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19015591 No.19015591 [Reply] [Original]

Well, I'm waiting for your proof, theists

>> No.19015598

The Bible. Checkmate faggot

>> No.19015602

They have none. Its just faith. They're abunch of fags.

>> No.19015604

god is an abscence

>> No.19015610

Literally just pray

>> No.19015612

>literal cuck
the prosecution rests

>> No.19015615

>an hypothesis

>> No.19015619

There are two atheisms of which one is a purification of the notion of God.

>> No.19015620

>you must prove thing using metaphysical assumptions which explicitly exclude thing

>> No.19015622

Shelley was more courageous and masculine than you'll ever be, chud

>> No.19015623

>an hypothesis
stopped reading there

>> No.19015628

The scientific method explicitly excludes God?

>> No.19015630

yes, cuckoldry IS the most intellectual fetish after all

>> No.19015668

More like Percy Retard Shelley.

God is not an hypothesis.

>> No.19015952
File: 1.56 MB, 326x300, 1620187439755.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love when atheists try to use latin to sound smart because they don't realize the reason latin has been associated with intelligence is due to the catholic scholastic tradition lol

>> No.19015962

Sure, please let me know what terms you would find acceptable? Define your conditions for existence.

>> No.19015977

Shelley could definitely read Latin. And the reason Latin is seen as intelligent is due to Roman authors and Latin translation of Greek authors not some Dark Ages crap.

>> No.19015983

Muh feels

>> No.19016010
File: 1.75 MB, 480x544, 1620660197847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most ancient roman philosophers wrote in greek you fucking retard

>> No.19016015

No God is also a hypothesis you retard, if anything the burden of proof is on atheists because virtually all thinkers throughout all of human history have believed that God or something like God existed and if they didn't present their arguments for it they took it for granted.

>> No.19016051

I didn't know this but it also looks like it isn't true. Marcus Aurelius is the only Roman author I could find that wrote in Greek. Cicero, Boethius, and Lucretius all wrote in Latin

>> No.19016072

>implying Shelley is basing his atheism on the scientific method
>implying anyone is
Currently, God is the best hypothesis we have, and yet to be disproven

>> No.19016079

What is faith?

>> No.19016097

see, you're retarded and only know what google tells you so you can probably only name like 5 roman philosophers. Lucretius was a poet and poets wrote in latin. Boethius himself was a Catholic. you're really just proving how fucking retarded and probably underaged you are.

>> No.19016107

The Bible makes many claims that are easily disproven with modern science. If that part is metaphorical why isn't the rest of it as well?

>> No.19016108

Did you check the pudding yet?

>> No.19016120

You're the one that brought up philosophers. I just said Roman authors. The Romans weren't particularly known for their philosophy. Latin is prestigious because of the Greeks and Romans not because of some christfag monks

>> No.19016137
File: 165 KB, 900x600, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Romans weren't particularly known for their philosophy.
>Latin is prestigious because of the Greeks
this is your brain on atheism

>> No.19016142

Maybe a very vague deistic god, the one described in the bible can only be believed on faith

>> No.19016150

Rofl people can see the post your responding to directly above yours
>Latin is prestigious because of the Greeks and Romans
Bible thumpers are literally retarded

>> No.19016153

>all those latin words
i dont care. if you do that you're almost definitely wrong.

>> No.19016183

go back to r*ddit

>> No.19016220

2+2 = 4.

>> No.19016233

God is a logical conclusion of existence.

>> No.19016234
File: 583 KB, 1280x860, God iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is gravity real?
Is strong force real?
Is the flow of time real?
Is the flow of water real?
God is in these things and it is most definitely real.

>> No.19016245

Metamorphoses by Ovid written in Latin
Confessions by Saint Augustine in Latin
Aeneid by Virgil in Latin
Agricola by Tacitus in Latin

>> No.19016270

I mean you literally just said and I quote
" Latin is prestigious because of the Greeks and Romans."
"The Romans weren't particularly known for their philosophy."
The Greeks did not speak Latin so we can only assume you meant the Romans. However, you just said the Romans weren't known for their philosophy. So you can only mean
a) Latin is prestigious because of the Romans in fields besides philosophy (which is a weird thing to state since these terms are related to philosophy).
or b) Your sentence is incoherent and you forgot your point.

>> No.19016288

Again I never said anything about philosophy. Returning to what I originally posted >>19015977
>And the reason Latin is seen as intelligent is due to Roman authors and Latin translation of Greek authors not some Dark Ages crap.

>> No.19016297

Okay what is the Latin tradition known for if not philosophy? Also if the originals works are Greek (and they certainly exist in Greek by and large) why is Latin valued in regards to them?

>> No.19016335

>Okay what is the Latin tradition known for if not philosophy?
I just listed a bunch of important Roman authors that you yourself said weren't philosophers.
>Also if the originals works are Greek (and they certainly exist in Greek by and large) why is Latin valued in regards to them?
Most Greek texts were lost during the Dark Ages because christcucks are so dumb fuck stupid. All they had were fragmentary Latin translations. Aquinas couldn't even understand Greek

>> No.19016366

you're just namedropping the biggest latin works that everyone knows, and Augustine was a Catholic. of course some of them wrote in Latin, most philosophers write in Greek.
and most of the noble romans knew greek, they didn't need to translate to latin, that was done later by the scholastic monks. in the second millennium mind you.

>> No.19016371

Based, I always knew I was an intellectual

>> No.19016376

The onus probandi is literally a social construct. In truth both sides are equally obligated to defend their premises.

>> No.19016416

>Okay what is the Latin tradition known for if not philosophy?
I give a reason and you respond with.
>you're just namedropping the biggest latin works that everyone knows
Are you a moron? Are you in some kind of institution for retards? And again you bring up philosophy this is what I said to start with
>And the reason Latin is seen as intelligent is due to Roman authors and Latin translation of Greek authors not some Dark Ages crap.

>and most of the noble romans knew greek, they didn't need to translate to latin
I don't know if this is true and if it is so what? The Latin translations are what survived.

>> No.19016425

I'm a different anon just to be clear. I assume you mean these.>>19016245

Well this should be very obvious but Augustine is a "Christfag". But I'll assume you knew that. Next you speak of the Aeneid, a quite well known historical epic and then of an epic poem and a historical work. While these works range from genre defining to quite important it seems silly to attribute all Latin's prestige to these

>> No.19016429

As I said you are speaking to two different people

>> No.19016445

there's a fucking gremlin in your brain or something.

>> No.19016450

>Well this should be very obvious but Augustine is a "Christfag"
And it should be equally obvious that Augustine is not a scholastic but I'll assume you knew that. What I really originally responded to whichever of you idiots wrote it
>i love when atheists try to use latin to sound smart because they don't realize the reason latin has been associated with intelligence is due to the catholic scholastic tradition lol
Latin is not prestigious because of the scholastics it's prestigious because of the Greeks(in Latin translation since one of dumb asses couldn't understand that) and Romans.

>> No.19016469

>Dark Ages
Is this still teached in america?