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File: 5 KB, 250x250, buckley-chomsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19010915 No.19010915 [Reply] [Original]

>Most prominent Conservative 'Intellectual'
>A Linguistics Professor

Conservatism is a joke.

>> No.19010957

its not a joke, its a front. its not a real belief system, there is no depth to it, its a manufactured paper tiger borne of liberalism. and as soon as you actually apply pressure you find out that it was all a ruse and there is no defending it because there isnt really anything to defend, its intellectuals are just talking heads like your dime a dozen youtube commentators that have never actually opened a book in their life but are payed to make people think they are owning the libs while actually feeding into liberalism

>> No.19011013
File: 363 KB, 924x1184, chumpsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the tv told me this guy is an intellectual!
Protip, Chomsky isn't left wing, and Buckley isn't right wing. They are both pop personalities, they have nothing to do with real politics whatsoever. They have built careers out of fooling gullible morons like yourself into thinking they have anything to say about anything, they don't, and you are a species of demented cattle.

>> No.19011041

Gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8 and masturb8 l8 to pseud rage

>> No.19011056

>i didnt understand it and i think im smart so it must be for dumb ppl

>> No.19011065

Utterly based. Imagine thinking having an opinion is just as good as actually doing something, it takes a special breed of idiot desperate to rationalize their own domestication to ascribe value to authority figures devoid of any authority.

>> No.19011071

lel look how asspained they get when you point out their actor beating 'your' actor (no idea who the you is here, some imagined evil entity I guess) is totally meaningless theater

>> No.19011095

>Ph.D academic has more knowledge on an obscure topic than a TV presenter.

>> No.19011097

What the fuck. Did you guys know William F Buckley was American? I've literally heard this guy speak for hours and I thought he was British.

>> No.19011116



>> No.19011118

Substantiate this claim.

>> No.19011124

He’s a lace curtain Irish queer, his mid Atlantic accent is entirely a striver affectation. Actual wasps are mostly extinct, existing mostly to haunt the dreams of pudgy Jews.

>> No.19011140

Ironically (and I hate this faggot) the real reason Obama drove yids up the wall wasn’t because he was a “radical black nationalist Marxist” but they could tell deep down his real name was Barry Dunham and this filled them with dread

>> No.19011203
File: 21 KB, 383x465, image3882708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what reactionary politics does to your body

>> No.19011500
