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18985528 No.18985528 [Reply] [Original]

I'm interested in reading Evola, where should i start?

I heard he's the pinnacle of basederino literature

>> No.18985883

What are you interested in, in particular?

For his political worldview: Revolt against the modern world and Ride the tiger

His only philosophical work is Theory and phenomenology of the absolute individual. Not many people read this, but I think it's a gem.If you want a reason-based introduction to his esoteric writings this is the way to go.

The esoteric writings: The doctrine of awakening (original buddhism), The hermetic tradition (alchemy), The yoga of power (indian practices), Tao te ching (notice that Evola wasn't a scholar of Chinese, so this translation/commentary based on philological competence, but rather an interpretation from someone who thinks he knows from first hand
experience what the original author is talking about. Even if you don't believe he does, it is an interesting exercise because he connects the TTC to his theories on initiation).

>> No.18985891

I forgot to add "Introduction to magic", which is actually from the group of UR collective, but you will easily recognize that Evola wrote or edited a great share of the articles.

>> No.18985894

He was a quack that not even Fascists took seriously. Pseuds only mention him to sound intelligent.

>> No.18986035

After I read Guenon I always had the impression that Evola talks about some topics which he doesn't understand, is like a copy paste from different authors and ideas. At least when it comes to his "guenonian side", I am not familiar with german philosophers so idk if he does the same with those ideas.

Letter from Guenon to Guido de Giorgio from 26 January 1926
"Evola doesn’t lack any pretentions, as you see; but, for my part, I continue to think that he does not understand at all what we mean by ‘intellectuality’, ‘knowledge’, ‘contemplation’, etc., and that he doesn’t even know how to make the distinction between the ‘initiatic’ point of view and the ‘profane’ point of view. It appears that he has the intention to publish a review of my work on the Vedanta in the journal Realistic Idealism; we will see what that will be. In any case, in spite of everything that we have tried to explain to him, he persists in finding ‘rationalism’ in the Vedanta, all while failing to recognize that he then takes this word ‘rationalism’ in a rather different sense that is usually given to".

>> No.18986056

>gets initiated 6 times
>once during a seance by a 700 year old ghost who tells him to refound freemasonry
>sends people to schuon to become sex hippies for 10 years
>criticizes the tradition of others

>> No.18986070


>> No.18986093

>In 1906 Guénon entered Encausse’s Free School of Hermetic Sciences (as the Independent Group for Esoteric Studies has been renamed) and joined the neo-Masonic Martinist Order and an irregular Masonic body called Humanidad (Humanity), located in France but licensed by a Spanish rather than a French Obedience.

>Gérard Encause, better known as “Papus” who founded the Martinist Order and a whole range of pseudo Masonic groups.

>As a young man, Encausse spent a great deal of time at the Bibliothèque Nationale studying the Kabbalah, occult tarot, magic and alchemy, and the writings of Eliphas Lévi. He joined the French Theosophical Society shortly after it was founded by Madame Blavatsky in 1884–1885, but he resigned soon after joining because he disliked the Society's emphasis on Eastern occultism.

guenon's mentor kek

>> No.18986100

Evola had no tradition. He never joined one. He also spent a decade at least trying synthesize Guenon, De Giorgio, Nietzsche, and German Idealism so this letter is clearly intended to be a bit of a sleight but at the time of its writing, it was probably true.

>> No.18986141

>the eternal liar and anti-guenon propagandist has joined the chat
He became critical of him and martinism. Even considered his first masonic initiation irregular, he was introduced by Oswlad Wirth to a regular lodge after that.

>> No.18986153

i'm not anti guenon i'm just saying all these occultists and theosophists are heterodox

the meme that guenon is orthodox and pure mostly comes from his muslim followers, if you want someone who actually uses guenon's ideas but transcends their occult theosophy background then read fr seraphim rose

>> No.18986240

I read Seraphim Rose and he is just like the average seething christian, he considers hinduism to be satanic because muh images with Kali. If I would ignore Guenon I would still not agree with your moralist and sentimentalist views. Shankara is the king with or without Guenon, deal with it.
>muh I am going to hell
kys christcuck

>> No.18986261

you are proof that most guenon readers are just as bad as most evola readers, it's all about the online culturewar image for you. you can't even read a post to make a coherent reply, too busy imagining yourself as the GUENON GUY responding to the ORTHODOX GUY.

>> No.18986270

>He also spent a decade at least trying synthesize Guenon, De Giorgio, Nietzsche, and German Idealism
Stop reading wikipedia retard

>> No.18986272

Everything you just said is true but more to the other guy’s point that he was trying to make, or should’ve tried to make. Nobody should claim Guenon was orthodox in any Christian sense. If they do they’re wrong. But from the viewpoint of an adherent of Guenon, there are problems with Christianity broadly in the first place.

>> No.18986277

I’ve read more of his books than you, in more languages, and translated more of them. That includes his idealist phase. People like you disrupt any discussion with your absurd posturing and you’re need to assert that you’re somehow smarter or more informed when you’re not.

>> No.18986279


>> No.18986280

You always distort things and try to make Guenon look as bad as possible. Why should I take you seriously? You don't deserve to and I already discussed with many other people like you, is a waste of time.

>> No.18986286

Quit posturing, retard, and get back to reading wikipedia. I don't believe that for a second. Feel free to prove me wrong, but I strongly doubt you will.

>> No.18986290


i didn't mean orthodox in the sense of christianity i meant orthodox in general. guenon was a heterodox muslim and he would be heterodox hindu if he were hindu, he isn't. yet there is a myth pressed by people who haven't read guenon most likely, that guenon was a bastion of practicing orthodoxy, whatever religion you choose. nope, if you want a guenon inspired thinker who was orthodox, that would be seraphim rose, who did the orthodox christian thing and rejected much of guenon's occult side including his perennialist syncretism.

i am not criticizing guenon for not being christian i am saying seraphim as an orthodox christian necessarily had to condemn guenon. same as how an orthodox muslim necessarily would condemn guenon for not acknowledging the uniqueness of islam and the necessity of allah's revelation to muhammad.

>> No.18986325

According to your logic, Ramakrishna and Ramana Maharshi would also be "heterodox" because they practiced Islam for a few days in order to prove the unity of traditional forms. Stop projecting your pseudo-christian exclusivism.

>> No.18986348

This is the guy who called Guenon the great sufi of the west.

Q : Should we read Gita once in a while?
Ramana Maharshi : Always.
Q : May we read the Bible?
Ramana Maharshi : The Bible and the Gita are the same.
Q : The Bible teaches that Man is born in sin.
Ramana Maharshi : The Man is sin. There was no man-sense in deep sleep. The body thought brings out the idea of sin. The birth of thought is itself sin.
To another question the Maharshi said: Everyone sees only the Self. The divine forms are only like bubbles in the ocean of Reality, or like pictures moving on a screen.
Q : The Bible says that the human soul may be lost.
Ramana Maharshi : The ‘I-thought’ is the ego and that is lost. The real ‘I’ is “I am That I Am.” In the Bible God says “I AM before Abraham.” He does not say “I was” but “I AM.”

>> No.18986361

within traditions that specifically say there is no unity among world religions, and only their religion is correct? like islam and christianity? yes they would still be heterodox if they claimed to be muslims or christians

it is not possible to be an orthodox muslim unless you accept the historical uniqueness of muhammad's revelation, it is not possible to be an orthodox christian unless you accept the historical uniqueness of god sending his son, not allegorically but literally, to earth to save mankind. notice how you avoided addressing this and made it about the "forms." christians and muslims may agree on a few things about metaphysical forms but that's not the point. becoming a muslim, the very first thing you do, you accept muhammad the person and man as god's unique messenger, and in christianity the very first thing you do is accept christ as god's son and the unique savior of the world. guenon can't do nor did he do either of these things so he would be apostate by christian and muslim standards.

also they don't even agree on metaphysical forms either. most christians could not accept non trinitarian metaphysics. muslims have complicated metaphysics regarding the coexistence of the quran and god. denial of these would be apostasy too

guenon is cool but he is not an orthodox muslim

>> No.18986364

La parole obscure du paysage intérieur
Arte astratta

>> No.18986366

Metaphysics of War. Quick read to prime you for his style and such. Also helped me make the decision to kill myself. Goodbye guys.

>> No.18986383

suicide fucks your soul up for many cycles, don't do it

>> No.18986574

>I don't understand him so I'll just call khim a pseud and use call to authority to refute him

>> No.18986781

You look at things only from the exoteric and theological point of view. Do you consider Rumi "heterodox" because he said in one of his poems that he is neither jew, nor christian, nor muslim? There are many other muslims which could be considered "heterodox" according to your point of view. I think that you are just afraid of crossing a certain imaginary line, imposed by yourself, in order to stay safe from "heterodoxy".

>> No.18986812

>i meant orthodox in general. guenon was a heterodox muslim and he would be heterodox hindu if he were hindu
But that’s still in line with his thinking and I don’t think his serious readers would suggest otherwise. What he ascribes to esoterism would be heresy in most exoteric religions. I’m not suggesting that he’s right or wrong only that to go after that one point is a bit of a strawman.

>> No.18986846

Anon, he’s right. There’s a difference between saying “I am or am not this” and then ascribing certain positions which are really theological to a faith and then demarcating one as esoteric and the other as esoteric. From the exoteric position, it’s all just heterodoxy or outright heresy. Now, you can argue over whether Guenon is right or even has a point or not, but if the assertion is that he was heterodox as a Christian or a Muslim (I don’t know about Hindu, Buddhism) that’s absolutely and indisputably true and in fact there have been Sufi who were put to death for saying the sort of things Guenon says.

>> No.18986917
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>> No.18986954

Listen, I get your point. This is something which also Guenon observed, that many people (including some from the past like Ibn Taymiyya for example) consider this kind of esoteric claims to be heterodox. But this is just their point of view, from the point of view of those who are considered heterodox, they are fully orthodox. I also consider some claims to be "heterodox" like those of buddhism or manichaeanism for example, so I am not against this concept. I think that Guenon was just much more direct that people from the past like Ibn Arabi for example, and he also had a bigger knowledge of other traditions.

>> No.18986962

"Fascism Viewed from the Right" is by far his most interesting book.

>> No.18987138

>It's just a few bad eggs who think you have to accept Christ/Mohammed as actually God's son/prophet to be a Christian/Muslim

>> No.18987183
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