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/lit/ - Literature

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19012993 No.19012993 [Reply] [Original]

ebooks > physical

>> No.19012999

Yes, this is undisputably true and only consooomers need to buy physical books that then stay dusted in a shelf until they get thrown away in 50 years by their grandchildren. And?

>> No.19013034

real men read both ebooks and physical books
no one is forced to only read either

>> No.19013058

For short books I like ereaders, but once a book gets up to 500 pages or so there is just something missing, completely unsatisfying for the really long books. There is something about the weight of the book in your hand and seeing your progress as the bulk shifts from right to left.

>> No.19013063

I already spend too much time looking at screens.
E-books for very short, hard to find or shameful stuff. Physical for everything else.

>> No.19013064

Only a consumerist identifies themselves with the things they purchase. Go to the library and stop being such a pretentious fag

>> No.19013065

real men do whatever they want because manliness shouldnt be decided upon by external factors. you are a man, if you feel like a man and if that means that you are trying on dresses in a manly way then so be it

>> No.19013072


>> No.19013083

I went to an estate sale of a bibliophile with an actual library. Everyone was skipping the books to get to the tableware. Grabbed a first edition of Call of the Wild for 10 dollars. I can only assume that the books have been burnt.

>> No.19013085

>Go to the library
no thanks, i live in a shithole

>> No.19013086

stop identifying with your library card.
just think all the stories up for yourself

>> No.19013094

what in tarnation does any of this mean

>> No.19013095


>> No.19013181

Have you never heard of E-Ink? Ereaders with that technology aren't harmful to your eyes.

>> No.19013212

Have you ever had sex with a pharaoh? I put the pussy in the sarcophagus

>> No.19013215

Turns every book into See Spot Run.

>> No.19013226

Didn't know that.

>> No.19013251

1. Go to libgen.
2. Download book you want to read.
3. Read it on computer.
4. If you liked it, then buy paperback and put it in your shelf.
5. Go to 1.

>> No.19013299

This intrigued me. How can you read books on 3ds?

>> No.19013329

seems straightforward if you have cfw

>> No.19013338

Thank you friend

>> No.19013386
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Real men read directly from the Akashic records.

>> No.19013434
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>3ds in public
>great gatsby is on it
quentinbross... we lost...

>> No.19013471

I don't feel confident about 3ds' screen. It might fuck your eyes after 2 hours of reading. Either get an android device with a super amoled screen or get an e-reader.

>> No.19013547
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Was it kino?

Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
Emma - Jane Austen
Mansfield Park - Jane Austen
Persuasion - Jane Austen
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen
Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin - Harriet Beecher
Lorna Doone - R.D. Blackmore
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall - Anne Brontë
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë
The Professor - Charlotte Brontë
Shirley - Charlotte Brontë
Villette - Charlotte Brontë
Wuthering Heights - Emily Brontë
The Pilgrim's Progress - John Bunyan
Little Lord Fauntleroy - Frances Burnett
The Secret Garden - Frances Burnett
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
Through the Looking-Glass - Lewis Carrol
The Moonstone - Wilkie Collins
The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins
The Adventures of Pinocchio - Carlo Colodi
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle
The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle
Lord Jim - Joseph Conrad
What Katy Did - Susan Coolidge
Last of the Mochicans - James Fenimore Cooper
Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe
Barnaby Rudge - Charles Dickens
Bleak House - Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens
Dombey and Son - Charles Dickens
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
Hard Times - Charles Dickens
Martin Chuzzlewit - Charles Dickens
Nicholas Nickleby - Charles Dickens
The Old Curiosity Shop - Charles Dickens
Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens
The Pickwick Papers - Charles Dickens
A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens
The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas
Adam Bede - George Eliot
Middlemarch - George Eliot
The Mill on the Floss - George Eliot
King Solomon's Mines - Henry Rider Haggard
Far From the Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy
The Mayor of Caterbridge - Thomas Hardy
Tess of the D'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
Under the Greenwood Tree - Thomas Hardy
The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Victor Hugo
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon - Washington Irving
Westward Ho! - Charles Kingsley
Sons and Lovers - D.H. Lawrence
The Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux
The Call of the Wild - Jack London
White Fang - Jack London
Moby Dick - Herman Melville
Tales of Mystery and Imagination - Edgar Allen Poe
Invahoe - Sir Walter Scott
Rob Roy - Sir Walter Scott
Waverley - Sir Walter Scott
Black Beauty - Anna Sewell

>> No.19013553

All's Well That Ends Well - William Shakespeare
Antony and Cleopatra - William Shakespeare
As You Like It - William Shakespeare
The Comedy of Errors - William Shakespeare
Hamlet - William Shakespeare
Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare
King Henry the Fifth - William Shakespeare
King Lear - William Shakespeare
King Richard the Third - William Shakespeare
Love's Labour's Lost - William Shakespeare
Macbeth - William Shakespeare
The Merchant of Venice - William Shakespeare
A Midsummer-Night's Dream - William Shakespeare
Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespeare
Othello, the Moor of Venice - William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
The Taming of the Shrew - William Shakespeare
The Tempest - William Shakespeare
Timon of Athens - William Shakespeare
Titus Andronicus - William Shakespeare
Twelfth Night - William Shakespeare
The Winter's Tale - William Shakespeare
Kidnapped - Robert Louis Stevenson
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll - Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson
Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift
Vanity Fair - William Thackeray
Barchester Towers - Anthony Trollope
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain
Round the World in Eighty Days - Jules Verne
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne
The Importance of Being Earnest - Oscar Wilde
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde

>> No.19013565

>that much Shakespeare

Yeah, I’m thinking it’s kino.

>> No.19013706

Is there an ebook reader worth getting? I mean "society has all but collapsed, everything you do and buy and especially everything you put on the internet is being monitored, but at least you have your ebook reader" ebook reader?

Like I can waltz into a Goodwill and buy subversive literature without anyone knowing. Can you do that on an ebook? And what about power? What if you live in hurricane country and that shit goes out? WHAT DO? I can read by candle light with a regular book

>> No.19013739
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Physical book with extensive note taking > physical books > ebooks > audio books

>> No.19013792

I've got a kobo and you can pretty much think of it as a screen with an sd card inside. If you don't use any of its online features and have some any sane way of acquiring/copying the book onto the card then uh no one can really know I guess. Mine's pretty old, from 2013 and battery lasts a week or two of normal use, but I don't think it's heavy on wattage anyway as it charges fast.

>> No.19013804

Im planning on buying all the books I pirated on my Kindle and read/enjoyed in Paperback once i have my own place

>> No.19013814

ebooks with extensive note taking >>>>> all

>> No.19014013

>There is something about the weight of the book in your hand and seeing your progress as the bulk shifts from right to left.
yes, there is something about it: it's a cope of someone who isn't genuinely interested in reading what they're reading and has to derive the motivation from the mere aesthetics of progressing through a book

>> No.19014276

>go to the library
>stop being a pretentious fag

>> No.19014343

True to both. I read Mason and Dixon ten chapters at a time in hardback then re-read on my phone. It’s more of a pleasure the second time around and clearer to read on my screen. But the hardback gives just gives more weight to the the literature, so I feel like I’m reading more than disposable text in the era of message boards and instant messages

>> No.19014373

>in the middle of a hurricane, with no power
No amount of inky paper will save you

>> No.19014468
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>> No.19014487

My biggest problem with books are the physical pages themselves. You have to manually flip each and every page which is annoying in and of itself. Then you have to deal with pages frequently getting stuck together, accidentally grabbing more than one page, not having enough light, wind fucking around with your reading, having to hold the pages down to prevent them from going back, etc etc.
And god forbid you had a retard book designer who decided to make the inside margins small to save on paper costs. Fuck that shit.

>> No.19014509

OP tongues my anus every day. I think he likes it very much, especially when I don't wipe my butt properly after a big shit.

>> No.19014623

literally who?

>> No.19014700

Jordan Peterson of the 20th century

>> No.19014707

That is the worst part of reading a big book. I carried my copy of Gravity's Rainbow everywhere and it ended up all dirty and mangled. It was also a two-hands task so I was unable to read it while having lunch or on the shitter.

>> No.19014738

Reading on a computer is the worst form of reading experience.
Protip for anyone in college or a job which requires lots of reading: invest on an e-reader or at least a tablet and read in night mode. It will be so much easier.

>> No.19015205

None of that is realistic