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File: 61 KB, 187x272, CharlesBukowski-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1899492 No.1899492 [Reply] [Original]

Authors like Bukowski and Hunter S. Thompson just have the worst fucking fans ever.

Sure, their work is okay. But just okay.

Hank Chinaski is the Bella Swan of intellectual men aged 18 to 35. Just the type of drama that white, middle class suburban affluence eats right up. "Oh, this guy's life is CRAZY! Sure wish mine was REAL like that."

They're interesting, but just not THAT good. And the last thing those authors would want you to be is them.

And for the love of god, remember, kids: try not to "don't try" too hard now.

>> No.1899495

You seem upset.

>> No.1899517

true dat

>> No.1899549

The most stupid part of this very, very stupid post is that you can't tell the difference between an author and their fictional characters.

>> No.1899553

Do you know what bukowski was like?

>> No.1899554

I agree, OP.

>> No.1899575

I can understand where you're coming from OP, and I'm glad that you make the distinction between the work, the author, and the fans... that much seems lost on most people.

I sometimes find the detractors just as irritating as the hardcore fans.

>> No.1899581


Thompson is good. He does have irritating fans, but those are usually 17 year-olds who just discovered the Fear and Loathing movie and maybe read the book.

>> No.1899589

Bukowski is the best bohemian writer ever, better than Miller, better than Celine, okay, maybe not exactly better than Yerofeyev, but you get the point.

>> No.1899592

At least they're better than Ellison

>> No.1899598

Bukowski's later works are better than the early ones, for example "The Captain Is Out to Lunch and the Sailors Have Taken Over the Ship", "Hollywood" or most of his late poems. "Factotum" or "Women" really aren't that great, but all in all, I think he was better than most of the other authors.

>> No.1899600

Agree with this. He was sort of an important journalist and definitely did his own thing. Fear and Loathing really is a pretty great book; I think the irritating fans are the ones that walk away from it like "hey I wish I could do all these crazy drugs".

>> No.1899606

>Bohemian writers

>> No.1899609


>> No.1899613

Kafka is teh best Bohemian writer

>> No.1899616

>deliberately capitalizing a common phrase to make it into an antiquated placename


>> No.1899622

Czechia has had a lot of good writers over the years. Some would argue it's Kundera, fewer still would say Čapek and middle-aged women that it's in fact Viewegh.

>> No.1899628


Dumbfuck detected. Listen, dear, that region if the Czech Republic is still referred to as Bohemia, and probably always will be. Google "Bohemia, Silesia, Moravia" and educate your sorry, sorry self.

>> No.1899629
File: 5 KB, 159x159, harold_bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have just reread The Unbearable Lightness of Being for the first time since its initial publication in 1984, when it seemed to me a work of some accomplishment. I had not reread it a decade later, when I included it in the listing at the end of my book, The Western Canon. Uncertain whether I would find a canonical candidate in it now, I wonder seriously if it is one more Period Piece.

>> No.1899645

>that region if the Czech Republic is still referred to as Bohemia

No it isn't, that region hasn't been called that since the Masaryk decrees, because Bohemia was the German name for Češka, unlike the name Moravia which is still today known as Moravska. Stop playing Paradox games.

>> No.1899647

>Stop playing Paradox games.

is this real life?

>> No.1899660

I was wrong, Bohmen was the German name for Češka, out of which the name Bohemia was latinized. But the Czechs themselves have never called the western part of their country Bohemia - if anything, the native name was P(r)emsko.

This is similar to the case for Carinthia, where the original name, Korotan, was Germanized into Karnten, out of which it was latinized into Carinthia.

>> No.1899662

I've lived in Prague for eight years.

You are wrong.

>> No.1899671

>Bukowski better than Céline

>> No.1899673

I am wrong how? There is no word anymore in Czech for Bohemia.

>> No.1899675

I also put forth that he is not better than Arthur Miller

>> No.1899682

You are wrong because the area is still very much referred to as Bohemia. Now, you seem to think Czechs don't differentiate the regions (wrong) and that just because Czechs son't call it "Bohemia" that it is antiquated and not used by the rest of the world to refer to that area, anymore (wrong again).