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1900652 No.1900652 [Reply] [Original]

This is the first truly realistic portrayal of an autistic character I have ever seen in literature.

A pity they had to change the US title so as not to upset the chauvinists btw

>> No.1900663

What was the original title?

>> No.1900665

then you should read more, because that first book was fucking horrible. Dull author insert meets Suicide Girl and fucks everything with legs. Boring mystery in the meantime. The end.

>> No.1900671

men who hate women

>> No.1900669


It had a very strong message about punishing those who abuse and take advantage of other people. It was about a strong heroine getting revenge. Who can't relate to that?

>> No.1900677

I'm bored with books that have blatant liberal agendas.

>> No.1900678


Except the story implies that men who commit rape/serial killings do so because they hate women. It also implies that men who hate women are rapists or killers in the making.

I fucking hate women but I couldn't see myself committing a heinous crime against one. I can see why the title was changed.

>> No.1900683


>Nazis are evil

>Rape is bad

>Women deserve rights

>There's nothing wrong with sexual freedom

And you are telling me all this (which is common sense) is part of a "liberal agenda"?

>> No.1900685


I did kind of hate the straw-man capitalist rival that abuses women, sends the hero to prison for slander, and represents the oh so eeeevil forces of the free market.

>> No.1900686


What "liberal agenda" did this book have?

>> No.1900691

I could relate to the heroine (I was sort of like a male version of her when I was younger) but as an actual mystery it sucked. Every major plot twist was either extremely predictable or just randomly pulled out of the author's ass without any foreshadowing or buildup.

>> No.1900692

Judging from the sarcastic quality of your post, you already know what liberal agendas I'm talking about. So I won't bother answering.

>> No.1900695


No, I don't actually.

>> No.1900696

There was an autistic person in Girl With the Dragon Tattoo? I do not remember that.

>> No.1900701


Lisbeth Salander. She was autistic. Asperger's.

>> No.1900703


All "common sense" means is "most of the people my society agree with me". Please don't use the term when trying to make an intelligent point.

>> No.1900709

I have a bad impression of people with autism, especially aspergers. Blame /v/ and chris chan, I suppose.

>> No.1900713


You don't think women deserve the same rights as men? You don't think the disabled shouldn't be mistreated? Those are the points of the book. I am not sure how you couldn't agree with them, even if you didn't care for the book itself.

>> No.1900718


I've never read the book and I wasn't the guy complaining about the content of the book. I just really hate the term "common sense".

>> No.1900727


Asperger's is so common that you have probably had a conversation with a person that was diagnosed and didn't realize it. Chris-Chan doesn't have asperger's, though, he is just autistic. People with asperger's are often academics or autodidacts. Very well-read but usually have unconventional/extreme opinions (it's not uncommon to meet Neo-Nazis or extreme "men deserve genocide" type feminists with Asperger's unfortunately). Many of them may actually look normal and a lot of aspies are attracted to subcultural styles like Goth and Punk. Either that or extremely nerdy and very into sci-fi/fantasy.

>> No.1900731


The point of the book is that it's important to stand up against rapists and abusers without letting them be enabled to do those things.

>> No.1900734


Chris-Chan doesn't have Asperger's. Nor does most of /v/.

>> No.1900735



>> No.1900742

I could go into a rant and explain that everything you said is both wrong and incredibly stereotypical of a liberal, but I really don't care enough to type it out. Your opinion is wrong and we've been indoctrinated into this type of thought since childhood. "rapists" and "abusers" aren't nearly as common as feminists would have you believe, and more often than not its the women doing the abusing.

>> No.1900751

Technically, Aspergers Syndrome doesn't exist anymore. It was removed from the DSM-V for a number of reasons.

>> No.1900752


Funny how all the conservatives I know want their daughter to carry a damn gun.

>> No.1900757

>implying any responsible person not having a gun is a good idea

>> No.1900760


Which is unfortunate. An economics professor who talks like a Jane Austen character and dresses like an Addams family extra is quite different from someone like Chris-Chan. Both are socially confused and don't fit in, but one is considerably more functional than the other.

>> No.1900767


Except that the usual justification I hear is "so she doesn't get raped." I can assure you conservatives (at least in America) are just as concerned about issues of rape and abuse as liberals. Conservatives just try to take ballsier methods to prevent it.

>> No.1900770


How does one determine who's responsible or not?

>> No.1900775

This movie got me thinking... what is it with aspies and goth and punk culture?

>> No.1900777

I don't think it's unfortunate. You either have autism or you don't. Now weirdos and jerks have no one to blame for their behavior but themselves.

>> No.1900780

I define rational as "someone who doesn't act on impulses, and thinks things through". IQ has little or nothing to do being rational.

>> No.1900782


Define "weirdos"? Creepy weird or just normal/annoying/benign weird?

>> No.1900784


Someone could seem very controlled but have undiagnosed bipolar or ADHD. Giving that person a gun would be a bad idea.

>> No.1900789


Most weirdos and jerks clearly don't have Asperger's/Autism, i.e. Tucker Max

>> No.1900791

Now you're just grasping at straws.

>> No.1900790

all of the above

>> No.1900793


Can you show some statistics, because from my personal experience and from the families I've met, it's been the opposite. I agree there are some women abusers, but I don't think there are more human abusers. Although your personal experience might be different, and I'm guessing you are basing it off this.

To the rest, while I agree the book didn't have that much of literary merit, it was entertaining and had a good message (help those in need, and in this case it happened to focus on women or those with mental illnesses).

>> No.1900794

you think Tucker Max is a weirdo? He's pretty white bread as far as white males go.

>> No.1900797


The whitest of white people are usually the weirdest.

>> No.1900802


I'm not who you responded to, but mental illness people usually think things through and by your definition are rational. Not all mental ill patients are ruled by impulses

>> No.1900805


The very definition of mental illness is being incapable of rational behaviors and rational thoughts.

>> No.1900813


The definition of rational given was thinking things through and not acting on impulse. Some mentally ill patients think things through, although that may not be the way normal people think.

And if we really want to get in a stupid, moot argument. Who has the right to label and decreed what is mentally ill? I think that was a strong theme in this book.

>> No.1901086


>ANOTHER guy who thinks he's a victim

>> No.1901108


this is news to me. Where does it say this? which book?

>> No.1901178


In the first book. Blomqkvist observes that she has a lot of the traits of a person with Asperger's.

>> No.1901179


The person you're responding to never said anything about being upset that women have rights. Don't read things into others' statements that simply aren't there.

>> No.1901196

like what exactly? Was it described?

>> No.1901202


There's an interior monologue where he observes that she's smart but asocial and has difficulty relating to other people. He considers that she might have Asperger's syndrome. It's also hinted that autism/asperger's is a factor in the horrible shit that happens to her earlier on in her life and the way she relates to her peers.

>> No.1901219

I read the first two books. I thought they were okay to read on break at work. I thought Salander seemed a little too much like a Mary Sue and Blomkvist seemed like a self-insert. I don't know if I'll bother to read the third.

>> No.1901221

She had Aspergers you asshole they might share some biology but they are different
Also the first book OK the rest were a pain to get through and its the least realistic characterization I've ever read outside Dance Dance Dance

Ive been raped no need to tell somebody. Special girl has magic hacking powers and is far too bad ass to rely on people.
People with Aspergers are able to form loving and trusting connections this was just a giant rant about White power assholes socialist assholes and Publishing assholes

>> No.1901222

I hated Blomkvist for that reason, although I at the very least liked the IDEA behind Salander.

>> No.1901256


You're fucking kidding me. Having "difficulty relating to other people" could be so many things that aren't a disorder. She set her father on fire for fuck sake. I'd have difficulty relating to other people if I set my dad on fire when I was 9 too.

Just because this character says this about her doesn't mean it is true, it could just be him.

or maybe the author wanted her to have it. I dont' know. I watched all three movies and I didn't get that at all. Aren't people like that incapable of making eye contact? She definitely did that in the movies.

>> No.1901300


People with asperger's are not at all incapable of making eye contact, they just have to be TAUGHT to make it a habit where other people do it instinctively.

>> No.1901647


Most people in Western culture don't make much eye contact while adressing someone they know fairly well.

>> No.1901882


New DSM is getting rid of Asperger's and folding it up with other autistic disorders. Now you don't have Special Burgers, but are just a tard.

>> No.1901905

That's complete bullshit.

>> No.1901926

You can't group the entire "Western" culture into that statement. Nope.

>> No.1901952

I hope onionring sees this thread so she can dispell all of you notions of autism..

>> No.1901958

>stieg larsson


>> No.1901993
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>> No.1902019

Ehhh, Lisbeth's no Frank Cauldhame.

As for the worthless "mystery" of the Girly Dragon Tats book, having all supposedly remotely intelligent characters stumped by no body and someone still sending an anniversary flower just like the victim did is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.1902044

This. Why do people outside of Sweden think this is serious literature? It's the same old crime fiction Sweden has been and will forever be flooded with.

>> No.1902063


>He hasn't read The Curious Incident of the Dog in Night- Time


>> No.1902107

those are the points from THE LIBERAL AGENDA meeting of august 23, 2010. i saw so on fox news.

also the first book did suck, second book started out meh ended holy shit this has gone full retard, and the third book was trollface the novel.

>> No.1902178

What characters in Dance Dance Dance were unrealistic. Aside from Dick North and Yuki's mother, anyway.

>> No.1902185


>> No.1902270


First book = very bad
Second book = good
Third book = good

The original sucked because of hardly any Salander, who was a lot more interesting than Blomkvist. The second was good because Salander was the main character, and the third was just well-written, even if Blomkvist was the main character again. The whole trilogy still has rough edges, though. You can tell the person was writing for his first time, though, loads of amateur mistakes and uneven sections to it. Worth reading, though.

>> No.1902289

What's the english title? No one mentioned them yet.