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/lit/ - Literature

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19005201 No.19005201 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books on constructing your own personal system for understanding the world? I already know about William Blake as the best example of this but I'm looking for other books.

>> No.19005206

nietzsche. all of it.

>> No.19005210

Sorry I should've mentioned metaphysical/belief system. As I understand it Nietzsche grounds man as being both in the world and of the world, he doesn't think yearning for something beyond the world is good.

>> No.19005238

>i want to think for myself
>tell me which books to read
>i want books that'll tell me how to think for myself

>> No.19005239

>what is inspiration

>> No.19005243

if your metaphysical belief system doesn't begin with you, you are a fucking retard.

>> No.19005251

Work on your reading comprehension, brainlet

>> No.19005254
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>if your metaphysical belief system doesn't begin with you, you are a fucking retard.

>> No.19005284


>> No.19005301

all literature can be inspiration that's what makes your question so stupid. you specifically asked for
>books on constructing your own personal system for understanding the world

>> No.19005305

work on reading nietzsche, brainlet

>> No.19005306

Towards the Construction of Your Own Personal System for Understanding the World (Sneed University Press)

>> No.19005307

Are you genuinely autistic? What is difficult to understand about wanting to read about people who've had similar ideas and impulses as you?

>> No.19005318

I can't find it on libgen

>> No.19005325
File: 69 KB, 645x1000, Imaginary Lives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marcel Schwob, Imaginary Lives and The Book of Monelle. First are short Ovid like biographies of mythological characters invented by Schwob. Second are prophetic books of underage Paris prostitute nymphs.

>> No.19005329
File: 24 KB, 331x500, Vico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vico describes how myths arise from poetic wisdom, a faculty of the mind that constructs the world from its own ignorance.

>> No.19005333

Thank you, that kind of exposition of personal mythology is what I'm looking for.

>> No.19005336

This is the best recommendation. And maybe some d’Annunzio.

>> No.19005345

Does he shill catholic philosophy here or is it a sincere assessment?

>> No.19005351
File: 122 KB, 951x1500, Mythical Thought.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ernst Cassirer, Language and Myth as the short intro, then the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms. A Neo-Kantian Vico on how mythopoetic thinking arises from a pre-Kantian mind.

>> No.19005366

Have you read the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms? I saw a copy in a bookshop, considering reading it. I enjoyed Vico but I've only read Kant's first critique. Is it worth reading?

>> No.19005371

>i'm looking for thinkers who created their own worlds!
>populated by characters produced by their own imaginations!
you mean a novelist, or a poet.

>> No.19005373

Back to your tradcath containment thread

>> No.19005384

Creating your own system is the only viable kind of spirituality.

>> No.19005390

lol i've no idea what that means. who mentioned anything about traditional catholicism?

>> No.19005392

What's your religion

>> No.19005395

No not at all, don't know where you got that impression from. Vico is an Early Modern writer, pre-Enlightenment, he works within the limitations of the historeography and natural science of his time, i.e. a young Earth with history based on Genesis and how nations emerged after the Noahide flood, which allows him to posit a historical evolution of nations, language and culture from the wilds of the European forests and steppe. He doesn't turn the analysis onto the mythological construction of Christianity or Judaism, he sets them aside and doesn't involve them in his science, he isn't concerned with an apology for them. We can very easily turn the same analysis back onto Judaism and Christianity and find Vico just as powerful there as it is is describing pagan myth-making, and most importantly the myth-making all nations, ages, and people do day to day, including modern man.

>> No.19005406
File: 155 KB, 880x1360, Language and Myth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with Languague and Myth, it's really short and contains the core of it. I'm working my way up to reading Symbolic Forms in full by going through Cassirer's history series.

>> No.19005408
File: 38 KB, 460x562, 07973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Back to your tradcath containment thread

>> No.19005414
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In that case make sure you read Ovid himself. Ted Hughes retelling of Ovid will be of value too as a modern construction.

>> No.19005420

idk what makes "spirituality" viable or unviable. but i believe developing your own taste in literature is a means to understanding yourself and by extension the world, is that the goal of "spirituality", idk.
let us quote Powys
>The secret of the art of literary taste, may it not be found to be nothing else than the secret of the art of life itself—I mean the capacity for discovering the real fatality, the real predestined direction of one's intrinsic nature and the refusal, when this is found, to waste one's energies in alien paths
>We all create, or have created for us by the fatality of our temperament, a unique and individual universe. It is only by bringing into light the most secret and subtle elements of this self-contained system of things that we can find out where our lonely orbits touch... The art of discrimination is the art of letting oneself go, more and more wilfully; letting oneself go along the lines of one's unique predilections; letting oneself go with the resolute push of the inquisitive intellect; the intellect whose rôle it is to register—with just all the preciseness it may—every one of the little discoveries we make on the long road.

>What's your religion
lol. "tell me ur thought system so i can determine once and for all whether you're based or cringe!"
a hopeless case

>> No.19005429

>refuses to say
Thought so, coward

>> No.19005433

They're the only ones who consistently proselytize in threads that offend their sensibilities

>> No.19005436


>> No.19005437

what makes you think i'm religious (or anti-religious?), i don't get where this is coming from or how it's relevant to the discussion

>> No.19005446

What makes you think you're qualified to talk about anything even tangentially related to spirituality when you can't even make up your mind on the most fundamental question that underpins all discussion on metaphysics

>> No.19005470
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>Aha so you're a centrist neoliberal. That's solved it. Into the cringe bin you go, good sir.

>> No.19005472

Struck a nerve huh

>> No.19005483
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Turns out he was tradcath agnostic all along. Sometimes truth really is stranger than fiction.

>> No.19005487

What a terrible thread, sorry for making it.

>> No.19005591

Alright I'll do that, thanks.

>> No.19005774
File: 58 KB, 826x1360, 51mP+lMU9YL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the guy who edited the English editions of the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms in pic above, Donald Phillip Verene, is a Vico and Cassirer scholar (with a lot of work on Hegel and James Joyce too) who has done works on imagination and myth integrating them all.

Start with Languague and Myth though because its so short, concise, and easy and will give a taste of whether Cassirer is worth diving into, for me it was.

>> No.19005784
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Cassirer also wrote a shorter summary of his philosophy of symbolic forms with "An Essay on Man : An Introduction to a Philosophy of Human Culture."

>> No.19005787


>> No.19005800

If you haven't already been doing this automatically since the age of 12 then you unironically don’t have the intelligence required and should just give up and read people who do.

>> No.19006344

Be silent.
Take it all in.
Don't openly talk about it.
Let it come to you.
Believe everything.