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19009186 No.19009186 [Reply] [Original]

>Doesn’t develop modernist style
>instead releases several masterpiece doorstopper novels in the style of Dubliners
>becomes the Anglo Tolstoy
What changes? Would you trade it all away for this?

>> No.19009200

Yes. Or at the very least he show have stopped this gimmicky shit after Ulysses instead of wasting away the next 27 years of his life on cold pudding

>> No.19009223

He would be forgotten or mostly ignored

>> No.19009231

Proust did that and isn’t forgotten

>> No.19009237
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>> No.19009246

I will never read this overrated fecalpheliac

>> No.19009252

I don't speak fr*nch but my understanding is that Proust's style was far more developed than Dubliners

>> No.19009268

Good, stay in the lower tiers where you belong. Maybe Stephen King is more your speed?

>> No.19009276

> Ir*sh
> "Anglo Tolstoy"
Oh, I don't think so.

>> No.19009283
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>> No.19009286

Joyce was Anglo-Irish

>> No.19009289

thats like afro-saxon

>> No.19009297
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I see we are responding with pictures of ourselves now. Very well

>> No.19009310
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>I know you are but what am I???

>> No.19009317

go sniff a fart, freak

>> No.19009351

still not sure why he gets credited for shit developed by french writers 10-20 years prior

>> No.19009368

>doesn’t know the multiple definitions of anglo

>> No.19009371

I assume he would have developed a bit more on his early style. Anyway, what that anon was trying to say is that you don't necessarily have to invent something new to be remembered, just write in existing styles very well.

>> No.19009372

Obviously that’s not what I meant

>> No.19009380

Honestly I feel the same. I'm not reading someone who's into farts.

>> No.19009385


>> No.19009386

The first guy is right. He would be more like Theodore Dreiser’s reputation nowadays who wrote works around the same period as Joyce that were more like Dubliners that Proust. I would be very surprised if you ever heard of him even inside /lit/; outside of /lit/ there would be a 0% chance he would be known anywhere else except for some autists in academia

>> No.19009405

Most writers are drunks, drug addicts, sex demons, good hearty christians - freaks in general, you can't be an artist without having something wrong with you

>> No.19009414

No he wasn't.

>> No.19009432

>''The look on her face was one of disappointment''
Theodor Dreiser, Sister Carrie

And that's supposed to be good, is it?

>> No.19009472

Lmao I was wracking my brains wondering where I had heard his name before. Based Jez

>> No.19009499

It's because of guys like Dreisler and Galsworthy that Joyce did what he did.
What self respecting artist is going to tread over old ground instead of something new? That would be like budding writers on /lit/ trying to write like Dostoevsky or Kafka instead of creating something fresh

>> No.19009500

Like who? I’d genuinely like to know, did they do it better, whoever it was?

>> No.19009548

If you’re going to quibble then you can say Dubliners was already on the edge of modernism anyway if Hunger’s Hamsun can be counted as a modernist work and OPs post is hardly realistic

>> No.19009642


>> No.19009757

I don't know if he had the universality of a Tolstoy to do that. Joyce is a genius at two things: 1) formalism, and 2) the lives of lower-middle class Dubliners. Could he write great novels encompassing the inner lives of the high aristocracy, rural peasantry, frontier tribesmen as Tolstoy did? Perhaps, but we have no reason to assume so. I suspect that Joyce's writing is strictly limited in scope for a reason.

>> No.19009970

Mediocrities in full force today. Joking about Joyce's "farts" letter is the only thing that midwits know about him, probably picked up from like a Cracked dot com trivia article. They snicker about it, pat themselves on the back for snickering about something so "high-brow", then never read Ulysses or the Wake because they r too weird make brain hurtie :(

>> No.19010564

You seem like you're a fart sniffer too so I'll also be ignoring you

>> No.19010753

It is not an obscure fact that Ulysses is more a demonstration of Joyce's wide reading than his ability to coin styles out of thin air. However, Ulysses, taken whole, was a new kind of book. Joyce should be credited for that, without him there would be no Faulkner, Beckett, all the post-'45 postmodernists etc.

>> No.19010766

you never read finnigger woke either because it's unreadable.

>> No.19010782

Your writing style is so stilted, it is on an altitude of embarrassment all unto itself.

>> No.19010787

>not paw-trol

One fucking job.

>> No.19010853

One fucking website (that you need to go back to)

>> No.19010880

Proust is nothing like Dubliners, pleb.

>> No.19011230

>becomes the Anglo Tolstoy
Are you retarded? Not even comparable writers.

>> No.19011259

If that was true he wouldn't have written Finnegans Wake, which is the best book in history.
So no, I would not make that trade.

>> No.19011265

Yes and I've read him, he is good, but also a commie scum. Now, that doesn't demean his works and I will continue to read him again, thanks for reminding me.

>> No.19011276

After a night of drinking wine and homosexual debauchery in Paris, Joyce, Hemingway and Fitzgerald collaborate on a novel. What is it like

>> No.19011829

Hemingway's minimal prose crashing violently into stream-of-consciousness Joyce autism, but somehow Fitzgerald evens everything out.

It's a masterpiece.

>> No.19011851

and the best pages are glued together with cum

>> No.19011854


>> No.19011888

>calls my style stilted
>"it is on an altitude of embarrassment all unto itself"
Just how little self-awareness do you have?

>> No.19012052

>still doesn't get it
Just how fucking retarded are you?!!

>> No.19012079

Proust is much more modernist in style than Tolstoy. This is obvious. Tolstoy is thoroughly 19th century drama, Proust is modernist sentimentality and playing around with memory and various literary techniques.

>> No.19013084

Please actually read Proust beyond Swann's Way.

>> No.19013325

Nothing changes.

His reputation would be along the lines of Henry James more than Tolstoy, but modernism was already happening elsewhere and would have occurred without him. Pseuds would latch onto Faulkner more often is all

>> No.19014017

joyce isn't *****glo