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File: 67 KB, 750x761, Catholic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18986924 No.18986924 [Reply] [Original]

>Open the Bible on my phone
>Ctrl-f "Pope"
>No results

What does this mean Catholic-bros?

>> No.18986943

it means the history of the early Church and Tradition matters, and dumbass heretics who throw those things away because a 16th century autistic german said to are wrong.


>> No.18986997

>it means the history of the early Church and Tradition matters
No it doesn't lol. If it's not in the Bible it doesn't matter.

>> No.18987008

If ‘tradition’ leads to crypto-goddess worship, infallible popes, idolatry, pedophilia and other nonsense, it ought to be thrown out.
>we’ve been heretics and non-Christian for over a thousand years, follow us, we’re the true church!! It’s tradition!

>> No.18987037

>Ctrf-f "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it."
>One result

>> No.18987042

>Open the Bible on my phone
>Ctrl-f "Trinity"
>No results

>> No.18987050

Why do catholics throw stones in glass houses? You guys supported charlemagne and caused a great schism because you were so angry at the byzantines.

>> No.18987051

No anon of merit would /thread their own post, faggot.

>> No.18987057

christianity is a tradition not a book.

>> No.18987064

that church? the roman catholic church of 2021 of course!

>> No.18987083

Muslims are the ultimate midwits. The deity of Chris and the the trinity are all through the Bible

>> No.18987128

>Open the Bible on my phone
>Ctrl-F "Sola Scriptura"
>No results

>> No.18987172

"Hey Peter, remember to tell people they can give you money so their ancestors can leave Hell. And remember back in Matthew 6:6 when I said prayer should be private? Well I was wrong, people should only pray when they have a Priest to act as arbitrator between you and God."
-Jesus, apparently.

>> No.18987178

Muslims don't care about the bible obviously.

>> No.18987242

They love to appeal to it despite claiming it is hopelessly corrupt

>> No.18987606

>Open the Bible on my phone
>Ctrl-f "OP is a fag"
>1 result

>> No.18987623

We appeal to it to internally critique your own worldview.

>> No.18987663

John 5:7-8

>> No.18987724

ITT: Retarded Protestants whose knowledge of Christian history and Roman Catholic teaching comes from what Pastor Jim Bob Jones in Bumfuck, Alabama taught them at the Bible Rodeo.

No point in trying to reason with them, they are dumber than rocks and more stubborn than a donkey. You will never change their mind.

Christ is King and the Roman Catholic Church is the one true church. Ave Christus Rex.

>> No.18987921

That's because it's in Latin and means "Papa". If you search in the correct language you'll find it at Matthew 23:9.
Sounds exactly like the type of folks whom Jesus held most fondly, I'm sure He loves to see the enthusiasm for Him at Bible Rodeos. Good luck when you face Him as a Satanic pagan and Pharisee to boot.

>> No.18987956

>the smug protestant suggests he understands the will of God
every time.

>> No.18987973

>Pastor Jim Bob Jones from Bumfuck, Alabama
Peter was literally a fisherman.

>> No.18987974

The Church came before the book

>> No.18987996

>reading the bible
Fake catholic detected

>> No.18988153
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>> No.18988165

Actually lol'd out loud at this post

>> No.18988173

>you are too POOR and STUPID to understand JESUS!!!
I hope Notre Lame gets bootyblasted by the semenholes today

>> No.18988179

No it didn't. Two-thirds of it is from the Bronze Age, and most of the New Testament was written by Paul.

>> No.18988197

Can’t we all just agree that the Jew Saul just made all this shit up. If not for him the world would be a 1000 years more advanced.

>> No.18988205
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>> No.18988261

This thread utterly BTFO catholicism. Thank you all.

>> No.18988561

Some of it matters, if it brings you closer to God but obviously if it opposes The Bible then it's clearly heretical to follow tradition over the word of God which is what basically every denomination does because it's easier to just go along with what the priest or pastor says than to actually follow God.

This verse doesn't support anything except that Peter specifically was favored by God and his teachings are the basis for the church.

Yes, the word 'trinity' is never used but the theme of God in three persons is seen multiple times whereas there's no theme of a pope, essentially a king of the church. Christ is king, not the pope.

It's neither.

>nearly everyone Jesus chooses to associate with in the gospel is poor and low class
>multiple times Jesus says to get rid of your possessions and to not value worldly power and fortune
>the catholic church repeatedly values shiny objects and power tripping egomania over the word of God
Why do you deny God?

>> No.18988587

This. Christianity is more than just the bible. Reducing it to only that creates problems that had already been fixed in early church history.

>> No.18988614

>17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter,[b] and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades[c] will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be[d] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[e] loosed in heaven.” 20 Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.

>> No.18988625

Protestantism and its relativism is what led to all those things.

>> No.18988654

>the catholic church repeatedly values shiny objects and power tripping egomania over the word of God
They only put shiny objects in their churches though. Pastors are usually the ones who are rich and preach prosperity gospel while asceticism is a more of an apostolic christianity thing.

>> No.18988714

Protestants are responsible for the Catholic Priests raping kids and the Church covering it up?

>> No.18988723

>Christianity is more than just the bible.
I'd rather hear what Jesus has to say compared to some rich pedophile like the Pope.

>> No.18988730
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>> No.18988739

See >>18987172

>> No.18988751

Where does Jesus tell Peter to take indulgences?

>> No.18988779

To the catholics in this thread, send me your money and I will hook you up with some indulgences

>> No.18988830

I'm not sure why you think catholics can't pray privately
>so their ancestors can leave Hell
no one can leave hell

>> No.18988836
File: 419 KB, 600x580, 1592126450722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bible Rodeo.

>> No.18988841

>I'm not sure why you think catholics can't pray privately.
They just can't confess their sins, which is the entire point of praying.

>> No.18988843

Oh yes they can, God just needs a little bribery. Give your money to the Vatican, bucko!

>> No.18988851

I've never been to a Bible Rodeo but I went to church camp a week every summer as a kid and it was tons of fun. Definitely more fun than becoming an altar boy and getting molested by some Priest.

>> No.18988863

The point of prayer is not to confess your sins. I have no idea where you got this from.

>> No.18988911

>Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

>> No.18989059

Only a single part of that prayer is for the remission of sins. Christ also gave authority to his apostles to forgive the sins of others, it's understood that confession is only absolutely necessary in when the sin is particularly serious.

>> No.18989151

Yeah, prosperity preaching is also against God.

>> No.18989185

>>nearly everyone Jesus chooses to associate with in the gospel is poor and low class
>>multiple times Jesus says to get rid of your possessions and to not value worldly power and fortune
>>the catholic church repeatedly values shiny objects and power tripping egomania over the word of God
So true

>> No.18989197

Paul wrote his portions of the New Testament 20-30 years after the Catholic Church was founded

>> No.18989204

Cope, I am German (a real German, so no I am not Bavarian nor Austrian; I am Prussian). We have a rich culture and tradition and are infinitely better off in all respects to papistlands. It's why we are richer and smarter than you fags.

>> No.18989205

Indulgences are supposed to lessen time in purgatory and you can still pray outside of Mass.

>> No.18989246

Purgatory isn't in the Bible.
Only according to your fanfiction.

>> No.18989265
File: 63 KB, 324x1280, checkmate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have yet to see a Papist on here or /his/ that isn't incredibly smarmy and constantly arguing in bad faith. It's always "you're a dumb prot incapable of understanding church doctrine" and never any serious attempt to explain how the traditions of a corporeal, worldly organization can stand toe-to-toe with divinely inspired scripture.

>> No.18989273

To be fair I'm pretty sure they are just larpers, the same way most people on /lit/ larp as intellectuals and most people on /tg/ pretend they have friends.

>> No.18989276


>> No.18990008

>and he said unto them, "verily, verily, the word of God is revealed in the Bible."
>and they wondered among themselves, saying, "what is a Bible?"

>> No.18990027

>We're the one true church because we say so
Catholic "apologetics" everyone.
May as well become Mormon.

>> No.18990055

>250 b.c.
>germany: banging rocks together and living in mudhuts
>romans fighting the Carthaginians for Mediterranean hegemony
>1 a.d.
>germany: still banging rocks together
>Romans building cities out of marble and controlling the entire Mediterranean
>1000 a.d.
>germany: literally nothing lmao
>italy: literally nothing but better
>1400 a.d.
>germany: still nothing
>italy: renaissance
>German: We have a rich culture and tradition and are infinitely better off in all respects to papistlands

>> No.18990118
File: 29 KB, 333x499, FB82BF32-ED17-4771-AB56-67D48558E1FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are worshiping the Roman Imperial church

>> No.18990138

Wow, just incredible. Your grasp of history is so poor as to be laughable!
For one, you paint us like savages (shows what little grasp of history you have) and you also conveniently leave out the part where we BTFO the Rome forever basically. Also in the Renaissance you somehow forget incredible artist in the northern Renaissance like Dürer and also the fact that we invented the ducks by printing press which is what lead to people realising how retarded the Catholic Church was in the first place (you know, because they could finally read their Bibles, something that papistfags still haven't found out how to do, lol). Holy shit the cope is insane.

>> No.18990141

Holy shit, you bought into that crap? I knew you were retarded but I didn't think you were this retarded. Maybe you should try to read more history or better yet just stop posting all together :)

>> No.18990147

Catholics are modern day pharisees who are largely liberal cosmopolitan dwelling p3do defenders

>Bumfuck, Alabama
Have you even read the bible? Rural alabama dwelling protestants are literally the ideal Christian

>> No.18990153
File: 109 KB, 800x600, catholic healing service.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catholic bros I don't feel so good..

>> No.18990155

This is a step up from chanting about thanking God for pope francis in unison

>> No.18990158
File: 182 KB, 1000x667, charismatic catholicism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought we were all intellectuals who valued tradition.. we got too cocky..

>> No.18990169

Where is it wrong?

>> No.18990174


>> No.18990177

The entire thesis you mong.

>> No.18990187
File: 1.37 MB, 1643x1080, petersdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but it's not in the bible

>> No.18990191
File: 105 KB, 592x381, charismatic catholics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tradition is dumb, that is why I am a Charismatic Catholic. We're Catholic but without all the nonsense.

>> No.18990201

>blah blah blah cope cope cope
expected nothing less from a snownigger
>also conveniently leave out the part where we BTFO the Rome forever basically
so you can continue to live like savages
>forget incredible artist in the northern Renaissance like Dürer
just because Joseph Bologne Chevialier de Saint-Georges was black doesn't make blacks a significant part of classical music
>we invented the ducks by printing press
clearly you're not even literate.

>> No.18990216

Yeah, I heard you the first time. How is it wrong

>> No.18990261

I was phone posting asshole. I meant to type
> We invented the fucking printing press
It is literally in the fire, wheel, and transistor tier of civilisational milestone tech.
Funny that when the people could read the Bible in their own language and more easily that they gave up the church? None of the churches nonsense was in scripture! It was all smoke and mirrors! Haha. Rome was beaten by the Germans again! The emperor had no clothes haha

>> No.18990263

Fucking kek

>makes your smartest members of your church celibate

the catholic church deserves to die.

Where my non-denominal CHADS at

>> No.18990270
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forgot pic related

>> No.18990311

For one the author is not even a biblical scholar and contradicts the view of actual historians. Most of his assertians are based completely on circumstantial evidence and conjecture (Some Flavians where Christian, look! See? Proof!).

>> No.18990343
File: 286 KB, 390x283, whore-babylon-cranach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the shiny objects goy. Pray to these humans and worship them like Gods. The poope knows best. Just listen to church, follow our orders, shut up, and don't ask questions.
From Revelation Chapter 17:
> 1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
> 2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
> 3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
> 4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
> 6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
> 9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
> 10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space.
> 11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goes into perdition.
> 12 And the ten horns which thou saw are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
> 15 And he said unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
> 18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.

>> No.18990398

>For one the author is not even a biblical scholar and contradicts the view of actual historians.
>Most of his assertians are based completely on circumstantial evidence and conjecture
True. The winners wrote the history of themselves. (The cult wasn’t even called Christian till much later)

>> No.18990439

>Catholics are modern day pharisees
divinely based

>> No.18990574

No gay marriage or abortion. If protties want to rely on the Bible for doctrine they're not in a position to complain about a lot. Catholics on the other hand are free to because we can interpret derived meanings from stated literature and traditions.

>> No.18990600

>Well I was wrong, people should only pray when they have a Priest to act as arbitrator between you and God."
Kek that's not even a valid prottie lie. Why don't you try making fun of the rosary beads instead.

>> No.18990604

was the pope right to sell tickets to heaven?

>> No.18990647

He's not selling tickets to heaven. Thats such a reductionist approach. The point is that you are blessed by donating to the church. No different then what tv preachers say too.

>> No.18990659 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 800x487, revelation 2217 kjv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catholic church teaches a full blown salvation and lead people to hellfire. catholic priests that tell people that they have to repent of their sins and do the sacraments to get to heaven are cursed by God for preaching a false gospel according to Galatians 1:8-9 KJV. you can't work your way to heaven, God doesn't need your works to save you. watch this video if you want to be 100% sure of going to heaven /lit/


don't miss out on eternal life, it's easy to be saved.

>> No.18990673

meant to say "catholic church teaches a full blown WORK SALVATION"

>> No.18990701
File: 33 KB, 340x500, The Acting Person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> If it's not in the Bible it doesn't matter.
> The authority that selected the sacred texts forgot to include itself in the text, therefore it does not have any authority.
This is how proddies mind works I guess.

>> No.18990710

>Open the Aeneid on my phone
>ctrl+f "Pontifex"
>more than 1 result

What does this mean Catholic-bros?

>> No.18990784

It was not the pope, it was Johann Tetzel.

Indulgences also are not tickets to Heaven. They are meant to reduce time in purgatory. If one is going to Hell, no indulgences will change this.

>> No.18990835

>You must spend 1,000 years in purga- wait you bought a couple of tickets when you were 27?? Right this way sir enjoy heaven!!!
This is what Catholics believed so vehemently they destroyed their own church