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18992100 No.18992100 [Reply] [Original]

>"There has been a recent, rather sudden increased interest online in the French philosopher René Guénon. What caused this sudden boom can be hard to pin down but it's likely that the literature board on 4chan is partly to blame"


How does it feel to be a part of history /lit/?

>> No.18992111

Embarassing. Guenon is embarassing

>> No.18992136

Holy Based. Guenon is unironically amazing.

>> No.18992154

>How does it feel to be a part of history /lit/?
bad because I still haven't started Guenon. partly because I haven't started the Hindus. what's the least intimidating Guenon book?
duality of man

>> No.18992166


>> No.18992169

About the same as Tumblrites when they started the dick-snip revolution. Another tragic 21st century joke

>> No.18992174

>what's the least intimidating Guenon book?
His first one "Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines", I also think its the best one of his to begin with since he lays out his understanding of different concepts which reoccur over and over throughout his later books

>> No.18992334

There is a clear niche for Guenon style metaphysics and view of history in modern world. Combines elitist sentiment with le ebin Eastern religions and TraditionTM.

Some of his ideas are somewhat intriguing though the actual fundamental metaphysical framework he's working with doesn't interest me. He integrates his metaphysics into readings of history and the politics of modernity in an interesting way though, this is clearly where his appeal stems from, this interpretation of contemporary features of society having a deep significance in a larger picture.

>> No.18992354

Last year some article on some reasonably self-respecting publication argued that a secret Guenonian-Evolian cabal managed by Bannon was behind a Comintern of right wing populists like Bolsonaro and Orban and ofc Trump, made me shit my pants laughing

>> No.18992368

Just found it and it was actually an introduction to the teitelbaum book lmao

>> No.18992369


>> No.18992379

Guenon was studied extensively by prince Charles

>> No.18992386

imagine being narcistic enough to care about making internet history.

>> No.18992389

imagine not knowing how to spell narcissistic

>> No.18992401

Imagine all the people, living life in peace yu uhhhh uhhhh

>> No.18992409

hit a nerve? no one will remember anything you post online in ten years or less. best case scenario.

>> No.18992423

>>"There has been a recent, rather sudden increased interest online in the French philosopher René Guénon.
Actually people seem to have forgotten all about him without your spam guenonfag.

>> No.18992431


>> No.18992457

>youtube video with 1k views
>being part of history

>> No.18992471


>> No.18992508
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>no one will remember anything you post online in ten years or less. best case scenario.
It's not about me personally you dummy, it's about spreading the good word of René Guénon (pbuh), and we are succeeding despite all the attempts of hylics and naysayers to stop us!

>> No.18992569


>> No.18992572

Based black men!

>> No.18992585

The Dutch Trump actually posts clown pepes, cuck memes and Evola references

>> No.18992590

Guenon was literally a Muslim lmao

>> No.18992603
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>> No.18992664
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>> No.18992831
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Retroactively refuted

>> No.18992978

in fact, all perennialists are embarrassing
perennialism as a whole is embarrassing

>> No.18993170

Bataille was an atheist midwit who wasn't even consistent in his attempts at being transgressive

>> No.18993186

You don't have to know the Hindus unless you want a critical view of his work.

>> No.18993198

This. Any oldfag knows guenonposting was forced by one retard. People laughed at him first but then newfags thought the countless samefagging was a discussion. What a shitshow.

>> No.18993219
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>Any oldfag knows guenonposting was forced by one retard. People laughed at him first but then newfags thought the countless samefagging was a discussion. What a shitshow.

>> No.18993438

More of an insult than a refutation tbqh

>> No.18993929

Memes aside, guenon is based

>> No.18993943

He’s been floating around in certain circles before he was read here. This just is not true.

>> No.18993944

The only people that read Guenon are people on lit. So much so that if I see Guenon on someone’s bookshelf irl it’ll be an instant red flag.

>> No.18994146

You can find Sacred Web articles archived from the 80s and 90s talking about him. He’s been discussed in certain circles ever since he first published.

>> No.18994783

more like based!

>> No.18994826

Based, Bataille is the greatest man of the last century

>> No.18995008

>Based, Bataille is the greatest man of the last century
He was an irrelevant moron compared to Rene Guenon

>> No.18995028
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>> No.18995183
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just posting to say im thanful for these posts

>> No.18995202

Where do I begin with Guenon?

>> No.18995227

With his first book "Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines"

alternatively, you can start with "Crisis of the Modern World", although if you continue onto his other books its good to then circle back around and read "Intro". You can find all his books here for free


>> No.18995246

Crisis first, it's the one most soft Guenonians read. Introduction to the Hindu Doctrines is a neo-vedantist/mayavada overview.

>> No.18995296

You're welcome. The point is he's not suddenly popular because of 4chan. He's a central figure of perennial / traditionalist philosophy. This guy is just revealing himself to be a a nonce

>> No.18995321

I only know Nietzsche

>> No.18995498

>Introduction to the Hindu Doctrines is a neo-vedantist
No that's wrong. Guenon in his works just explains traditional Advaita, he doesn't write about or promote Neo-Vedanta other than attacking it briefly in his first book. Neo-Vedanta differs in important ways from the traditional Advaita of Shankara which Guenon writes about.

>> No.18995511
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It's time for guenoncels to move to Afghanistan where they belong

>> No.18995577

His complaint about neo-vedanta is that it is vulgar, but his syncretism and perennialism are neo-vedantist and he is influenced by them. Half of Introduction and Man and his Becoming are comparisons with other traditions to show that tradition is perennial. He even sees a legitimate theosophical core in the perennial sense in Theosophy, just criticizes the movement and its bad manifestation of theosophy. Guenon was an initiate of a Theosophy off-shoot.

He is part of the neo-vedantist tradition of claiming a perennial monist tradition underlies Hindu philosophy. He shares all their common features like claiming mayavada is true Hinduism, and Buddhism is a mirror of Hinduism.

>> No.18995661

>His complaint about neo-vedanta is that it is vulgar, but his syncretism and perennialism are neo-vedantist and he is influenced by them.
Syncretism and perennialism also existed in the west centuries before Neo-Vedanta ever came into existence, and Guenon would have been familiar with these ideas from reading western thinkers before ever learning of NeoVedantists like Vivekananda, so there is actually no basis for automatically inferring that Guenon's perennialist ideas necessarily had to come from NeoVedanta, as opposed to other western sources, or as opposed to something that he accepted because it was his genuine conviction and not simply because he read about it elsewhere.

>He is part of the neo-vedantist tradition of claiming a perennial monist tradition underlies Hindu philosophy.
Traditional Medieval Advaitin philosophers who were not NeoVedantins accepted the same premise in their writings, so that's not necessarily a position which had to come from NeoVedanta. It's a conclusion that someone can reach just from studying traditional Advaita, without ever studying Neovedanta.

>He shares all their common features
No he doesn't, since Vivekananda criticized the caste system whereas Guenon like traditional Advaita defended the caste system. Vivekananda also tried to make Advaita into some universalist religion open to everyone whereas Guenon like traditional Advaita maintained that it was only properly the province of elite initiatic monastic orders.

>> No.18995695

They came from the same sources, mainly the nineteenth century Hindu monist revival as Guenon talks about himself. Schopenhauer and Theosophy were part of that revival, both influenced by it and influencing many others. It's not a question of Guenon copying Vivekananda.

>Vivekananda also tried to make Advaita into some universalist religion open to everyone whereas Guenon like traditional Advaita
Guenon was not a Hindu, he was a French Freemason who practiced heterodox "theosophical" Sufism that did not require him to profess belief in Muhammad. He also helped create Schuon's new age theosophy cult by funneling white sufi converts to him for years. Muslims critique Guenon for teaching syncretism and perennialism, which is forbidden in Islam. What Hindus think of Guenon is not really an issue since he never practiced Hinduism.

>> No.18995734

>Muslims critique Guenon for teaching syncretism and perennialism, which is forbidden in Islam.
Guenonist larping is just an intellectualism for dispassionate moderns upset that no one takes theology seriously

>> No.18995737

>They came from the same sources, mainly the nineteenth century Hindu monist revival as Guenon talks about himself.
There is no basis for reliably inferring that, since the same position regarding perennialism can be acquired from reading pre-modern western source, and the same position regarding Advaita can be acquired from reading pre-modern and pre-NeoVedanta Hindu sources. So your claims are just empty speculation rather than fact.
>Guenon was not a Hindu
I didn't say he was
>What Hindus think of Guenon is not really an issue
I didn't say it was

>> No.18995957

my condolences

>> No.18995972

Wait. But think about it:
Isn't Olavo de Carvalho a Guenonian or some shit?

>> No.18995988

>no one will remember anything you post online in ten years or less. best case scenario.
I wish.

>> No.18996025

>It's time for guenoncels to move to Afghanistan where they belong
Is this a variation of "Go to Cuba"?

>> No.18996204

What are the theological differences between old school Advaita Vedanta and neo-Vedanta?

>> No.18996219

>he doesn't know about the deleuze nick land phase
>he doesn't know about the whitehead threads, the space Taoism threads, the accelerationists, etc.
>he doesn't understand that Guenonposting was born as a reaction against an era of aesthetic "becoming" on /lit/
>newfags suck
Enjoy the brainworms

>> No.18996250

>He also helped create Schuon's new age theosophy cult by funneling white sufi converts to him for years
That's a disingenuous statement. Guenon would never approve of Schuon's Virgin Mary cult. That's like saying Marx created wokism and would approve it.

>> No.18996261

>he doesn't know about the Taliban Poetry daily rising movement

>> No.18996436

This isnt the thread to go deep into that but I have some links talking about that , Neovedanta is an umbrella movement with different thinkers but the classic example of it would be Vivekananda, and he differs from traditional Advaita on a number of points including how he frames the nature of Brahman, maya, the world etc. This is one paper talking about their differences

And this is a webpage with a collection of essays contrasting them

This paper below, in contrast to or as a counterpoint to the usual western scholarship, argues that Vivekananda drew on late-medieval Indian sources and didnt simply graft a bunch of western ideas onto Advaita, but even if you agree with this view its still pretty clear that Vivekananda’s conception of Advaita differs notably from Shankara's

>> No.18996444

There was no Deleuze/Nick Land phase, there were Deleuze/Nick Land trannies operating out of a tranny discord. Space taoism threads were a spinoff of girardfag threads and died when he stopped posting and his groupies couldn't maintain the vibe. The accelerationism spam was the same trannies as Deleuze/Nick Land trannies. Whitehead threads were mostly made by one anon.

Guenonposting started with the original traditionalism threads which were decent when they were run by the Muslim guy who was pretty serious, they were centered around a discord with guenonfag and a few others, but the Muslim guy departed and guenonfag started making the threads. He tried too hard to tone police them when anyone disagreed with him, which is how he became "guenonfag." Since it's 4chan people reacted by mocking him more and he reacted to that by spamming Guenon threads, also yelling that there are no Whiteheadian theosophy buddhists allowed in his personal threads, which led to the meme that Guenon "posters" are insane even though it was mostly him.

Guenonfag has actually grown alot since then since now he tries to let people disagree and doesn't feel urged to reply to every last thing he disagrees with. He is still opinionated but no more than the average 4chan fag and he makes genuine attempts to show that he accepts the other person may not agree. Imagine all the good /lit/ has done for autists by bringing them together and letting them learn to have such heated arguments over such difficult theological concerns and make them productive.

>> No.18996522

>that one neurotic jewish guy is still singularly obsessed with guenonfag after all these years

>> No.18996605

Thank you for these.

>> No.18996619

>There was no Deleuze/Nick Land phase, there were Deleuze/Nick Land trannies operating out of a tranny discord. Space taoism threads were a spinoff of girardfag threads and died when he stopped posting and his groupies couldn't maintain the vibe. The accelerationism spam was the same trannies as Deleuze/Nick Land trannies. Whitehead threads were mostly made by one anon.
I'll concede this but I think you must be kidding if you don't think Nick Land/Yarvin/Dark Enlightenment wasn't the route to trad shit for a lot of these people. At least you know what you're talking about though.

>> No.18996665

I dunno, I just never really saw organic Land/Moldbug posting on /lit/. The "accfags" were extremely not from here, stunk like twitter to high hell and openly promoted trannies. I don't doubt he had alot of influence but look at Evolaposting for instance, on /lit/ there is a normal distribution of Evolafags who have read all his shit like Guenonfag with Guenon and then a tapering curve of retards ending in a shallow pool of "where do i start with evola" at the bottom. Even Deleuze who is really more of a twitter tranny thing, in terms of subculture and associations, has/had a more organic distribution on /lit/. Where is the similar distribution for Moldbug?

>> No.18997644

>How does it feel to be a part of history /lit/?
I've created entire meme ecosystems on this website. multiple boards use my original jokes as classic, central memes. you see, I'm influential. one YouTube video means nothing to me. my threads easily reach 200 replies on most boards, and that's just a normal thing for me. so no, i don't care but congrats to the goononce mener you did it kiddo

>> No.18997769

Not even a day passes without anti-guenonfag raging about Guenon, this guy is really obsessed, stop giving him attention. When you see a poster which writes that: Guenon believed in a midget living in a cave in Tibet; Guenon was influenced by theosophy; Guenon wasn't a real muslim; Guenon didn't knew arabic; etc, just ignore him. Is the same fag who is posting again and again the same nonsense.

>> No.18997793

>space taoism
Damn that takes me back. Maybe I should search the archives for that again. Back then it mostly flew over my head but since then I've become a lot more involved with phil. and taoism in general.
Back then Stirnerposting was also much more active.

>> No.18997872

>search various 'choid meme terms like "femcel" and "guenon" on youtube
>find a boatload of wannabe booktubers and just vloggers who often mention /lit/core authors

people underestimate how much motherfuckers are getting trolled by this website's culture lol, i think what happens is people post those "[board]'s top 100" pics to reddit and insta and the like and normies see this shit and get baited

exhibit A:


>> No.18998047
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>the "gnostic" "Jesus"
>the "gnostic" "Paul"
>pagan prophecies of "Christ"
Gnosticism is cringe.

>> No.18998063

>German accent
>I do believe in evolution and big bang
Opinion discarded.


>> No.18998462

>bug music
is this what guenonic initiation looks like?

>> No.18998809


>> No.18998836
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>mentioned in 1k view video by guy most likely from /lit/
>part of history

>> No.18998999
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I prefer Cringénon.

>> No.18999055

Guenon is a bad meme I miss black hand anon

>> No.18999071


>> No.18999074

He hid my comment lmao

>> No.18999102


>> No.18999329

I read crisis and really wasn't that interested, I much prefer Evola who actually has a connection to his own people instead of just larping as an Asian the whole time

>> No.18999919

Guenon wasn't a larper, he was a muslim and muslims are part of very different races. Your racial fantasy religions are larp.

>> No.19000729

the channel “Lets Talk Religion” hid one of my comments correcting an error in one of his videos

>> No.19000999

what was it?

>> No.19001445
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You can put your whole Guenonfag screencap collection against my team and
I guarantee you I'll be the very last one postin
Your modernist assumptions just don't move me, you're minor, we're major
You're all up in the debate and don't deserve to be a poster
Don't make me have to call your maya-based delusions out
Your theory is refuted, my Guenon (pbuh) quotes make you hesitate
I'm only eternal and unborn but my mind is old
And when the things get for real Brahman dawns in my heart removing the cold
Another Process philosopher destroyed, another story gets told
It ain't nothing really, hey, yo dun spark the opium
So I can get my mind off these duplicitous materialists
Why they still posting I don't know, go figure

>> No.19001490

Guenonfags BTFO

>> No.19001636

deleuze/whitehead/land/guenon are all of a pair
no accident these were all shilled, not that guenonfag saw things that way or not
either way, this board seems to be /his/-tier reddit at this point—went away for a while and note sure what's happened, though i have a strong hunch

>> No.19003975

>Guenon believed in a midget living in a cave in Tibet
Is this true