, if the conflicts cannot be solved through themselves - and I do not see any opportunity for that here, I'd be glad if you gave any better directions.
What is degraded about my context, and what did I exponantiate? Are you calling me a postmodernist?

>> No.19031504

>"serbs can only steal"
>proceeds to claim a bunch of Italian Dalmatians and Serbs as Croat
Sasuga kurwat-sama

>> No.19031513

God I fucking hate Croatians, subhuman fucks larp as better than "their barbaric neighbors" but act exactly the same. I would nuke the entire Balkans from Rijeka to Constantza if I could.

>> No.19031744

If you propose that narratives should be reconciled through mutual deconstruction, then you are an essential postmodernist. This tendency was obvious and telling.
Your context is degraded because you could really never conceive of the depth of belief that exists in these people. The relationship between the fact and the myth is self-evidently irrelevant to the myth's power to these people. Postmodernist arguments intend to tear down narratives, but they can only tear down narratives that are already dying, and it is therefore a totally sterile approach. It has only seemed to work because it grew out of the ennui of an already-ravaged culture.
The more productive approach is to identify who is the most correct and then throw in with them; but a person operating in a demoralized cultural context cannot imagine that there is any point to any of the narratives, imagines them as pointless roads to nowhere, and imagines that they must be reconciled into a meaningful understanding.

>> No.19033262

Serbs and Croats have a genetic similarity of 83% and Bosnian Serbs have a 97% similarity to Croats, so...

>> No.19033322

Yugoslavia was basically the only true time we came close to a golden age/true independence, now we are jewish banana republics who are getting brain drained by western powers and used as a holiday escape. So yea to anyone interested most extreme nationalists in this region are fucking hypocrites who would rather fight against the other in the monkey ring whilst the bigger powers all around watch and throw bananas on the ring. There is no help for these people, they either have war PTSD or they have been totally brainwashed by their schools and media to hate not just Serbs but pretty much anything that goes against "muh Catholic pure Croat" (even atheists btw). So yea most of them are race traitors who should be shot and killed, if russia ever comes down i am definitely gonna desert and join my slavic brothers rather than fight with a bunch of kiked vermin who would rather die for jewish/US sponsored NATO/EU.

TL;DR : Na goli otok s vama odmah! haha

>> No.19033425

The Balkans are such a fucking travesty, i wish the entire place got nuked into non existence

Tako sam jebeno umoran

>> No.19033468

>with the only difference being [religion]
No, although supporters of the Yugoslav political project generally hold this view

>> No.19034036

The balkan nations truly are just toothless dogs barking at each other the whole day.