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File: 96 KB, 1200x900, neetche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19016222 No.19016222[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19016230

>YET another retarded post from a retarded noNietzscheer
Mods need to filter this fucking garbage
And midwits desperately need to actually start reading

>> No.19016250

While I have found much value in Nietzsche's work, today was the day that I debunked him completely. Trust me when I say that it's over for Nietzsche.

>> No.19016260
File: 384 KB, 620x330, zxc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche was a gigantic hypocrite and a pessimist that allowed himself to deteriorate, his ideas are interesting but he's not a man to idolize at all.

He's the embodiment of "Do as I say, not as I do."

>Talks about how you should be an Ubermensch - is an Untermensch.

>Talks about the powers of retaining your seed
>Fucks a bunch of prostitutes and gets STDS.

Hypocrite all around.

>> No.19016285

summer can't fucking end soon enough

>> No.19016807

>Hypocrite all around.
Based human.

>> No.19016911

>2 things
>""""massive"""" hypocrite
being an ubermensch isn't as simple as just doing it. If Nietzsche had lived past 40 he probably would've achieved his ideal. the second thing is unproven too.

>> No.19016927

nietzsche died at 55

>> No.19016947


Either read Nietzsche or fuck off. Stop being dumb babies



>> No.19017262

The only true ehsexuals are Canadians

>> No.19018398

he fundamentally misunderstood how sin works in christianity
I wish all neetche fans would stop deflecting all arguments by just telling others that they've misunderstood him or that they haven't read him in the first place

>> No.19018413

You'll notice that many do the same thing: "if you are not hypnotized by ____'s ideas, you need to go back and read them again and again until you are, otherwise you just don't understand".
Christians too.

>> No.19018468

>he fundamentally misunderstood how sin works in christianity
How so?

>> No.19018476

>he fundamentally misunderstood how sin works in christianity
Holy cope dude. Take your Platonism out of here

>> No.19018566

>be you
>havent achieved any literary success
>meanwhile, Nietzsche is and his philosophy are forever immortalized
>proceed to talk shit on a basket weaving forum

Sounds pretty untermensch bro

>> No.19018635

And, merely being remembered does not make one good.
Consider who rules the world, and who they would have you remember.

>> No.19018722

>how you should be an Ubermensch
where specifically does he say that?

>> No.19020150

This has meme potential. I had a good chuckle thanks to you.

>> No.19020185


Dropped. Coom at least three times a week to keep your prostate healthy.

>> No.19020187

We got too cocky nietzschebros, we're getting debunked left and right

>> No.19020199

He didn't understand Christianity at all nor did he want to. Just reduces it to otherworldliness.

>> No.19020299

In school his best grades were in Christian theology

>> No.19020531

You mean Protestant theology

>> No.19020964

It seems like he did, since Christians never stop seething about him.

>> No.19021148

>reduce your chance of prostate cancer by 0.000000000001%
Go back to your synagogue.

>> No.19021242

i think thats more the fact that people keep bringing him up. i dont hear neitch much being brought up out of the blue. so cope.

>> No.19021250

Kikes cant maaturbate with their crippeled dicks.

>> No.19021303

More than half the threads on the board at any given time this year have been made by someone seething over him, and they always misunderstand him too. Just like this thread.

>> No.19021706

New copypasta?

>> No.19021727
File: 307 KB, 1280x1280, 1627642210173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right

>> No.19021736

I don't count the years after he went insane.

>> No.19021797

Holy cope

>> No.19021813


>> No.19021908

Enlighten us then anon?

>> No.19022476


Not here to give lessons to you, but I will explain one thing. Maybe anon is willing to do more.

No one is a "übermensch"/"untermensch". The term "übermensch" denotes a hypotetical state in which humanity has transcended the detrimental limits of moral ways of thninking and acting, of slave morality etc. Particularly the men who live in a time when humanity has reached this theoretical stage of its developement. The counterpart to the "übermensch" is not the "untermensch", but the "last man/men", a term which also denotes a hypothetical stage of humanity's development. Do you understand?

>> No.19022552

Holy fuck
>You can't just not want sex
>You cannot just not want sex
>You can just want sex

Is what OP is saying.

>> No.19022619

>agreeing with someone because he's popular, well-known
Do you think it means you're an ubermensch? This is exactly what you're saying, nigga.

>> No.19022630

masturbation actually gives you bigger chances of getting prostate cancer if you're under 50
literally the first link in google
>Jan. 27, 2009 -- Frequent masturbation in young men is linked to higher risk of early prostate cancer, but it lowers prostate cancer risk for men in their 50s, a study shows.
where the fuck do you get your soucres

>> No.19023884

>He's the embodiment of "Do as I say, not as I do."
That's the majority of philosophers.
They talk about how they think life ought to be lived, not how they themselves live it.

>> No.19023927

Not that anon, but the vast majority of men will develop benign prostate cancer. Without a data breakdown that indicates both age and benign/malign status for coomers, that factoid is useless. As are all factoids. As is most science. It is a total scam, especially medical science. RCT's are considered the golden standard but are complete and utter bullshit, same with metaanalysis, you can make the data from the exact same studies say the exact opposite things depending on completely arbitrary methodological choices. Science is fucking gay. Read more literature.