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18990045 No.18990045 [Reply] [Original]

via google translate:
>The "Disintegration Summary" has weaknesses. Westerners still cannot escape the oppression of God. You can see the nothingness you think, but why are you sad? There was exhaustion and struggle between the lines. Still obviously with "angry youth" energy. It should be said that what comes to mind and the emotion of speaking should be two different things. I heard that he suffered from insomnia when he first arrived in France. Indeed, the words written by people who don’t sleep at night have this taste.
>But I think, more importantly, the author is still fighting against Christianity. Although he has clearly jumped far beyond Christianity, most of his imaginary controversies are launched with the thought of Christ. This is the limitation of Westerners: thinking people are self-examination to drive away the influence of Christianity. This looks really tired.
>However, we Chinese, our enlightenment is Tao, Buddha, the jingle sung by the mad Taoist lame monk in the opening chapter of "A Dream of Red Mansions", and it is Sun Wukong's innate artistic conception of nihility. We Chinese are happily accepting the worldview of nothingness in dreams. We will not be sad and lost for the "meaninglessness of life". At least I have no faith, no religion, and systematically received "Western science" education from elementary school. I don’t accept that mechanistic, atomic, deterministic, and skeptical thoughts are strange things.
-trortd小马三茶 2014-09-01 22:04:10

>Thorough doubt is as addictive as moral fanaticism. Cioran proved this with his apocalyptic writing. He established an anti-belief saint, disintegrated all meaning, and established a brand-new nihilistic religion on top of it.
The "Summary of Disintegration" is like a poison and should be read carefully.

>"I accept life out of courtesy: eternal rebellion is like decisive suicide. It is a stale performance. When a person is 20 years old, he has to fight against the sky and its hidden filth; after that, he should be bored. Tragic posture It only matches a ridiculously prolonged puberty; but to reach the state of a plain clown, it still needs to go through a thousand tests."
- Antoni 2011-09-06 13:32:50


>> No.18990139

It's ha d to lament the death of the soul when you've never had one, I suppose. But I'm sure these guys sleep well at night, fully unopressed.

>> No.18990167

>This is the limitation of Westerners: thinking people are self-examination to drive away the influence of Christianity.
Some truth in this. Anyway Cioran is shit. There are better nihilists around.

>> No.18990198

>However, we Chinese, our enlightenment is Tao, Buddha, the jingle sung by the mad Taoist lame monk in the opening chapter of "A Dream of Red Mansions", and it is Sun Wukong's innate artistic conception of nihility. We Chinese are happily accepting the worldview of nothingness in dream
But modern China represses both Buddhism and Taoism

>> No.18990416

like who?

ironically cioran praises taoism and buddha repeatedly in his books, as one of the few things he respects. he praises China too, for an entire essay

>> No.18990687

>like who?
I will take a guess. Schoppy, Michaelstaedter, Mainlander

>> No.18990698

>>However, we Chinese, our enlightenment is Tao, Buddha, the jingle sung by the mad Taoist lame monk in the opening chapter of "A Dream of Red Mansions", and it is Sun Wukong's innate artistic conception of nihility. We Chinese are happily accepting the worldview of nothingness in dreams. We will not be sad and lost for the "meaninglessness of life". At least I have no faith, no religion, and systematically received "Western science" education from elementary school. I don’t accept that mechanistic, atomic, deterministic, and skeptical thoughts are strange things.
>>we are literal bug people

>> No.18990836

I respect that part

>> No.18990894

East Asians are very much content with empty aesthetics and a simple, childlike view of the world where it can be arranged in any way that it happens to be arranged in. This is limiting though they are happier.

Actually most people are like this regardless of culture. Only neurotic intellectuals (particularly with religious background) are so desperate and grandiose. Their feelings propagate well in a culture enamoured with melancholy, and exaltation of weakness and dysfunction, being lost and broken. This pierces popular culture to some extent.

'There was never a God to begin with, we never had meaning' is somehow understood as 'We have lost God, we have lost our meaning'. What was lost if by their own admission there was never anything there at that level? There is something at another level, endless levels, and it exists with or without God. So what's the problem, outside of insisting upon a delusion you yourself made a delusion?

>> No.18990989

>East Asians are very much content with empty aesthetics and a simple, childlike view of the world where it can be arranged in any way that it happens to be arranged in.
I have noticed this. It’s very depressing.

>> No.18990995

If this is the Chinese worldview I would support nuclear war against them. We must wipe them off the face of the planet before they become the next global hegemon. The rest of the world must be protected from such people by whatever means necessary.

>> No.18991041

Ok glowie

>> No.18991050

>it would be better if the world were run by soulless bug people

>> No.18991224

What a cope.


>> No.18991234

China has no interest in becoming a global hegemon like America, not every body wants to be you you fucking spastic. Stop mainlining CIA propaganda, fucking tool.

>> No.18991264

>anyone who disagrees with my opinion is an american under the influence of cia propaganda
go back to pol you mouth breathing mongoloid

>> No.18991276

Sun Wukong is not exactly a bugman anon—the guy is implying that nihilism is not a novelty for the Chinese, but he’s hinting at both its active and passive aspects. The Chinese see active nihilism (Monkey smashing Heaven) as a position they don’t have to constantly justify, and they can deal with passively accepting the intrinsic meaninglessness of the world in a way that doesn’t slide into despair. Their tradition allows this in a way the Christian emphasis on final causes doesn’t: you have the combination of an active passion to construct one’s own meaning without any guarantees and an aesthetic sensibility that resolutely appreciates and savors fate, the fleeting nature of things, indeterminacy, etc., without despairing like a child.

>> No.18991298
File: 27 KB, 385x385, nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duh chinese are taking muh sandbox away
>le soulless bugman

>> No.18991302

This. The Chinese are an unhurried people because they know there's nowhere to get to. Meanwhile, the West can't wait to perform the first cock chop operation on Mars.

>> No.18991305

>no y-you
you really do have a double digit iq

>> No.18991313

Seethe in your shitty dead gay empire lol

>> No.18991374

Cioran was aware of his intensity. This gag should stop projecting. Somewhere he mentioned that Taoism is the Truth but he too hot blooded to follow that shit.
>Try as we will to take the “cure” of ineffectuality; to meditate on the Taoist fathers’ doctrine of submission, of withdrawal, of a sovereign absence; to follow, like them, the course of consciousness once it ceases to be at grips with the world and weds the form of things as water does, their favorite element—we shall never succeed. They scorn both our curiosity and our thirst for suffering; in which they differ from the mystics, and especially from the medieval ones, so apt to recommend the virtues of the hair shirt, the scourge, insomnia, inanition, and lament.
“A life of intensity is contrary to the Tao,” teaches Lao Tse, a normal man if ever there was one. But the Christian virus torments us: heirs of the flagellants, it is by refining our excruciations that we become conscious of ourselves. Is religion declining? We perpetuate its extravagances, as we perpetuate the macerations and the cell-shrieks of old, our will to suffer equaling that of the monasteries in their heyday. If the Church no longer enjoys a monopoly on hell, it has nonetheless riveted us to a chain of sighs, to the cult of the ordeal, of blasted joys and jubilant despair.
The mind, as well as the body, pays for “a life of intensity.” Masters in the art of thinking against oneself, Nietzsche, Baudelaire, and Dostoevsky have taught us to side with our dangers, to broaden the sphere of our diseases, to acquire existence by division from our being. And what for the great Chinaman was a symbol of failure, a proof of imperfection, constitutes for us the sole mode of possessing, of making contact with ourselves.

Emil Cioran, The Temptation to Exist

>> No.18991402

No one cares what non Westerners think about philosophy and Cioran is not representative of Western philosophy lmao

>> No.18991412

because w*stoids are heat death compliant termites, if they're not expending energy daddy moloch gets mad at them. such is the life of a demiurgecuck

>> No.18991423

No one forces you to come to our website buddy go to weiboo and discuss philosophy with the bright Chinese minds

>> No.18991429

lmao you mad as fuck lol

>> No.18991440

Seethe on your sinking ship you fucking rat.

>> No.18991445

Yeah in the West we have a tradition of hospitality since Zeus. You shouldn't shit in someone else's house.

>> No.18991446

>our website

>> No.18991460

rent free

>> No.18991473

>People are happy
>It's very depressing

>> No.18991709

Why would anyone care about Chink opinions? They have no culture whatsoever besides le grorious CCP. Also, why do they talk about enlightenment, Taoism and Buddhism when grorious CCP does everything in its power to quash any and all forms of spirituality?

>> No.18991713

you can't even find greece on a map you retarded amerishit

>> No.18991828

>the Chinese have no culture
Come on breh lol

>> No.18991880

I'm strictly talking about contemporary Chinks. They did have a great culture but it ended with Mao.

>> No.18991962

West is as empty as China today. Cope harder

>> No.18992058

At least their leaders profess an actual ideology, even if it is materialist. What do Biden and his stooges stand for? Pokemon dildos?

>> No.18992130

No it doesn't. The Buddhist clergy receives tons of money from the CCP. Part of this is as a means of squashing the whacky christfag cults that the CIA props up, but a big part of it is because the CCP is made up of autistic technocratic managers and, guess what, you need religion to run a state, and Buddhism and Confucianism work for that, and Taoism makes you live longer.

I mean come the fuck on anon, Xi Jinping is a scholar of Wang Yangming, and you say this shit? Where are you getting this from, CNN?

Anon, he's saying that YOU are the bugman because you have no faith, no religion, just MUH SCIENCE, and that the chinks don't accept mechanistic atomistic deterministic materialism.

>> No.18992307

I don't understand your explanation, but it is interesting. I think the Chinese reviewer's nihilism is correct.

>The Chinese are an unhurried people because they know there's nowhere to get to.
Cioran seems to understand this. This is a passage from A Short History:

(The panting civilizations exhaust themselves faster than those that loll in eternity. China alone, thriving for millennia in the flower of her old age, offers an example to be followed; China alone long since arrived at a refined wisdom superior to philosophy: Taoism surpasses all the mind has conceived by way of detachment. We count by generations: it is the curse of scarcely century-old civilizations to have lost, in their rushed cadence, the atemporal consciousness.
>By all evidence we are in the world to do nothing; but instead of nonchalantly promenading our corruption, we exude our sweat and grow winded upon the fetid air. All History is in a state of putrefaction; its odors shift toward the future: we rush toward it, if only for the fever inherent in any decomposition.
>It is too late for humanity to be released from the illusion of action, it is especially too late for it to be raised to the sanctity of sloth)

>> No.18992313

Who gives a shit what a bunch of dog eating insects think?

>> No.18992331
File: 259 KB, 1304x1419, ellul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeeup. Cioran always understood this. Taoism is sublime. China is a turtle, w*stoids are mayflies. This frightens and confuses the zog mutt. He can only confuse serenity for stagnation.

We do, because your civilization is fundamentally bankrupt on every thinkable level. Seethe and cope.

>> No.18992454
File: 36 KB, 435x439, China Splendor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The westerner cannot even begin to grasp that there are entirely different modes of viewing the world. He recoil in shock at the thought that his way isn't the only way.

>> No.18992463

Filtered, don't speak about what you don't know.

>> No.18992516 [DELETED] 

Seethe, dilate, cope, you egg

>> No.18992525

>Chinks bother with Cioran
Jfl the absolute state

>> No.18992533

>nooo you have to go down with the ship for rainbow flags and pokemon dildos like me noooo
How about no ahahahaahha. I'm not honestly a sinoboo at the end of the day, they are not my people, but it feels good to finally open a window on this incessant faggot pilpul about how there are no alternatives to American consumerism. Die slow nigga hahahaha

Based and dragonpilled.

>> No.18992538

>alternatives to American consumerism
Chinese consumerism, WOAH!

>> No.18992543

I see Xi's kungfu pandas are out in full force today.

>> No.18992547

Yes, in service to a prosperity for the people, not rootless corporate elites who dedicate their lives to marketing zogchow to fuck children from Thailand. I don't give a fuck about muh Xinjiang, muh Taiwan. Die slow pussy

>> No.18992556

Read a book, Chink.

>> No.18992561

Imagine a mutt telling me to read a book. The last thing you read was a brochure for Thailand hahahaahha

>> No.18992583

Nihao, insect

>> No.18992586

Nice CIA script, mutt.

>> No.18992700

Ch'an and Daoism are not nihilistic though. Life does have intrinsic value in their metaphysical systems.

>> No.18992722

t. Only reads summaries of western canon, not daring venture East a single step in fear of shattering his delusion of black and white world.
Die slow mutt.

>> No.18992946

> Life does have intrinsic value
I don't see any value placed on anything in Daoism. the message is "do what youre supposed to do don't do stuff you aren't supposed to do because you aren't supposed to okay???" AKA Chinese logic

>> No.18993014

I haven't studied Daoism as much as Ch'an, so I shouldn't have mentioned it.

>> No.18993064
File: 479 KB, 1089x598, Yotsuba pray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nigga doesn't understand the Tao.

>> No.18993546

This is on point, Cioran knew he was a little Hamlet.

Chinese art is great, Chinese poetry is probally the best in the world, I have read books on how untranslatable the poetry is, with symbol to word translations + explinations and still the quality is lost. My 30s I will dedicate to learning the old language better and with phones + cameras + apps looking up symbols has become so much easier (anyone who has had to count strokes will understand.)

But what western art lacks in Tranquility-with-the-void we make up for with the savage tragedys of Sheakspeare, the pained conciousness of Dostoevsky, Kafkas prison, Dante's hell. Death Metal and the insanity of Don Quixote.

Whose the Chinese Bach?

>> No.18993554

They really are bug people

>> No.18993572

>Where are you getting this from, CNN?

>inb4 "wikipedia!!!"
The CCP has its wumao army on every site on the internet, do you seriously think it doesn't has near-total control over Wikipedia? Only the most egregious examples of China's actions get covered.

>> No.18993591

Let's not lump The East with the West.
China being the East East.

>> No.18993601

And westerns really are mindless automatons that talk in movie quotes.

>> No.18993617

Who were his influences?

>> No.18993627
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>> No.18993656
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>> No.18993702

Lol absolute insects

>> No.18993731
File: 18 KB, 317x376, Hitler ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still believing there are inferior and superior races
Hitler would be disappointed in you.

>> No.18993765

It's why they lack the creative drive. They accept - they don't challenge and try to build new things. They've had no choice in the past two centuries because they're not idiots. It was adopt Western practices or become as relevant as Africa.

But they're going to heave a sigh of relief once it's all over and they can go back to the placid chewing of their cud.

>> No.18993794

>placid chewing of their cud.
You make it sound like it's a bad thing.

>> No.18993827

>Chinese just accept things
>what are the dozens if not hundreds of rebellions that would immediately spring up as soon as a dynasty's political legitimacy began to wane
W*stoids don't know shit about shit. Age of the Internet and you're still firing off these humdingers like some fucking hick

>> No.18993872

I translated some of the comments on there using the much better deepl translator.
>When man cannot free himself from his ego, he takes pleasure in gnawing at himself. No amount of prayers to the lord of the underworld, no appeal to the gods in charge of the various curses, will help: this time there is no cause of the disease, being punished without having sinned. Melancholy is the dream state of the selfish mind; there is no object but the self, no reason to love or hate, only the repeated fall in that vague sorrow, only the tossing and turning of the heavenly slayer who is not allowed to go to hell, only the same repeated obsession of the death-seeking zeal. ...... While mourning can be satisfied with a temporary framework, melancholy But it takes a thousand spaces and infinite scenes to emit its somber and ethereal grace and its shapeless pain. This pain, for fear of being cured, is afraid that there will be a limit to its own melting and fluctuation. The most peculiar oddity of self-esteem blooms in the midst of a toxin from which it has extracted the vitality of its life and the strength of all its defects. Melancholy nourishes everything that corrodes it, and under its beautiful name hides the pride of the loser and the wail of the self-loathing. (View original article)

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

>> No.18993884

>Romance is an arrogation of rules, a preparation for common sense, and an exploitation of possible worlds, an experiment with new ways of connection. P7 The uniqueness of Xiao Huo, in fact, lies in the fact that he pioneered a radical idea of revenge. He is not fighting against the temptation of existence or the provocation of faith as a person who has been humiliated and hurt in a private or sociological sense and needs revenge; he is fighting against the forces that dominate people with a suspicion that cannot be quelled by the illusion of life once he has awakened. The object of his vengeance is the will within man, including his own, which delays the formulation of plans and the creation of achievements. Shaw's sobriety was in his rejection of the self-consciousness of the will, and he spent his life denouncing the illusory world woven by the will and firmly rejecting the practical laws that had constructed it. He was skeptical of those who were still capable of belief; but it was the will that gave orders that he really hated. P8 (View original)

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

>> No.18993937
File: 57 KB, 501x514, Cao ren laff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mandate Of Heaven
China has done for humanity as a whole and accomplished more than the west can ever hope to.

>> No.18993946

>What are a tiny number of privileged elite fighting among each other to run the system the same way again and throwing zerg rushes of peasants into the meat grinder. Not one individual in the bunch of them.

>> No.18993961

>who were the first emperors of the Han and Ming dynasties
They were fucking peasants, that's who. Take a seat, mutt.

>> No.18993963
File: 1.10 MB, 1366x1394, china chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w*stoids will call this "insect-like".
The Chinese man puts himself aside for the good of his fellow man and the selfish w*estoid still has the gall to claim "he has no empathy".
Taiwan is China.

>> No.18993974

Daily reminder that "collectivism" just means you can expect as much work and sweat from your neighbor as he can expect from you. This frightens, confuses, and disturbs the eternal m*tt.

>> No.18993977
File: 80 KB, 576x768, chinese car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blocks your path.

>> No.18993983

>But they're going to heave a sigh of relief once it's all over and they can go back to the placid chewing of their cud

Your disdain implies you believe there is something "greater" within our grasp. On a strictly material level it is highly unlikely life will ever escape this solar system. And even if it does, then what? Spread across the galaxy? How will you proceed to the next galaxy? How will you survive total entropy of all atoms to see what comes next? How will you escape?
There is nothing to strive for.

>> No.18993992

Chinkanon here, these reviews on douban where some nebulous chineseness absolves need to seriously engage with an author are just the equivalent of goodread karens complaining about a premodern author being mean

>> No.18994010

W*stoids are satanic locusts. For them this planet exists to be dominated and consumed and tossed aside like a chicken bone. Sure, the Qing were soft imperialists, but they generally minded their own goddamn fucking business - even the Manchu elite who knew China wasn't actually the center of the world behind closed doors didn't feel compelled to start waving their dicks around on an international stage.

>> No.18994021

Good translation. I took Cioran would agree with all of it

>> No.18994033

Kino salt mining from breeding cult members of the Optimus.

I wonder how the fuck these Confuciusian bugmen will cope when their own Zhuangzian children will reject their bugmen way by laying flat.

>> No.18994050


>> No.18994057
File: 68 KB, 608x940, China domination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless the Chinese censorship department, for keeping the populous away from the parts of internet steeped in american propaganda.
>But it's the truth! It's facts! S-self evident! Moral! Science!
It's so deep in your head you can't tell mutt rhetoric from your own thoughts.

>> No.18994062

>noooooo there has to be something to do!! we have to do something!! I need something to do!!! nooo!!!!

>> No.18994108

>shit author
>shit book
>shit reviews
like a pottery

>> No.18994216
File: 704 KB, 829x1200, 89183492_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly, the Chinese were bugmen all along. The memes write themselves.

>> No.18994301

>There is nothing to strive for.
And this is why white men will conquer the stars, while chinkoid insectoids will drink tea in the dirt in their shadow.

>> No.18994317

I hate Americans, who are rootless consumerist drones, little different from chinksectoids, but with a thin veneer of Evangiltarded Christianity (by itself already denatured) on top of their emptiness. But still, you have to call a locust for what it is. And the chinks are locusts with a human form.

>> No.18994332

Oh, and yeah - Cioran sucks. And he was wrong. No wonder he worship insectoid cock so much.

>> No.18994339


>> No.18994395

Cioran wanted to be chill like Taoist sages but that was beyond. He remained a thundering hot blooded Nietzschean his whole life.

>> No.18994476

>conquer the stars
what a peurile delusion.

>> No.18994495

>And this is why white men will conquer the stars
Which is -- if you were capable of critical thought -- a complete waste of effort and needless suffering. And before you say otherwise: yes it would require suffering, and lots of it. For nothing.

> chinkoid insectoids will drink tea in the dirt in their shadow.
You believe this is worse.
What are you running from?

>> No.18994589

Based. That's why I'm learning their language.

>> No.18994600

HAHAHAHAHAHA, what a cope. The white men will muttify himself before going anywhere.

>> No.18994746

>He remained a thundering hot blooded Nietzschean his whole life.
That's an interesting take. Youre saying he was a Nietzchean even though he said he wasn't, and didn't want to be?

>> No.18994782

Link the actual propaganda source next time retard.


>> No.18994850

Facts that disagree with your political biases aren't propaganda anon.

>> No.18994971

more reviews:

>This book is a rare mudslide in the philosophical world in my mind. It is extremely explosive and destructive. During the period of time when I was overwhelmed by nihilism, it brought me a kind of revenge pleasure, venting the radicalness, hesitation, and meaninglessness deep in my heart to the fullest. It seems to be drinking poison every day, but at the same time, with its "injury" power, it exerts a strange healing effect. In short, it is very left and wonderful.

>Fragment: "The spirit feels more at ease in a bragging society than in a world of martyrs; nothing makes it more disgusting than the sight of dying for an idea." // I resisted wanting to do it. The temptation of summarizing, I have overcome the spirit, just as I have overcome life, because I hate to find a solution in it.

Zhu Maoshenℵ
>Xiao Gan (cioran) said: "The Buddha's teachings have already placed thousands of creatures in front of nothingness." But the Buddha is a karma theorist, a karma-effectist, an elaborationist, a non-shopping, and a middle way theorist. And Xiao Gan is a person who is annihilator, a disagreement person, a self-willing and degenerate person, an egoist, and a self-denying person. In other words, he is a modern and radical copy of Fulana Kassapa, negating everything with death and end.

>This was proof of self-continuity; he believed that language was empty and should be abandoned, but he created gorgeous rhetoric like Zhuangzi; he despised the world. Principles, but the nihilism he declared and his ubiquitous negation implied a universal attempt. If the "Diamond Sutra" continuously overthrows previous arguments and guides readers to a state of thinking vacuum that is neither nothing nor nothing, then the "Summary of Disintegration" is a snake biting its own tail, always trying to eat itself without being able to eat it. .

>Therefore, Xiao Kan was eager to break and could not, hope to be nothing, pursue self but self-destruct. This guilt and its accompanying pain are profound and subtle. Ann Rand refers to this category of people as mystics.

>> No.18995657

lmfao, stop consuming BBC

>> No.18995660


>> No.18995787

>The panting civilizations exhaust themselves faster than those that loll in eternity.

But a civilization that is energetically engaged in suppressing its population eventually wears itself out. Even the people at the top become tired of the effort. This is what happened to the Soviet Union, and it may be what will happen to China (although they have many other problems).

In short, with their facial surveillance and social ratings systems, etc, they are a "panting" civilization, not a tranquil one.

>> No.18995843

He wrote that in the 1950s
He would either be lamenting what China has become or explaining how you are wrong. I don't know enough Chinese history to simulate the second option for you though

>> No.18995962

Here's a quote from your beloved wikipedia retard.
>It describes itself as a "clear voice for democracy and freedom around the world", although some critics have stated that the organization is biased towards US interests as it is U.S.-funded.[5] The organization was 66% funded by grants from the U.S. government in 2006, a number which has increased to 86% in 2016.


Keep carrying water for the globalhomo journalists lying to America.

>> No.18996120

>-trortd小马三茶 2014-09-01 22:04:10
Damn. This guy's read is actually pretty neat. It's better than most stuff I see on /lit/.

The OP only translated a paragraph from his post. And due to the sloppy translation, it reads like he's looking down on the west, when in fact his tone was a lot more sympathetic and understanding (for one thing, 啟發 should be translated as 'inspired' not 'enlightened'). He wasn't saying that the Chinese are better because they casually take nihilism for granted. You can tell from his tone that he considered it a sad thing, but there's nothing else you can do, so might as well.

Before that paragraph, he made an observation that Cioran was able to grasp his emotional impulse in objective form, as if it was external to him. And he expressed wonder as to how Cioran was able to do that since he himself 'cannot possibly comprehend his own outburst, how he looks at those moments'. He was also astonished by the extension of nihilism through contrasting oneself to others, and to oneself. "It's hard to ask oneself 'why not just die?' That's the hardest thing in the whole wide world, even when you're locked up in a room writing stuff. To incessantly question oneself on this as if questioning kids in a lecture, this terrible situation is perhaps what 'decay' refers to by the author. It's something beyond human."

He went on to compare Cioran with Eco. He pointed out that both of them shared something in their spirit: a youth that held on to a fiery ideal, yet frustrated and disillusioned by reality. Eco's writings were a lot more 'scholarly, mild, humble', yet he found himself plunged into utter despair after a few of his essays, because he saw even in these timid writings the powerlessness of one against a current. He knew this because he still felt it. And as for Cioran, "He entertained himself in his critiques. That looks to me the powerlessness of an intellectual: in the faces of stupidity and barbarity, how can you not be? He tried his whole life in vain, waiting for a non-existent response."

He concluded with an anecdote. One day, while reading Cioran, he chanced upon a little girl playing by her mother's side. The sun was bright, the sky blue, it was a nice day. And suddenly, the contrast between the book and the scenery before his eyes struck him with this: what would Cioran say if he was with me at this very moment? He laid down the book afterwards.

He made another post conjecturing how insomnia played a huge role in Cioran's writings. "How was it that Schopenhauer simply laid down his conclusion, yet Cioran had to run it to the ground? The most reasonable answer, is that something is tormenting the latter. Let's take a look at insomnia." He even contrast Cioran with one of Keat's poem to elucidate on this. Pretty neat really.

>> No.18996127
File: 101 KB, 750x962, 26F1779F-3292-4981-A802-3D6BDE6DFF24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18996256


>> No.18996446

That is completely different from the tone I got from the original translation, thank you anon for interpreting.

We are all racist against the Chinese. They are interesting people

>> No.18996454

Cioran was a shit author and a worthless philosopher with no further influence, this thread is nonsense like Ciorans writing.

>> No.18996520

I almost made a typical "lel chinese are bugmen" response to it earlier, but chose not to because it did seem like more was being said. As fun as shitposting is I don't want to do it cheaply at the expense of truth or real mental content. Thanks for posting this. This Chinaman does seem very thoughtful.

Sometimes I do find myself wondering if they're capable of this sort of reflection and depth, as opposed to bug-like cleverness. If you voice anything like this, a million people will jump on you and call you racist, which not only leaves me without an answer but deepens my suspicion that the unthinkable might be true and an entire people can just be innately buggish.

I don't judge the whole Han people by mainlanders (I've dated girls from Hong Kong so I know they also look on them as borderline subhuman because of the damage the CCP has wrought on them) but I do sometimes wonder what the Chinese soul would look like if I spent 20 years learning the language and really peering into it, as opposed to having it presented to me pre-filtered through shallower liberal gwailos, who may have learned the language and gone native, but who also reduce every foreign people to "are they nice?" and "do they have wacky culture for me to sample?" Those types wouldn't be able to detect shallow from deep in their own people, so again they leave unanswered my question of whether some peoples have more depth than others or different kinds of depth.

When all is said and done, I simply do not have many examples of "normally thoughtful" or "thoughtful as I recognize it" Chinamen from my life, despite associating with Chinamen my whole life and even dating them. The ones usually held up as deep and thoughtful are either orientalist caricatures of exotic eastern wisdom, westernizers, or CCP westernizer-criticizers who think being anti-west makes them automatically interesting.

>> No.18996621

interesting thanks for posting

>> No.18996636

Why? Let them be what they want to be. It's on them what that means in the end.

>> No.18996673

You can't simply escape Fredboy.

>> No.18997833
File: 173 KB, 876x1023, chinese bubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18997854

I am running from nothing. I am running towards something.

>You believe this is worse.
A chinksectoid would never understand, sorry.

>> No.18997864

Ok, this is much better, I admit it. It seems some chinese locusts can think.

>> No.18997869
File: 217 KB, 1055x917, 907C79BA-BBE9-4662-B9D9-036CC2DB4135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18997968
File: 307 KB, 2048x1788, America btfo by Chad China.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Chinese
>go to work from the other side of the country to Shanghai, arrive in 5 minutes on a high speed hover train
>walk into Huawei Corporate
>get guided to a meeting room by a white female slave girl
>enter room as the meeting starts
>Manager says: "Management and AI are evaluating the plan to purchase the UK."
>"Ask: Why do we need to buy a shithole?"
>"The AI network has concluded that the shithole isn't worth buying, but management is still considering it due to the geopolitical benefits. By owning a colony with a Muslim majority, data can more easily be gathered on how to control such colonies."
>finish work after 9 hours and go visit a sexbot brothel with your chink bros
>then leave for a comedy bar, which airs news footage from the USA and Europe
>laugh while watching a hilarious speech by US president Jamal
>leave the bar, and a white laowai expat hobo spills some beer on your clothes
>no problem, you have stainproof high tech fibers, but you beat him to death anyway for fun using your genetically enhanced strength
>walk home on crime free streets
>see another laowai trying to flirt with a Chinese girl
>laugh as the girl is visibly disgusted at the inferior white male trying to fuck her
>tell the laowai to go home to his shit hole
>laowai rages and approaches you
>put on your stainproof gloves, punch his face once
>laowai dies, call the police and tell them you killed a white male
>they laugh and thank you for improving the empire
>come home and fuck your wife. She's just an average girl, but she's loves you so it feels pretty good

>> No.18997995

Great author overall, certainly great essayist, mostly concerned with the history of Western Theological and Philosophical thought and it's historical development. With genuine insights and original takes on things, not burdened by strict forms of academic thinking, sort of a lucid and passionate commentator, with the personal stakes. He does not offer profs nor searchers for an agreement, and therefore filters pseuds.

You are shit and you comment is worthless. Grow a mind.

>> No.18998040

based cioran is pleb filter

>> No.18998433

Every culture has a tradition of hospitality and receiving guests you fucking idiot.

>> No.18998980

this is facts

>> No.18999040

Christcucks are mind broken

>> No.18999047

>le CCP is evil because the mainstream media told me

>> No.18999052

>Come to fringe of fringe websites
>Spout meaningless, conventional opinions
What did he mean by this?

>> No.18999929

Being and nothingness is an interesting dynamic between the east and the west but both is a response to the same thing: Nihilism. It's either overcoming it through being or through nothingness. Kyoto schools pretty relevant to the latter. Ultimately though, of you know you will be stabbed and executed unceremoniously as K was in the Trial, it might be nothingness which might have saves.