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19000213 No.19000213 [Reply] [Original]

So what happened to atheist literature? When I was at an airport bookstore 10 years ago this stuff was all over the place, but I never see it anymore

>> No.19000260

normies caught on, it blew up, spirituality and religion became the next edgy position (much thanks to the 2016 vibe shift): non-lutheran christianity is currently having a resurgence among young people, though i suspect most of them are into it for da aesthetics (i.e. i want to look like someone who believes), or plainly ironic reasons. soon it’ll be redditified as well

>> No.19000282


>> No.19000283

>da aesthetics (i.e. i want to look like someone who believes), or plainly ironic reasons
yeah. it's either one of these two or they just want a justification for exclusionary beliefs (i.e. almost none of them actually believe in god or actual compassion)

>> No.19000288

Belief used to be a "threat" to the hedonistic way of life. Atheism or agnosticism won, we don't live in a christian culture anymore so there's no point spending your time having epic debates beyond amusement.

>> No.19000293

It was a fad emerging from the hatred libs felt at Republicans during the Bush administration; they associated the right wing (not unfairly) with Christianity and sublimated their political hatred into trust-the-science™ atheism.

>> No.19000307

Bullshit, most nuatheists were sjw hating classical liberal fedoras. These anti feminist trend came from them.

>> No.19000315

Pretty much everyone intelligent enough to realize that there is no God has already accepted this fact and moved on. Those that still believe in God are too dull and stubborn to read any books challenging their beliefs. Therefore, there is no market for atheist literature nowadays.

>> No.19000322

This may break your worldview a bit but there are libs who are not SJWs. SJW/anti-SJW was a schism that followed several years later within the new-atheism community during the Obama Tumblr era. The origins of new-atheism however are as I described.

>> No.19000356
File: 388 KB, 1280x800, 13A56064-BECD-4D7B-8F8B-05B699F77143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a soulless way of looking at the world

>> No.19000357

Atheism/secularism has skyrocketed regardless the writings of these guys, since the hedonist way of life that is promoted via all possible means of propaganda is antithetical to religion. So there is no point in reinforcing atheism when secularism is already a natural tendency. Fedoratards types must understand that people haven't become "atheists" because of their epic gotchas but because of complete indifference.

>> No.19000372

Hitchens died, Dawkins was a laughingstock, Dennet was just unmemorable, and Sam became a pseudo buddhist at some point.

>> No.19000434

A Platonist revival is immanent. Best buy the Dialogues and the Enneads before they sell out.

>> No.19000456

Right around 2011 it suddenly mattered way, way more whether you were attacking Islam(brown people) or Christianity(white people) than whether you were religious or atheist.

The new atheists split into wokefags who wont criticize Islam for obvious reasons but might shit on Christians, and altrightfags who will shit on Islam but either dont mention or even praise Christianity.

Basically the debate was forgotten as Woke/altright heated up.

>> No.19000460

> non-lutheran christianity
you can't be serious you prottie fool.

>> No.19000547

Because materialist atheism (in contrast to fringe types such as Nagel's non-materialist atheism) is a failed project since it can't explain consciousness. 1800 years have gone by and no materialist has yet solved the problems posed by Plotinus.

>> No.19000555

The short version is that new atheism that dominated discussion in the early 2000s turned into the social justice movement.

>> No.19000587
File: 127 KB, 3667x1108, Decline_of_Christianity_(in_European_and_Anglophone_countries)_-_horizontal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not a hot button issue anymore, the west is slowly but surely getting used to the death of god

>> No.19000616

But oxygen is 16 times heavier than hydrogen...

>> No.19000626

Yeah, for most of them it was never really about religion. They felt that by attacking Christianity they were striking at the core of “le evil racist redneck Christian order”. Notice how the scapegoat suddenly isn’t the Church, but the White patriarchy?

>> No.19000629

>Sam Harris is retarded

>> No.19000639

>you must value evidence!
>cant actually use evidence to explain what matter is

>> No.19000665

maybe but some of them have turned into race realists.

>> No.19000976

Literally who made this transition lol

>> No.19001021

Everyone who was into New Atheism went to the alt right

>> No.19001029

Sargon of Akkad

>> No.19001096

This is why chinese characters have so much soul

>> No.19001137

it was useful for the state to paint the various islamic countries we were invading as "barbaric", plus to dehumanize internal goyim/enemies. It has outlived its usefulness in this respect, so they are no longer given a platform.

>> No.19001194

The closest any christcuck has to explaining creation is that ontological ‘argument’.

You are correct science has been ruined and turned into a religion (and religion is ideology) by the fedora scientists.
Qualia are indeed our separation from zombies and I think it won’t be solved without extraterrestrial life showing what a separate inhuman mind would perceive as supposed laws of nature.

>> No.19001201

No application of scientific values has ever provided evidence that there wasn't a god.

>> No.19001216

People realized it was fundamentally unfulfilling. Once you get excited about it and finish the books to get your blood up as you cheer with the author BTFOing Christianity you are almost always left empty and more miserable than before, because now you are more certain, whereas before at least being naive felt like there was some warm and edifying potential you'd stumble across one day, if only you kept up hope. Then people like Peterson re-popularized Jung and others who seek to bridge the rational and religious

>basically, there was always a big piece missing

>> No.19001220

it is no longer considered "good for the jews"

>> No.19001231

It was supplanted by racial issues, as was feminism.

>> No.19001244

This line of thinking is cut short when you realize those scientific values implicitly contain value in belief, which the edifice of religion is built on. Gigafail.

>> No.19001251

>implying I haven't memorized them in advance

>> No.19001262

but it has proven that the bible is an unreliable documents

>> No.19001317

I will give it to christfags, most people do just replace religion with ideology.
Also Sam Harris is so fucking cringe.

>> No.19001393

>2016 vibe shift
Explain pls

>> No.19001425

The sun started vibrating at a different more intense frequency in 2016

>> No.19001489

Trump era, anti-sjw culture