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19004258 No.19004258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>You SHALL have no other gods before Me.
>You SHALL make no idols.
>You SHALL not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
>You WILL keep the Sabbath day holy.
>You WILL honor your father and your mother.
>You SHALL not murder.
>You SHALL not commit adultery.
>You SHALL not steal.
>You SHALL not bear false witness against your neighbor.
>You SHALL not covet.

>> No.19004271


>> No.19004303
File: 98 KB, 680x768, 1631064624491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will have no other gods before Me.
>I will make no idols.
>I will not take the name of the Lord my God in vain.
>I will keep the Sabbath day holy.
>I will honor your father and your mother.
>I will not murder.
>I will not commit adultery.
>I will not steal.
>I will not bear false witness against your neighbor.
>I will not covet.

>> No.19004312
File: 82 KB, 555x631, cryingsoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/qa/ population: -1 resident
>/lit/ population: +1 resident

>> No.19004610

seems pretty fair. have a nice day.

>> No.19004617

holy gem

>> No.19004635

white people really believe this

>there's an evil man with horns living underground who rules over a fiery inferno
>they believe if they do bad things they'll get sent underground after death, where the evil man will spear them with a pitchfork then throw them into a burning pit of fire, and this will happen over and over again for eternity
>despite believing this, white people still invent evil shit like slavery, capitalism etc.

explain christFAGS

>> No.19004674

Mediocre bait, 5/10. Would be better if you dropped the race shit, that makes it too obvious. Also don't forget to look yourself in the mirror and remind yourself of how retarded you are, Shortbus Jones

>> No.19004684

christfag believes are so god damn stupid that they do in fact appear as bait. But believe me, this IS what they believe

>> No.19004692

So you don't believe in the Devil? I'm honestly confused

>> No.19004715

This was the covenant he was making directly with the people he was saving from slavery. He was agreeing to take care of their every need and take them to their own bountiful land of paradise if they would uphold his commandments and be his representative people. They did not have to agree. (You)r take is that of an absolute tard.

>> No.19004716
File: 146 KB, 1007x472, 1630609194367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christcucks are fucking braindead and their God a complete cunt

>> No.19004726

God can do whatever He wants, He is God you can't judge him. He could come down and rape you right now and it would automatically be the moral thing to do since He is God

>> No.19004732

I'm not a Jew so does that mean I don't have to do what God says?

>> No.19004736
File: 1.10 MB, 2479x3026, christian thinkers in science and mathematics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seething atheist neckbeards lol


>> No.19004739

>they believe if they do bad things they'll get sent underground after death
Only the jews believe in a concrete Sheol. Christians understand hell as a metaphysical reality.

>white people still invent evil shit like slavery
Slavery is a practice so old it predates writing.
Whites were the only race to abolish slavery on moral grounds.
Slavery still exists today, and is practiced exclusively by nonwhite societies.

Jews created that one. They're not White.

>> No.19004748

>white people
Yeah, while non-white people believe that washing yourself with cow poop is sacred

>> No.19004757

Are you an stroke survivor? Or an ameba? What a garbage take even if God was real.

>> No.19004758

Real chads are Buddhists

>> No.19004760

God is the basis of morality so by definition everything He does is moral. Without God there is no morality.