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1899076 No.1899076 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone with experience of ADD?
I'm planning to go my dox tomorrow to get diagnosed, is this a good idea?

>> No.1899082

if it's currently what you think you have (as if you read the symptoms and believe it matches you) then it's likely you will not be diagnosed with it. Either way, it takes more than one meeting with a doctor to diagnose it.

>> No.1899086

I am aware of this, however I will be able to wangle a meeting with a psych and I believe I will be able to convince them.
I was more interested in whether the medication was effective and if this could have negative repercussions for me in any way.

>> No.1899090

I'm told you can keep drugs in your system longer with decreased liver function. My liver is fine, but maybe if I convince my doctor I have a liver tumor they will remove a few lobes for me. I wonder if this could have negative repercussions for me in any way.

>> No.1899099

No need to be facetious. I didn't mean side effects medically, I meant socially - for example who will be able to find out about it.

>> No.1899101


the only people who will know would be you, your doctor, and your parents (if you're on their insurance). otherwise keep your pills out of sight and dont mention it to anyone. and if you do, add isnt exactly stigmatizing, there are worse mental disorders to have

>> No.1899117

Ok cool. Does ritalin actually work? Is it worth the effort?

>> No.1899124


yes it works, but i wouldnt use it. ive had add my whole life so far (in tandem with another disorder) and ive never been on "attention medicines", doing just fine. just requires a little more work. if i were you, i wouldnt. but its your life

>> No.1899140


>forgets to mention that most companies in the health industry have horrible information security, and that it's only a small measure of time until the documentation with a patient's information (many times their entire medical history) is loosed into society at large, fated to float around from that moment until the end of time.

you clearly have no knowledge of this field sir.

>> No.1899142 [DELETED] 


>mfw you're unfamiliar with HIPAA legislation

>> No.1899147

Having never tried them, why do you think you can judge them?

>> No.1899155


I have also never tried PCP but I feel perfectly capable of judging that.

>> No.1899158


>thinks you can legislate morality.

there is no face for this.

>> No.1899161


You're judging from a lay perspective then. That's fine.

>> No.1899170

do you really think legislation is anything other than moral? or at least, that legislation frequently has an inextricable moral component? i have never understood this objection that "you can't legislate morality" because it's patently untrue. the extent to which it's appropriate to legislate morality is a matter open for debate, but our capacity to do so seems pretty clearly to me.

>> No.1899172

>lay perspective

My masters in biochemistry with an emphasis in toxicology and several years of work in that field beg to differ.

>> No.1899176

You're very defensive. I'm not attacking you, I'm just trying to get context.

>> No.1899178

Why wouldn't you take the drugs then?

>> No.1899184


define moral.

>> No.1899185


First and foremost, I don't need them. Second, given the first, I don't feel the need to risk any chance of psychosis, knowing my risks are greatly increased. Third, I have an addictive personality and don't need to risk the potential for addiction or dependence either. Lastly, it's not physiologically healthy.

>> No.1899188

concerned with right conduct and the belief that there are proper and improper ways for human beings to behave

is that satisfactory

>> No.1899205


>right conduct
>proper and improper ways

these terms are meaningless, especially in a legal context.

>is that satisfactory

i will not sully this board with a response to that.


>"improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the nation's health care system."

>"encouraging the widespread use of electronic data interchange in the U.S. health care system."

>respecting a patient's right to privacy.

>> No.1899206

I'm student who gets straight As without much studying. I have a complete inability to exert any sort of mental effort for extended periods of time, and therefore have only a superficial knowledge of anything. I have the same predispositions as yourself.

Given your experience you would not recommend pursuing treatment?

>> No.1899208

>implying treatment requires chemicals

>> No.1899212

>these terms are meaningless, especially in a legal context.


what are some meaningful terms in legal contexts? by what standards are laws evaluated and by what standards ought they be evaluated, in your view?

>> No.1899215

Well that was going to be my next question; is there anything else you recommend? I already dose myself with excessive sport and internet.

>> No.1899218

I'm a scientist, not a doctor. Go see a GP or psychiatrist preferably and talk to them, and ask about alternatives to medication. By all means see a doctor, but how you handle the situation is on you.

>> No.1899220

so i took a couple psych courses in early uni (this does not make me an expert obviously) and in a seminar-type thing i asked the visiting prof, who was an ADHD specialist: "why can't everybody just take this stuff (ritalin, adderall, etc.) if it helps everyone concentrate?"
he gave a bullshit answer but after class we talked for a bit and it turns out that taking that stuff on a non-regular basis isn't horrible, and you get stuff done. everybody used to take various kinds of meth to get stuff done, but now it's been demonized because of retarded american mountain state meth addicts who take it to suck a dick so they can get more meth.
so anyway, op, get a meth prescription, take it when you need to get stuff done, don't take it every day like some child who his teacher wants to shut up.

>> No.1899222

My advice is be damn careful which route you choose as far as treatment is concerned. As much as anything else, it could waste your time...

My ADHD doesn't affect my learning at all really, it's pretty feeble. It only really becomes a problem in long conversation where I can't focus on one topic or in moments of anxiety where it tends to make me lose control or concentration. If you are similar to me and it has never been a learning problem, it's just a small thing you're probably better off suffering with.

>> No.1899223

I'm more interested in your experience as someone who has ADD then as a scientist. I do not believe a doctor could help me with anything other than medication.

>> No.1899226

I find it difficult to say if it's a learning problem. I have always cruised academically however I could not pretend that I have ever hurdled any significant mental challenges.

>> No.1899233


>these terms are meaningless, especially in a modern (post 19th century) legal context.

fixed. my apologies.

>> No.1899231

meditation and painting have always worked for me, to an extent that my ability to focus was sufficient to excel in coursework

>> No.1899240

Yes but did you actually learn anything? Gain a proper understanding rather than pass exams?

>> No.1899241

Absolutely. Otherwise I wouldn't be where I am now. Learning styles and methods have a lot to do with your comprehension/retention

>> No.1899243

again by what standards do you want to evaluate laws, and what terms do you want to use to talk about them, if 'right' and 'wrong' (and morality more generally) has no bearing

>> No.1899261


you start by picking up a dictionary that wasn't written for third graders and you proceed by taking note that none of the terms mentioned have singular definitions.


not everything your mom told you before bedtime prayers was true.

>> No.1899265

well that's certainly not an answer to my question, which was fairly simple, i think

seriously though, what standards should be used to evaluate whether a law is good or bad? unless you think that we can't say whether a law is good or bad? and what do you say to the argument that many, indeed most, people when considering laws use moral categories to judge them?

>> No.1899284


>my question, which was fairly simple

i also have a simple question for you sir, here goes:

give me a complete, accurate enumeration of the number pi.

simple enough right?

>"what standards should be used to evaluate whether a law is good or bad?"

presuming a piece of legislation has already been passed into law? the most logical definition would have to be the end result coupled with the any and all side-effects, intentional or otherwise.

>people consider laws useing moral categories to judge them.

implying all/most/blahblahblah people think about all/most things in the same way, and that they somehow should.

>> No.1899291 [SPOILER] 
File: 20 KB, 750x500, YOUKNOWITTOBETRUE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1899305

lolol conspirisea!1

>> No.1899426

add is stupid middle class kid syndrome.

>> No.1899437

why is this thread here? why are people posting in it? what is wrong with this broken board?

>> No.1899447


ADD is caused by social and psychological factors which can be addressed with self improvement.

Medication is a short cut...

whatever... get drugged, it's simpler than changing the world.

>> No.1899460
File: 23 KB, 300x304, オレンジークン.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That symbol in the background of OP's pic is the symbol of caduceus. Also known as the symbol of merchants, messengers and thieves. its the symbol only very stupid people believe is associated with medicine and was caused by the incompetence of some officer in the US army printing it on loads of medical books.

Amusingly, the majority of commercial hospitals use that symbol, while the majority of free ones use the correct symbol (the rod of Ascelipius. Only one serpant, no wings - symbol of a parasitic worm being pulled from the body and wraped around a stave). Which is appropriate given its association with thievery.

also appropriate, people selling you the idea you have ADD to cover up for you just being stupid.

>> No.1899462


>> No.1899467 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 224x321, les.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't got ADD, you're just a cunt. Fucking concentrate a bit.

mfw i had to put up with this shit from a girlfriend for nearly a year "it's not my fault anon, I have add" OH YEAH, AND THAT'S WHY YOU CAN MAKE FIFTEEN CAKES IN ONE WEEK BUT YOU CAN'T REMEMBER I TOLD YOU I'M GOING OUT TONIGHT, LIKE A HUNDRED TIMES?

ADD = excuses.

>> No.1901732
File: 200 KB, 370x370, 1289417194329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also appropriate, people selling you the idea you have ADD to cover up for you just being stupid.

What's amusing is that I'm smarter than you.

157 IQ and diagnosed with ADHD-PI.

>> No.1901749


>> No.1903611


>implying i.q. is a measure of intelligence.

>> No.1903648

I suffer from severe ADD, and I took 60mg Adderall XR daily for 2 years.

Everyone is affected differently so I'll forgo my horror stories, but I will say my experiences with it were very unpleasant.

The best advice I can give you is to not take this decision lightly.

>> No.1903741


This. Was disqualified from an internship with the CIA (International Affairs/Criminology major here) because of a diagnosis of Asperger's. Met all the other qualifications but a documented "illness" was on my records. Shit sucks.

>> No.1903780


Adderall was really weird for me.

Naturally, my mind is very animalistic. All of my understanding is intuitive, all of my actions are based solely in emotion, and I'm very empathic. I'm reckless, I have no capacity for foresight, and I never took very much interest in people because they were very obvious to me.

Obviously, I wasn't someone suited for a classroom environment, so I started taking adderall to pass high school. Instead of just tweaking my personality a bit, I did a complete 360. I immediately absurdly calm, rational, and objective. Nothing came naturally anymore, but I could learn and study with extreme ease. I greatly improved in all of my interests in a short time, and I became interested in people again because I could no longer read them.

Unfortunately, after my dosage peaked, all of that was replaced by an uncontrollable compulsion to clean everything.

So now I stopped and I'm just boring.

>> No.1904323



>> No.1904346

if you think you have it, then you have it. its like depression. everyone feels down sometimes but it doesn't mean you need happy pills! If you walk in to your GPs office and say you have ADD you will be branded a retard for life

>> No.1904576

I have ADD, if you het diagnosed with ADD it can only help you.

I dont recommend you take ritalin, it causes depression

>> No.1904583

ADD does not exist. There are people who are self-aware of their own existence and can control their thoughts, then there are people who are "asleep" while they are awake, much like how most people cannot control their actions in dreams either. If you think you have ADD, you are asleep.

>> No.1905370


None of the 50 or so posts in this thread have anything to do with literature.

At least brownbear topics are funny and have sluts in them.

>> No.1905416


Because I'm a psychologist and I wrote the DSM IV diagnostic critera, so I know.

>> No.1905432

> sunhawk thinks brownbear threads are funny

another reason to hate sunhawk