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18994093 No.18994093 [Reply] [Original]

Worth reading or standard longnose drivel?

>> No.18994116

It's interesting if youre into psychoanalysis i guess

>> No.18994174

It's great shit

>Excreting is the curse that threatens madness because it shows man his abject finitude, his physicalness, the likely unreality of his hopes and dreams. But even more immediately, it represents man's utter bafflement at the sheer non-sense of creation: to fashion the sublime miracle of the human face, the mysterium tremendum of radiant female beauty, the veritable goddesses that beautiful women are; to bring this out of nothing, out of the void, and make it shine in noonday; to take such a miracle and put miracles again within it, deep in the mystery of eyes that peer out-the eye that gave even the dry Darwin a chill; to do all this, and to combine it with an anus that shits! It is too much. Nature mocks us, and poets live in torture.

Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death

>> No.18994195

That was quick. I searched the archive before making this thread and saw that most chatter about this book in the past few months has been you posting that quote.

>> No.18994205

What a fucking cry-baby. Taking a good shit is a life-affirming experience.

>> No.18994285

thanks for posting an actual quote, anon. but i disagree entirely with the sentiment. a brown amorphous blob is far from uninteresting -- it proves we're alive, albeit temporarily. A dead egg can't unscramble itself, but a living lusty human can procrastinate being a boring lump of death by cutting off a chunk of entropy from our main bodies. Likewise, think about what >>18994205
mentioned, the euphoric relief after a really good shit is one of life's great pleasures. The victory, the unburdening, the freedom, it's a temporary conquest of death and banality. everyhing I've written above are my sincere opinions.

>> No.18994374

Yeah I have been shilling this quote from quiet sometime now.

Shite reminds me of my mortality. Where whole day I larp le significant clown, just look of shite slaps my face reminds me of my animality.

Some anon wrote in a thread few weeks ago that the friend of his grandfather died but not before shitting the chunks of his gut down in the fucking loo with lots of blood. This is what coming for all to us, these are limits of our animality and the absolute horror that comes with it.

>> No.18994384

It will give you deeper insight into human motivation.
Seeing how everyone is animated by some 'higher' purpose or delusional belief about their destiny is interesting.
You will be able to see it more clearly in others, even those that supposedly are not foolish enough to pledge allegiance to some organization.
You will be able to see it in yourself.
The fear of death part is interesting, the presumed immortality a lot of us carrying around is interesting too.
The psychoanalytic stuff is not so useful to me.
I have seen the same ideas pushed by different men from different angles.
Cioran warned about finding meaning and "action" leading to nothin.
Evolutionary psychologists write about genetic motivations for human behaviors men trying to achieve something.
Becker is a piece of the puzzle.
The conclusions he reaches are too wishy-washy though.
Maybe the solution is to let go of having meaning and still function

>> No.18995211

>the problem of heroics is the central one of human life
Do you agree with this suggestion from the book's introduction? I found it pretty shakily justified and am skeptical of the rest of the book if it continues with this general formula of
>introduce idea
>justify with vague intuitive assertions
>cite one or two works that may or may not back up the introduced idea

>> No.18995410

It’s Jewish propaganda. I don’t take Kike thought seriously. Read The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit get an in depth documentation of these heretics.

>> No.18995422

It's pretty good. The sections about Freud are a bit pointless and navelgazing but otherwise solid book.

>> No.18995459

>: to fashion the sublime miracle of the human face, the mysterium tremendum of radiant female beauty, the veritable goddesses that beautiful women are;
More like Ersnt Becker - Denial of Sex, how desperate is this fag

>> No.18995603

Serious or memeing?

>> No.18995736

Not worth reading. The book could have been less than 20 pages long.

>> No.18995742

>reading works by "academics"

>> No.18995776

Anyone who uses the word "heretics" on a forum is memeing whether he means to or not

>> No.18996424

Oh yeah?? Well let's read your book you fucking cunt.

>> No.18996486

When I lived in a dorm a bunch of us took mushrooms. Two of the guys who had done it before started talking about how you shouldn't take a shit while on psychedelics (I thought they were just being drug hipsters...flaunting their experiences with drugs to us other 18/19-year-olds).

Anyway, a girl who was part of our clique, who had barely ever smoked weed or had any freedom from her parents, ended up going into the bathroom (we didn't really notice she was gone...because we were all tripping). She came out god knows how long after disappearing, having a panic attack and balling her eyes out. She went into detail about the smells coming out of her body and had shit all over her hands. None of the other girls would go near her (I went into the bathroom to get towels for her). She had somehow shit all over the toilet and on the floor. I started laughing and told those guys she must not have heard their conversation (still, the towel and her focus on rubbing her hands clean calmed her down).

The girl stopped hanging around as much and last I heard she dropped out and married some guy from her high school.

>> No.18997335

Bump, opinion seems split between lukewarm but worth reading and standard longnose drivel not worth the time

>> No.18997394

Are you fucking retarded? If you want to read then just read the fucking book. If you want something shorter but precise then just read Zapffe's The Last Messiah. Nonetheless this book stands on it's own and builds up a solid argument. If you're a fag who cares for empirical evidence then look into Terror Management Theory.

>> No.18997410

>dude if pretty girls exist...
>then why poop exists too?!

holy fuck this faggot lmao, that's a whole lot of words to say nothing but "I'm a massive queer who oversentimetalizes shit like hot womens' faces because I'm a jewish cumbrain", not a chance i'm reading this bullshit

>> No.18997416

Thanks for the recommendations and abuse anon

>> No.18997529

Kek, fucking shite loving animals are seething

>> No.18997899
File: 1.72 MB, 666x716, B08DFCA4-8C48-406F-ABD6-D6ABB173DE14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schlomo philosophy does not belong on this board. You faggots go to some other forum.

>> No.18997931

His thesis is similar to Tolstoy and Zapffe so there is no conspiracy you literal subhuman /pol/tard. And stop speaking for the board you filthy tourist.

>> No.18998125

>It is too much
It isnt?

>> No.18999979

>As anal play is an essential exercise in human mastery, it is better not interfered with. If the adult anxiously cuts it short, then he charges the animal function with an extra dose of anxiety.
>It becomes more threatening and has to be extra-denied and extra-avoided as an alien part of oneself. This extra-grim denial is what we mean by the "anal character." An "anal" upbringing, then, would be an affirmation, via intense repression
>Penis-envy, then, arises from the fact that the mother's genitals have been split off from her body as a focalization of the problem of decay and vulnerability. Bernard Brodsky remarks about his female patient: "Her concept of woman as fecal greatly stimulated her penis envy, since the lively erectile penis was the antonym of the dead, inert stool"
>Phyllis Greenacre--outstanding student of the child's experiences--had already remarked on this same equation in the child's perception: penis = movement, therefore life; feces = inertia, therefore death
Definitely not drivel

>> No.19000700

this can't be real

>> No.19000704

That's what psychoanalysis is like, it is truly hilarious people take it seriously

>> No.19000772
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Well, that's why I asked /lit/ before sinking some of my life into this one.

>> No.19000798

This guy is the unironic version of those shtiposts about "bros girls dont poo right"

>> No.19001035
File: 23 KB, 300x282, herm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all real. Every word.

>> No.19001429

>Thanks for the recommendations and abuse anon
Good boi

>> No.19001448


The book unfortunately had to be a part of the Freudian Cathedral of Bullshit to even get published, it was the 1970s.
You pick the most retarded sections and post them, great. Parts that have absolutely nothing to do with the central thesis.

>> No.19001469

We have animal drives. How is he wrong? Women constantly walk around like wounded victims.

>> No.19002380

>Penis-envy, then, arises from the fact that the mother's genitals have been split off from her body as a focalization of the problem of decay and vulnerability.
How is he wrong?

>> No.19002596

I was looking forward to this book but I just couldn't get with the Freud.
It really is nonsense. I wish there was a Frood-less version.