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18986970 No.18986970 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true most writers/readers/art enthusiasts are alcoholics.

How many of you are?
I for one am

>> No.18986983

In the past that was the standard.

>> No.18986990

In the past literally everyone was an alcoholic. Unions used to have mandatory beer breaks.

>> No.18986995

I blacked out a lot in my early 20's when I was in the army. Almost every weekend I would get fucking trashed, but I don't really drink anymore because weed is legal and I want to stay skinny like a jackal. It was embarrassing when I went to a morning dentist appointment after PT in the morning and he knew I was drunk at like 8 in the morning, I just told him I had a long night.
I am in school now and sometimes I take a couple of shots before class, but that's more like medicine than alcoholism.

>> No.18987184

The best writers are ones who had hard lives. People who have lived hard lives tend to use alcohol and drugs to cope with their issues.

>> No.18987190

Checks out well enough.

>> No.18987192

Got rid of all my addictions. I even stop reading for a day or two, if I get hooked too much.

>> No.18988084
File: 9 KB, 170x225, 170px-Der_junge_Goethe,_gemalt_von_Angelica_Kauffmann_1787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think was Goethe's drug of choice?

>> No.18988092


>> No.18988262

Everyone in my life tells me I am an alcoholic.
I tell them I'm in control,
That I CHOOSE to drink.
They say that I can't stop.
I say watch this,
And I stop drinking.
Fucking pips.
Start a new job Monday
Sober as fuck
Will I drink again?
That's what they ask.
Who knows? I tell them
Will I CHOOSE to drink?
That is the question
They tell me I'm a dry drunk
That am I so OBVIOUSLY in denial
Cause I'm in too deep
And I'm trying to keep
Up above in my head
Instead of going under

>> No.18988273

>Unions used to have mandatory beer breaks.
>but that's more like medicine than alcoholism.
That's a symptom of alcoholism
I don't drink everyday, but I do have a complex relationship with alcohol. Stopped all other drugs though, including heroin

>> No.18988276

I rarely drink but when I do I drink way too much

>> No.18988736

I like alcohol and I tend to drink a lot once I start, but I try to just drink once or twice a week because I don't want to derail my life completelu

>> No.18988761

No, I don't drink and likely never will. 21yo

Army-kun, I'm in the military now on a minimum term contract so that I can qualify for the GI bill and continue my education when I get out. What is your experience like as a student? Did you use TA while you were in? Were you active duty?

>> No.18988767

Not quite, but I imagine give it 10-20 years and I probably will be.

>> No.18988769


>don't play games
>don't watch movies
>don't drink alcohol
>don't read fiction
>don't watch anime
>don't watch porn
>don't believe in god

I hate everyone who does any of the above too. These are the copes of life. If you indulge in passive entertainment or copes, you are weak and dependent upon something.

>> No.18988770

I drink wine daily for pleasure.

>> No.18989193

I drink every day, but don’t ever get blackout or close to it anymore. I was on antidepressants for a short period of time, smoked weed for a year before I started to drink, those didn’t do much for me. I get the sense that whatever is wrong with my brain is 80% fixed by alcohol. I know it eventually will stop working, but my quality of life before was not remotely worth living. Just a decade of being barely a person, not feeling much of anything but boredom and frustration. I have a lot of close friends now and improved relationships overall, though I am still pretty fucked up in a lot of ways.

>> No.18989330

caffeine (tea) abd coke

>> No.18989739


>> No.18989803

I’m guessing you are sustained just by the smell of your own farts?

>> No.18989806

I’ve always been more addicted to food than drink. I’ve tried to switch over a few times with little success

>> No.18989828

Most alcoholics aren’t writers.

>> No.18990816

damn 5/7

>> No.18990850

Yet you use 4chan which is worse than all those things.

>> No.18990972
File: 33 KB, 700x400, sum-41-in-too-deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cause I'm in too deep
>And Im trying to keep
>All the blood in my head

>> No.18990997

I drink 2 beers quite often. If I buy a whiskey I will probably drink too much.

>> No.18991626
File: 97 KB, 806x736, 1599919198181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pleb take. Its actually because lit people know that man is truly cut of from anybody else, we are truly alone and our individuation keeps creeping forward increasing our level of cut-off-ness. Every culture offered a few ways back to wholeness. Maybe these stopped working over the course of time or were primitive and gay from our point of view. Alcohol, drugs and promiscuity are a way to induce temporary wholeness. It never lasts obviously. The true answer to this problem is love or a stable longterm relationship with a partner with similiar values but of course the jew has been working tirelessly to prevent this on an unprecedented scale, since the atom bomb you cant just wipe out millions of other halfs in world wars, so they invented even more diabolical ways to prevent wide-scale wholeness within especially white western societies. And do you know why?

>> No.18991645

i'm an alcoholic but i think it's been improving lately. i don't drink alone frequently anymore, i just need to drink if i have to interact with other people. thinking about buying a large quantity of phenibut or gabapentin to replace the booze. still not ideal obviously, but it'd be a significantly healthier alternative

>> No.18991647

I stopped drinking because all my friends gave up. Became boring to get smashed on my own.
What do you guys usually get up to when you drink? 2 nights ago my night increasingly became more boring as I went through a bottle of wine.

>> No.18991651

You are not a good writer.

>> No.18991657

Moderate drinking is healthy, just stop being an alcoholic bro. :)

>> No.18991658
File: 5 KB, 272x326, 0FFF9E71-32E7-4FFD-A46F-DF8E1CDA3027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than you. And I just woke up and shat this out, didnt give a fuck about how good I wrote this down.

>> No.18991660

I get drunk almost everyday, I am from eastern europe btw
I tried to give up but is very hard, now I am 22 and I started drinking at 14

>> No.18991680

You sure you aren't the alcoholic who made this thread... ? Or just ESL

>> No.18991688

I do all of those things in moderation. Ever heard of it? Might do you some good

>> No.18991700

>just stop
therein lies the issue. i can't. and even if i hypothetically could, i wouldn't try

>> No.18991702

Yes english is my 2nd language. Always fun to see you niggers attack character instead of the ideas being presented.

>> No.18991770

>don't read*

>> No.18991805

>And do you know why?
I don't

>> No.18991811

The idea you're presenting is that writing, a profession usually adopted by asocial weirdos is in jeopardy because the jews have made it so white men cant have girlfriends

>> No.18991934
File: 69 KB, 540x539, 1509006526653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that what I said? I thought I was explaining that people take drugs or drink to escape their isolation from the external world and that love is the answer and fuck jews because they thrive the more dysfunctional their host society is.

>> No.18991948

I mean that's fair, personally I drink despite being in a loving relationship because I realised I'm too much of a sociopath to reciprocate
Maybe I have jewish ancestry

>> No.18992005
File: 110 KB, 1024x966, 1611110477071m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To love is to give, to care for, to nurture. It is also our involuntary response to virtue, if we ourselves are virtuous. If you drink you sure are not in a loving relationship, or the bitch did something that she doesnt deserve your love, or you like to withhold your love from her in order to torture her on a slow burn because fuck women. Been there.

>> No.18992013

Most of them were pampered aristocrats though.

>> No.18992082

Based Bataille anon

>> No.18992408

You write like you don't know what you're talking about so no one will ever take you seriously.

>> No.18992500

And it is no longer the standard, hence why there is no longer any art

>> No.18992507

(You) also
>don't have a life