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18992391 No.18992391 [Reply] [Original]

where exactly in Galatians 3:28 does it say anything about genociding my people through forced integration? how do you get from Galatians 3:28 to that, and then act like it's so obvious from reading the Bible that this is the logical conclusion? or do these people just repeat Galatians 3:28 and similar verses to justify their prior position, and they're not acting in good faith? it's hard for me to imagine these people are anything other than either a leftist who doesn't want to own up to their position, or someone who is in the procress of genociding another people psychopathically raping Bible verses in order to justify their actions, which when you think about it makes it a lot worse.

>> No.18992584

Caring about ‘ethnostates’ and other nonsense is not Christian. It’s better not to focus on worldly things like politics.

>> No.18992592

>for you are all one in Christ Jesus
English not your first language?

>> No.18992601

what does that have to do with forced integration, i.e. genocide? when specifically did Jesus advocate racemixing, forced integration, ethnic displacement, genocide, etc.? why would Jesus want Europe to get invaded by Muslims? just curious.

>> No.18992605

Love thy neighbor.
Blessed are the meek
Turn the other cheek
These are non-negotiable aspects of Christianity. You don't get to cherry pick them based on what you happen to like the idea of.

>> No.18992623

No, Jesus was pro race mixing. OT advocates genocides and slavery
Delete your thread

>> No.18992630

Lay off the /pol/ garbage, anon. /pol/‘s ideology only makes sense from a godless materialist viewpoint. It’s all about race, IQ, body, technology, civilization, progress, etc. All of this stuff has nothing to do with the message of the Gospels. Are you forgetting that Moses had an Ethiopian wife? Ethnic groups are ephemeral. Sure, one can see the social engineering at work and realize that Jews are behind a lot of it, but it’s ultimately not that important. The fact that there are forces trying to undermine religion and institute a Satanic technocracy is much more worrying than any /pol/ nonsense.

>> No.18992635

im muslim but even i know that the church wants everybody no matter their skin color or culture to submit to them and christ. if you want an ethnostate you are literal just like the jews who believe yahweh is tribal

>> No.18992636

Delete your life

>> No.18992644
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The old Testament is just there to give the New Testament a bit of context. It should really be an appendix in the back of the Bible.

Teachings of Christ > the old Testament. Otherwise you're not really a Christian.

>> No.18992668
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>why would Jesus want Europe to get invaded by Muslims
because Islam is the real christianity

>> No.18992671

Reposted from another thread:

The tower of Babel's abiding message is that God favours tribalism over globalism; the book of Tobit states explicitly that a son should only marry a woman from the race of his father. These are only two examples of many. Christianity was comfortably race conscious right up until about the 1960s (so almost two millennia). I don't think marrying outside of your race is damning, but it is something the Bible discourages in almost all circumstances. And, in a healthy, Christian society it was naturally not something which happened with any real frequency.

As a Christian, extreme circumstances may arise where I find even myself racemixing - but this was never intended as the standard, nor as something laudable in itself. It is an error in almost every case.

The idea that Christianity is race negative is itself a psyop.

>> No.18992686

cope by a retarded pseudo-christcuck nazi

>> No.18992690

how do you go from recognising that the New Covenant is open to all gentiles and that anyone can be Christian, to advocating for ethnic genocide? especially when it's genocide Christians by non-Christians? it's almost like the people arguing in this thread either aren't Christian or are nonwhite and care more about fucking White women than honestly interpreting the Bible

you used to post on 8/tv/. you're not Christian.

>Love thy neighbor.
>Blessed are the meek
>Turn the other cheek
again, how do you get from this to genocide? how am I "cherry picking" by asking this question? none of what you listed was in the context of forced integration. it seems like you're just generalising select quotes from the Bible and acting like it's obvious that Jesus was advocating genocide, as if it was as simple as 1+1=2. please explain how Galatians 3:28 or any other verse advocates genocide, displacement, racemixing, etc.

>Lay off the /pol/ garbage, anon. /pol/‘s ideology only makes sense from a godless materialist viewpoint
bro all of the stuff I care about was perfectly normal to care about 100 years ago when Europe was far more Christian than it is today. most of the people advocating for our genocide do so through an exclusively materialistic lens. all I'm doing is pointing out the fact that the few people who do make Christian arguments for genociding my people rely on extremely weak connections between "Love thy neighbor" and "let Christian nations be mass-raped by Arab invaders", it's very pathetic.
>Ethnic groups are ephemeral
the Bible literally can't be interpretted except through an ethnic lens. the BIble is written in various languages unique to this or that ethnic group.
>Sure, one can see the social engineering at work and realize that Jews are behind a lot of it, but it’s ultimately not that important. The fact that there are forces trying to undermine religion and institute a Satanic technocracy is much more worrying than any /pol/ nonsense.
yes and genociding my people is part of that. see pic in OP. there's a reason they want to break down our ethnic identity - you can't maintain a Christian social order if there's a mass invasion of foreigners ethnically different from us.
>im muslim
opinion discarded
but bro, don't you know we're all one with Christ? and that means my daughter needs to be fucked by a Moor. that's what Jesus wanted.
>no one understood the Bible except after 1945 when Jewish atheists finally figured it out
t. you
yeah sure, you're the "pseudo-Christians".

>> No.18992692

You cannot refute scripture. Taking a single line of Paul's out of context and ignoring the rest of the Bible is absurd.

>> No.18992708

This tower of babel example is quite clear. God is anti-globalist.

>> No.18992733
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>LARPing as a Christian.

Fuck off you tedious little shit

>> No.18992749
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>bro all the stuff I care about was perfectly normal to care about 100 years ago when Europe was far more Christian than it is today
The world was already degenerate 100 years ago, I don’t know how this helps your case. Doesn’t mean it was Biblical / Christian even if you’re right, either.

>the Bible literally can’t be interpretted except through an ethnic lens
Hilarious. Jesus told his disciples to baptize the people of all nations, and spoke to non-Jews and healed them and praised them for their faith. It was the Jews who were wicked and were ethnic supremacists. 1 Thessalonians 2:16 Paul mentions how the Jews desperately wanted to prevent the Gentiles from being saved. Also, Isaiah 40:17—all nations are nothing before the Lord. They are worthless and vain.

You seem to be more of a race- and nation-idolator than a Christian

>> No.18992751

take your pills retarded christcuck

>> No.18992769
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Op's a fucking Amateur. I've been selectively reading Buddhists texts to justify my nazi tendencies for years.
How about that, faghot.
Get on my level, lightweight.

>> No.18992775

>genociding my people through forced integration
Who does that? Source pls?

>> No.18992791

>t. Jew trying to justify the genocide of palestinians

>> No.18992828

here you go you dishonest genocidal fuck :)
>everyone before 1945 was a LARPer
>not me though. bro did you know Jesus was a Marxist?
you know what I mean. tribalism was far more entrenched in European ethnic groups than it was a hundred years ago before the French revolution and the modern nation state.
>Jesus told his disciples to baptize the people of all nations, and spoke to non-Jews and healed them and praised them for their faith
you realise though there is a difference between missionaries going off to Japan to baptise Christians, and an invasion of shitskin non-Christian invaders, right? when did Jesus advocate genocide? stop making these weak modern arguments against ethnic identity.
>It was the Jews who were wicked and were ethnic supremacists
I'm not a supremacist and I don't advocate withholding the faith from non-Europeans. why are you purposely making these bs arguments you know don't apply to the genocide of my people? you're not arguing in good faith. you're dishonest. I don't believe you're even a Christian desu because it's very fucked up what you're doing quoting Bible verses at me that you know don't apply to this specific context.
I am ok with Jews having a homeland but it shouldn't be in Palestine. it's ironic you think I'm pro-Israel, I've been an active anti-Israeli activist for nearly a decade. I support BDS and right of return for the Palestinian refugees who've been ethnically cleansed from Palestine since 1948, which is a position that people like Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein say is "anti-Semitic" and means I want to "destroy Israel".

>> No.18992847

Mathew 5:17-20

>> No.18992868

Or that God favors diversity over a homogenous culture

>> No.18992871
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>> No.18992873
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I wish chuds would stop referring to demographic shifts as "genocide". It's melodramatic and disingenuous.

>> No.18992886

>t. Jew trying to justify the genocide of palestinians
you have no idea what you're talking about. have you ever spoken to a settler? they use the EXACT argumentation that open borders activists use. they act like Palestine is unsettled land that they have the right to flood into. this is so entrenched in Israeli justification for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, you can find dozens of videos of Israeli settlers saying this openly.

>> No.18992895
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>> No.18992903
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>> No.18992912

>demographic shifts
you're acting like it's totally organic, like it's just a normal phenomenon that always happens and no one should care about it. is what's happening in Tibet genocide? why do people call what Americans did to natives "genocide" when the only mass killings of natives happened in retaliation to the natives attacking settlers? in your opinion if the natives never resisted (and thus there was never any warfare or mass punishments etc.) and the natives were simply displaced and bred out, would that make it not a genocide? what if the natives were told that if they peacefully protested against the forced integration, forced displacement, they'd go to jail?

what's happening to Europe is identical to what's happening to Tibet, literally 1:1 comparison with the same justification. which is why the Dalai Lama has repeatedly defended European ethnonationalists.

>> No.18992920

here you go you dishonest genocidal fuck :)
These are quotes taken out of context. Difficult to debate upon them. Also, there are a lot of them. Would you point out a single one of them and let's discuss it... When we finish with one, we go with another, ok? Because this looks like a gish gallop to me...
Also, no insults pls. It always ends up in ad hominem arguments if someone starts to use insults.
>it's ironic you think I'm pro-Israel
Because you are presenting arguments from the OT only.

>> No.18992928

>genocide is when I am an incel and immigrants are not
Please, just have sex.

>> No.18992957

Which would militate against the idea that mass immigration is good.

>> No.18992973

>tribalism was far more entrenched in European ethnic groups than it was a hundred years ago before the French revolution and the modern nation state.
What does this have to do with Jesus or the Bible? Nothing.

>> No.18992974

How does any of that imply Christianity promotes race mixing?

>> No.18992982

>These are quotes taken out of context
bro literally anyone who has been conscious of these issues knows where all those clips from and the context of each of them. none of them are taken out of context. in particular, the full context of the Barbara Spectre video makes it more damning.
>Would you point out a single one of them and let's discuss it... When we finish with one, we go with another, ok?
why? you're just going to say that it's an isolated person and they don't hold any real power. which is why I gave you the compilation of 2 1/2 hours of people repeatedly advocating explicit genocide.

Civil rights laws = forced integration (not allowed to exclude foreigners from your community) = genocide. you can find dozens of European leaders saying it's a "good thing" that we're becoming a minority in our own homelands, and it's enshrined in the law.

if opposing the genocide of indigenous Europeans means you're just an incel, then by the same logic the only Blacks who want to come and live here could only want to come here to fuck our women. this isn't a genuine belief I have, I'm just following your logic through to its final conclusion which is pretty fucked.

>What does this have to do with Jesus or the Bible? Nothing.
so the Bible doesn't condemn it? ok thanks

>> No.18992984

>How does any of that imply Christianity promotes race mixing?
Who said it promotes race mixing?

>> No.18992986
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Maybe Christianity just isn't for you, op.
Have you tried any of the other religions? It doesn't even have to be an Abrahamic one.

>> No.18992989

>if opposing the genocide of indigenous Europeans means you're just an incel
I should have said
>if the only reason for opposing the genocide of indigenous Europeans is you're an incel
but you get the point.

>> No.18992990

My mistake. You're actively choosing to argue against someone who says Christianity doesn't promote race mixing so I assumed you were saying it does. ;)

>> No.18992992

See >>18992671

>> No.18992994

he's claiming that Christianity promotes civil rights laws and mass immigration, which he's yet to prove besides verses taken out of context.

>> No.18993020

Are you trying to imply a certain criminal act involving a plane's hijacking was Bernie Sanders?

>> No.18993034

>thinking religions are like consumer products to pick between

>> No.18993061

>bro literally anyone who has been conscious of these issues
Sorry, but dont you think that if im asking you "Who does that? Source pls?" it means im not "conscious of these issues"? Are you implying everyone have your sources and is able to discuss them with you?
>why? you're just going to say that it's an isolated person and they don't hold any real power.
Why are you implying that im going to say that? I clearly stated that "When we finish with one, we go with another, ok?". Ad nauseam, i'd say.
>Civil rights laws
We can go back even more: any modern constitution
> = forced integration
Define "integration".
>not allowed to exclude foreigners from your community
Because my definition of "integration" isnt equal to "not allowed to exclude foreigners from your community". A tibetan man living in an indian city, not knowing their language, isnt integrated. It's factually isolated.
Genocide in my definition, and the laws that are present in the film you sent me, require an active input from a group of people toward a group of people that lead to a drastic decreasing of the population of the latter group of people.
My example of the tibetan people emigrating toward india, how do they genocide people. Forced integration is impossible to achieve, in my opinion. Racism is a common trait in densely populated POOR neighborhood. Not in rich ones tho. I think civil rights laws = acceptance.
Acceptance of a tibetan refugee in your village doesnt imply your need to reproduce with him. Or killing yourself to give him space, etc.
>you can find dozens of European leaders
Weasel word.
Google what it means.
Post them.

>> No.18993096

No, because the point was to thwart human achievement, not to imply that "ethnic replacement is an immoral thing." You only have a point if immigration leads to absolute homogenization, but that's not necessary and only a condition imposed by the powers that be.

>mfw Christianity and religiosity is declining in the West so Christians depend on more religious Africans to migrate into the West and evangelize

>> No.18993125

Daily reminder that Jesus was 100% literal in the Sermon on the Mount and /pol/ chuds can’t cope 2000 years later. Amishchads understand this

>> No.18993131

>You only have a point if immigration leads to absolute homogenization
Yes. Mass immigration across the western will undoubtedly lead to a new homogeneity.

>> No.18993137

why do they still have eyes then?

>> No.18993139

>Implying italians dont hate germans till this day
American hands typed this.

>> No.18993149

And it only matters if that homogeneity will lead to the construction of another tower of Babel, as the aim of that spurious myth was to explain the variety of languages, or so it seems. There was no ethnonationalistic message or intention

>> No.18993151

He means it literally. If there was no other option than to gouge out your eyes to prevent sin, it would be the best thing to do.

>> No.18993191

>undoubtedly lead to a new homogeneity.
To be blunt the greatest threat to the diversity of the West is the proliferation of English-language media and globalist structures like the EU. Immigration is a distant third to those things.

>> No.18993204

It's the only safe option. If you really loved and wanted to be with God, what does a piece of meat and glands matter? Don't play with eternal fire, cut off the forbidden fruit (genitals)

>> No.18993211

I hope i didnt make you run away with my answer, anon

>> No.18993214

I am Italian.
These stories have meaning, anon. It's clearly a judgement against man's hubris in thinking he can reach God via total domination and unity; one aspect of that unity is clearly racial homogeneity. If God were not against this aspect in particular, He would not have scattered mankind and caused us to speak differently.
That's not what He says though. Our eyes cause us to sin through causing us to covet. Everyone shall covet at some point in their lives yet no-one, not even the Amish, will go so far as to pluck their eye out if they do - this is despite the fact that this is *literally* what Christ tells them to do.

>> No.18993217

Yep. Jesus does talk about eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom

>> No.18993225

>law fulfilled
Are you trying to prove his point, anon?

>> No.18993233
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>dont you think that if im asking you "Who does that? Source pls?" it means im not "conscious of these issues"?
you were claiming these clips lack context, the implication being that you know the context of whichever clips you watched.
>Define "integration".
>A tibetan man living in an indian city, not knowing their language, isnt integrated
I meat integration as in integration vs. segregation. so bussing, forcing ethnic/racial strangers into your community at gunpoint
>Acceptance of a tibetan refugee in your village doesnt imply your need to reproduce with him.
if we're swarmed by Tibetan refugees then it destroys our ethnic identity and culture. and it's inevitable if there are laws prohibiting you from exluding Tibetans from your neighborhood, schools, business, etc. that there will be racial mixing, especially when the state, academia and media promote stuff like "abolishing whiteness" (google it). but if you watch the video you'll see examples of people going further and ACTIVELY pushing racemixing.
>Post them.
no, you're trying to waste my time. watch the video. not going to bother replying again. there are enough world leaders in that documentary. No additional evidence is needed. want more context to one of the clips? look it up yourself.

>> No.18993239

If cannot see the primary damage mass immigration has done and is doing, you have your head in the sand.

>> No.18993248

*if you

>> No.18993271

It was linguistic homogeneity, not racial homogeneity. But this does not show that He values tribalism, only that He punishes human "Luciferic" hubris, which can arise even in tribalism, often especially there. For every tower of Babel, there is. Jesus Christ opening salvation to the gentiles, commanding great commissions, uniting all under one universal faith, one narrow path (ethos and universalized Jewish culture) to salvation that all must follow. No gentile or Jew

>> No.18993299

I don't care about race. Linguistic diversity is the most important thing, as language has a major effect on our thought patterns. The idea that English is eroding European languages and flooding them with loanwords is a far more dangerous thing when it comes to the West's culture than immigrants. (Obviously after a point unchecked immigration becomes bad, but it is not yet the primary problem).

>> No.18993303
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>Verily I say unto you, your race and nation is more important than seeking the Father.
>Indeed, worship your nation and race, and store up your treasures on Earth rather than in Heaven
>Do not mix with others, for the body is more important the soul
Do /pol/ cucks really?

>> No.18993326

Literally most of the old testament.

>> No.18993327

>I don't care that all my grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. are buried here
>that means nothing to me
? it's hard not to think people with this retarded atomised individualistic attitude aren't psychopaths. idk how you can't be emotionally attached to your people.

>> No.18993339

>he didn’t understand the purpose of Israel

>> No.18993340

>verily, I say unto thee, an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth
>do not forgive your enemies, and circumcise your foreskin as well as your heart
>in fact, massacre cities of women, men, children and animals- they are all wicked and unclean
Also weren't the tribes not racially homogenous? Shem, Ham, Japheth, and all the theories surrounding them

>> No.18993358

Moses married an African and large number of Persians became Jews in the Book of Esther. Israelites were not necessarily homogenous outside of being incidentally so.

>> No.18993365

>It was linguistic homogeneity, not racial homogeneity.
These were one and the same thing at that time.
> But this does not show that He values tribalism
Yes it does. He punishes in the context of globalism and literally creates tribes as a result.
>No gentile or Jew
We are united in Christ as to our capacity for salvation. Nowhere does He state this means we should throw out the lessons of Tobit, Babel and Deuteronomy, and marry outside of our ethncity.

>> No.18993372

No one is saying this, you cretin. That salvation is ultimate does not mean we are supposed to offer thieves our necks and the necks of our children.

>> No.18993382

>muh Babel
Literally a punishment from God

>> No.18993384

That's the spirit of Christianity. Hate your father and mother- deny them, but do not disrespect them in doing so. Let the dead bury the dead. Love your enemy, feed him if he is hungry, and do not resist evil. If someone sues you and takes your coat, do not dare withhold your shirt from Him, or bear a grudge- revenge is the Lord's (even though the desire for revenge, even if it is God that will so it,, runs contrary to the Christian ethos). We have destroyed our ancestor's temples (houses of demons, if hagiographies are to be believed) and idols, we have banned washing and dramas, we have exalted ascetics and calumniators of life, and then we have wisened up and created a pagano-Christian mongrel that at least no longer makes such "otherworldly," scandalous demands of us. "You WILL construct massive cathedrals and interminable monasteries in cities full of the starving and lacking hospitals and schools. You WILL be wise in the world, and create theologies and apologetics and Christian variants of everything, even though God has chosen the foolish things to confound the wise, the lowly things to bring to nought the high things."
It's all in the Good Book.

>> No.18993394

>idk how you can't be emotionally attached to your people.
I am connected to my people and my culture. But that's a living, growing thing, connected to language and thought, not land. I loved my grandfathers dearly, but their physical forms are ash now. I do not owe the land they died on any loyalty. I do to the culture they fostered in me.

>> No.18993430

>But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also

>> No.18993431

Yes, that's the point. Read the thread. They are punished for their hubris and provided with the solution.

>> No.18993451

That passage is about not meeting evil with evil, not seeking personal revenge. Consider why Jesus makes a point of saying the "right cheek" in particular, rather than just the "cheek." Christ also tells each of his disciples to sell their cloaks and buy a sword; to put their sandals back on and to carry a wallet. For everything there is a season.

>> No.18993489

Yes, but confusing their languages did not also confuse their races, you won't find that in the Babylon legend

He punishes globalism? Bullshit, He punishes what globalism was used for- hubris, man wanting to become like God. Tribe and race are more fallen, worldly things that are ephemeral and will not exist in Heaven, like sex. Where does it say He

What specific Biblical verses support racialism and why should a gentile Christian care about them?

Let us not forget that Leviticus teaches the Israelites to treat foreigners like the native-born.

The icing on the cake:

1 John 2:15-17

Is that you would ideally not even be married, it is a compromise with the spirit of this world to prevent "burning up in lust," and it is a good thing for a man to be like Paul, for a man not to touch a woman. But it is hard, so we must become eunuchs

>> No.18993519

Yes, to sell their cloak and buy a spiritual sword. The Bible doesn't promote physical violence, its battle is not with flesh but with the powers of the air- its much easier to deceive people as to their real enemy in such a domain.

It is about not meeting evil with evil? That is not at all evident in the passage, unless you can bolster your interpretation with other verses. And there need not be any special significance to the "right cheek," but I understand the Roman cultural context you want to fall back to, but it would be awfully passive aggressive, slyly confrontational, and unChristian to resist evil in such a way. Almost a sort of non-violent revenge. An attempt at a common sense "pagan" eisegesis of an otherworldly and overly-exacting text.

>> No.18993530

>you were claiming these clips lack context
They do
>the implication being that you know the context of whichever clips you watched.
No. Why would you ever imply that. Without knowing the context, i cannot discuss a quote, dont you think?
>so bussing, forcing ethnic/racial strangers into your community at gunpoint
First, what does bussing mean? Second, what law or judicial act does force ethnic and racial strangers into your community at gunpoint?
>if we're swarmed by Tibetan refugees then it destroys our ethnic identity and culture
Except india is still india.
>and it's inevitable if there are laws prohibiting you from exluding Tibetans from your neighborhood
Fact that dont harm any of your rights, therefore implying you are not getting genocided.
>that there will be racial mixing
Caused by love. Love is the cause of racial mixing, not civil rights laws. A black man living near your house doesnt imply that you will be constricted to fuck with him.
Nor if it's a white man.
>especially when the state
Which state
Which academia
Which media
... You are using weasel words, again.
>abolishing whiteness
I googled it.
I found the wikipedia page of this guy.
Let's what he says about whiteness.
First of all, he says
>race distinctions and race itself [are] a social construct
As for whiteness he says
>whiteness as the access to white privilege
And as for the white privilage he says
>people perceived to have "white" skin admission to certain neighborhoods, schools, and jobs
Very important is to note that he says
>Ignatiev stated that attempts to give race a biological foundation have only led to absurdities as in the common example that a white woman could give birth to a black child, but a black woman could never give birth to a white child.
In other words, he was talking about how the people perceived as "white" will gain access to certain "things", and because you cant define "white" using scientific data, you must abolish the concept of "white".
In other words, you cannot define the standards of your segregation, therefore your segregation is not valid. That's what he is saying. Please redirect me to some other source that you are talking about.
>no, you're trying to waste my time
Listen, dude. You are derailing your own thread: you said the "state, media and academia" are pushing for race mixing, while not stating ONE source where you claim these 3 institutions are using arguments taken from the bible to promote the abolishing of whiteness.
I dont need world leaders to tell me racemixing is good. I need a fucking christian authority to tell me that racemixing is good. Ok?

>> No.18993549

>Yes, but confusing their languages did not also confuse their races
Where in the Bible does it say they were different races? At any rate, they behaved as one race; this is the very origin of hubris. And God punishes it by creating ethnic idiosyncrasy which he seals with differentiation of language. It is up to us to preserve this idiosyncrasy.
>What specific Biblical verses support racialism and why should a gentile Christian care about them?
Read Tobit and Deuteronomy. We should care because they are a part of the Bible as given to us by the Apostles, the Church Fathers, and the intercession of the Holy Spirit.
>Let us not forget that Leviticus teaches the Israelites to treat foreigners like the native-born.
As guests, yes.
>The icing on the cake
Christ Himself validates the sanctity of marriage by confirming that men and women were made for each other to be one flesh. Paul says that we should get married as soon as possible if we yearn for it.

>> No.18993598

>Yes, to sell their cloak and buy a spiritual sword.
No. This is your inference. Nowhere does the text use this word "spiritual." Christ says He must be numbered among the transgressors, and Peter actually cuts the ear. In order for prophecy to be fulfilled, we must actually trangress and Christ as advocate must stand with us in greater forgiveness of our ignorance and the fallen nature of our environment provided we seek atonement. Violence is a sin, but, until nature stops roaring, it is sometimes the lesser sin. Paul confirms that authorities do not wield the sword in vain. And, given the corporal nature of punishment, he cannot have been writing figuratively.

>> No.18993615

>1My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons. 2For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment; 3And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool: 4Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts? 5Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him? 6But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats? 7Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called?
>8If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well: 9But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors. 10For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. 11For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. 12So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. 13For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment.
/pol/ chuds:
>This means we should literally judge people by the color of their skin.

>> No.18993631

No-one is saying you should judge people based on their colour. This is very different to saying the Bible explicitly supports mass immigration, however.

>> No.18993650

>And God punishes it by creating ethnic idiosyncrasy which he seals with differentiation of language. It is up to us to preserve this idiosyncrasy.
Why should humans actively work to preserve a punishment? If God set up that punishment in his omnipotence, surely the punishment wouldn't wear out through mere material change in human societies?
(not that anon, btw)

>> No.18993707

>Why should humans actively work to preserve a punishment?
This is like saying why should we work to preserve Christ's commandments. That other anon called it a "punishment," but, really, I call it a fruitful command. One we have not been told to stop following. Let the master take off the yoke he himself placed; it is not right for the ox to do so.

>> No.18993722
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>race is skeen cola
i hate americans

>> No.18993793

Natives were bred out in many places of latin america and only ultra-leftists retards call it genocide, for the rest of the world it was just colonialism

>> No.18993816

Biden and others have lauded the idea of whites becoming an absolute minority in their own lands through continued mass immigration. If you go by the UN defintion, which includes marginalisation, that's genocide.

>> No.18993831
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>why would Jesus want Europe to get invaded by Muslims?

>> No.18993847

>The tower of Babel's abiding message is that God favours tribalism over globalism
At Babel everyone spoke the same language (=globalism), and then they failed when they started speaking different languages (=tribalism)
Didn't read the rest

>> No.18993859

>their own land

>> No.18993860


>> No.18993869

Sorry, bro, i have to leave you. I m going to sleep, so good night.

>> No.18993871

>This is like saying why should we work to preserve Christ's commandments.
Commandments are not a punishment, they should be the tool to better existence. People were told to follow them all the time. On the other hand, the division of people and languages was a one-time act, done by God alone, who asked nothing of the people who were subjected to the punishment.
>Let the master take off the yoke he himself placed; it is not right for the ox to do so.
The yoke seems to be pretty worn out and will probably fall off by itself.
(Do you never think it's cringy to imitate the biblical style while writing 4chan posts?)

>> No.18993895

They were made to give up their hubris through the confusion of tongues (=tribalism).
>was a one-time act
There are plenty one time acts in the Bible that are meant to impart eternal lessons. The destruction of Sodom, for example.
>(Do you never think it's cringy to imitate the biblical style while writing 4chan posts?)

>> No.18993916

Christians are told by Peter that they should always be ready to give an answer. Saying "we don't have an answer for that" doesn't cut it in the Christian context.

>> No.18993948
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france doesn't count who's in their country and there's about 10 ethnic french people left there, so...
i don't know if you're american, but europe doesn't receive islamic immigration anymore. currently the UK, France, and Germany are being flooded with bantu africans (they're Christian on paper).

>> No.18993969

this is why christians are and always has been a cancer to society

>> No.18993985

Christians were first made to think this by secular powers in 1960 something. You are talking out of your ass.

>> No.18994013

>There are plenty one time acts in the Bible that are meant to impart eternal lessons. The destruction of Sodom, for example.
By that logic, we shouldn't build anything on the grounds where Sodom lied? No, Sodom was destroyed not to stay destroyed, but to punish sin that was at that point in Sodom. So was the confusion in Babel a punishment for unnatural ambition. That doesn't mean that we should never build tall structures or connect with other people and other languages.

>> No.18994015

itt meds

>> No.18994059

>By that logic, we shouldn't build anything on the grounds where Sodom lied?
This is the epitome of a strawman argument. The lesson of Sodom is to remember that even if evil wins over the majority for a time, this majority status will offer no protection from God's judgement. The lesson of Babel is that ethnicity is something to be cherished and respected. These lessons are timeless.

>> No.18994074

That is the stupidest fucking image I've ever seen. It's not even close, it really is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen.

>> No.18994078

>The lesson of Babel is that ethnicity is something to be cherished and respected
But where do you conclude that from?

>> No.18994085

It doesn't advocate for ethnic replacement, but it doesn't specially advocate for ethnonacionalism as well. See the passages about immigration in Exodus and the mosaic law.

>> No.18994094

>ad hominem out of nowhere
Read the thread back.

>> No.18994117

>t doesn't specially advocate for ethnonacionalism as well
Read Tobit and Deuteronomy

>> No.18994158
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>france doesn't count who's in their country
They do not make ethnic census, they do "count who's in their country", obviously.

>> No.18994169
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>They do not make ethnic census, they do "count who's in their country", obviously.
i have bad news for you

>> No.18994190

>I do not owe the land they died on any loyalty. I do to the culture they fostered in me.
that seems very arbitrary picking and choosing what of your inheritance you should care about (blood, land, culture, etc.). I care about all of it because I think it's all important. I can't imagine feeling culture is important but not blood. if you were seperated at birth from your brother only to meet him 20 years later, he's still your brother, it's not like being raised by a different family makes him otherwise. not caring about your blood seems like a modern cope to justify the fact that your people are going to cease to exist very soon, so you've adopted some magical worldview that the soul of your people can be inherited by total racial strangers. I could go live in Africa the rest of my life but I'll never be Black.

>> No.18994214

please just quote the verse where Jesus endorses MLK-style civil rights laws or mass immigration. nothing you posted is relevant.

>> No.18994226

>for the rest of the world it was just colonialism
is it or is it not considered genocide today? yes, it is. and the difference is that we're incorporated into a state that violently enforces integration at gunpoint (literally) and our peaceful demonstrations against our replacement are violently shut down by antifa or even the state.

>> No.18994256

Let's hear it.

>> No.18994274

>please just quote the verse where Jesus endorses mass immigration.
>Go ye therefore, and teach all nations

>> No.18994276
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>> No.18994277

Austria, Sweden, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Norway, and Denmark are ALL 5-10% Muslim, and that really underrepresents the extent of the problem when you take into account that most "Christians" in Europe aren't practicing Christians and the countries I listed all have more real muslims than real Christians. and then there are the non-Muslim immigrants too.

>> No.18994289

yes, we did that. missionaries going to Japan isn't mass immigration retard. also, even if he was referring to conquering other nations like you claim, doesn't he mean WE should be the ones conquering, not that others should be conquering us?

>> No.18994316

i'm convinced he's trolling. there's no way someone logically comes to that conclusion without having a huge dent in their head

>> No.18995958

>The tower of Babel's abiding message is that God favours tribalism over globalism
Lol no its not, the Babel story has God striking man with many languages to prevent man from working together *to overthrow God*, not because God's down to clown with tribes

>> No.18996037

You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.
Deuteronomy 10:19

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
Leviticus 19:34
You shall allot it as an inheritance for yourselves and for the aliens who reside among you and have begotten children among you. They shall be to you as citizens of Israel; with you they shall be allotted an inheritance among the tribes of Israel.
Ezekiel 47:22

>> No.18996301

>mass immigration.
Strictly speaking the jews going to Egypt happened with God blessing to avoid a famine.
>MLK-style civil rights laws
Galatians 3:28 have it as a basic gist.
The thing is that you are trying to interpret a fundamentally universalist religion into a ethnic-nationalism compliant framework. It just won't work unless you just go full retard a la positive christianity or some shit, and honestly by that point you better off just larping as volkish neopagan.

>> No.18996623

>noooooo my religion actually is ethno-nationalist. Babel! Babel!

>> No.18996653

Based. People ITT justifying their ethnonationalist beliefs with the fairy tails of a nomadic bronze age culture make me laugh.