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/lit/ - Literature

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18994703 No.18994703 [Reply] [Original]

Are you buying the new limited edition of Mira Gonzale's "Selected Tweets"? Do you think this is hinting at a new release soon? Favorite work by her?

>> No.18994784

My favorite work by Mira Gonzalez is the amount of threads she has caused on this board since 2014. That's seven straight years of causing incels to seethe without cessation, despite her not doing any creative work whatsoever for extended periods - I mean, she lies around on her coach high on drugs most of the time.

That of course means that her masterpiece, the threads on this board, is the absolute peak of feminine seduction in the Baudrillardian sense - there is a profound passivity (she is, right now, sitting on her coach, unaware that /lit/ even exists, probably smoking weed) that nonetheless inspires endless exertions of energy by males that have never as much as seen her.

Helen launched a thousand ships: Mira is continuously launching a hundred thousand threads. Tens of thousands of man hours have been poured into her, the same old trite messages about her having a flabby ass or her boyfriend not liking her or whatever, and all the while, she is blissfully unaware, high as a kite. The queen bee does not even register the labor of her drones, the labor of anons, who toil and sweat to lather her in attention.

>> No.18994798

>Mira is continuously launching a hundred thousand threads
Not really. Mira threads peaked, what, in 2018? They've slowed to a drip in recent years and I even see more posts about Tao. Though I would have expected more in the wake of Leave Society. I chalk that up to an even more rapid decline in board culture coinciding with the onslaught of Gardener, Ma, and Waldun: the new meme trilogy.

>> No.18994804

I wonder how many of these she will actually sell. I wonder how disappointed she will be if they don't sell at all. I wonder how that will make her feel about herself.

>> No.18994814
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>not talking about Mira is a decline in board culture

>> No.18994819


>> No.18994832

>unaware that /lit/ even exists,
She constantly tweets about /lit/ you dumb roatie. She actually shills her own threads to get some attention for her post-wall body and then blames it on some imaginary demons which she likes to whine about.

>> No.18994845

another case where phenotype tells you everything
the moment i saw her she reminded me of some of my worst acquaintances
i liked when she said "what's copypasta?"

>> No.18994865

I was referring more to talking about Tao. Meme or not, he was pretty important to the earlier years of /lit/. You could at least make the case for Taipei being literature even if you don't think it's *good* literature.

>> No.18994888

I've been here since 2016 and I have no idea who she is. This is the first time I've ever heard of her.

>> No.18994907

I don't know much about her either beyond that a few autists here were obsessed with her because they're sad fucks. All I know is she used infinite jest as a bong to smoke weed, which was enough to make me hate her.

>> No.18994912
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>Helen launched a thousand ships: Mira is continuously launching a hundred thousand threads.
She posted them all. This sad 30 year old bitch really needs to diversify her personality, "lmaooo isnt it so ironic im selling my nudes and my parents pay my rent *snorts blunt*" isn't a long term strategy.

>> No.18994928

>he thinks he somehow disproves the point by saying that he constantly reads her tweets

>> No.18994951

not him but i check her twitter sometimes when she posts a thread about herself, it's wall to wall
>dude sex my pussy sex my tits
>dude weed
>I'm actually bery serious about how sex work is legitimate? Like? Guys can we talk about this for a second? This is serious guys? Sex workers deserve your support guys?

since she broke up with her bf she's been spiralling toward a real breakdown. it's mostly really weird seeing someone "act famous" because they used to be famous when they're no longer famous (she was never famous to begin with), ten years after the fact.

>> No.18995087

Wow, real days of our lives stuff huh?
Get off the internet man.

>> No.18995105

i am off the internet, i even have a boyfriend so i don't need to "ironically" tweet all day to people i haven't seen in years about how i don't have a bf i'm having casual sex and i'm selling sex pics and did i mention sex

mira is a failed woman, i hope she doesn't have any sisters or female cousins with functional lives and relationships because wow that would be painful