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19010762 No.19010762[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

it's literally impossible to hate christianity

>> No.19011189

Why did God let Adam sin? Why do the sins of Adam mean we should suffer and die?
Why don't we just put our sins onto a goat like we did before Jesus?

>> No.19011258
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God gives all lifeforms freedom to do good deeds, or to seen, and everything in between and above. Adam, having this freedom, sinned, and therefore corrupted his blood and his bloodline.
If God did not gift us with the freedom to sin, there would be no purpose to our existence, for the only way to be good is to be good as a personal decision, and not as an automatic consequence of just "being good by birth".
God is all, god is truth, and truth is good.
Life is good.

>> No.19011269

Not true. Man's heart is naturally wicked. Plus this image is Protestant trash

>> No.19011273

Beauty is false. If you argue otherwise, you are a hedonist.

>> No.19011279

Jehova witness thread? What about that apocaliptic lie that you believed would happen more than one time?

>> No.19011281

I agree with you but the image is kind of wrong, sounds like it was made by a Jehovah's Witness group and not an apostolic Church.

>> No.19011282

It’s worse, it’s JW cult shit. They’ve been shilling here daily

>> No.19011311

Jehova witness thread? What about that child abuse cases that happened inside your cult and your liders said to the victims to not report to the police because it would shame the cult and the abusers never suffered anything big snd actually are free right know?

>> No.19011313

reminder white people really believe this

>there's an evil man with horns living underground who rules over a fiery inferno
>they believe if they do bad things they'll get sent underground after death, where the evil man will spear them with a pitchfork then throw them into a burning pit of fire, and this will happen over and over again for eternity
>despite believing this, white people still invent evil shit like slavery, capitalism etc.

explain christFAGS

>> No.19011323

Do Papists affirm Total Depravity?

>> No.19011352
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>makes man with free will
>man inevitably fucks up
>ur going to hell bub unless you follow these rules
>ok changed my mind Im going to symbolically kill myself through jesus but not really because I will resurect myself and he will sit beside me in heaven
>heres the rule update
>yeah people who dont believe in me are going to hell for all eternity for ever and ever
>but I love you!
yeah real hard to hate

inb4 "dont apply human emotions to jesus just trust that your actually stupid compared to god's perspective"

>> No.19011370

A father that loves his children doesn't let them run roughshod doing whatever they want

>> No.19011392

The Fall for me is the biggest mystery of Christianity. It is the one element that makes me seriously doubt my faith. Everything else adds up to me, but why let Adam fall when it would have such drastic consequences is well beyond me.

This has never seemed sufficient to me. I would say to Hell with my free will if Hell is a possibility.

>> No.19011402

>man has free will
>man uses free will and becomes alienated from God
>God gives us prophets and laws to help mankind
>God gives us prophecies about the future and the coming of his Son
>out of an act of boundless love the Son comes and suffers and dies along with his creation and gives us a path for reconciliation with the Father
>those who don’t become reconciled will land themselves in ‘hell’ by their own free will and will be tormented as a result of depriving themselves from the love of God

Not that hard to understand

>> No.19011403

Nobody hates Jesus.
Everyone hates his fans. Agjv2

>> No.19011407

The fucking universe has rules that everyone need to follow. But You Say it's God who wrote them and everybody lose their shit.

Why do You people hate God so much

>> No.19011415

Free Will. You are Adam every time You sin. And our current lamb is Jesus. The perfect sacrifice

>> No.19011427

God already has automatons as angels. He want sons from his own Spirit. People who can choose and be makers of destiny

>> No.19011435

I don’t think any other major religion requires this type of inane mental gymnastics to justify such a flimsy and empty-headed mythology.

The Jews know that breaking the rules means divine punishment, Muslims know that everything they do is in service of their god.

Christians are trying to convince you this shit about “you have the free will to sin and actually you can do that as much as you want and still repent but you shouldn’t but still everyone gets to go to heaven.”

If you just twist everything to make it totally convenient for you everyone can see how shallow and worthless your religion is. I’m sure the Jews and Muslims would love to just stop following any sort of rules or laws but they know that that just reduces your religion to a pointless LARP.

>> No.19011439

>an entire religion started cause one dude believed his wife got fucked by “god”

>> No.19011441
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>> No.19011446

So we're just pet hamsters who went to the theater once? And you wonder why this isn't taken more seriously

>> No.19011453

>You can do everything You want but it has consequenses
>Empty headed

>> No.19011456

He got cuckolded either way. Like a Greek myth. And who ruled the land of his birth for the previous three hundred years? Why, Greek speakers of course!

>> No.19011462

Reject Christianity, embrace paganism.
Christianity makes no sense
problem of evil
Euthyphro dilemma
the fact Moses has no historical evidence of existing
evolution, geology, astronomy, etc all undermine the authority of the bible. Why would you trust a lying source?
constant bible contradictions
Paganism gives you the means by which to truly awaken to your spiritual nature and realize what you really are. Christianity and its dogma is what has allowed atheism to gain such a foothold in society. Most Christians can't justify any of their beliefs to save their life. Most of them never have separated their souls from their bodies and entered Jhanas in meditation. These are instead labeled as witchcraft despite being incredibly enlightening. Many Christians lack mental discipline and mindfulness. When you are taught to believe in things for the sake of believing in them, you end up throwing your brain away and the ability to reason. Faith for many is just making ignorance a virtue. For many it comes with no justifications at all.
Find peace through living out the virtues, along with cultivating your mind, and accomplish Eudemonia. It happens through your actions, no one else can do it for you. Awaken to your spiritual nature but also don't fall for dogmatic false teachings.

>> No.19011466

I understand that you are a seriously dense moron judging by all your other posts in this thread, but can you not fucking read four sentences properly?

“you can do everything wrong and its all g” is the opposite of “your actions have consequences”.

>> No.19011468

Dude at least push something not defeated by Christianity
Pagans didnt Even fought back cause they knew it was better than paganism lmao

>> No.19011474

I am tall for a hamster, idk about that one.

We can go to the movies and God will be there too. Nothing wrong with the movies.

>> No.19011480

It's not all g cause it's has it's consequenses
Can't You think for 2 seconds? Being saved by the Grace of Christ doesnt mean your actions don't have consequenses in the rest of your mortal life

>> No.19011496

Better in what way? Because it promises a forever happy place after you die just cause you believe in some random prophet being divine? Too bad this isnt true and is just incredibly lazy spirituality over promising. Also, a lot of conversion happened through crusades and warfare. Not to mention, Buddhism never went anywhere.

>> No.19011510

>God says follow me if You want to live
>Some random prophet
About budism and hinduism go ahead and worship cows and not the one who Made them
Pagans are retarded

>> No.19011517

Your actions have consequences in your mortal life because that is actually all there is to existence. Your actions have consequences in reality.

In Christianity your actions don’t have consequences because Christians don’t operate in reality. They read some stories told by Palestinian goat herders and decided they’d like to LARP about it

>> No.19011520

Paganism was never about comparative religion anyway. Pagans didn't look out and see distinct religions, some of which were true and some false. No, they were just like...
>I have these gods.
>You have those gods?
>Now I have those gods.
>Oh wow some of these gods are the same as the ones I already had.

So if you ever see pagans being like "paganism doesn't believe in exaltation of the noble failure like christcucks do", they're already failing as pagans. Succeeding as quarrelsome catholics or baptists or factious denomination members, but totally and completely failing as pagans.

Wow, we have so much in common. I also do not believe the thing that you do not believe lmao

>> No.19011528

>Pagans didnt Even fought back cause they knew it was better than paganism
This is what christers actually believe. They also believe the Romans fed christers to lions.

>> No.19011535

Too dense for metaphor. How is one to refrain from being smug in dealing with your ilk?

>> No.19011576

Even if I was smug, you would have no reason to be angry about it. Dense, though, I am, and happily so.

>> No.19011613
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>John 11:35

>> No.19011624
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>This has never seemed sufficient to me. I would say to Hell with my free will if Hell is a possibility.
Then kill yourself. There is nothing more to life than your nature being put to the test by your freedom. If you were not free, what virtue would there be to anything that you possibly could do? Freedom is a necessary component of existence in order for there to be virtue, for the pursuit and attainment of virtue is the right path, and the meaning of our existence.

>> No.19011641

Wtf why am I just hearing about this? Why did we inherited Adams sin? Wtf

>> No.19011691

I would rather be an angel than have Hell as a potential destination after death. Sounds like a better bargain to me. Also, in Heaven, since we have perfect conformity with God's will, are we not much else than angels in heaven other than having our glorified bodies? Believe me, I would rather be there than Hell, but I don't see how we become anything else but automatons. It becomes our natural inclination like the angels to obey God's will perfectly in Heaven.

>> No.19011699

>just keep obeying forever
I can do that on earth but at least I get to go to sleep permanently at some point and stop taking orders from other people

>> No.19011701

I liked on the oration on the dignity of man. Its in freedom that man shines. that he can willingly become good rather than just being. its in actualization rather than edification.

>> No.19011707

death and estrangement and all, that shit's in the environment now. idk about inheritance

>> No.19011732

Nigga why do you say unintelligent thing? Angels ain't automatons any more than we are. The idea that they're automatons is like... teenage girl scifi angel bf tv show nonsense, almost as bad as the sparkly vampire.

>> No.19011786

Being put to the test in a body ridden by concupiscence over and over again is a bit tiring, don't you think?

>> No.19011827

This image reminds me so much of my childhood, my Christian upbringing, it is awakening very old things in me

>> No.19011849

Isn't that depiction of Jesus outright blasphemous?

>> No.19011863
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Jesus wasn't crucified like that, JW anon

>> No.19011866

Mirandola or some commentary? Give me the sauce boy.

>> No.19012698
File: 221 KB, 2004x3056, 1623751834826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the image is kind of wrong

Proof ?

>> No.19012726

>worship cows and not the one who Made them
Christcucks are mentally incapable of understanding other religions on their own terms.

>> No.19013850

How does your concupiscence manifest? If it is an urge to masturbate, then just do it. There are things of paramount importance for you to do, and you just have to sin in order to act with your tempted, impure human body.

>> No.19014021

It was. It's one of the drawings that annoying JW poster on /his/ made

>> No.19014026

>raped my land and my people
I hate it.

>> No.19014059

Can you please just put 4chan on the "no call" list? Thanks

>> No.19014061

That's not what we believe. The Devil is not the leader of Hell in a dualistic opposition to God. When the world ends and God throws the evildoers into Hell, the Devil will be just another evildoer burning for eternity. He knows that he is this great powerful being and yet he's beyond repentence and destined to burn forever, whereas mankind has the potential to be saved and raise to even greater heights than he ever was at. He is jealous and hates man for this and so attempts to lure us away from God while he's free in order to bring us down to his level. God allows this because it separates the wheat from the chaff

>> No.19015692

Can I be a Christian still if I am a faggot :v

>> No.19015790

>Jesus was a human
shut the fuck up nigger. Jesus did not become a human he became MAN

>> No.19015801

>Jesus was created

>> No.19016067

We are not free to sin, as we are forced to share Adam’s

>> No.19016102

The trinity was made up as a compromise hundreds of years after Christ

>> No.19016531

Jesus is a archetypal demon. He asks for your soul in exchange of alluring rewards.

>> No.19016546
