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19003286 No.19003286 [Reply] [Original]

Books that expose the international financers, preferably not from an overly US centric view. The kind of books Amazon won't let you buy or sell.

>> No.19003316

you mean books full of bunk references, unsourced claims and incorrect information?

>> No.19003329

Recommend one you think has good references and information then

>> No.19003343

Kerry Bolton is good at synthesizing all the best books like this. He has a website too https://www.kerrybolton.com/product/the-banking-swindle/

>> No.19003346

Creature from Jekyll Island
You should help your fellow anons, not try to sabotage them. Leave that for the sheep in reality.

>> No.19003360

Quigley Anglo-American Establishment and Tragedy and Hope are classics

>> No.19003365

Lords of Finance is a great book about the important central bankers surrounding the World Wars.
The Ascent of Money isn't an awful book.
In Light of Yesterday has some useful information.

>> No.19003393

I'm starting to think you make these threads yourself just so you can post this

>> No.19003458

this book is on my bookshelf but haven't gotten to it yet, hope it's el basado

>> No.19004027

You’re a jew

>> No.19004049

The paper back version has been censored somewhat to removed some things refering to jews and white genocide. If you can read the free PDF version.

>> No.19004084
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>> No.19004165

None of you guys happen to be doing the RWSS reading list, are you? OP’s book is the selection for this month.

>> No.19004177

What is RWSS? is it some zoomer thing

>> No.19004181


Right Wing Study Squad, a right wing meme account had a modest following on IG that has since migrated to Telegram.

>> No.19004195

Central banking book is a bit spicy for Instagram. You now this is a JQ adjacent book right

>> No.19004219

The rent seeking society- Gordon Tullock

Tullock is an economist who follows the "public choice" system, following the likes of Locke.
He's perhaps the biggest redpill on capitalism without really intending to be.

He argues the concept of "rent-seeking" where a minority interest will actually create a net loss in a given market to gain a profit, entirely destroying supply/demand and finite market value.

He views politics as a counter-productive (lit.) business model, where a business looses money lobbying to exponentially damage the interests of commercial competitors- thus profiting while the market experiences net loss.

He thus explains that half the business models in our society are simply "rent-seeking" in this same way, they pay to stop someone doing something- then engineer a profit through restoring access.

>> No.19004231
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>> No.19004245

Yeah I figured as much when I couldn’t find it on Amazon or Abebooks. I’m not the type of person to be turned off by a book because it offends standard sensibilities though. I own something like 1,800 books that run the gamut from far left to far right, though funnily enough it’s only ever the far right ones that people complain about when looking at my collection.

>> No.19004255
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This is by the same author and I found it just as eye-opening but on a more micro level. You really see how these parasites work at the granular level with this one. Remember, he worked for the SA Reserve Bank for awhile before being ousted.

>> No.19004266

Why are there so many threads requesting recommendations from the schizophrenic rambling genre?

>> No.19004281

If you can’t discredit the work, discredit the author, right?

>> No.19004294

Can I get a QRD?

>> No.19004297

He hates central banks, but in 1996 ran for office on the platform of creating a state run bank that gave no interest loans. What a goof.

>> No.19004301

I figured, I just didnt know if you were some Zoomer who was reading Mishima with his study group or whatever lol. There is a clear line in the sand with the J stuff, even race realism is not in the same category

>> No.19004302 [DELETED] 


nigger it’s quite telling that the only books willing to discuss international banking are schizos books.

im supposed to deconstruct my country, my relationships, and even the cock between my legs but I cant ask about global finance and banking.

>> No.19004317

South Africa transitions from apartheid state to Mandela world. Shortly after the central bank is overtaken from the inside by bad actors who sell off the currency and gold reserves leaving the country with nothing. He goes into the details of how these bad actors use extra-judicial back channel maneuvering to take over an institution. Reads like a short Le Carré novel.

>> No.19004384
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I'm reading Quigley's Anglo Establishment and it's an absolute slog. I watched Lawrence of Arabia today and it made Ch 3 bearable, giving my read much vivacity and force. I now saw the list of aristocrats from Sir Crumperton and Sir Muggleworthshire and Sir Bakedbeanton and Sir Bigbenstein and Sir Chaucerydrossery and Lord Lothambuttham all show up as the various cycles of Egyptian bureacrats puppeting the third world without British flags but complete British money. Water is the resource that determines your nation's sovereignty. If they press your nation hard enough to irritate your people on purpose you lose your flag because you're not a nation but a "British" waterworks. Britain itself is a nonBritish waterworks. As is China. The shell game goes on until you see there is more debt in the world than economy. At any point in time US Tax law can be pulpiled into arresting anyone anywhere as a farce. Have you ever profited in anything profitable without reporting it? GASP! You owe compound interest on those unreported tax filings! Hire a lawyer to lose a case for you on your deductible claims! That's a nice free market you have, it'd be a shame if someone would just subvert it into global communism with extra steps.
Fucking Anglos are zeros like placeholders for the you know whos. They run the show only to the extent to be a knife catching, bag holding, liability burdened patsy and effigy.

>> No.19004392
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>mfw an American profited unreported filings near me

>> No.19004401 [DELETED] 

link me bby link me so good
I'll be your stinky linky all night long reading up your reading bby

>> No.19004427

Link me up pls

>> No.19004440

There’s no point in trying to rebut deranged nonsense. It’s like writing a refutation of a David Icke book.

>> No.19004450

>im supposed to deconstruct my country, my relationships, and even the cock between my legs but I cant ask about global finance and banking.
I don't think anyone is saying you can't ask questions about global finance and banking. It's only when it goes into the JQ and moloch shit that it becomes baseless schizo rambling.

>> No.19004454

He does and he's a Jew. I know because I'm a Jew and I use the same type of devious tactics to troll with. Works almost every time

>> No.19004464

Account is RealRWSS in Telegram. It’s not primarily a book club though. There actually hasn’t been much discussion of the year’s reading list since the admin dropped off IG around Christmas, or much meme posting anymore either. Next month is the last slated book month; selection is For My Legionaries by Codreanu. I’ve just been reading along with the 13 monthly books selected before the IG channel disappeared because I figured why not.

>> No.19004465

Is that really true and do you know this first hand?

>> No.19004474

Is this really true and do you know this first hand?

>> No.19004475

God I wish I were a Jew and had such sharp tactics

>> No.19004482

Now if you want to get even madder, look up what they did to South Africa and Rhodesia. They didn't care about the war until gold was discovered, then they used forced immigrant labor to try to change the whole constitution of a sovereign nation to turn it into their puppet. When that didn't work, they brutally tried to conquer them, and when they fought back with guerrilla warfare, the Anglos basically invented concentration camps, not for the captured guerrillas, but for their women and children. They let the women and children die in undersupplied disease-ridden hellholes to punish the Boers for resisting. That's the only thing that brought them to heel.

Disgusting parasite people.

>> No.19004483

le bitch and le moan

>> No.19004505

Yeah but the you’d have a neurotic and anxious personality that never allows you to relax and the trade-off wouldn’t be worth it.

>> No.19004506
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>> No.19004521
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Check out the book by George Soros. I bet you are not amused with a title called The Alchemy of Finance.

>> No.19004546
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Also in reply to my post. Check out Barren Metal by E.Michael Jones. If you are interested in a refutation of capitalism and usury. Read George Soros book to get insight on evil and E. Michael Jones to get a repudiation of his evil.

>> No.19004558
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I also learn from the trash books that sell too much. I take for example Crimea: a topic I don't want to get bogged down in but I look for clues in how a topic that is alleged to be the epitome of a field of study say military history. Crimea was the first modern war say military historians. Ah a guild. An excess dross of low quality book report type parroting is the typical best seller deception. Ever notice how best sellers quote each other incestuously? It isn't out of merit. Now I bring this up because the magic word "LOAN" is the only revealing information you will find poring over just about everything written in English about the Crimean war. I hope that there is something about this military history in the annals somewhere worthwhile but it will not reach the spot light.
Normies and Bankers have a common language. While you and I are trying to decipher say, Christianity, no amount of bible thumping on our part would ever produce war between Catholics and Orthodoxes would be such a force to invade a Muslim Turkic Ottoman country for control of it's churches. Our bible thumping simply set up the shells for the shell game. Language games, my dear Wittgenstein. The Vienna Circle is not just our intellectual elite these days. Ludwig Mises, Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, do you see a new feather for this flock that flies together? You see the dynasty in vivacity and force.

>> No.19004588

that book is a BRICK. Forget the physical copy the spine will tear if you open it. I got a PDF and an e-reader thank God.

>> No.19004644
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More on this vein of thought: I look at the quality and structure of writing in this obscure author who puts "edited" onto his books than most schools and markets. By scrolling through Kisak's titles I have learned more about learning itself and how stupidity is a market force built in to publishing itself. This is the riddle for finding great finds like mentioned in this thread especially as key tomes are easily censored. A cryptic future is in store for us ahead if we wish to continue this study undisturbed. Godspeed RWSS and new frens, discern wisely and soon.

>> No.19004662
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btw I ordered a box full of Kisaks books and most are printed in such blurry shitty font I might not bother reading half of them. It's reference material that costs to peek and you will peek often and it is neatly organized.

>> No.19004827
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I’m a Jew too. Except I’m Chinese. We are better than you. We created our own bank called AIIB.

>> No.19004912

Interest slavery must be broken.

>> No.19004979

You also might like this book too anon.

>> No.19005072


>> No.19005203
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It is PRIVATE banking not "central" banking which has enslaved mankind.
a nationalist bank which serves the state and therefore the needs of the people within a nationalist government is ideal.

>> No.19005851

Fuck off Kerry

>> No.19005865

>Socialism: the book.
I get the central banking cartel is a great evil, but his solution to only let government print money...oh I'm sure they won't abuse that at all! Especially in the age of digital currency, you can bet the tyrants would just shut down your digital wallet the moment you typed the wrong word on social media.
Remove the banking monopoly and let an actual free market of competing banks emerge.

>> No.19005869

Bitcoin and other cryptos are examples of private money. It's not private banking, it's the fact only one private bank is allowed to print and issue money. That is not private banking. That's central Banking under the guise of privatisation to deflect blame when the inevitable crashes occur.

>> No.19005937

The problem is that eventually the nationalist bank will be infiltrated by private banking actors.

>> No.19005966

Irish Eyes Are Smiling by Ed Steer

>> No.19005998

Are there any books on the history of banking that aren't "based and redpilled?

>> No.19006005

Yes sure, I'm sure you want AOC in charge of your national bank. Because every power you give to your allies you also give to your enemies in a democracy. Also your buddies can prove to be even worse. Also current system is not private banking, it is a government regulated cartel

>> No.19006506

The Nazis never actually introduced any serious banking reform coming out of the Weimar era kek

>Bitcoin and other cryptos are examples of private money. It's not private banking
I guess it depends on how you understand the purpose of banks. You should notice many lolbertarians think banks exist for "warehousing" money. Cryptocurrency networks store your money for you. Most paranoiacs you'll find in these communities don't actually want to give their money to institutions to use for speculative purposes.

>it's the fact only one private bank is allowed to print and issue money
That's never been true anywhere. You'll always find multiple monies everywhere [legally or illegally].

>Also current system is not private banking, it is a government regulated cartel
Of course that's true. Strangely you'll find most lolbertarians want more government control and even want to force banks to maintain full reserves and not allow fractional reserve banking which is always the free market winner.

>> No.19006523

>the central banking defener has logged on

>> No.19006610

I never defended anything. I said the Nazis kept Weimar era banking personnel mostly in charge and didn't pull off any legal revolution, crypto fills the role of what most people use banks for and what lolberts think they exist for (but gives you a fuck ton of volatility and being wonky) and lolberts issue with the current government regulated cartel is on policy not the fact banks aren't allowed to operate in the most profitable manner like all private banks without oversight would have to which means a fractional reserve basis and even more risk.

>> No.19006647

Their problem is that they consider printing money to be counterfeiting and want a stable money supply

>> No.19006715

>consider printing money to be counterfeiting
Which is of course a dumb legal argument. Counterfeiting is pretending something is what it is not, you can't counterfeit your own monopoly money.

>want a stable money supply
Crypto offers as close as you're going to ever get to that.... but of course demand isn't also stable but highly volatile.

>> No.19007918


>> No.19007994


>> No.19008005
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>> No.19008021

The government could simply print a set amount of dollars and then make it illegal to print any more apart from replacing lost or damaged bills. Not that this would libertarian, or even sensible, though I wonder if it has been done before.

>> No.19008043

Private banking is the cartel supported by regulatory capture.
American Nationalism will be the hammer with which we will forge a new state. Those who act against the national interest will be removed from power.

>> No.19008054

>forcing banks to maintain full reserves
>disallowing fractional reserve banking
"Libertarians" who oppose this are puppets of international stock exchange capital

>> No.19008097


>> No.19008204

Anon this was literally the fiscal policy before kikes convinced us to print and infinitum. We measured how much money we had by something called "the gold standard"

>> No.19008211

All salient points. This anon gets it

>> No.19008213

I know what the gold standard was kek but that's not quite the same thing as what I described.

>> No.19008223

Yeah but it's a simpler way of measuring how much money exists than any other way. Plus it bolts on an agreed upon value to the money.
All money is IOUs. We just got tricked into thinking the IOU papers were money, we used them that much.

>> No.19008238

Money is just a convenience of exchange(inb4 theoryfags descend upon me), there is really no reason you couldn't assign any arbitrary number of dollars and use it.

>> No.19008253

There's arguments for both. Making it fully arbitrary opens money up to manipulation I'd argue. Hence my fondness for a gold standard of some sort

>> No.19008421

A government could do that but the real costs would be more than any benefit from offering such a service. The closest thing you can find to absolutely trying to have a fixed supply is crypto since it's based on pure math. Of course economic activity is, as Keynes would say, largely "animal spirits" so making demand play along is going to not work out.
Obviously governments can use crypto the same way any individual can, a government could force you to pay taxes to them in bitcoin if it wants or arrest you if you don't play along.

The supply of gold obviously isn't fixed, new discoveries occurred and mining was always a profitable business.

>We measured how much money we had by something called "the gold standard"
You mean a promise of a fixed rate of exchange existed... all such promises historically always get defaulted on. The money supply was flexible under the gold standard but it was based on international cooperation where no big creditor would actually demand conversion.

>> No.19008934
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Pic related

>> No.19008941

> the real costs would be more than any benefit from offering such a service.
Why is that?

>> No.19009013
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apparently some bookish 20th century sociologists phd dissertation is too spicy for amazog today.

>> No.19009067

If you mean actual physical money you have to pay to replace notes as they're destroyed, you have to pay for monitoring and policing counterfeits, etc... those are all continuous costs you have to pay. Who benefits? Obviously not the government since financing anything in that environment would be more expensive and they'd have to compete with the users in a more visible manner for that scarce money. With crypto you can at least push the costs of running the network onto others.

>> No.19009089

Everything you just mentioned also applies to our current monetary system m8...
The beneficiaries would be the people from their money not constantly being diluted

>> No.19009120

that's a lot of butthurt, there must be nice references inside

>> No.19009137

That is a very kino book btw

>> No.19009192

>Everything you just mentioned also applies to our current monetary system m8...
The government runs those types of services (printing notes/getting rid of counterfeits/etc) but the real costs involved are different because the monetary policy is totally different than what you described.
Crypto is closes to what you described but the costs of running it are distributed differently.

>The beneficiaries would be the people from their money not constantly being diluted
Obviously whoever has it most would benefit but now you should think about distribution. The thing is people use and need more money than they ever have at one time. With a fixed supply people and businesses wouldn't be able to finance as much.

>> No.19009196
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desu if you understand kikes its pretty easy to predict which books will be censored

>> No.19009208

>people need more money
Printing dollars does not actually produce any wealth. You are financing people in reality with real resources

>> No.19009221

Do what needs to be done -- typeset and re-release these books.

>> No.19009247

his spiciest work they don't dare even name, less it summon ancient polo wearing wasps from slumber, to stuff them back into lockers and steal their inhalers.


>> No.19009277

>Printing dollars does not actually produce any wealth
No but people spending money does. Paying someone to build a house or such creates new real wealth. That's the whole problem that can happen with deflation, it makes people less likely to spend money or invest in anything risky and instead hoard cash for what seems like safe guaranteed returns.

>You are financing people in reality with real resources
That'd be barter which isn't common. Real resources can just stay unused if people can't afford to use them.

>> No.19009287


>> No.19009312

It IS barter, it's just abstracted. It is all exchange of goods and services, there is nothing else

>> No.19009600
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This is actually a decent addition to OPs book

>> No.19009652

muh gold standard

>> No.19009719
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>> No.19009799

cope seethe and dilate central banker

>> No.19009965

Based Chinabro. Never trust the Jew and you will prosper.

>> No.19010239

Based, it all went wrong as soon as America realized how profitable it is to globalize

>> No.19010922
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Anyone ITT ever read this? Apparently it was censored but the uncensored version is available, I've heard it is similar to OP's book and i'm curious if it's worth reading.

>> No.19011552

yes holy metals should be the basis for society

>> No.19012275

it's physically impossible for there to be a "national interest"
unless you are just putting another name over racial interest

there has to be a biological backing for everything.
anything humans build is founded on the least common denominator of the genetics of the population that builds the thing.

>> No.19012306

a cryptocurrency system needs to be employed that incentivizes producers to accurately report their production.
all the resources in the economy will be on a ledger, though the owners will be anonymous on the ledger.
each commodity will be traded in a separate sub-currency and services will be traded as sub-currencies that are aggregates of the commodities and/or services underlying them

everything will be "bartered" and "sold" simultaneously, there will be an absolute minimum of economic inefficiency and usury will be obsolete and unprofitable.
speculation will be relegated to its proper place and will only be profitable for people who actually have insight into future changes in production, artificial manipulation of the markets will be totally unprofitable due to extreme risk - it takes a much higher percentage of total capital to effect a farce.

>> No.19012313

producers are incentivized to accurately report production because they're forced to barter with their production, any under or over reporting results in an increase in cost of production or a decrease in profit for sale.

>> No.19012322

There is no simultaneity, it's an emergent pattern from trades

>> No.19013334
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yes, i read it. i highly recommend it nad didn't seem censored to me, he pretty much openly praises what he calls a "mobilized economy", think germany and japan during and after ww2, and probably later south korea, even while aknowledging it's faults. don't pay out of your ass for a copy tho, there's a pdf floating around and an updated version can be bought from the author's website. i didn't read that one tho, so he might have changed a few things there

>> No.19013548

This. Tragedy and Hope is good. It also doesnt have a seething polemic feel like Creature from Jekyll Island has. Quigley denies a number of popular conspiracies, but he does reveal origins of the current media, who made money and other things that give pause. One of his big points is he believed the modern world only had Western Civ as the only remaining civilization from a historian point of view and he explains what drives civilization and how every single one gets destroyed. The finance parts are interesting but keep in mind he also argues how the economic structure of the late 20th century, mostly still operative today, is a "Pluralist" economy run by technocrats and lobbyists. He explains while although rich, there was a point at which bankers stopped managing from the top.

>> No.19013679

>a cryptocurrency system needs to be employed that incentivizes producers to accurately report their production.
You assume "accuracy" is possible in a way it's not. Investors profit from misrepresenting facts as much as producers.

>all the resources in the economy will be on a ledger, though the owners will be anonymous on the ledger.
You're insane if you think you can pull off the auditing for that.

Most money comes from monetized future profit, credit isn't "barter" but

>> No.19013703

* but created by fiat. There's no fixed supply of trust.

>> No.19014376

State banks with no interest loans are like the exact opposite of the central banks and how they function dummy

>> No.19015000


>> No.19015038

t. hasn't read the book

>> No.19015424


>> No.19015434

I thought it was about crushing a white ethnostate

>> No.19015551

t. hasn't read the book

>> No.19015593

Seething much? The book is heavily biased and makes insane guesses and gets things wrong. It assumes many of the bankers are mustache twirling villains and act as if there wasn’t a sort of organic growth to central banking. I agree with a lot of it but some parts just come off as schizobabble

>> No.19015596
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>richard ehrenberg - capital and finance in the age of renaissance
historical survey by a scholar

>flynn - men of wealth: the story of twelve significant fortunes
profiles of historical richfags by a journalist

>> No.19015666

>Seething much?
Not at all
>The book is heavily biased and makes insane guesses and gets things wrong.
Biased, yes, but any book is. Makes informed guesses that sound insane to those who have swallowed pro-banker propaganda all their life. Gets things wrong, sure, almost any book does. I'm sure some of it's incorrect to some degree.
>It assumes many of the bankers are mustache twirling villains and act as if there wasn’t a sort of organic growth to central banking.
It really doesn't.
> I agree with a lot of it but some parts just come off as schizobabble
Fair enough. I think the majority of it was spot on, some of it a bit far fetched. But a pass overall. Which is not nearly the same as what the first post implied.

>> No.19015948

you clearly haven't been able to comprehend anything I said

you need to think about the difference between bartering and having some central bank assure everyone of abstract prices

but the key to this system is the military installation of it, all the current rich have to be completely dispossessed if not killed, besides it would be impossible to unwind their bullshit structure of assets

>> No.19016521

>you clearly haven't been able to comprehend anything I said
I guess not but whatever you're thinking of the auditing system wouldn't end up working out. You can record things in a decentralized fashion on a blockchain but there's no way to verify the records actually refer to anything "real"

>you need to think about the difference between bartering and having some central bank assure everyone of abstract prices
A barter economy wouldn't need money and wouldn't be structured around profit. Capitalism is about generating profit not just swapping things around for fun but everyone being forced to compete to survive.

>but the key to this system is the military installation of it,
There's no way you can put any institution in that position without corrupting them.

>> No.19016601

>You can record things in a decentralized fashion on a blockchain but there's no way to verify the records actually refer to anything "real"
it all depends on the genesis block being accurate
after that the punishments for inaccuracy are automatic and scaled to the severity of the error
they can't avoid it, it's all part of Scheduling - the competition for labor, such as the labor to transport goods

barter is structured around profit just as much as a monetary trading system, we want to figure out how to make more products and use them more efficiently, there is zero difference

"capitalism" is about fooling others into using less of what's valuable and more of what's not

>blind naysaying

>> No.19017429

>the punishments for inaccuracy are automatic and scaled to the severity of the error
But it's immutable, you can only verify something in a decentralized manner that makes auditing anything in reality off the network impossible

>barter is structured around profit just as much as a monetary trading system
Without money the logic is all different and tends towards subsistence

>> No.19017634

everything you said is wrong and you have no reason for any of it