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/lit/ - Literature

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19007153 No.19007153 [Reply] [Original]

What’s board related on your mind?

Old >>19001116

>> No.19007222

Finally no dbz

>> No.19007270
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Im Leben geht alles natürlich zu. Nur meine Hose, die geht natürlich nicht zu.

>> No.19007298

trips of truth

>> No.19007301

I agree, no more dbz pls

>> No.19007324
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I can't go to work tomorrow. (Or ever again.)

>> No.19007343

we warned you about masturbating during work

>> No.19007352
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I didn't. Well, not today at least.

>> No.19007353

No one ever helped me and there is no God it's always been me and only me

>> No.19007400

>No one ever helped me
Wrong, people have helped you often but you screwed up every opportunity that arose as a consequence.
>there is no God
Wrong, there is a God and he is evil.
>it's always been me and only me
Wrong again, we're all here and we fucking hate your guts.

>> No.19007411

What is it with you faggots making early threads before the bump limit

>> No.19007427

Ok idiot

>> No.19007433

Everyone has their story, don’t they? For me it was at summer camp; it was after sunset, and while everyone was walking down to the campfire we snuck off. Well for me it was in the morning; I crept through the dewy grass and mist to her tent before the others woke. For I… well, it wasn’t at any camp: we were neighbors, but our houses were separated by a copse; there was nature trail which ran through it, connecting her backyard with mine; I remember one autumn afternoon walking down it to her place, and I knew then it would happen; and we were in love, at the time. And they cherish these stories in a melancholic sort of way. And what they would give to live it again. And what would I give? What they’d give to go back I’d give the same to visit for the first time.

These stories are things that can only be cherished from afar, after separation by time, or separation by alienation, like a petrified plant in a display case. And it all seems sad. And this sadness is ineluctable. That is, you can’t tell a young person, before their big date, what with your teary eyes, to enjoy being young. Because he will look into your eyes and see, though his watery reflection, you. And he will see you as a youth, and he will see death, and he will think about death. And when he is lying in her bedroom, or in the backseat of his car, he will be thinking about death. And he won’t be thinking about her.

The storied old person can only speak in a quavering voice. The young person cannot speak until he has finished writing his story. But the old person who hasn’t a story to tell… well, for him there isn’t much to say.

>> No.19007442
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>wanted to live like diogenes
>go to homeless shelter
>eat for free

>> No.19007445

Suck my fat hairy chode, fucking cocksucker.

>> No.19007449

you must feel really good taking that back to your house, huh?

>> No.19007452

very american diet

>> No.19007456

you mean back to my car anon

>> No.19007500

no protein ngmi

>> No.19007574

are there any black american leaders like malcolm x and mlk anymore? I feel like the feds neutralized them somehow. maybe everything is Jay Zs fault, or NWA

>> No.19007590

george floyd

>> No.19007598

>some fruit, lettuce and Oreos
is that the American diet then? epic

>> No.19007608

how fat? post circumference

>> No.19007610

I've discovered my purpose in life for the next 2 years. I'm going to become a wagie bugman so I can get a good career in compsci

>> No.19007661

>so I can get a good career in compsci
Don't do it, anon. It's what I did and it has ruined my life.

>> No.19007673

How so?

>> No.19007745

CompSci, Software Engineering, to some degree even EE are completely overrun. Both in academia as well as in the industry. These people are, for the most part, fucking retarded. Get ready to work with shitty bloated technology, get ready for repetitive work, clueless coworkers and superiors, etc.
Programming is a tiny fraction of the actual work you'll do, the majority is endless, pointless meetings, writing mountains of documentation that no one ever reads and babysitting aforementioned coworkers. This industry is hell. Also, look forward to being outsourced to your work being outsourced to India and Eastern Europe. If only I hadn't dropped out of my humanities major.

>> No.19007785

I understand that. I think most of us are in for shitty careers no matter what field we choose, and that finding a good job is pure luck but at least with CS you'll have expendable income and opportunities
For me the decision came to wanting a career where I can easily find work almost anywhere in the world, and it's probably the best job in the world for that. You just have to get some experience and, if you're American at least, you can basically get hired anywhere else in the world

The caveat of course is that like you said the industry is totally overrun. The standards are so high here that unless you have both projects and internships to show off, 90%+ of your applications anywhere won't even grant an interview. It is scary to think what it will be like in 10 or 20 years when you'll need multiple internships, projects, and research during undergrad to get a job. That part of it sucks. I'm a 3rd year and I lack anything to show off on my resume, and now I regret it

>> No.19007907

Any of you guys have a day job that you think helps your writing, or at least doesn’t hurt it?

I’m working from home now and have a lot of downtime, but I’m still finding it counterproductive for writing.

>> No.19007921

How much talking to myself is too much? I know I'm talking to myself and I don't hear voices or anything, but I do have conversations in my head both with made up and real people. I started doing this as a kid because I was lonely and had no one to talk with about my interests, but the habit just stuck around.
I recently realized that sometimes I talk out loud if I'm paying more attention to these made up conversations than my surroundings especially if I'm dead tired. I also started arguing a few months ago, (maybe years, not sure) where the imagined person I'm talking to doesn't understand something or is just being a contrarian. I went as far as searching for some picture on the internet to prove a point. Again, I know I'm imagining it all, but sometimes I really get into these conversations and because I don't want to just interrupt the flow of these fantasies since on some level talking or arguing brings me a bit of pleasure, they sometimes bleed over into reality.
Am I loosing it or what?

>> No.19007946

The old thread isn't at bump limit even yet? /adv/ doesn't let two Get It Off Your Chest threads on its catalog, and this thread is mainly stuff that could go in GIOYC threads on /adv/ anyway. If you want higher board quality than /adv/ you should try doing better than this.

>> No.19007953

I have read an article that said it's perfectly normal and actually a healthy way to cope with crippling loneliness.
One bad thing you should watch out for is muttering to yourself in public, that's not very nice, and also controlling your facial expressions. Sometimes I come across some retarded statement and I cringe with absolutely no filter. I catch myself doing these disgusted expressions from time to time and I hope that nobody's seen them yet.

>> No.19007967

Don't bother. It's an autist ban evading who thinks he's board king and has some weird hatefuck obsession with anime. Basically butterfly without the trip and without books but with all the spam.

>> No.19008033

You don't have to copy paste across threads. The old thread is still up and not at bump limit. Anon's can just go read your post there.

>> No.19008069

No one cares retards

>> No.19008108
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Okay anons, I have three hours, maybe four, until I need to go to bed and get ready for another day in the wagecage.
Here's how this is going to work: I'll get drunk and shitpost and you will reply, thus creating a comfy yet entertaining conversation. At points, you will shitpost and I will reply. Is this understood?

>> No.19008122
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>is this understood
reminded me of my frat initiation ritual for some reason

>> No.19008123

I somewhat agree, but then again having a general-interest thread on /lit/ is kinda nice. It's not hurting anyone. You can easily filter it.

>> No.19008134

Sounds hot. Nice dubs btw

>> No.19008138
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it was actually freezing cold

>> No.19008145


>> No.19008148

Yeah, that's an issue, I sometimes make weird faces in public because of daydreams.
It's really only the arguing and the fact that I'm reacting to things irl (like searching for something to win an argument) I'm worried about.

>> No.19008164

it was februrary, basically a construction site with the windows boarded up and no glass in the frame, wearing a thin cloak.

>> No.19008178

Is /lit/ the best place for shitposting? Sounds like you have experience.

>> No.19008183

I'm >>>19007723 but I didn't post >>19007967, some anon copied it over to this thread, and judging by the post at >>19008089 I'd say it's probably the usual suspect.
There's two general interest containment threads and the only reason is some spastic spammer. I don't think it's going stop spamming, but I don't think that's really an argument for him not being a dick. Sure he's not self aware enough to tell it's a dick move to shit up a board, but that doesn't mean it's not a dick move. Pretty shitty move if anon's right about adv being better at moderating off topic generals, because it probably means the autist is doing it here because he can't do it there.

>> No.19008237

Now, this is important: Were there any practitioners of Thelema present?

>> No.19008477

>Why, take the case of Thales, Theodorus. While he was studying the stars and looking upwards, he fell into a pit, and a neat, witty Thracian servant girl jeered at him, they say, because he was so eager to know the things in the sky that he could not see what was there before him at his very feet. The same jest applies to all who pass their lives in philosophy.

>> No.19008569

I'm unsupervised at work from 2.30pm to 5pm (the time I'm supposed to finish). I arrive 40mins late and leave at 4pm. I only started the job this week. Should I feel guilty about this? Do I need to get my shit together? It's a research/Admin job in academia if that makes a difference.

>> No.19008623

No wonder someone who bothered to write that crap would get filtered by philosophy

>> No.19008699
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Tomorrow I am buying an old phone without internet access. Today is my last day on 4chan for a while.
I'll miss you all. You have been truer than anyone I know. Wish me luck?

>> No.19008713

Some schizo has a weird hatefuck obsession with anime and makes early threads out of fear because of it.

>> No.19008717

Best of luck in whatever you are planning.

>> No.19008723

Phoneposting faggot. Imagine not having a PC

>> No.19008780

Thank you
I have one, I'll be limiting it to work only. Unfortunately I cannot fully take away net from my life.
Last post, godspeed. I'm going to say goodbye in my other boards.

>> No.19008786

I don't want to read. I want to loaf around. I do this a lot. I will not be an intelligent man. My curiosity is receding.

>> No.19008792

Why do I have a hard time understanding what literary realism is?

>> No.19008796

Why don’t you arrive on time but take it easy while you’re there?

>> No.19009203

just had a really nice evening walk. real blessing.

>> No.19009328

I spoke to a girl at the school I attended last year and although I never spoke to her except to say hello, she knew my name, the class I was in, the class I went to, my friends and various other things about me whereas I didn't even know her first name. Generally speaking, since I greet almost everyone I meet, I realize that information circulates very quickly, and if you are a little eccentric or remarkable, people are easily taken by curiosity. In the same way, while I had barely implied to someone that I was sleeping at the boarding school during a week when I was expelled, the next day absolutely everyone I met knew about it except the supervisors. Social structures seem much more subtle and efficient to me now that I know a little bit about the nerve center of the web and I better understand the power and usefulness of human networks. I also understand better the hermits and the voluntarily solitary men because relationships are very quick to paralyze the concentration on oneself.

>> No.19009746
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There was a mass psychological operation conducted and I participated. It involved using my psyche and character, glorifying it, demonizing it, agitating it. But I know deep down I'm an under developed neurotic lowly uneducated man, with no friends. I know that if this operation never happened I would be regarded as human filth. They would try to kick me out of their society or throw me some coins and pressure me to get a low tier job and to shut my mouth. I'm alienated even when systematically integrated and glorified. It's all very funny to me.

>> No.19009759

>Pretty shitty move if anon's right about adv being better at moderating off topic generals, because it probably means the autist is doing it here because he can't do it there.
Why else would he do it?

>> No.19010422

I'm too fucking tired to read

>> No.19010426


>> No.19010443

I do that. Gotten worse in the last couple years. The conversations used to just be in my head, but recently I've been actually talking. I'm starting to do it in front of people. It's really tough to control

>> No.19010450

I’ve arrived at a bit of a crossroads. I can go in this direction or I can go in that direction, but I don’t think I can go in both.

>> No.19010455

Was it erotic

>> No.19010463

Take pride in your work you fucking sloth

>> No.19010491

Iktf anon. Ive been in the same situation since I was like 16. And I dont know whether Im talking out loud or not which is the worst part.

>> No.19010505

Its especially bad for me because I have tendency to say nigger a lot

>> No.19010518

Thank God a summer camp story that doesn’t involve sword fighting.

>> No.19010525

But also it gives a good opportunity to always be conscious of your thoughts. Lately Ive taken to repeating the Jesus prayer in my mind and it helps a lot.

>> No.19010530

i cant get myself to write even one word, im such a piece of shit

>> No.19010538

I work in CS. It’s better than most jobs. Sometimes I read pdf books to look busy.

Once you get your first job you’ll be golden. Just Lear as much as you can and sound enthusiastic and motivated. Work your but off the first couple years to learn as much as you can.

>> No.19010730

Just write one word

>> No.19010732


>> No.19010780

Now continue writing. See, not impossible for you. It just takes a little push in the beginning.

>> No.19010833

My GF broke up with me because she got into my facebook and saw that I searched the name of some random girl back in may. Yep... woman things, i am right? Now this bitch locked me up from my own bedroom and is forcing me sleep on the couch. What a night! I knew she was batshit crazy from the start (she once jumped the wall around my house after I dumped her and basically forced me to get back to her) but damn I really regret not breaking up with her sooner. Now she's living with me (and my family) and catch some feelings for her. What a shit show. I guess the only thing left for me is drink some beer and try to sneak in into the bedroom after she falls asleep with my extra key. Wish me luck boys & remember: dont matter how good her pussy feels and how good she can deepthroat your dick, crazy girls are crazy and they will fuck your live up if you let.

>> No.19010858

When I think of ending things, I think about my mother.

>> No.19010893

I'm still young, but I see people younger than me being much more mature and talented and it makes me feel bad, as if I had wasted so much time,

>> No.19010993

Its your house. Open the fucking door and assert yourself. Faggot

>> No.19011017

is it true that older parents are more likely to give birth to autistic offspring or is that just a stereotype

>> No.19011054

waah waah crazy girls are crazy. we dont care stop bragging about getting pussy.

>> No.19011088

the absolute state of modern women and beta males

>> No.19011139

I am so autistic when it comes to finding a partner. I've had gfs in the past, but not since I went off the rails with alcoholism and depression. I stopped drinking 3 years ago but the depression still lingers in the form of anhedonia. I can't hold a verbal conversation so dates tend not to go well. At this point I just want to get laid, so I am thinking of hiring a hooker and getting it out of my system.

>> No.19011145

Yes, it's also true that beyond 30 it becomes increasingly difficult for women to become pregnant.

>> No.19011174

ive been listening to the latin music video channel on roku for like three days and have been fighting the urge to speak spanish. its usually gibberish, and always in songform.

>> No.19011176

I haven't spoken to another human being in over a week. The days blend into one-another and the misery continues to reach deeper into my mind.

>> No.19011226

I'm learning Japanese for my Japanese class before I take it with Duolingo. So far, the symbol's aren't really sticking, but I do know phonetically what words mean what in english. Such as i-chi being one, ni being two, sa-n being three.

>> No.19011270

Learn the symbols with flash cards or some equivalent. I only started becoming overwhelmed when I finished hiragana and got to katakana, when you have to learn all of the syllables all over again with new symbols. The numbers are going to become far more annoying too, because there are different number systems for different shaped objects or types of things.

>> No.19011301

Aristotle had the idea of ordinary language philosophy 2300 years before Wittgenstein. How come no one talks about this?
>Moreover, you should define what kind of things should be called as most men call them, and what should not. For this is useful both for establishing and for overthrowing a view: e.g. you should say that we ought to use our terms to mean the same things as most people mean by them, but when we ask what kind of things are or are not of such and such a kind, we should not here go with the multitude: e.g. it is right to call 'healthy' whatever tends to produce health, as do most men: but in saying whether the object before us tends to produce health or not, we should adopt the language no longer of the multitude but of the doctor.

>> No.19011309

Do you have mnemonics for the hiragana? Our Japanese teacher taught them to us in Grade 7 using little mnemonics and over a decade later I still recall most of them.

E.g. か = ka (as in, karate - coz it looks like a dude doing a karate chop)

>> No.19011317

So are you new to social isolation or what

>> No.19011324

The dumb ass modernists destroyed the whole scholastic tradition and have been fumbling their way back every since

>> No.19011360

>How come no one talks about this?
Do you even need to ask? Most people don't want to put in the effort to read a 2000 year old tome called "prior analytics" and "posterior analytics" because it doesn't sound "new" or "fresh." Everyone wants to pretend they've made some huge discovery when in reality the intellectual giants already solved all of the major problems, and even went further than that. And that without even putting the effort in of seriously studying intellectual giants like Aristotle. Most philosophers (especially modern ones) might read a few excerpts from the Metaphysics, Physics, De Anima, along with some lecture slides or what their professor told them, and then conclude that Aristotle is a backwater unsophisticated pagan who wasn't up to date with the latest groundbreaking existentialist angst.

>> No.19011364

nice anon. i just sold my iphone 11 and went back to my shitty old smashed 6s+. keeping it in airplane mode from now on. i barely use my phone as it is (7m/day lately according to screen time) but i can't stand having one at all, though it's helpful to have something with maps and banking on it so i can't quite fully disconnect to the extent that i wish. good luck with your stuff. once you've been here long enough and gleaned all the book recs and meaningful conversations you can from the board, there's really little point left in visiting often

>> No.19011366

probably not

>> No.19011389

If you mean kanji by symbols then get Heisig. Writing's important for remembering kana, kind of like speaking is important for remembering phonetics.

>> No.19011401

do not use duolingo for japanese, it's dogshit and you are wasting your own time with an already difficult language. do not use duolingo for anything, it is literally designed to dripfeed you and keep you on the app every single day which is retarded if you want to make genuine progress.
take a day and learn the kana (both hiragana and katakana). this is not difficult and there are plenty of apps that you can use to force learn them by rote in a span of like 12 hours. you could even use this site if you wish
memorising kana is not difficult, you don't need to spend more than 2 days on it at most
once you've learned the kana and can begin to read words with relative speed and ease, then buy or pirate genki 1 and the workbook, and then genki 2 and the workbook and get started on working through them. this is how everybody should start, then just start using anki flashcards and all that shit for kanji, or get a book like RTK. read the leddit guides on r/LearnJapanese, there are plenty and the resources are there if you look.

>> No.19011425

Here I go being a slut for external validation again. Christ, I really can’t just let go can I?

>> No.19011455


>> No.19011460

scuffed link, is it some advice for me?

>> No.19011464

It's Jefferson Airplane singing You're Only Pretty As You Feel

>> No.19011559

My top 3 foods
Pig's blood
Goat milk
Black turtle bean

>> No.19011574

Solid list but needs more molluscs

>> No.19011577
File: 190 KB, 602x772, 1631049394229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I learned Japanese Hiragana and Katakana I learned from Nama Sensei.
If you can handle being yelled at by a drunk person, it worked for me.
The Kanji lessons didn't work for me but I got the basic alphabet here. Would recommend.
It's already past midnight here and I'm so busy OH MY GOD.
Time freeze kay thanks.

>> No.19011599

Oysters are great. My father loved them so much he'd eat some with hot sauce almost every day.

>> No.19011608

Snails and squid are good too. And mussels. Molluscs in general are great. Though some are poisonous, so there's that, but I'd argue it's still a solid base for a diet.

>> No.19011721

にが tv show

>> No.19011970

I need to get it through my head that it's just not possible for me to form connections with other people nowadays, and to stop getting upset every time I'm hoping to make some connection with a person and it just fails again like it always does. It's not their fault, it's not that anyone hates me, it's just the reality of the situation

>> No.19012097
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Bros I'm beginning to think the commies and neo-nazis on this board aren't larping, they are actually dangerous political radicals.

>> No.19012104

Yes. Please, no more.

>> No.19012170

Yes. I sometimes post ITT about being a receptionist when this question is asked. I'm sitting here behind my desk and reading philosophy and writing my big book about Russian art. I have my laptop with me and I am learning art history. Sometimes people ask me for keys and information and I answer the phone, but there aren't many things to do. I only earn minimum wage. I'm broke as fuck. I recently got an offer for a job that pays 4k euros a month as a personal assistant because they needed someone who speaks the four languages I speak and I refused. I imagined a daily life where I cannot just read and write my book all the time and instead have to actively do shit for someone, I understood that I don't want that. It made me realize that I don't care about the money, I am really happy with the way I live. I'd rather be broke.

>> No.19012222

i wish i knew how to write in a way that didn't make me viscerally embarrassed on re-reading.
it's not usually so bad for matter of fact stuff. i usually throw in a lot of "pretentious" stylistic flourishes or whatever which i might not think were in the best of taste later, but if i've written a good rundown on the Hittites i'm not going to be too bothered that the style is bad.

but whenever I write fiction, and especially dialogue from any specific character, suddenly it becomes crushing. In some cases I can't even open the documents that I've written to see what worked and didn't work because of how strong the embarrassment is at reading a few of the words and remembering the general outline. Not in a helpful way where I can learn from what the problem is, just in a general way from which nothing can be learned except "Don't write". But that's not really an option if I want to get general ideas down somewhere. Even films, games, comics, and so on need writing.

>> No.19012253

Unlike the ClintonBushObamaTrumpBiden continuum. We’re perfectly safe with them.
Covid isn’t real or anything, environmental degradation isn’t real, our thousand military bases poised to strike just about any nation are making us safe, right?

>> No.19012274

Covid is real, environmental degradation is the biggest problem we face.

>our thousand military bases poised to strike just about any nation are making us safe, right?
After seeing all the communists on this board fantasize about a violent revolution, I say we need less bases outside the US and WAY more inside it.

>> No.19012309

Uh. The statements I made above were ironic.
The foreign adventures seem to be coming to a stalemate, the dollar is in its final phase, people around the globe want off of the petrodollar, so the guns *will* turned inward. This is not a good phase of imperial decline. We’re supposed to be a nation about freedom and democracy, but this police/surveillance state will start killing its own in record numbers for demanding that freedom and democracy.
We need less militarism

>> No.19012319

Look bro, if it means we avoid communism I’ll support a police state. It’s like chemotherapy to stop cancer. Your health will suffer but the lethal disease will be cured.

>> No.19012352

No, you’re talking about curing lung cancer with bone cancer.

How about living instead?

>> No.19012389

>How about living instead?
That’s all I want to do. It’s not like I’m thrilled at the prospect of a police state. Still, 4chan is a massive redpill on why such control is needed. There are literally hordes of communists and neo-Nazis in this country waiting for a chance to strike. I wish I lived in a place with a peaceful political atmosphere.

>inb4 it’s the internet bro
I know, I know. I’ve only met one communist irl and he was just a edgy guy. And I’ve never met a irl fascist. Still, knowing how many political radicals are in this country, just waiting for a chance to strike, is scary.

>> No.19012403

>red pill
Always a lie.
Statists are the cancer. There’s no peace with any of them ever.

>> No.19012412

In an ideal world we would live in agricultural and industrial (whatever floats your boat) communes which would exist in racial/religious/cultural harmony and which would be sustainable and not a burden on the environment. One can dream but I don’t see such a thing happening.

>> No.19012433

See it, teach it, believe it and we’re on our way.


>> No.19012461

>4chan is a massive redpill on why such control is needed. There are literally hordes of communists and neo-Nazis in this country waiting for a chance to strike.

No one here is gonna do shit. It's just empty talk and frustration.

>> No.19012678

my gf said she loves me and I couldn't say it back

>> No.19012768
File: 2.47 MB, 3984x1840, IMG_20210614_201239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we reached her house and I tell her I feel like going home. she decides to "come with me until she feels like turning back" and walks with me until my flat. she says goodnight, we kiss almost passionately and say goodnight again.
did she want me to turn back, change my mind and take her upstairs ? well ye obviously. at that point, for some reason, I didn't want to - but now it feels like I did something wrong somehow. I know I didn't want it any different but i didn't want to feel this incompetent.
it wasn't a date by the way, we've always just been friends. I don't know how this relationship will procede, though

>> No.19012807

this place is a joke

>> No.19012840


>> No.19012889

It's not as though I'm bad at writing, the problem is that I have nothing worth saying. With nothing to say, how could I say anything? My death before conception as a writer is not due to lack of writing skill, but to lack of creativity. What can I do to solve this, besides growing up?

>> No.19012893

been there man, that relationship didn't end well

>> No.19012952

that Steve from Blues Clues thing is the reddit tier pathetic symptom of infantalized millenial culture

and yet... it kinda got to me

>> No.19012963
File: 76 KB, 798x1000, RRW40289_798x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me : I cannot go to bed so late every day when I have to wake up so early to go to work. But I can't stop thinking about the aesthetic archetypes of the modernist era. Like how can I rest when I am having all these ideas about Russian futurism and Pulcinella. Ever since I have decided to synthesize this shit into my own art I have been absolutely obsessed. Fuck I really must sleep now

My brain : Picasso cubist horse from Parade

Me : Oh my god fuck yeah

>> No.19012979

I remember thinking as a little kid: look how lame Steve is, Blues Clues is boring. I remember being an edgelord all through my teens. As I get older, and have been through some ugly things, I can't but think fondly about things like that.
Life's hard kids, cherish your pleasant memories.

>> No.19013037

How much does new hair grow? My head molts like crazy, a 100% of times when I scratch my head, pieces of hair will be flying out in all directions.
But that's true for years and I don't really look like I'm balding. Are new pieces growing anew a lot? I'm not seeing short hairs anywhere, but if they didn't, I'd be bald by now.

>> No.19013049

And I'm the joker haha

>> No.19013100

well i got a joke for you: i'm gonna tear you a new asshole

>> No.19013134


>> No.19013166


>> No.19013281
File: 333 KB, 897x683, B3BFB546-6E2D-4653-AE36-7B789E85D21E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be extremely introverted a few years ago, to the extent that I was practically a hermit. Then I read about the Puer aeternus and some Nietzschean literature and start having self-doubts. So I decided to change my life - I started dressing well, went to parties and bars my with my old friends, met some girls and would have long conversations with them under the starry sky. After two years of this ‘experiment’, I ended all of it and returned to being a hermit. You normies will never understand the immense joy I feel now that I never have to talk to vapid females again about their travels to Istanbul, or sit in a room filled with foul cannabis smoke and Eminem music, or pretend to care about some stupid triviality. I can now spend my days writing and reading poetry again, without any distraction. You have no power over me anymore, take your antiasceticism and shove it up your ass

>> No.19013371

what you have to realise is that she has probably been with at least 5 or 6 horny 90iq men who would have railed her on the spot, it's likely over and you're probably better for it

>> No.19013497

That's not funny that's just a friday night haha

>> No.19013499
File: 43 KB, 567x567, 87C1F920-D25E-452E-8F9D-E017356B6F8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some (you)s

>> No.19013505

I was like this and then once I reached my late twenties, I noticed my hair was thinning and my hairline receding like crazy. You won’t notice it until it’s pretty far gone. My advice is to start looking at methods to keep your hair because trust me, you’ll want it once you start losing it. If your grandparents are bald, you’re almost certainly balding. Losing tons of hair isn’t normal healthy hair.

What I would do is get on ketoconazole and some thickening conditioner which claims to suppress DHT. See if that slows the shedding after a month or two. You may want to introduce a dermapen or dermaroller too. That seems to help. The proper response is finasteride and/or minoxidil, but do this other stuff first and see if it works since they have less side effects. If it doesn’t, you might want to consider finasteride and minoxidil.

>> No.19013537

This is honestly impeccably based.

>> No.19013584

You're such a cuck

>> No.19013653

ooo who's a good doggie? You're a good doggie! yeaaah, good doggie!

>> No.19013654

I'm just lurking /lit/ to see what it's all about, but I saw this thread and would like to share

So I have a black notebook that I've been writing in for maybe 4-5 years about things that I wish I could tell people but they either just don't care or disregard it as "haha Anon you're crazy, let's go smoke some more pot." I'm gonna share one bit of it for you guys. Sorry if you guys are anal about grammar, because I definitely never listened in English class. Side note, as I read this I realized its kind of cringe but whatever I'll write it word for word anyway.
Okay, I'm having a really hard time trying to explain this in my way, it just keeps turning into biblical sounding crap. Let's start with a story. Back before I moved to [nope] I used to be a huge stoner, I've dissociated, I've forgotten how to breathe, I remembered my death when I was a baby, which is where the rabbit hole started, since then it's like I came into myself. It's when I started getting those mossy flashes, but I think the most important thing is that I learned that that memory of me drowning was all the way back, the farthest thing back in my head. And I learned that memory was a kind of door or cork, and when you find something like that, you want to open it. so I meditated, and I looked for any memory that could act as a key, and I found it, but it's not a memory, it's a moment.

It's that moment of true inner peace at the end of a long, happy life. And when you've finally found peace, that door opens, the cork pops, the fucking anus prolapses, and your life forth dimensionally folds from positive to negative, leaving your dirty husk behind. Death may be ugly, but on the other side, it's as beautiful as death.

>> No.19013666
File: 109 KB, 1000x1000, wuju_buju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why'd it fuck with my enters wtf

>> No.19013667

Has anyone made it, or known anyone that's made it doing /lit/. Whether it's fiction or writing articles or something. Whose the Dave Rapoza of /lit/. Ive always found this board fascinating.

>> No.19013697

do you believe in past lives? why do we have memories that never happened, if not? I have memories of past lives, but I know they're impossible. Maybe they existed in some other plane of existence different from this universe. . . or maybe they are just filtered and lost in translation to our current brain and understanding.

>> No.19013734

You have to work on that.
Don’t you love her? Or are you just having trouble saying it?

>> No.19013742

i swear sometimes i have faint memories of other peoples lives, I'm not sure if they're past lives or other peoples lives today right now, but i know what the ocean smells like, what the beach breeze on a cloudy day feels like, i know the sounds of seagulls over head and the rays of warm light coming through the window in my lighthouse at dawn, and i have never even been near a coast

>> No.19013770

I'm tired of living but scared of dying

>> No.19013797

The main two recurring images in my dreams are the death of my father and sex with my sister
I'm so fucked up

>> No.19013889


>> No.19013923

The dream's meaning is clear. the death of your father left a void where the patriarch should be. Now i'm not sure if you have any brothers or maybe close uncles, but what ever the case is, your psyche now thinks that it's your responsibility to fulfill that role and take charge of the family. It's directing you to assert your authority by showing you a display of masculine imagery over the female memebers of your family. Masculine energy and patriarchal authority is symbolically represented through the phallis, so naturally the image your psyche shows to you is a sex act. You need to actualize the directives of your subconscious by making sweet love to your sister. Don't wear a condom. Go in raw and be very passionate with her. Make sure she knows that you're her daddy now.

>> No.19013957

I liked this alot. Thank you, anon.

>> No.19013962

>crackheads try to mug me for $10 while I'm walking to class
Just another day in Baltimore shiiii

>> No.19013971

I want to withdraw from the world but I cannot be religious. I don't have faith sadly. I think the best thing for me to do is to go as close to full hermit as possible. I really wanna do it. I think it's all I can do to avoid killing myself.
I have shit health so I will probably need to live not too far from civilization unless I wanna die in ~1 year. Other than that I want absolute minimalism. How do I live in the most frugal way possible without being a fucking hobo in the streets? How much money am I looking at every month? I think I might get like $200/mo doing something but I doubt it's money I can live off of unless I move to some 3rd world shithole.
I know for sure I will have to compromise in many ways, so it's definitely going to be a wooden hut in the mountains.

>> No.19013989

*not going to be, fucking hell I am so tired I make mistakes when I fix my mistakes
IDK maybe this is easier than I think. I'd rather not live off welfare but do something small instead that has some dignity to it.

>> No.19013996

Faith is achieved through practice

>> No.19014029

I'm wondering how to be less long-winded when I write.

>> No.19014048

I've never been loved before and though I do feel something like affection I am not sure that I have ever felt love

>> No.19014066

Your love is just a little underdeveloped. Grow it.
You also might be having a problem with self love. Like a potted plant wilting, water it, etc.

>> No.19014073
File: 20 KB, 597x441, 2c1ufxsu3cm71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decent numbers

>> No.19014085

I'll let you fuck my ass for those dubs there

>> No.19014088

If it will happen it will happen, for the time being the question is another

>> No.19014090

I fell for the Hegel meme

>> No.19014096

How you got past the first paragraphs without shooting your own head?

>> No.19014097

Hatred is more genuine to me and therefore more morally correct. I probably don't deserve to be loved

>> No.19014136
File: 178 KB, 1400x800, C09CC2F2-E541-4884-9A79-636BA31B19B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no no. Hatred is injurious and wasteful.
I see why you’re stunted now. Stop this false line of thinking.
There are things to be weary of and avoid, and hate is genuinely bad for you. Nothing “moral” about it.

>> No.19014157

this guy gets it

>> No.19014168

Not him, but if it's moral to love the good wouldn't it be moral to hate the bad?

>> No.19014173
File: 149 KB, 1280x826, 10-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-norwegian-forest-cat-before-you-buy-one-5dab10a3bd954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evolution is not compatible with Christianity. If you are a Christian but you also believe in evolution, you are saying that there was death in the world before Adam and Eve sinned. You are saying that God created an imperfect world. That is wrong. God created a perfect world. It was the sin of Adam and Eve that corrupted the world and brought death.

>> No.19014180

not him but I don't think they are perfect opposites. hatred is an all-consuming emotion, it blinds you completely. it is almost certainly not good to hate even what you perceive to be bad, since it will for sure warp your perception

>> No.19014183

I just had to call customer support and a young woman with the most beautiful voice answered me. Her voice was like walking in a field of sunflowers. I had difficulty concentrating about my issue while she went through her textbook lines. And earlier today I saw this tall but small framed woman who wore these tight white pants over a rump made to mathematical perfection. We were unfortunately walking at the same pace and she was in front of me and I went full circle from bliss to torture as I watched her sashay.
Good God I need a woman. I am so fucking horny, it should be illegal to let a man become as horny as I am

>> No.19014185

Not for anymore than an instant. Be weary of the bad, turn it good if at all possible, but don’t stew in anger and hate. The bad doesn’t feel your temper. It isn’t effected.

>> No.19014207

The jab and the masks are all part of the NWO's agenda to erase the likeness of God from you. We are seeing the beast system show itself.

>> No.19014221

Gobekli Tepe isn’t compatible with Christianity, but there it is.
This kind of thing continues to happen to your patchwork myth and it can’t hold out in any sincere way anymore. Just calm down and find some personal gods to bow to.

>> No.19014277

>erase the likeness of God from you.
>because God's magic juju and grace is easily defeated by fashion accessories and vaccines like that
Protestantism is the worst fandom

>> No.19014284
File: 49 KB, 486x608, WireAP_181533d9d0004998a24648399f77ea96_4x5_608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Father Peter Heers is Orthodox Christian.
Many other Orthodox Christians are also rejecting the jab.

>> No.19014297

>it's an orthodox thing
Does the video involve stick fights or have things not peaked yet?

>> No.19014313

Oh, the FUCKING FAGGOT retarded cat poster DUMBASS FUCK has returned to this thread, KILL YOURSELF.

>> No.19014380

Two days ago I had the best date of my life with a girl. Nothing sexual happened, but it seems that everything worked pretty well. Yesterday I talked a bit with that girl trough messages. And today, I'm quite stressed because we still haven't talk. I'm waiting for her to start a conversation since this morning, but still it didn't happened. I don't know if I should write for first, because I don't want to look like clingy. Also, I'm so insecure about these things, because with some of the (really few) girls I've dated, the convos died the day right after our date. Before I actually met her I wasn't that interested, and she was so talkative. Now after the date (where I was so struck, in a good way, by her aspect and behaviour) she went mute and shit's is freaking me out, because I don't want to lose such a good occasion

>> No.19014432

Give it a day or two and message her again. Most importantly stay calm, it's really not a big deal.

>> No.19014527

Oh shit

>> No.19014534

Thank you. Is it normal this change of behaviour? Before the date and during that she seemed really into me and sometimes started conversations by herself

>> No.19014598

>Is it normal this change of behaviour?
I guess? At least in America people have all these weird ideas about not calling too soon after a first date, so as not to appear desperate. But seriously, don't worry about it.

>> No.19014619

unironically have sex

>> No.19014631

what an absolute turbopussy, holy shit

>> No.19014649

Why did comics not become a notable form of story telling until the 19th and 20th centuries? It’s not like the ancients were incapable of drawing.

>> No.19014658

Look at Julius Evola’s conception of evolution. That seems to me to be one which is totally reconcilable with Christianity, but to be clear, it’s more a refutation of the dominant view of evolution than anything else.

>> No.19014719
File: 2.09 MB, 498x379, stimpy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im still smoking weed...nothings changed..

>> No.19014773

But do you truly love something if you don't hate what opposes it? If you love your friend for example, you'd hate something which hurts him. Otherwise you don't really care.

>> No.19014873

My father's not dead yet, they're kinda like dreams of him dying while I watch passively by
I like your interpretation though

>> No.19014887


I've smoked weed. I've taken LSD, psylocibin, ketamine, cocaine, MDMA, amphetamine, ethylphenidate, xanax, lorazepam, diazepam, dextromorphan, aMT, MXE, methiopropamine, heroin, crack, etizolam, codeine, tramadol, DMT, nos, GHB, oxycodone.

>> No.19014902
File: 78 KB, 498x468, bing bing bong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19014914

she's a hooah

>> No.19014934
File: 650 KB, 406x409, 109273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of my friends are dead people who don't know that I exist.

>> No.19014937




Now I only take sertraline, aripriprazole and lithium

>> No.19014986

I'm an Yuro and not American but thank you again, mate

>> No.19015026

there are many ideas about this I suppose. what is worth having and what is worth losing your peace of mind over. but also- when do you hate? I think hating a person and hating a thing or a phenomenon are different things. You can't wish harm upon a thing, so I'm not sure it is really the same emotion. You can "hate" that your friend has cancer, but you can not meaningfully wish to harm cancer for the sake of seeing it suffer.

>> No.19015094


>> No.19015118
File: 292 KB, 255x292, 7612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ghosts of my idols, yes.

>> No.19015238
File: 113 KB, 999x890, MichDamnManLJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that I have to drive to get to places.

>> No.19015240

Me too. Who?

>> No.19015280

Kazakhstan has a really great hip-hop scene right now

>> No.19015298

I'd say it's coherent to hate some abstracts and not others. You can hate a behavior and by extension people who practice. Or hate a certain mindset and by extension people who have it. Yet it'd be nonsensical to hate death itself.

Maybe we have different ideas of hate too. If hate is something that causes bitterness, resentment and makes you lose sleep at night, that's ill advised. If however by hate we mean a poised, controlled and rational sentiment of aversion, distaste and possibly confrontation, I'd say It's alright.

>> No.19015344

The songs go really hard?

>> No.19015465 [DELETED] 

This guy. He keeps appearing in my dreams. Tonight he took me by the shoulders and started shaking me, all the while shouting: "Abandon traditional notation practices! Words are not adequate means of relaying performance specifications! The lower boundary at which a rhythm becomes a pitch mirrors the upper boundary at which tone lengths merge into one another!"
It's getting harder to cope with this. Should I see a therapist?

>> No.19015473
File: 96 KB, 620x424, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy. He keeps appearing in my dreams. Tonight he took me by the shoulders and started shaking me, all the while shouting: "Abandon traditional notation practices! Words are not adequate means of relaying performance specifications! The lower boundary at which a rhythm becomes a pitch mirrors the upper boundary at which tone lengths merge into one another!"
It's getting harder to cope with this. Should I see a therapist?

>> No.19015522

What are the average Kazakhstani rapper's feelings towards women?

>> No.19015556

I would imagine that the average Kazakhstani rapper holds a rather fantastic distaste of them.

>> No.19015600

I hear the negative feeling they hold for them cannot be contained within the bounds of reality.

>> No.19015709

I really can’t decide if I want to do this car camping thing. What I would really like to do is spend some time in a cabin, but I can’t do that because I don’t have enough money and I’m not certain I want to buy the land. What I can do is take like 6 months to 1 year and just live out of my truck somewhere in a wilderness area. But what am I really achieving by doing that? It’s not what I really want to do. I’d have to quit my job do it. And I’d probably burn through all my savings pretty quickly. Man, I don’t know.

>> No.19015743
File: 1.08 MB, 1008x600, Untitled-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quote from The Denial of Death

>> No.19015798 [DELETED] 

my work hadn't required the vaccine for the sake of "diversity and inclusion" since we serve a lot of bipocs and latinxes, but since we take federal funds biden is putting the squeeze on us and everyone must be vaxxed now. i've already been vaxxed, but i'm still going to switch to for-profit work because these fuckers are cheap and inflation is insane right now. if your work takes any federal money at all, expect biden's announcement tonight to put the squeeze on you for mandated vaccines.

>> No.19015812 [DELETED] 

denial of death is such a midwit piece of shit. it was so bad, i literally stopped posting on /lit/ except maybe once a week.

>> No.19015841

Is therapy a luxury or a necessity?

>> No.19015867

That sounds like a horrible idea. You would probably regret doing it just a few days in. Not everyone is forest anon. Plus there's the chance of weather and car issues being a problem, and if by the end of it you don't have any savings or a job, in a bad job market that could mean homelessness. Don't be this reckless anon.
Why not just go for a week first? Renting a cabin somewhere for a week or so shouldn't be that expensive (just don't go for a fancy place with hot tubs and all that) and that won't cause any issues with your job and all that. From my experience even a week in a cabin is great and it can actually get a bit boring after that.
If that works, you can start making longterm plans for buying or building one.

>> No.19015904

This anon's right. Check it out first. If you actually like isolation, there's plenty of stations which will pay you to live in the middle of nowhere with highly infrequent contact. Some insist you're a couple so you don't an hero from loneliness four months in. The majority of people real!y do not want to be alone that long even if they think they could hack it.

>> No.19015919

>Renting a cabin somewhere for a week or so shouldn't be that expensive (just don't go for a fancy place with hot tubs and all that) and that won't cause any issues with your job and all that.
Not that anon but that's a great idea. I think I'll do that during my fall vacation, good thinking anon.

>> No.19015926


>> No.19015929


It is self-indulgent. Masturbatory.

If you think therapy is a necessity you need help bro. Like, professional help. Speak to someone. Anyone. If you can't find anyone you can trust, speak to a therapist.

They will help you jerk yourself off. Share your feelings that therapy feels like a luxury. They will make you feel better. They will help.

Give them your money. Please, they are the loneliest people on the planet. They just need someone they can talk do.

Do the right thing.

>> No.19016055
File: 2.66 MB, 1967x1967, this man is not kant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrote these on /mu/ in a couple of "let's write Death Grips songs" threads, posting them here for posterity here because both desuarchive and moe suck a fat cock in hell:



>> No.19016075

You have no right to call others masturbatory when you post like this

>> No.19016258


You are right. I feel guilty now. I am sorry.

>> No.19016320
File: 51 KB, 540x675, 1558293799916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to be rich so I can live my life as artistically as possible. Without work I would have spent my days studying and listening to the symphonies, cantatas, oratorios and passacaglias of the best composers, reading the most beautiful verses of the poets and contemplating the most splendid masterpieces of the painters. I could also have devoted myself entirely to studying the thoughts of profound intelligences, to producing and improving my creations, to walking and appreciating the beauties of creation, that of the flowers of zinnias, of the moonlight and the reflections in the hair of my beloved. I could have led an eremitic life in seclusion and adoration if I had been so inclined. I could have applied myself more actively to open the wings of my soul, and in a broadening of my scope I could have risen to the heights of sensibility, of elegance of mind, of height of vision and of contemplation of divine things. And in this healthy otium there would have been no other privations than mortifications, I would have been able to live in a beautiful building, in a charming place with a large garden, to have lunch at my convenience with all the people whose presence is pleasant to me and we would have been able to exchange at leisure on the lightest trifle as well as on an important subject in a kindly conviviality. I could have helped the afflicted and the needy without fear of stunting the inheritance of my offspring, ensured the quality of my children's education and along a kind life peacefully walked to death without fear or worry.
But I am not rich and I am forced to consume my days in senseless activities, among people who are too different from me to prepare me for a job that will offer me a salary anyway too short to allow me all the largesse I would like to do. Life is decidedly full of affliction.

>> No.19016355


>can't live artistically
>lives life autistically

>> No.19016458

I am lonely. I want someone who I can talk to about western art music and modernist literature. But most people who are into that stuff are very pretentious -- at least those who are around my age -- and I'm a bit allergic against that. They can't turn it off. This is an observation from personal experience. What do?

>> No.19016461

The /lit/ fork

>> No.19016578

>I would have spent my days studying and listening to the symphonies, cantatas, oratorios and passacaglias of the best composers, reading the most beautiful verses of the poets and contemplating the most splendid masterpieces of the painters. I could also have devoted myself entirely to studying the thoughts of profound intelligences, to producing and improving my creations, to walking and appreciating the beauties of creation, that of the flowers of zinnias, of the moonlight and the reflections in the hair of my beloved.
I do literally all of this shit daily and I'm not rich

>> No.19016586

>western art music
What did he mean by this

>> No.19016600

You type like a pretentious fuck

>> No.19016733

It's just a more general term for classical music.

>> No.19016829
File: 141 KB, 1200x800, GettyImages-509014662.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Of course a well-developed They-system is necessary—but it's only half the story. For every They there ought to be a We. In our case there is. Creative paranoia means developing at least as thorough a We-system as a They-system—"
>"I mean what They and Their hired psychiatrists call 'delusional systems.' Needless to say, 'delusions' are always officially defined. We don't have to worry about questions of real or unreal. They only talk out of expediency. It's the system that matters. How the data arrange themselves inside it. Some are consistent, others fall apart."

>> No.19016836


>> No.19016913

We all have these phases where we try to "get out", but you cannot change yourself fundamentally. We always go back to the level of solitude which roughly matches our intellect.

>> No.19017135
File: 188 KB, 400x400, yuiiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasted 2 years at uni

>> No.19017472

why do people still format emails in a reply chain like letters?
it should be more like a direct chat

>> No.19017510
File: 28 KB, 600x600, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if diversity is strength why didn't wi pee po redraw the borders of Africa and the middle east to be ethnostates so they would be weaker and easier to exploit? were white people actually being being benevolent when they redrew the borders of those regions ensuring no homogeneous ethnostates arose? i thinks blacks and browns owe us an apology for being mad at us for giving them the strength of diversity

>> No.19017537
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, gangs_of_new_york_2002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the most disturbing speech I've heard in a long time. What the fuck is going on Ameribros? I just want to play vidya...

>> No.19017581

On one hand, I do believe in the vaccine and that everyone should get it (I did). On the other, this is going to be the Patriot Act all over again. I bet in 2031 the NYT will be lambasting the laws to come out of this period of authoritarianism, and probably blaming racism/privilege for it too.

>> No.19017600

Retiring to my Santorini villa in my mature years, lounging next to my infinity pool while my twink lover reads me poetry over freshly picked grapes.

>> No.19017614

"Diversity is Strength" is just d&c bullshit dude, destruction of community is a net positive for those in charge if their aim is to enrich themselves(as it is) and not to maintain their nation's health.

>> No.19017727 [DELETED] 

of course it will disproportionately negatively impact bipoc communities because everything does.

>> No.19017881
File: 101 KB, 720x563, 1631231571357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I should read this black gentleman...

>> No.19017897
File: 711 KB, 700x700, 1538942880205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not getting the freakin jab.
Get over it.

>> No.19017920

I work in a psych ward overnight and I wonder, what would become of these people without we who care for them? The ones who can walk would be dominant, the ones bedfast left to screech and fester in their own filth until the ambulatory decided to eat them.

>> No.19018050

I'm pro vaccine, but I don't think people should be required to have it outside certain circumstances. Total vaccination doesn't really happen in reality. I don't think we should rely on it. I think we could get out of this shitshow much easier if we just told everyone who tests positive they get a free paid holiday with all free subscription services and electricity and delivery of their takeaway of choice for two weeks. People not catching it from other people is way better maintained by distance and ventilation rather than giving people the impression the vaccine is the be all and end all. The only way it could work to end it is in conjunction with giving people ways to not pass it on that are all much cheaper long term.
Though I do hope you're not one of those people who denies they're sick when they're sick, because some people avoid treatment when they need it.

>> No.19018117

One of the ranches near me needs help. It’s only $15/hr plus meals but I’m thinking of applying and quitting my current job anyway. Working with the horses suited me more than this job suits me.

>> No.19018131

Finally applied for jobs. Already have two interviews. I'm gonna miss being NEET.

>> No.19018224

How did you get your job?

>> No.19018307
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I was driving to college today and had to go buy gas. I'm 19 and only just bought a car since I didn't need one in high school. I put my card into the pump but it kept telling me to go see the attendant. I told him my pump number and he kept asking me how much I wanted, but I didn't know what to answer with. I stopped at 3 different gas stations and ended up going home in frustration, skipping class. I told my mom what happened and later found out the card I was using was deactivated since I had activated a new card yesterday that the bank had sent me.

For some reason I thought I could keep using the same card until it expired.

>> No.19018323
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Wrote this cool short story about some stuff in an office. My partner encouraged me to put it on tumblr, would love to hear what you guys think though.


>> No.19018369

Busy season at work makes me want to kill myself. Just thinking about it makes me want to burst into tears but I don't have the strength to cry anymore. I make peanuts while other districts deal with 1/10 of the stress. But I've concluded it is my lot in life to suffer. I deserve to be miserable.

>> No.19018503

here you go. much love to you brother/sister.

>> No.19018521

I find myself repulsed by women my age(24), the feminine qualities I'm attracted to, their kindness and their warmth, seem to be completely extinct. I'm tired of entertaining whores, whatever womanliness they once had was either socialized out or destroyed by their indiscretions. I just want to find a woman to give myself to, I want to find someone to rest in. For whatever reason tonight I am particularly distressed and I feel particularly lonely. I often think that I should have just married the girl that loved me in high school, there'd be a lot less uncertainty in my life.

>> No.19018650

I’m reading stories my favorite author wrote in high school and college. They’re amazing. They’re so good they make me want to off myself. I can’t write half this good and I’m twice their age. Wtf am I supposed to do?

>> No.19018756

life hack: if you're bored of texting with a chick just say let's go do something and then she will pretend she didn't see it and leave it unread. then you can turn your attention to something else without feeling like the asshole.

>> No.19018781

>ghosting game

>> No.19018856

The Hutu and the Tutsi thing happened because, well, Belgium. Before colonial rule, they weren't genetic groups. They were kind of social positions, like being a shepherd or potato farmer. But then they got colonized and it got interpreted as a caste thing: people who herd animals and people who farm got put into this hierarchy that had whichever empire had just invaded them with steamships and superior fire power on top. But then Belgium decided to give them all cards and educate them on how this was a bloodline difference, and, very importantly, that savages tended to kill whichever bloodline acted the most like houseniggers when colonial powers left. They thought that was a good way to educate them towards independence. If you ever want to see what an internet white supremacist colony would look like, check out Belgium in the industrial age.

>> No.19018869

I ate so much I could puke up a horse.

>> No.19018886

Cannery Row but they are all little girls

>> No.19018958

He have poison under the sink of course

>> No.19019028

And the sum of white inventions gets an unexpected addition today as we add savage inter-tribal dindu violence to the list!

>> No.19019051

m8 it's basic world history. same thing in India with the British, or even with Palestine and the British and French being fucking retards.

>> No.19019131

Are you retarded

>> No.19019140

Get a clueless 18 year old

>> No.19019144

Just by reading the three posts I've made ITT so far you would know more about me than anyone that I actually know irl

>> No.19019147

Cannery Row was really good. Not sure what them being little girls adds to the story tho

>> No.19019154

Lads I think I'm going to top myself over a girl. This humiliation is unbearable. She's torturing me deliberately, and I think she'd genuinely enjoy it if I died. I've alienated my family by seeing her. Going to get meds from the GP tomorrow but suspect it's too late. It's pathetic but I just can't handle these feelings anymore. Yes I know this is boring and should be in /adv/ but I'm desperate innit

>> No.19019156

I will not comply.

>> No.19019163

I'm the same. I have people I've known for several years, but they dont really know me as I am authentically. Thats my fault though. I put up walls and put on a semi fake persona. I never initate contact and I never get deeper than surface level. For some reason I feel comfortable only posting sincere thoughts here.

>> No.19019170

Military medic turned nurse. Decent gig, handing out meds and sodas to the lunatics for 40 an hour.

>> No.19019203

Ive been thinkinf a lot about the course of my life. Its really been weighing on me that i'm basically a loser. I dropped out of university to go to community college, but left that for construction work after covid hit. I'm socially isolated and very boring.
But it all worked out. The choices I made have liberated me from the insanity of the world. I make jew jokes and say nigger with my boss. I don't have to get vaccinated. I'm not constrained by some university or corporate controls. And whats more I've learned real tangible skills. I can build things, I can fix things, and i'm always physically active.
And now as governments gake greater control of everyone's life, I basically outside the system enough to evade the government's grasp.
Trust in providence. Romans 8:28. It doesnt always make sense in the moment, but the Lord is guiding your life towards a good end.

>> No.19019206

There is an incredibly simple solution and that is to cut her out of your life. Any response that tries to get around this immutable fact is merely an excuse. Don't make excuses anon, cut her out.

>> No.19019283

>But what am I really achieving by doing that? It’s not what I really want to do
Well you literally answered your own question. Living like forestanon takes a special kind of person. Just go camp for a night and I guaruntee you'll change your mind. You have to be okay with being alone cold and hungry and anyone who can voluntarily do that is rare. And if it's not what you want to do then you'll have an even worse experience. It's not meant for everyone.

>> No.19019339

Africans and other colonized peoples killing each other has nothing to do with white colonists lol what do you think Africa and South America were like before euro explorers? All the natives just holding hands and singing Kumbaya?

>> No.19019388


What is the /lit/ equivalent of this?

>> No.19019407

When there was a Borders, I saw a whole section for “urban” fiction. Black authors. Lots of purple covers, what looked like romances

>> No.19019427

I figured out yet again that I am terrible at gauging the age of women I meet.
Lemme set the scene- it's the first week of class at a new school for me, and at the end of a lecture I get the number of a girl sitting nearby for class purposes, who tells me she's just transferred in from community college. Which is a pleasant surprise since I am in the exact same situation. So, I figure she's roughly 21 like me. Turns out she's at least 26 from a quick search on social media. Worse yet, she's attractive and seems well traveled and social, while I was thinking she was just a cc-fag like me. I know social media is just social media, but I feel like she would just see me as a child, since I already basically look like a freshman.
Feels bad bros.
Another thing is that I was about stay in that class, which is notorious for being difficult and not even part of my major, because I thought I might be able to get to know her and possibly smash. But now that ain't happening for sure. Don't think with your dick my brothers. If her profile was private, then I wouldn't have found out and maybe stuck it out in that class, suffered academically, and been disappointed with the outcome anyways.
In other news I haven't fapped for at least 13 days now since moving into my apartment and it's helped me with just talking to girls in public, difference feels night and day. Models by Mark Manson helping too.

>> No.19019564

I'm into modernist classical music and modernist art. Literature not so much because I am the kind of autist who only reads nonfiction but yeah. I'd be your friend if I knew you IRL.

>> No.19019585

I am both an autoandrophile and autogynephile

>> No.19019622

I looked the furthest I could down my throat after which all I saw was pitch black.

Down the hatch but where does it go?

It made me realize that the inside of our bodies are dark, wet eco-systems similar to a swamp. It made me appreciate the world of the veil more.

>> No.19019806

Wow bro you're both pro vaccines and so open minded like damn bro you're so cool and such a cool opinion wow

>> No.19019825

Back in 2011, I thought the world was going to end on the 21st of May.
Now, I really wish it did.

>> No.19019943

and if she says yes? what then nigga, what then?

>> No.19019960

Really ridiculous defeatism.
Why does this generation turn out such quitters?

>> No.19019974

was that the /b/ meme that never went anywhere, or am I thinking of something else?

>> No.19020000

I wish that they had told me in school what kind of jobs would be available in the future, so that I could learn useful skills and adequately prepare for it. I feel like the education system largely failed me and wasted vital years of my development. More and more my faith in mainstream society is eroded. Everything they say is good or useful is the opposite.

>> No.19020001

Can we just pretend post-modernism never happened and go back to modernism. Just resume where we left off

>> No.19020005

>le society
>le they

>> No.19020014

>This generation
>Some random schizo lit faggot

>> No.19020030

The system is rattling away and out of control going over a cliff. All those in power are only concerned with making “profits”
The system is only aiming to strap you into a work gang and waste your life that way.
Find your way home, help fight the beast, but whatever you do, enjoy.

>> No.19020039

Why does the internet attract such cowards and turn them into bullies?
This is what we mean when we say masculine toxicity

>> No.19020043

I've unironically made myself a Beatrice-like waifu that I daydream about. I will marry her when I am cleansed of my fleshly corruptions and worthy of her.

>> No.19020088

You’ve grown this little thorny plant in your chest.
Stop projecting some chastity test on someone you’re supposed to love.
Ha. You don’t want love. You want a mail order bride. A maid, a personal prostitute. Most unromantic type of male. Be single. Water that little thistle of yours.

Leave them alone, they don’t deserve the grief

>> No.19020096

Didn't ask loser

>> No.19020107

Are you lost?

>> No.19020108

Next thread
When the time comes

>> No.19020116

>Not even the bump limit

>> No.19020121

I just pointed out how some of you are lost.
Are we supposed to pretend everything is fine? Ignore the root causes and beat each other over the head? Scapegoat?

>> No.19020122

العبد يقرع بالعصا، والحر يكفيه الوعيد.

>> No.19020126

Bring it to bump limit. The new one is available

>> No.19020129

Oh I have a Beatrice-like waifu also, but he is (fe)male. I daydream about fleshly corruptions with him(her), It feels amazing. I will never be cleansed.

>> No.19020133

How about you don’t make them early to begin with faggot.

>> No.19020144

Lol why are you over there now?
Dumb asses

>> No.19020151

Beatrice was a real person. You guys are talking about having a waifu. Like an anime

“Tulpa” some people are saying

>> No.19020206

My male tulpa waifu is also based on a real person, but anyway, Dante's Beatrice was a highly idealized version of the existing Beatrice and didn't have much to do with her anyway.

>> No.19020210

>Like an anime
She's a realistically drawn waifu, anime does not suit her dignified form.
>“Tulpa” some people are saying
No l, a tulpa is when the imaginary character lives rent fr-
Oh no

>> No.19020212

>accidentally typed "anyway" twice in the same sentence
I am retarded and suffering from sleep deprivation

>> No.19020229

Go, sleep.
Typos are forgiven with sleep

>> No.19020316

who hurt you, sweetie?

>> No.19021198

>this cunt shitting up the board catalog because he wishes this was facebook
>except he can get more (You)s here as anon when he spams off topic
I think we should start a petition to ban write what's on your mind threads entirely. This shit has become culture over content, and the unifying them of the board won't be books if it becomes a board to spam because you're lonely and want (You)s. OP doesn't bring any literature to the board, and probably kills two threads a day. I know this is going to sound retardedly simple, but if you posted about books with the same fanaticism maybe you wouldn't be lonely enough to do this bullshit, because you'd have common interest with the board.

>> No.19021249


>> No.19021343

>this dick shitting up the board catalog because he wishes this was his personal DBZ board
>values (You)s
Oh, c’mon kid. Control your autism.

>> No.19021371
File: 3.00 MB, 560x700, 1582848795370.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got back to the states after visiting europe, which always sparks a lot of thought about the current state of our nation and its destiny. everywhere I look, both on the news and in my own life I see rot setting in. On the news our regime lost a war to goat herders, a virus it accidentally created has won and will be with the human race until the end of days, and in my own community a pretty normal thunderstorm knocked out our power for three whole days. the aristocrats, the educated people spend all their energy trying to pad their own vanity. theyre either trying to puff themselves up with this activism shit or they're working behind a computer making extremely complex algorithms to target advertising. the working class people are retreating as well into fake virtual worlds. pretty much every industry is facing an immense labor shortage, and are desperate for workers.

i live in wisconsin, so the institution responsible for getting my power back after the thunderstorm is a state authorized monopoly called WE Energies (wisconsin energy energies). It employs about 12,000 people on a regular basis. of those 12,000 only 500 are linesmen. I dont know anything about the power grid, but to me that sounds like if WE energies were an army only 1/24 would actually be holding a gun. after the storm they called up linesmen from other states, and only 50 showed up.

how did we get here? how do we get out? our regime and our nation are rotting from the inside out. all around me i see wasted potential. what my country look like if every american had a niche, and could be all they can be

>> No.19021377

>it's the retard who thinks spamming is within the rules so long as you're obsessed with anime
Stop shitting up the board and read a book. Read the fucking rules of the site too, you fucking idiot.

>> No.19021477

It didn’t accidentally create the virus. It was on purpose. Gain of function is a money making scheme, and that’s why they’re trashing ivermectin

Power company monopolists are greed driven cocks. We get out of this by ganging up on the power elites. We avoid Sovietism by not establishing a centralized power base. There’s no reason we can’t do what the Kurds are doing

>> No.19021766

Stop crying.

>> No.19022282
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>It didn’t accidentally create the virus. It was on purpose
You are right. The virus was intention but the pandemic was not. The fact that they did a cover-up of their big oopsie makes it look intentional however.

>Gain of function is a money making scheme, and that’s why they’re trashing ivermectin
Two different incentive structures are fucking us over here though. Gain of function is a money/prestige scheme by the scientists, with very little to do with the drug companies. The ivermectin crackdown (which has now claimed joe rogan, kek) seems to me to be for two reasons. First off is that FDA requires so much cash to cut through the red tape that it would never be worth it to the pharma companies to spend 2+ billion to get approval for cheap as free animal drugs. Second off there's now a lot of ideological king of the hill now that the regime's vanity is in such a wounded state. Whatever the dissidents claim, the regime will automatically take the opposite approach to. Remember when covid first popped you were called a racist loony for buying masks, and it was the libs who were out on the street licking doorknobs. It was only after DJ Trump said that covid wasn't so bad that the libs flipped and said that it was worse than the plague.

If Don had said that covid was a china-plague sent to kill all patriotic americans the libs would still be licking doorknobs, and would be the ones saying that the vaccines are a rush job made so big pharma can extract endless money from the population.

>> No.19022404

Yeah I've graduated from seeking meaning in life because I've understood how to live. Augustine was correct..the purpose of inwardness is then to make an inflexion outward. If we remain inward, we rot. The Danish duo of Kierkegaard and Logstrup works well together.

>> No.19022635

Juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands