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/lit/ - Literature

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1898887 No.1898887 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/.
I've got an assignment for my creative writing class.
I need to make a 15 minute movie, containing any 3 of the following:

Love, Hate, Jealousy, Leadership, Failure, Friendship, etc.

I've got 4 girls in my group and myself, a guy.

I was thinking of doing a narrative Dexter-styled spin off. Sort of "The birth of a serial killer".

Can you guys give me any ideas? Or a completely different story? I'm open to all suggestions.

>> No.1898891

Mormon polygamist attempts to legalise polygamy, writes play.

>> No.1898893
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I fear that the rest of the morons in my class will fail to see the sheer fucking win. Anything else?

>> No.1898903

already saw that its called "Big Love"

Love breeds hate and jealousy. One of the chicks is a lesbian boom you got all three there cause none of the other chicks are lesbians and u and her have a heart to heart because u also think they are hot but cant fuck them emotions ensue and you kill her because u don't like to have feelings

>> No.1898907

A bunch of girls try to assassinate their oppressive male ruler, but the leaded of this ragtag group of sassy rebels accidentally falls in love with the evil dictator and must choose between her heart and her people

>> No.1898909

Two words, OP. Two little words that will solve all your problems. Two beautiful, glorious words. Harem anime.

>> No.1898910
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I love these. Getting some great ideas.
What do you guys think about a narrative? Like adding a voice-over of the main character's thoughts.

>> No.1898913

The women start making eachother sandiwches, you are hateful and jealous at their failure. You decide to kill them. Then you realize you have no means for sandwiches. You starve to death. You get sent to hell for murder and find three of the women. One went to heaven because she had still been making sandwiches for a man, as one of the women in hell secretly has a dongle. S/he flashes it at you. Suddenly Heath Ledger approaches you in a nurse outfit and you make idle conversation about Tolkien's body of work. It turns out Heath heavily dislikes Two Towers, whereas it is your favorite. You arrive at an impass.

>> No.1898914

Silent film. Everything can be told with the camera.

>> No.1898921

I need some concrete ideas that will last 15 minutes. Not all 5 characters need to play major roles, just as long as they're all on camera atleast once.

>> No.1898927

I clapped so hard i stopped fapping
u need to do this harem thing

y a voice over do u even have a main character?
YA let me rip you out of the reality of the moment with some thoughts i should artificially present. if u wanna say something use dialog. If you really wanna rip off dexter have no dialog on serial killer monologue voice over.
Have the girls talking about the project each one bitching about one detail or another then the voice over starts to plan in detail their deaths but just before the brainstorm session ends one girl turns to the serial killer guy and says "what u think" and he decides to step up to the plate and lead the group by makeing a movie about a group of people trying to make a movie where one guy is thinking of killing off the others

>> No.1898930
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>> No.1898935

op is that really you? want me to go into detail?

>> No.1898947


Yes please. :)
I've kinda got an idea of how to approach your story, but please. Go for it.

>> No.1898959

>>1898927 continued
Main: Dexter
bitch 1 bitch 2 bitch 3 bitch 4
#1to #2"facebook BLA status Bla Can you belive it"
#3 "we should really get something on paper i have (frat/sorority collective meeting) to go to."
#4 "I like the idea of a comedy what do you guys think"
#1"So didn't even comment on it what a dick"
#2 "OMG but you had that cute skirt on with his jersey its only one click why wouldn't he like it?"
#4 "What do you think about my idea?"
Dexter Mono "Jesus its not even an idea it would be generous to call it a suggestion of a possible path of thought" Dexter proceeds to doodle

*NOTES* If you take my idea change it however you like but face book jealousy need to play a role i make that one demand
more to follow

>> No.1898967
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Go on...

>> No.1898991

1# "OMG (not oh my god OMG) like ok what was it ?"
#3 "A comedy what do you think"
Dexter mono "Probably that its to complex"
1# blank glare and uncomfortable silence
#4"like we could do some slapstick and pie in the face."
1#"eww sweat and dirt no thank you"
2#"Oh i know we read a real funny Shakespeare play in /lit/ i think it was called measure to measure"
1#"What was so funny"
2#"well this nuns brothers going to hang"
Dexter Mono "Id like to see you hang"
4#"That's not funny i don't know(or IDK)" scrunched lips
2#whine"listen, hes being hung for fornicating"
1#"For what?"
3# while txting "fornication means fucking"
4#"it means when a man and woman try to make a baby" talking down on both 1 and 3
1#"im not stupid im in college i know what fornication means i meant Why would someone be hung for that i mean god if they hanged people for fucking none of us would be here"
Dexter mono "you'd be dead 10(to 100) times over. (or) I wish i wasn't here"
2#"well the woman got pregnant and they weren't married "
1#"well so? find a doctor get it fixed"
3#"what?"mouth agape
2#"they r in venice and its like olden times"
1#"so" i phone facebook update *don't party in venice*
3#"they were catholic. like the Pope catholic. like Rome Catholic"
1#"PLZ babies used to get tangled up in their umbilical cords and die all the time who'd have known"
Dexter mono "hang you by your intestines and then we will see if anyone finds out"

>> No.1898996

LOLed at
1#"so" i phone facebook update *don't party in venice*

>> No.1899002

How about some ideas on how to kill them off?

The classing pillow-in-the-face bedroom scene is mandatory. :)

>> No.1899003


classic** whoops

>> No.1899013

>I was thinking of doing a narrative Dexter-styled spin off.
>a narrative Dexter-styled spin off.
>a narrative Dexter

because the actual Dexter is abstract????

>> No.1899028


We've moved on from that. Please update yourself. :)

>> No.1899048

f u i'll never update myself

>> No.1899051

Dexter should be filming the entire conversation passing the camera around making sure everyone is acquainted with how it works
get the girls to make their own dialog but think is what i can add to the required Jealousy, Hate, Leadership.
1 has had a hard time with her boyfriend they fought over something and took a break and are back together during the break he got facebook comments from an ex and he liked them and shes pissed like "she keeps sending him signals and hes like "im just being polite and it was funny so what r u mad at we r together now right its on my profile and everything"" she passes phone around all the time trying bring attention to herself. gets pissed when #3 takes too long looking at her boyfriends profile pics

>> No.1899052

Hate obviously
Dexter makes plans phone pass to him flips through pics "Nice bedroom on first floor. (pun about pillow fabric not breathing) Finger prints remember to pick up latex gloves. Obviously has roommates need to move her somewhere private"
Musing of locations on campus where one might display a body
thoughts if he should take one right after meeting or wait for an appropriate time? best not to be witnessed as last person speaking to her.
poetic rhyming verses about knives and ruby blood

4# "we cant do Shakespeare it need to be original work.Plz tell me you got something better then these idiotic suggestions Dexter"
Dexter Mono"*SHOCK*"
Dexter aloud"Yes well one things been going through my mind this entire time"*chuckle* "Id like to spend as little time on this as possible since you all have so many more immediate pressing concerns we could use the footage we just took and put some voice over narrative of one of use plotting to kill the others"
4#"uhuh chilling"
2#"that could work"
1#"whatever" already putting i phone ear buds on and walking out
3#"Wow that's cool. A good idea. You shut her up. And we are done filming in time already. I thought i wanted to be the director but your good, since its your baby txt us when to meet and we can get started editing. Bye"
2# follows her out
4# holding the camera filming all of this."Cool now that i got you confession on tape i dont have to worry about actually being murdered"
Dexter Mono "Shit(or)FIN"

>> No.1899134
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Thank you everyone, from all your suggestions.

Newtopia, I owe you a beer someday.

>> No.1899143

Easily combine everything besides leadership.

A pair of friends both fall in love with a girl one fails and hates the other for it and is jealous. I see the whole limitation with the 4 girls 1 guy thing so maybe you would want to do like all 4 girls fall in love with one guy idk.

>> No.1899211

Whats the title everybody? i got no ideas on that

put it on youtube and we r good