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19001116 No.19001116 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19001125
File: 153 KB, 800x678, 23676545342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga, im NUTS

>> No.19001127

why is the OP always dragon ball?

>> No.19001129

im gonna drive lol

>> No.19001132

God is on my mind because I'm not a degenerate.

>> No.19001140

No one on this board reads. Including me

>> No.19001145

Will something horrible happen on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11? I hope it doesn't, but it feels like someone at the top really, really wants it to happen.

>> No.19001153

Just now, I awoke from a strange dream. A small, wild puppy was by my father's side on the ground, prepared to bite his neck in his sleep, but he was at my beck and call, and I could stop him if I chose. Initially, I let him go ahead and try to murder him, but the sight was so depressing that I wanted to stop him. And then I woke up.

To be honest, since I lost my emotions, these dreams of my father in pain recur every now and then. In one, we were in this Saw-like room together. In another, I saw him jump from a building onto long projected spikes. Each time, the sight was horrific. While I didn't feel anything since I can't feel emotions anymore, I still knew it was awful. But I appreciate these dreams, they feel like a hint to why I lost my emotions. It's like a message from the subconscious telling me my emotions were lost or frozen at that point when I honestly wished for him to die.

>> No.19001157

I read every day for at least 2 hours so it sounds like you're projecting because you're a failure.

>> No.19001167

I dont think so. I dont think they're quite ready to start War on terror 2: domestic sneedaloo. They already have the coof to use for now anyway

Unless they go left field and implicate iran or something

>> No.19001184

You are a terrible liar. I can smell the insouciant illiteracy from here

>> No.19001191

I just need to escape. Somehow. Some way. I need to get the fuck out of here. Out of this.

>> No.19001196

I think a good false flag attempt to reinstate donald trump on 9/11 would be too "on the nose" for people to actually take it seriously

>> No.19001206

My first sexual experience was at 26. I got really drunk with my bible study group leader. We were talking about relationship stuff- I was trying (and failing) to woo this foreign exchange chick, and she was having issues with her LDR. Next thing I know it's 3 AM and she's crawled onto my lap and has her tongue in my mouth. My roommate stormed out to get some water, trying to be as inconspicuous as he could, but I made the mistake and led her into my bedroom. I couldn't get hard, otherwise I would have fucked her, maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the smell of dingleberries, but I fingered her and then we fell asleep. But I felt pretty stressed about it because I felt like I had fucked up. Long story short we don't talk to each other anymore and that was the push she needed to move to Alaska and marry her LDR boyfriend. Hurts because she was one of my closest friends after moving to a new town for grad school, but I needed to move on to girls who are actually single. Maybe I should have told her to break up with him and stay with me when she came back and apologized the day after. But it's no point on worrying about the past now. It's been two years.

Anyway, why I'm replying to your post- I told my dad when I was really getting stressed/guilty about it and I felt like he was just elated that I finally told him that I finally touched a vagina. I do think he was right in telling me that I'm not the one that cheated and the guilt should be on her.

>> No.19001207

Sounds like you have a mental illness where you reject reality to protect your deluded self-image of a loser.

>> No.19001226
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I was gifted 4 easton press editions from a pseud. I don’t want to put them on my bookshelf because i think they look ugly and will ruin the aesthetics of my bookshelf that took me years to develop. Now I realize i’m the actual psued.

>> No.19001234

I don’t like women being whores

>> No.19001239

Women, being whores, I don't like them.

>> No.19001249
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Love is a great sorrow and I suffer to love better the least flower of its skirt than all the stars of the skies. I had thought that to visit her little during the summer would attenuate the fascination which she exerts on me since it is said that the distance kills the love, and indeed I managed to think little enough about her not to suffer to contact her only weekly, but as soon as I had again the occasion to speak to her at my will she took again immediately all the place which her absence had eroded and this all the more quickly as she shows a new affability which causes me even more torment. She haunts my soul completely and it distracts me from giving my duties all the attention I owe them. I also try to get to know various other women to convince myself that the passion I have for her is crazy and arbitrary, but I only lose esteem for women and gain more for her, she has qualities of an extreme rarity and even her defects are lovable and endearing. Really she is both a great gift that Providence has given me but also a very tiring ordeal and I feel exhausted to think so much about such trifles without being able to do anything about it.

>> No.19001260

Playing video games makes me almost physically sick now. It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if I never played video games again, but it is concerning how playing video games for a mere 2 or 3 hours will make me enter depression. This reaction is mechanical. But gaming is still such a strong habit that I'm afraid I may continue regardless of its immediate consequences.

>> No.19001261

Fuck off back to r*ddit

>> No.19001265

I think reading is a cope for my lack of productivity. I have all these notions and feelings of transcendence from time to time that I dream of putting to paper (as I have no other creative skills) but it doesn't matter how many days off I have I seldom vomit more than a few sentences out, which I quickly abandon.

Then sometimes the feeling strikes me that when these feelings are ready to come to life then I will be overcome by the compulsion to write, and to not force it until then, but like any skill it's obviously better to practice first so that I actually have the tools needed to flesh out my ideas.

So then I partially lie to myself that reading whatever book is practice of a sort. And maybe some part of me knows my ideas of writing anything of value are basically a fantasy that will never be realized. Otherwise I have a nice life I guess.

>> No.19001270

How about men?

>> No.19001285

I like this but ten bucks says the narrator has already killed her and stuffed her in a trunk at this point.

>> No.19001289

Everything I'm trying to write feels like a contradiction of my own values on the surface. Trying to write a story about what is and isn't "God" feels like an an anti-theistic venture at first glance, because I'm using characters that dislike the polytheistic, fallible, greek-like "gods" that are pulling the strings of the story. I haven't yet figured out how I'm going to implement "the alternative" as these "ubermensch" for lack of better words, are deposed and a new human order is installed. There will be some who desire atheism, because their gods weren't real. But the ones who overthrew the "gods" might still believe in God- the real concept, not one that's just some overpowered anthropomorphism who idles around on a throne in the clouds. How I build that up, and explore it, without being to "on-the-nose," is what I'm trying to figure out now.

Same with the concept of tradition- I have an idea of a violent ritual tradition within a family. The older characters are pro-tradition, and the younger ones are anti-tradition and see it as barbaric. But as the story develops, you learn to understand the consequences of NOT following the tradition, and that single act of violence is far more civilized than the alternative.

>> No.19001298

I think "absence makes the heart grow fonder" is the idiom you are thinking of and misremembering

>> No.19001302

No need for the plangent condescension anon. Besides, if you actually did read, why would you become so defensive at the mere suggestion you weren't? Sounds like you are the one compensating, no?

>> No.19001304

Am I a loser for despising work? Explain. I feel no affinity for industrial society, nor the labor required to maintain myself within it.

>> No.19001314

Part of the problem might be in priming yourself to explain a moral or impart a lesson, when really the story could just take on a life of its own and may surprise even you. Write some things that can happen and see if they seem "right" after the fact.

>> No.19001322

I don't care about men because I'm not interested in them, I would only have a problem if they fuck a girl that I like

>> No.19001327

If you don't feel any affinity for any work, then, yes, something is wrong with you or your definitions of work.

>> No.19001335

It could be that the fruits of your labour are so far removed from you as a worker (I don't even mean in the economic sense only) that you have trouble staying motivated. Do you think you would work your own piece of land with more enthusiasm?

>> No.19001342

>I'm not interested in them
You say that but I can think of a couple societies which banned the fuck out of female whoring of any form, and straight after that is the period when everyone gets very into young gay sexy dancing boys. Maybe you're setting yourself up for being obsessed with a worse kind of whore?

>> No.19001343

Everyone's a little pseud, at least you have some awareness of it. Your shelf does look good, aesthetics aren't worthless. Beauty is good.

>> No.19001345

I always feel sorry for people who watch series and play a lot of video games because in order not to think the thought of their human condition they spend their scarce hours filling their senses with a thousand vain things whereas if they spent half of the time they lose in this way to prayer, to good readings or to socialization they would gain a lot in scope of mind and in ease of life.

>> No.19001349


>> No.19001353

I think it’s only natural to despise work.

>> No.19001356

whats everyone think about someone with a nice voice reading fiction. i just want to share what i write to normies. I know normies don't read. they listen.

>> No.19001370

why did no one tell me hyperion (the german one) was so short, not even 200 pages

>> No.19001372
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Leaving home for the first time in my life
Gonna stay at a college dorm
Are there any books I should read while there that have a similar theme?
I was thinking the Magic Mountain because the protagonist goes to stay at a sanitorium but idk

>> No.19001376

Why do I always feel like screaming? I'm drowning in dry air

>> No.19001377

it's a big prank we all agreed to pull on you

>> No.19001388

Narcissus and Goldmund

>> No.19001394

Certainly, I only speak English as a second language so I don't know many of the appropriate idioms.

>> No.19001396

>I know normies don't read. they listen.

Dude, everyone in my department "reads" audiobooks. I don't know how they do it on the job either, because whenever I try, I feel like I miss too much unless I can really focus my attention onto it, and at that point I might as well just be reading. My only good experience with audiobooks was on a long drive across the state.

>> No.19001410

Ask them idiot

>> No.19001413

Hmm, I remember moving out for the first time. I think I read The Waves for the first time around that time. But then again, everything went terribly wrong, so maybe read something else.

>> No.19001432


My job is fairly mindless, so I listen to a ton of stuff. A lot of Goosebumps and history books. I retain maybe 30% of what I would, but I'm aware of that. I don't pretend I'm an expert on the Bonus Army after listening to it. I just know the basics.

>> No.19001435

Yeah, I think I'm starting to realize this. When I go through a rivalry between and uncle and his nephew, I had to stop and ask myself "Why is the young nephew the more traditional one, and the uncle more liberal/rebellious? Shouldn't it be the other way around by human nature?" Which made me realize I could either flip their ideologies and have the nephew influence the uncle into taking a more "revolutionary" stance over time, or I could keep it as is and build up why the nephew has such a massive boner for the empire.

>> No.19001446

I do not feel shame or remorse. Am I evil or am I enlightened?

>> No.19001457
File: 228 KB, 1662x2274, Austro-Hungarian stormtrooper, 1918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a story prompt I've been fantasizing about for a few days now. It's:

>a young, unusually athletic, and patriotic young austrian girl signs up for the army in 1916 under her brother's name and has to deal with life on the front while evading the threat of discovery

>> No.19001461

WW1 Mulan? Sign me up.

>> No.19001487

>genderbending story about a woman doing a man's job
That Pulitzer is already in your hands, anon.

>> No.19001519
File: 32 KB, 896x273, consciousness1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have come to the realization that I am a fool, and highly conscious of it. Lines of thought flicker in and out, within such an obviously narrow spectrum...any realization within necessarily carries my mark. Any serious thought results in infinite regressions and dead ends....and all this intellectual effort just to(I suspect) provide metaphysical justification to neurotic elements of my person. But to abandon such positions would be an unthinkable concession... all the blood spilled, the mental strain and anguish...I refuse to believe that these impressions and so forth were purely a completely self-inflicted, neurotic condition, because such a crushing realization would cause me to only further suspect and detest myself. And with this in mind, I cannot tell the just from the unjust, because I suspect myself absolutely for the aforementioned reasons. In addition, my intellectual betters who are reading this will no doubt tear me and my pathetic "position" to shreds(and good to you who do, it is both your right and your duty). But how am I to trust myself in the wake of having the core of my person hood dismantled in front of me? There is something within me that seeks freedom from being remade in the image of others, transcendence from the baseness and "un-sublime" given. The fact that I have put this into words encapsulates and debases it already. Curse this endless conversation.

>> No.19001527

That's it? Nothing else of note or worth but a generic "war experience" story with a woman huh?

If you write is snarky and cleverly Western degenerates will eat of your hand, but don't forget to write how despite her being surrounded by men, her only sexual attraction is to a Turkish woman in Galipoli, and while everyone was dying around her, she was squirting in a trench to a though of that hijab wearing Turkish goddess rubbing her clit off and her experiencing exquisite exotic ecstasy of a lifetime, until she get retreat orders and evil men ruin her time.

>> No.19001535

Depends. By your definition work must not be enjoyable or growing experience I presume, therefore how can you like it? Is such opinion not put in forth due to depravity?

>> No.19001540

I kinda want to write short, beautiful pocket guides about basic life skills that people will enjoy cracking open over and over again for reference. I want to break how-to literature conventions by hyperlinking better guides and resources than what I can provide on my own. I want people to pirate it and only give me money if they found something useful.
Its sort of a blending of a how-to book, an internet blog post, and like a VSauce lean-back that curates commentary and other resorces together so my audience can understand my takes and what they were influenced by.
What do yall think?

>> No.19001564

it's tiresome, brother. endless psychological warfare. I want what I likely will never have: freedom from the opinions of others, and of myself. and so work seems like drudgery to maintain drudgery

>> No.19001600

Hmm.... I understand and appreciate that you would not be mainly for money, but for enjoyment of such a project and passion for it. Although I think idea is great (I love a lot of self help, skill learning, finance etc... stuff), you'd unavoidably end up in a situation where exposure and the brand would come as one of the highest priority, if not above even quality of the writing itself.

Unless you create a /sig/ type of a community where you could maintain anonymity, but even then you'd have to shill it.

Now question is, are you also ready to grow that part of yourself and focus on value and impact instead of on views and money?

>> No.19001620

I think I’ve pretty much cracked. Or given up. I’m not even sure which but the outcome is the same either way I suppose.

>> No.19001631

why the fuck does every wanna be Pulitzer Prize liberal retard journalist always have to click bait their low iq story ending with "and here's why"??

fuck them soi drinking limp wristed cucks that think their opinions matter

>> No.19001635

I think people on this board should be massacred

>> No.19001639

>I want what I likely will never have: freedom from the opinions of others, and of myself.
This is a parallel and a different aspect, this is psychological, spiritual, mental battle rather then material nurture of the body itself.

Neither will you fix work by not caring of other opinion, nor would best work fix what you perceive other think of you.

>and so work seems like drudgery to maintain drudgery
I will not be the one retard to tell you "you are doing wrong job!", I will just tell you that it's literally purpose, value, focus and goals that you need and for that you really need to think everything properly and introspect about what you ACTUALLY WANT, then baby steps to push yourself in that direction after or before work, then you will have something to look forward to that you can return to after a daily grind.

It's gay answer, but that literally it, the reason why you "find yourself" is so you can focus on actual desires and on joy of accomplishing them instead of focusing on negative circlejerk that is void of soul and 100000x less productive.

>> No.19001640

I put aside $12k. Should I use it to wipe out my student loan debt? I was going to use it to stop working for a while.

>> No.19001668

what's with all the misanthropy here man can't you appreciate this here community of like minded people?

I do want to rip butters' throat out, but who doesn't?

>> No.19001717

The idea is that the pocket guides would self-promote by asking people to share it for free and ask for a Patreon donation or something at the end IFF you got something out of it.

Really whats inspiring this project is that how-to books are never sufficient enough to fully explain the history of what I have seen. For example, I can recommend my favorite personal finance book, but I cannot sufficiently explain WHY I chose this book as being better than another. I want my how-to pocket guides to be more than how-tos, I want them to be an experience that gets the audience into my mindset by literally listing influences and my interpretations.

>> No.19001734

I’m very very unhappy and have nowhere else I can express it

>> No.19001745

>and have nowhere else I can express it
Why do you think that you NEED to express it?

>> No.19001753

I don't

>> No.19001760

That's how humans work retard

>> No.19001762

Whose opinion matters?

>> No.19001770
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>> No.19001772

Are easton press books really that cringe?

>> No.19001776

Is it normal to write like a psued when you first start out?

>> No.19001778

The opinion of people who demonstrated competence in the area they speak on.

>> No.19001781

Do they now? Do you when insulted and feel fury, just go and express it? Or do you wait to express it on 4chan?

>> No.19001787

please respond

>> No.19001790

>be me
>7 billion dead is not enough level misanthrope
>use /lit/ to recommend comfy comedy
I think the people having tantrums are normies. Normies don't have communities anymore. It's why they make up political teams and go through the same arguments 10,000 times in the hopes that the opponent also reciting his own repertoire of cookie cut sentences will this time be changed instead of calling them a cunt again. It's useless effort they could be putting into the productive self reflection that would lead them to suicides.
Have you read or seen The Clouds?

>> No.19001801


>> No.19001803


>> No.19001805


>> No.19001809


>> No.19001845

I wanted to do some writing today but it feels as if I've been hit by a fucking bus. I don't know if it's a cold or the flu but I've never been so aware of my kidneys hurting before. Here's hoping I can sleep this one off like I normally do.

There's some cool shit happening in my story tho so I'll probably write a few pages anyway.

>> No.19001846

>There's some cool shit happening in my story
spoil IT N O W

>> No.19001854

Too bored to engage with you cause you seem like a midwit

>> No.19001873

Does the truth care about IQ of the individual who communicates it?

>> No.19001885

>let me type a message to tell people I don't want to type messages to them
not even him but dude stop being a teen drama character
>NO I could never love him! Our families are at war! Our species are allergic to each other! He's so mean!
>Two episodes later
>So we're dating and going to have steamy sex after some disaster which only exists in the plot for it to be wet and dirty sex outside so long as we can keep within primetime rating rules.

>> No.19001960

Didn't even read buddy

>> No.19002005

I'm imagining you in Hot Topic with some unfortunate parental story that's forgotten about by the second half of the first season.

>> No.19002010


>> No.19002094

Lol I'm been mulling over a Austro-Hungarian story too, weird. Mine's about a lad whos his unit's cook, and despite being very disillusioned by the war he finds happiness in making satisfying meals for his comrades, going on dangerous treks to get ingredients.

>> No.19002098

Being remade is all there is.

>> No.19002117

Nice. Chefs are fucking psychopaths half the time.

>> No.19002210

Didn't ask

>> No.19002230

Retarded exchange.

>> No.19002237

We'll definitely need to shift to a more mature love interest by season three, but you could still get three and a half solid seasons out of the character if you left early enough to deal with your issues and it might stretch to four and half if you could reconnect with your alcoholic father during the hiatus.

>> No.19002241

Didn't read again

>> No.19002249

Well for him it's more like he's not very good at soldiering so they give him the chef role, which at first he doesn't like either. But after seeing the effect of the war on his comrades he realizes his calling is to give them some comfort.

>> No.19002251

I have this idea that I've been trying to communicate for the last week or two but I can't put it succinctly or simply or make it come out nice. In my practice of meditation I've come into contact with, very clearly, things inside of me that are on the level below me, below my conscious self. These wants, desires, actions arise from this machinelike and predictable ancient self at the most base level. Through interrogation of these feelings, I don't know I've come to a conclusion that is something like "the lowest informs us of the highest". I take these feelings and try to see where they are driving me, where they are going. These things that are inside me that are of me but not from me. In the same way that an otter is born knowing how to swim there are natural impulses inside me, guiding me and they are pushing me towards something through an unconscious understanding of myself and it's my job to understand these impulses and turn them into their fullest form, their most beautiful form. I think all of that made sense.

I like your idea a lot, you'll have to do a lot of cooking to make it convincing and whole I'd imagine.

>> No.19002265

Brother you need to read some Jung.

>> No.19002269

Of course in this climate, she'll have to marry you, so the last season you're not going to get lines.

>> No.19002287

Good to hear I get married in whatever shit you're rambling about I guess

>> No.19002298

lots of sexual energy between you two, unironically

>> No.19002317

What do you suggest?

>> No.19002337

For what you're on about, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. Man and His Symbols too. Extended reading would be Modern Man in search of a soul.
But what you describe is pretty literally the collective unconscious, inhabited by archetypes.

>> No.19002340

It's a teen drama. It's where the character fits best. You know, the hallmark bad boy turns out to be troubled but not bad angst teen pabulum for the undersexed.

>> No.19002347

Ah cool

>> No.19002359

People say you should read stuff you disagree with but it feels like that's all I ever read because I can barely find anything I agree with.

>> No.19002381

Telling you, three solid seasons minimum. He paints his nails in public too throughout the first season. For extra daytime TV producer edginess, just to really play up the snowflake angst. Easily syndicated, bland enough to translate in most markets.

>> No.19002398

I stopped playing games when I was 17, and I've started playing some again recently now that I'm 35.
The quality of most games isn't that great, I'm just going to keep my eye out for the best ones and play those. I recently played zelda botw and that game was seriously fantastic.

>> No.19002537
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>> No.19002571

This is inner me. Outer me is more pathetic.

>> No.19002582

If you can’t make it as a writer while you have a daytime office job, you probably can’t make it, huh?

>> No.19002615

what went wrong?

>> No.19002624

You are literally free to do it

>> No.19002672
File: 1.33 MB, 384x480, 1629073798787.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god, I want to plausibly deniably murder artists at Kyoto Animation sudios in Japan! I've decentralized myself and have subjugated all order and will under me so it's ok haha and it'll never be questioned or thought about. I'm a ninja but western hhehe

>> No.19002698
File: 21 KB, 500x375, f55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I demoralize and target anyone who's not in agreement with me, usually with grotesque ghoulish images and tv sound bites of their probable character. It's ironic but it's suppose to intentionally destroy and mangle their morale and self esteem

>> No.19002701

Are you larping as the arsonist who thought Kyoto Animation was stealing his thoughts?

>> No.19002709

suck my dick harder fag or make a MS paint comic or something

>> No.19002727

I should really do a painting study before I go to bed but I'd rather just use that free time to masturbate

>> No.19002746

??? Anon, I'm not stealing your ideas for anime. I just wanted to know who you thought you were today.

>> No.19002750

Join me on discord let's get to know eachother.

>> No.19002751

take your meds

>> No.19002752

I'm curious as to why so much of the geopolitics of post WW2 civilization (particularly the 21st century) seems so inordinately preoccupied with keeping everything exactly in relative place. No borders are allowed to change, no country is allowed to fall or rise above its station as of 1945, with the only major exception being the USSR. And even culturally, it seems like we've hit a sort of stasis. Culture from early 2000s seems not that different from now, particularly media, even with the massive shift of the internet. The more things change the more things stay the same.

t. a schizo

>> No.19002754

No, I'm having fun with him. (you?)

>> No.19002756

No thanks I'm not looking for friends right now. Good luck with that.

>> No.19002766

You were such an inquisitive contributor to the thread! Such a shame to see you go hahaha

>> No.19002779

I'm burdened by a bunch of small (in the sense of not noticeable to other people) addictions and internal vices that make me extremely hard to interact with and sap my ability to act productively without external stimuli. I feel sapped of discipline so often.

>> No.19002810

>seems so inordinately preoccupied with keeping everything exactly in relative place. No borders are allowed to change, no country is allowed to fall or rise above its station as of 1945,
France, the UK, Belgium, and all the places that "won" divested themselves of their colonies, France and the UK rushing through their split of Palestine and Israel, and Japan had to give back Korea and all kinds of weird shit happened that was far less stable than even the scramble for Africa in some ways and the other expansionist plans that led to them all having colonies. The Balkans has countries which are younger than you and that was a big thing through the nineties. The only reason you don't hear about that is because you're post columbine and 9/11 probably, and that's when the American political news cycle went from lies to entertaining lies people will not fact check.

>> No.19002820

>Anon thinks I disappeared because I'm not on his discord
Yup that's how it works hahaha.

>> No.19002830

I meant that in a way of saying "to turn down the offer" You little squirrely boy, you!

>> No.19002834

Outside of the balkans, most if not all of that was pre-vietnam correct? Maybe that's a better point of the stasis beginning, since it'd line up with the cultural elements too.

>> No.19002848

>why is the OP always dragon ball?
Because OP is a millenial.

>> No.19002859

How do I stop feeling the urge to reply to people who are either retarded or baiting

>> No.19002869

Are you pretending to be female trying to flirt now? To get me to your discord? Schizo arsonist mass murderer is probably better than discord tranny.

>> No.19002880

I have the same problem

>> No.19002884

I was thinking the same thing. I get so mad at the retards on this site. It's really impacting my day to day functioning. I want it to stop but I just can't control myself. Addiction is a powerful thing.

>> No.19002887
File: 101 KB, 765x1500, E9-Bre6VUAI5LKS.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's not project too hard now. Keep to the threads original intent.

>> No.19002892

dragon ball is the greatest story every told

>> No.19002898

I love you regards so much. This one's a gem.

>> No.19002917

I hate auto-(in)correct so much. This one's a...stone I guess.

>> No.19002941

If I don't hear back in a week, I'll know it's time to leave. I hope I hear back.

>> No.19002945

you need to take your medicine
please, take it

>> No.19002953
File: 1.44 MB, 2199x1492, must be talking to an angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19002960

It's so pointless too. Either they are getting a reaction by saying stupid stuff, unwilling to read the books they are talking about, or in some cases, just /pol/ or leftypol people who are ideologues. When I see such posts I think
>don't respond, don't respond, don't respond
>respond anyway (AAAHH Why did I do it)
>get a reply from the person, which often is as dumb as their original post
>waste time in a useless back-and-forth
I need to stop it

>> No.19002970

>most if not all of that was pre-vietnam correct?
No it's a long term thing. Most of the excolonies couldn't survive alone, so they might still use the currency, and the US and Russia kept throwing money at everyone on top of that because of the cold war, and then we looped back to the Anglos and Russians invading Afghanistan again. I'd say the repeat is at Afghanistan (under the first Bush) but it's the US not UK leading the global commercial dominance. Opium wars and the risk of China etc all fit the bill for that kind of repeat of the late Victorian. Opium trade in the Vietnam conflict wake and Cambodia etc all look more like the early stages before the gilded age. I'd say it's about 125year loop?

>> No.19002987

Well you sound inept and overconfident with slight condescension in your attempt to flirt, so I assumed you were going for female. Or are you trying to say you wish I were female too? What's on your mind, arsonist tranny anon?

>> No.19002992

How do I not write like a psued?

>> No.19003002

it's pseud not psued

>> No.19003009
File: 1.58 MB, 338x480, youwillneverexperiencethis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro what?

>> No.19003024

Your discord tranny larp is A1

>> No.19003042
File: 3.63 MB, 280x302, 1589247271540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what your saying bro

>> No.19003072

Manga contains better stories and myths than almost all modern novels.

>> No.19003084

Are you calling me bro now so you look less like a tranny who called me affectionate names and tried to give me your discord?

>> No.19003120

How do I tell her that I like her, she's so much younger than me, but so cool and funny. Chickened out the other day

>> No.19003127

>she's so much younger than me, but so cool and funny.
Anon, it's NOT okey if she's 15 and you're 40 years old.
Stop that altogether!

>> No.19003150

Not that young! She's 22 , I'm 38

>> No.19003152

I want to be like Mishima or D'Annunzio

>> No.19003182

>Not that young! She's 22 , I'm 38
Kek. Almost there, right? Sometimes I think I'm a seer.

But back to your question:
Do you have money?
Do you know if she has daddy issues?
Are you sucessful in any away?
Are you prominent in something she admires?
How is the culture of your country?
Are you a handsome oldie or are you already falling apart?

>> No.19003196

>I want to be like Mishima or D'Annunzio
Do you write poetry?

>> No.19003199
File: 243 KB, 2048x1152, c963f918-05a5-11e7-aa5b-6bb07f5c8e12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it. I made a social media account to get the attention of a girl and my family tracked me down. This is really, really awkward.
How do they do this shit? I told them nothing. It was supposed to be a quick pop on, see if the girl is interested in dating offline, delete account and come back to the shadows.
I love my family, of course, but I hate how fans of my book/family just pop up and start going hey what's going on here?
I moved too slow, and now it's too late. I can't return to the shadows for privacy until I'm done with my mission either.
Guess it'll give me something to write about. Hyuk hyuk hyuk.

>> No.19003247

Well nine years off in total but not bad

Enough to get by
Don't think so
I make her laugh
Most women are still women here
Handsone and mist people assume I'm in my late twenties

>> No.19003284

Just show interest in her, young girls get the hint. If there's anything other than revulsion or her actively avoiding you then cut it out. Otherwise just keep hanging out.

>> No.19003293

An aesthete? What do you even mean by that?

>> No.19003332
File: 96 KB, 600x908, Borges-and-Maria-Kodama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, go for it.
Just don't a creep, right?
You don't wanna be "that guy".

Also, you're old enough to know that pouring your heart out is often unattractive.

>> No.19003352

I'll ask her out tomorrow then. Thanks!

>> No.19003454

I finally figured out what I want to do in life.

>> No.19003456
File: 164 KB, 406x479, 1630716560709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work tech support at a school district
>bust my ass all summer to get shit done, work harder than almost anyone on the team
>unable to put all the classrooms together in my buildings together because I got put on the team imaging thousands of laptops
>have 1 day before kids come in, planned on finishing everything up tomorrow, but I got covid so I can't go in
>when the teachers inevitably start crying that they can't teach they're going to blame me for not getting everything done faster
I fucking hate my life

>> No.19003463

>Also, you're old enough to know that pouring your heart out is often unattractive.

I am a separate anon than the one you are replying to, could you elaborate on this? In my experience it is quite the opposite but maybe it's the people I attract/am interested in.

>> No.19003469

>I finally figured out what I want to do in life.
And it is...

>> No.19003514

I want to study the English language. Reading and writing were always my best skills in school, but I never considered serious study of them because I thought they weren't as important as a technical skill or philosophy. Now I realize what's most beneficial is following my innate skills and not forcing something on myself that I'm not as interested in.

>> No.19003523

Fair enough.

>> No.19003555

hey I remember your post from earlier

>> No.19003602

>Oh Janne, I love you SO MUCH, I can't live without you, I'm gonna kill myself if you reject me. Look at this poem I wrote about the texture of your hair and your soft pale skin.
>Do you hate niggers??/Don't you know that jews rule the world, my dear???
>Would you, please, sit on my face and let a brap out your flowery asshole, honey?

>> No.19003607

Who cares, faggot.

>> No.19003612

Good luck to you. I’ve figured out what I want to do in life, but I’m having a hell of a difficult time doing it.

>> No.19003661

I hate every story idea I come up with.

>> No.19003677

>I hate every story idea I come up with.
I don't.
It feels good, bro.

>> No.19003680


>> No.19003696
File: 14 KB, 300x300, friday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't.

oof. sfyl.

>> No.19003882
File: 67 KB, 1278x993, 00dd7a80-1047-11ec-9c25-316520137c98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently a Biochem major but I seriously need to learn better study habits if I want to succeed. Pretty sure I have mild ADHD 'cause I pretty much wasted most of the day fucking off despite having shit to do.

I also halfway only picked this major because my folks thought it would be the best option (never known what I want to do with my life fully despite being 20)
Wish me luck.

>> No.19003929

depends, are funko pops cringe?

>> No.19003980
File: 58 KB, 599x540, R-1867708-1462046862-6619.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one on earth could feel like this
I'm thrown and overblown with bliss
There must be an Angel
Playing with my heart
I walk into an empty room
And suddenly my heart goes boom
It's an orchestra of Angels
And they're playing with my heart
Must be talking to an Angel
Must be talking to an Angel
Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel
Must be talking to an Angel
Must be talking to an Angel
No one on earth could feel like this
I'm thrown and overblown with bliss
There must be an Angel
Playing with my heart
And when I think that I'm alone
It seems there's more of us at home
It's a multitude of Angels
And they're playing with my heart
Must be talking to an Angel
Must be talking to an Angel
Must be talking to an Angel

Must be talking to an Angel
Must be talking to an Angel
Must be talking to an Angel
I must be hallucinating
Watching Angels celebrating
Could this be activating
All my senses dislocating?
This must be a strange deception
By celestial intervention
Leaving me the recollection
Of your Heavenly connection
No one on earth could feel like this
I'm thrown and overblown with bliss
There must be an Angel
Playing with my heart
And when I think that I'm alone
It seems there? s more of us at home
It's a multitude of Angels
And they're playing with my heart

>> No.19004007

I have linear algebra work due tonight but I'm not going to do it
We get to drop our lowest grade in the class so I'm just going to do that for this
Every semester of uni so far has been like this, instead of being the best time in my life it's been unquestionably the worst
I don't particularly want to die so much as just live in peace doing nothing, but if that's impossible then I feel like dying

>> No.19004036

Just went on a date. It was OK, she was very pretty and we talked for 2 hours straight while walking about. I'm not sure if there was any "chemistry" though. It's difficult to tell because I'm very chatty and I can get along well with anyone basically. I wonder how she felt? It wasn't bad enough to not warrant a second date but it's also not like I'm racing out the door to see her again. I get the sense that she felt the same? She seems quite calm but when she passed me my coffee order I noticed her hands were shaking like crazy - so maybe she was more nervous than she let on. I guess we'll see how it goes, these things have a tendency to sort themselves out naturally.

>> No.19004046


>> No.19004058
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>> No.19004060

Why are whitoids like this

>> No.19004061

Planning on med school or what?

>> No.19004069

Going to try and leave /lit/ for good. This place is too toxic and addicting. Ineivtably it always leaves me feeling shittier and more of a cynical asshole. I will probably be back I've tried many times before.

>> No.19004117

The left and right wing belong to the same bird.

>> No.19004122

these people have forced me to build resistance to psychological warfare, more so than any other facet of my life

>> No.19004241

I was losing my virginity and you were pausing to look at your phone. I wonder what else of mine I lost that night.

>> No.19004404

Pessimistic literature can be good under certain circumstances, like when you're hoping to build courage for suicide. But I'm currently trying to succeed in my career and it really does nothing but harm you and fill you with a desire to do things you cannot, straining you and telling you to drop out of life

>> No.19004420


>> No.19004444

Your dignity?

>> No.19004511

God, I am in strong need of something to sustain my spirits so I can finish off college on a high note as opposed to dropping out and ruining my life.
I would do something creative but I really lack emotions to express and that makes it difficult and dispiriting
I guess all I can do is continue reading

>> No.19004590

one week into uni and I've already started failing looool

>> No.19004624

Based lover of all /lit/izens minus the dyke.

>> No.19004679
File: 756 KB, 500x375, allliving creatures.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been hacking out my lungs in this discord voice chat with a guy in vietnam and one in my homestate. my internet is getting really shitty for some reason. they have the fnaf 1 circus theme on a one hour loops. and due to the internet it keeps cutting and glitching out. it's a strangely appealing moment, I think I'll remember this one. I have developed some kind of throat infection, or bronchitis, or strep. I'm on quarantine for three days because i took the long covid test because the doctors couldn't figure out whats wrong with me.

The house I live in(with my folks), is a shitty made suburban house. were pretty sure the upstairs(near a shower) grows mold due to poor ventilation and optimal warmth, and specifically it grows it during spring and fall.

My childhood asthma is why, out of everyone in the family I get sick. no one else does, besides my brother when he was a little younger. I think I got 3 throat infections last spring. combine this with the fact I got drunk for the first time two nights ago(total body count was about 2 of absinthe that was absolutely larger then shot size because i was stealing it) and 3 of wine, about the same as the absinthe. the vomiting uprooted every sort of protective measure in my throat so i was especially susceptible to any sort of illness. I feel like utter shit. I have my friends here to accompany me.

I'm starving and everyone is asleep except for me and due to my general clumsiness I refuse to open the fridge so I don't wake up the house. I've jerked off 3 times in the past 4 hours, I think my sperm count has been decreasing the past two weeks, but my T supplements should be here soon. I miss the gym. in a little less than 10 days two of my friends who i met in my teenage years and probably had a hand in saving my life will be moving to a town about an hour away. I'll be able to see them of course, but I'll miss how close they were.

It's a beautiful night, and I still don't have a chubby gamer gf.

>> No.19004740
File: 13 KB, 195x202, 1630951662304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you. I'm only a few weeks in so I'm hoping I can become a autonomous wagie as time goes on so I can consoom audiobooks without losing track every few seconds. Although I do have my suspicions that I'm too retarded to concentrate on two things at once so I just listen to podcasts

Does anybody have any good podcasts they can recommend

>> No.19004845
File: 3.74 MB, 1400x1930, 1619659552843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the jannies delete my thread asking for catholic book recommendations? I didn't even get to read all the responses. It had pic related.

>> No.19004878

As I grow older and I settle into my man-hood I've noticed a process. The process by which all my capacity for empathy has been dulled. The abstract horror of living, the blood spilt at its foundation, the Gordian knot of Goodness, Chance, Death, all caused me horrible, debilitating moments. But now the nerve has withered and so the pain has halted. I can now calmly execute what the universe orders and watch the veil with icy, indifferent eyes how this dream unfolds.

>> No.19004892
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, PS1 Rascal 1998 (Emulator) PLAYTHROUGH (100%) 1-21-54 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now, I'm packing up for college, continuing from an academic suspension I received. I'm thinking about how much I don't want to fuck up again, but just might anyways.
I know I should start the work the first day I get it, go to office hours, make friends and study, etc. But what if I just get lazy and don't? What if I lose sight again. I don't want to and I don't intend to, at least I hope I don't. Wish me luck. And good luck.

>> No.19004936
File: 2.30 MB, 3839x2357, William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_(1825-1905)_-_Biblis_(1884).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone has their story, don’t they? For me it was at summer camp; it was after sunset, and while everyone was walking down to the campfire we snuck off. Well for me it was in the morning; I crept through the dewy grass and mist to her tent before the others woke. For I… well, it wasn’t at any camp: we were neighbors, but our houses were separated by a copse; there was nature trail which ran through it, connecting her backyard with mine; I remember one autumn afternoon walking down it to her place, and I knew then it would happen; and we were in love, at the time. And they cherish these stories in a melancholic sort of way. And what they would give to live it again. And what would I give? What they’d give to go back I’d give the same to visit for the first time.

These stories are things that can only be cherished from afar, after separation by time, or separation by alienation, like a petrified plant in a display case. And it all seems sad. And this sadness is ineluctable. That is, you can’t tell a young person, before their big date, what with your teary eyes, to enjoy being young. Because he will look into your eyes and see, though his watery reflection, you. And he will see you as a youth, and he will see death, and he will think about death. And when he is lying in her bedroom, or in the backseat of his car, he will be thinking about death. And he won’t be thinking about her.

The storied old person can only speak in a quavering voice. The young person cannot speak until he has finished writing his story. But the old person who hasn’t a story to tell… well, for him there isn’t much to say.

>> No.19004978

Cringe beyond belief.

>> No.19005004

read the archives nigger boy

>> No.19005012

>mfw read 56 pages
I post on /lit/ on a near daily basis but I must admit this is the most I've read in months. Probably a better use of time too, I spent an hour and a half reading instead of arguing on this site.

>> No.19005137

My life is basically like a long unskippable video game cutscene that crashes whenever the game actually starts.

>> No.19005143

I went to a community event in my housing facility. There was a girl there who isn't my type at all, and she's average looking, she's just smart and probably autistic (high functioning, one of those "I get logic but don't get feelings" kind of people). Yet when I got back to my apartment all I could think about was the idea of fucking her. Is this what covid lockdown without access to any women does to a motherfucker?

>> No.19005150
File: 42 KB, 409x648, 6157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good German translation of the Divine Comedy? Is picrel (Köhler) okay?

>> No.19005174

And to reiterate- I actually had the thought pop in my head while "this girl is unattractive and I'm not interested in continuing this conversation with her" and went to talk to some other guy who was talking about being a philosophy grad student. Yet here I am a few hours later, and the idea of ravishing the mediocre body of this aspiring career woman is turning me on like crazy. I want to hold her down and finger her while calling her racial epithets.

>> No.19005235

is this the most psychopathic schitzo thread on 4chan or is that just what u want me to think?

>> No.19005367


I mean I think its called having testosterone and being heterosexual

>> No.19005434

this is your midwit brain on internet dopamine:

>> No.19005448

>What's that anon posting in there?

>> No.19005478


>> No.19005525

i appreciate this. i appreciate u.

>> No.19005594

Diogenes is my father, Socrates my mother, Epictetus my older brother.

>> No.19005812

They're right though

>> No.19005880

There is nothing "pseudo intellectual" about valuing aesthetics. I don't know why you'd think otherwise. I think it's just your insecurity speaking. What kind of aesthetically impaired cunt would take that shelf and put a bunch of ugly editions on it that would completely ruin it? Get a grip, anon.

>> No.19005898

you're not alone, a lot of anons here are suicidal.

>> No.19005907

If you haven't read the Bible then perhaps you should :-)

>> No.19005918

Nice. I don't know why I've never seen such obvious phrasing before

>> No.19005948

How much talking to myself is too much? I know I'm talking to myself and I don't hear voices or anything, but I do have conversations in my head both with made up and real people. I started doing this as a kid because I was lonely and had no one to talk with about my interests, but the habit just stuck around.
I recently realized that sometimes I talk out loud if I'm paying more attention to these made up conversations than my surroundings especially if I'm dead tired. I also started arguing a few months ago, (maybe years, not sure) where the imagined person I'm talking to doesn't understand something or is just being a contrarian. I went as far as searching for some picture on the internet to prove a point. Again, I know I'm imagining it all, but sometimes I really get into these conversations and because I don't want to just interrupt the flow of these fantasies since on some level talking or arguing brings me a bit of pleasure, they sometimes bleed over into reality.
Am I loosing it or what?

>> No.19005960

Derrida is so much more complicated to read than Deleuze for me... My brain kinda hurts bros...

>> No.19005972

Lmao Of Grammatology is just Derrida shitting on Saussure for 400 pages.

>> No.19006041

Maybe cause it's retarded centrist pseudery

>> No.19006072

I am so in love with this man it's insane. It's completely another kind of relationship than my previous relationship and I'm playing a completely different role but it's so good. My life is just one epic love story after the other. It is unbelievable I am so lucky

>> No.19006124

how do you know if your shrink is right for you?

>> No.19006144

I feel more alone than ever.

>> No.19006256

I shouldn't be allowed to exist. All I do is take up space and steal air from other people, who are more deserving than I am.
Why is suicide illegal? Shouldn't states subsidise suicide instead of banning and preventing it, in order to curb overpopulation? No one needs people like me. Allowing me to die in a safe and certain matter would be a win-win for everyone involved.

>> No.19006261

now sure how to balance my spiritual ambition. I believe in the afterlife, all of this will matter. at the same time I don't know if I can cope with a regular life without at least jerking off. I listen to the buddhist claim that long term it causes more pain than pleasure, but short term I can't really function. For sure there are gonna be days so heavy it's gonna be real hard not to take that dopamine rush or whatever it is. And the thing is, I think this is normal in buddhism. Lay practitioners don't have to abstain from sensual pleasure, and masturbation is not included in the definition of "sexual misconduct". a lay buddhist, living a regular life, can jerk off (-4 days per lunar month I think), but he should have limited expectations in the next life and should not expect enlightenment, at least not full enlightenment. But I don't want to limit myself for the next life like this. But I am at most a lay practitioner. I guess I so far have not been able to commit to being a monk, and as long as I haven't I have to face it as it is. Probably better the more I do and the more I learn, but ultimately limited, and ultimately facing a kind of life with a lot of ups and downs. Hard keeping a truly level head while being a householder I think.

>> No.19006281

It doesn't matter if you jerk off, anon. You're going to hell anyway, because you have rejected the Lord and the gift that He has given you.

>> No.19006297

Why is everything so terrible all of the time?
It keeps getting worse every year.

>> No.19006372

No it's not what are you talking about

>> No.19006382

Not sure how normal that is, but I'm thinking time for meds.

>> No.19006430
File: 163 KB, 1499x500, 86283-GlRIDiXARtZR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting to think that I might like to be in a polygamous marriage. Would be nice to have THREE beautiful wives. Beyond continuing to earn money and LIFT, how do I achieve this? Obviously I'll have to leave the West and maybe convert to some strange religion to achieve this.

>> No.19006466

Everything is pretty good for me

>> No.19006500

I knew a guy who was a Mormon with three wives and a whole bunch of daughters.

>> No.19006515
File: 11 KB, 420x420, 1522634431878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds nice.
>wake up in the morning next to your wives
>they cook breakfast for your family
>go to work
>come home and do fun stuff with your giant family
>great big family dinner
>orgy at night, all with your lawful wives under God

>> No.19006567

Not to burst your bubble but most places that keep polygamous Mormonism going give the wives separate houses and the wives ranks which make them competitive and not down for orgies

>> No.19006577

Oh that sounds bad. I'll move to Mongolia instead. One house, one bed for my wives and I, one family we all share and love. Please.

>> No.19006582

Fuck off /pol/ tard.

>> No.19006585

Why do you need to leave the west? Are you a pussy afraid of the government?

>> No.19006587

Because polygamy is very illegal and very expensive in NA.

>> No.19006627

Who hurt you?

>> No.19006673
File: 399 KB, 648x643, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I stop being dependent on work? I'm literally a trust fund kid and can probably live off just from the rent the real estate my dad left me generates, but for some reason I cannot help but wagecuck my days behind a desk, I tried the neet life for 7 months during the pandemic and it was the closest I ever got to killing myself, the first few weeks feel liberating and I get to enjoy my hobbies, but then boredom creeps in and I start becoming really depressed.
at this point I don't even wageslave for the wages, I just work so I can live

>> No.19006697

Get a low-hours job that you genuinely don't mind doing. Could even be something like stocking produce a few hours a week. If you really have all the money you could ever need, just spend your "productive time" doing something you kind of like- payment be damned.

>> No.19006714

So the answer is yes, I am a giant pussy

>> No.19006739

All humans need is love and work. It doesn't need to be a waged job, but you need something to do most->every day. Think about it-- if a tiger one day decides he wants to quit hunting, or a bird decides it wants to stop building nests in chimney pots, or an ant decides it wants to try living alone, that is a sign the animal will die. Humans like both busywork and meaningful work, but most of all they like doing it in hunting party sized groups, within village sized cooperatives. Your work environment probably mimicks enough of that to make you feel human, while also providing a routine and set of milestones which also make humans feel comfy and community bonded like festivals (though in most businesses it'll be the tax year and deadline etc)

>> No.19006742

>beta male afraid the government
>not enough funds to send his 20 kids to private universities
>thinks he can have even a single wife

>> No.19006744

Yes I am unwilling to be murdered by the feds.

>> No.19006752

nothing whatsoever to do with centrism, retard. centrism is also part of the bird :^)

>> No.19006755

The feds don't care unless you're running a rape cult. Just having a few extra wives isn't going to cause problems

>> No.19006766

Yeah another culture would be good. Mormons with polygamy are also likely to veer towards incest because of their belief in prophet bloodlines and the racial theory of the sin of Cain, so you wouldn't be likely to get healthy kids even though you'd be new blood if you did convince them to let you join. Places with harems are slightly better because there has to be some level of cooperation to balance out any competition. In the Mormon system one wife might have a bougie lifestyle while the others dumpster dive.

>> No.19006789

Feds don't care about Mormon rape cults. Mormons won a lot of child custody disputes when brought up for abuse, and the only case I know of a community leader being arrested and charged was when they literally had him on tape raping a twelve year old in front of witnesses in a temple. He wasn't recognised by other Mormon groups though. Most polygamous Mormon groups they ignore, and the groups don't recognise federal marriage laws so they're only church married. Then the wives can claim welfare as single mothers. Most kids are only told who their father is once they're old enough to understand the feds are the devil.

>> No.19006806
File: 256 KB, 1075x940, 2jqce74ty4m21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also because there are other places in the world where having multiple wives is normal (or simply legal). Not to mention that it would be exceedingly cheap to live in most of those other places. I'll live in Morocco or SEA. IDC.

>> No.19006811

Every couple of weeks a feeling of doom and hopelessness overtakes me. I don't know how to escape it

>> No.19006816

I get the same way. I'll have a good few days and then BAM I'm thinking about the easiest way to kill myself. I find working out really helps alleviate those kinds of feelings.

>> No.19006821

Theres no such thing as a single woman. No reason to feel guilty

>> No.19006825

My point is, this guy isn't gonna draw any attention at all. The real challenge will be finding three women who want to live out the goofy fantasy he described further up the thread

>> No.19006832

>The real challenge will be finding three women who want to live out the goofy fantasy he
Women are all for goofy fantasy. He just needs the society in which that's a normie enough goofy fantasy that it also appeals to their normieness.

>> No.19006834

Should writers cut their teeth on poetry and/or short stories before they attempt a novel?

>> No.19006846


>> No.19006853

Something tells me he doesn't have the looks, charm, brains, or money to pull it off

>> No.19006854

I'm heartbroken and I feel this way right now. I don't feel like doing anything other than lying in bed and cry while listening to blues.

>> No.19006869

>I think all the guys with harems are hot, charming, and rich
They're really not. Not even relatively. Society does most of the work on what is normie, not the individual.

>> No.19006872

Yeah you're a retard

>> No.19006873

Is it okay to ignore grammar rules for stylistic effect? Kafka does it, but I'm certainly not Kafka.
just wait a little

>> No.19006875

Yes, sometimes, like when you're Kafka.

>> No.19006883
File: 74 KB, 1024x1001, Franz-Kafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I become Kafka then? Do I have to convert to Judaism and copy his hairdo?

>> No.19006885

You're probably going to need an office job. Something that requires technical writing would be good.

>> No.19006895

I have both of these things. So what you're saying is that all I need to do is to have facial reconstruction surgery to look like him, and then I get to leave out a comma before the subordinate sentence?

>> No.19007016
File: 665 KB, 707x1000, 1580634944944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"youre still learning all that, honey?"
"yeah i need to finish all this until the end of the month. there is so much stuff but i feel like i already know all this, its so boring..."
"come on now. if you finish at least 3 pieces today, ill treat you to something nice!"
"finally a reason to work, hahaha"

>> No.19007022

he got tired of anime girls

>> No.19007057

Bro even if he moves to Saudi Arabia and converts to Islam, he's not gonna have an easy time getting a harem together. He's an outsider.

>> No.19007125


>> No.19007138

Why do you let him drag this board into a /dbz/ fan page?

>> No.19007145

Rec me some good blues

>> No.19007160

Next thread

>> No.19007179

bump limit is a ways away, but I'll forgive it, getting pretty fucking tired of the dbz sperg

>> No.19007280

Pee Pee King

>> No.19007331

i really dont care. i just come here to vent and sometimes listen to other anons

>> No.19007370

This early? Fuck off

>> No.19007472

Why do you care about the op pic?

>> No.19007613

You might have to learn Czech and German, but other than that, I think the plan is flawlese.

>> No.19007627

Muslims are much less concerned about white converts. Compared to trying to break into Mormon culture, Saudi Arabia is easy (and that's one of the most expensive places to have a harem)

>> No.19007629

why not? it's nice when the picture is something different and unique every time, sometimes interesting, sometimes funny, sometimes beautiful, sometimes provocative. instead, some autist spams dbz or anime non stop these days

>> No.19007679

>I should be allowed spam the board with extra off topic
No. This thread is a containment thread. We don't need two of them just because you're cancer. Stop metastasizing.

>> No.19007721

Honestly this.

>> No.19007723

Don't bother. It's an autist ban evading who thinks he's board king and has some weird hatefuck obsession with anime. Basically butterfly without the trip and without books but with all the spam.

>> No.19007731

the eurasian steppe is calling upon me (again)

>> No.19007737

This my favourite blues video ever:

It feels the best when you are heartbroken.
But yeah, some good blues artists are Sonny Boy Williamson (best harmonica), Sam Lightnin' Hopkins (best guitar) and Howlin' Wolf (best vocals)

>> No.19007739
File: 3.04 MB, 300x279, 1631046267388.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god fucking dammit the AQI in boulder is so fucking bad I might as well go back to Afghanistan! Fuck!

>> No.19007831

kek I doubted that was still going but the first few posts of the second thread looks like samefagging about being relieved DBZ isn't in the OPpic for an OT spam thread. I wonder if he has the staying power of Ossianfag.

>> No.19007841

Any of you guys have a day job that you think helps your writing, or at least doesn’t hurt it?

I’m working from home now and have a lot of downtime, but I’m still finding it counterproductive for writing.

>> No.19008089

Jesus Christ, you autistic cunts are really something. gonna start schizoposting and calling everyone samefags again you falseflagging retards? get some fresh air

>> No.19008092

Lots of prolific writers had some boring day job that involved lots of writing and reading. Civil servants, lawyers, shit like that. Maybe you need something that keeps you in a routine.

>> No.19008107

Ossianfag threads are hilarious wtf are you talking about?

>> No.19008141

Well, I’m at the desk from 8 to 5 pretty much daily, and taking lunch around 12 so it’s a pretty standard worker’s routine in that regard. Between those hours, downtime and working time is intermittent. I just hate the work, don’t love the people. I find it hard to mentally disconnect unless I’m distracted with bullshit.

>> No.19008156

Ossianfag is very obviously one guy though lol

>> No.19008159

if you don't like the thread why are you in it you deranged retard? imagine actively going into threads you dislike on a regular basis just to bitch about them

>> No.19008222

The only true Scotsman

>> No.19008568

Oh, your consciousness is worth millions to me.

>> No.19008572

of virtual fiat currency I can fluctuate the value of depending on external factors and internal goals, of course.

>> No.19008606

The most prolific writers were essentially lifetime writers.

>> No.19008966

>virtual fiat currency

>> No.19009023

Kill all space aliens on site.

>> No.19009334

Anyone here ever make money off writing in any capacity?

>> No.19009540

I'm ignoring people in real life, making them wait, only to be in /lit/ wasting my time