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/lit/ - Literature

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18985071 No.18985071 [Reply] [Original]

Poetry thread?
Post your best and rate each others'.
Theme of the thread: Possums.

>> No.18985107

>Mom, do you see me?
>Yes, but I don't want to.


>> No.18985113

>tfw literal 7 years old kiddies mog the famous contemporary poets

>> No.18985134
File: 1.91 MB, 2832x2504, worm poem full jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watt ewe guise fink?

>> No.18986226
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>> No.18986295

post more

>> No.18986330
File: 1.42 MB, 3992x1996, ibis tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18986359

Love this one

>> No.18986403

If this was poem by Bukowski or other retard like that the entire literature world would be in awe. I hate modern art. It started from art pour l'art, now its art for the artist. I wish the author was dead.

>> No.18986441


>> No.18986445

I hope Stefany’s doing okay

>> No.18987441

Sunlight and I

Of the sun these shorter days,
I become envious, eyes shuttered
In a poor inadequacy, seeing His
Ability to bathe you in a warm
Energy - energy at once caressing
And sustaining. His rays kiss the
Soft surfaces, all around the bounds
Of your Venus face and red smile.

What incredible heights! To have
And to hold you, each intricate
Substance of your being; marvellous
As the atoms of leaf-beds and groves
That once sealed me in Her watch.
I could not become Her as I cannot
Become you. No matter, for I long still
To be at once a master and subject.

Worlds rest in your essence, love.
As heavenly kingdoms reign in
The contours of your sylphic form,
And bring the unworthy to worship.
You clear off those black shadows,
And charge with light the apparition
Of vast, Delphic dawns, sinuous realms
Where blank hunger ascends to peace.

Like Her, animated forces come to you,
Or indeed seem to; would winds charge
Their gusts on your summons?
Perhaps soon, I can know, lying
Pillowed at the base of your neck,
Shifting with the rhythmic fall
And vital swell of your breast
That She and I be rejoined evermore.

>> No.18988278

Literally the best poem of the 21st century. Nael chads...I fucking knael

>> No.18988283


>> No.18988300

Cute. Really like it. Reminds me of Ewart or Auden's light verse

>> No.18988308

Slob on my knob
Like corn on the cob
Check in with me, and do your job
Lay on the bed, and give me head
Don't have to ask, don't have to beg
Juicy is my name
Sex is my game
Let's call the boys, let's run a train
Squeeze on my nuts
Lick on my butt
The natural curly hair, please don't touch
First find a mate
Second find a place
Third find a bag, to hide the ho face
Real name rover
I said bend over
I started to knock, then came the odor
Smelled like mush
Shouldn't had a whoosh
Told her to stop, and take a douche
While she did that
I didn't want the cat
So I found out and never came back

>> No.18988413

i always thought this poem was about jacking off

>> No.18988799

>Tape stuck on loop
>Repeats what I recorded
>Nothing new, and
8/10, whimsical and intriguing
god damn
this but unironically
7.5/10, a crude and kek-worthy goatse to pretentious convention

>> No.18989831

Thank you.
Would you mind telling me why you thought it was 9.5-tier? I very much appreciate it.

>> No.18989946

How to write and enjoy poetry ? i literally can't appreciate and produce a single poetic word since I was born, am I missing smth ?

>> No.18989974

Love, or hate

>> No.18991034 [DELETED] 

Someone post the kafkaesque version

>> No.18991093
File: 257 KB, 750x1334, C2E916AD-38ED-4953-822D-6826FED3E695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18991117

not poetry

bit silly. feels juvenile but maybe that's intentional. has at least one typo, which even if intentional is still poor. 5/10.

>> No.18991185

Why aren't those example poetry?

>> No.18991228


>> No.18991253


>> No.18992215

>american humor

>> No.18992235

I'd just like to interject for a moment.
I'll start by discussing the timeless classic the timeless classic "the tiger" by nael:
Nael fully realizes the Nietzschean will to power, as embodied by the eponymous tiger. The hyper masculine imagery compounds this with worship of the human body as divine or close to it, hearkening back to Grecian hero worship as he masterfully incorporates the rich eastern metaphysical symbology behind the tiger to branch western philosophical tradition with that of eastern spirituality. The famous yes/YES line is the epitome of the human struggle, wherein raw emotion ultimately sanctifies the individual and breaks the chains of over-conceptualized thought as developed in a high or post-industrial society.
On the other hand, Galko makes a pessimistic return to nature, wherein man falls into self destructive and cyclical sin (I blow on the lead/ And it hits me back). His egoist stance rejects the traditional family structure, and embraces absurdist reality by acknowledging true knowledge or meaning is ultimately beyond our comprehension (kids don't know everything). Ultimately, his Gothic, anti-transcendentalist stance was already covered comprehensively in the late 19th century, and doesn't do much to rival the revelatory synthesis of his contemporary Nael. If Galko can reorganize his thoughts in a more emotive and powerful form, perhaps he can create a post-gothic school behind him, but I doubt he will become a legitimate match for Nael even then.

>> No.18992360

average academic

>> No.18992467

Kafka, our greatest Amerikan writer

>> No.18992764

I know it's tired as shit now but I really do like this

>> No.18993182

Here's my translation of a poem by Adam Mickiewicz, one of the most prominent Polish poets and playwrights from the Romantic period. English is my second language, so it really wasn't easy for me to write this; also, because of the rhyme, I had to take some liberties with the poem. I'd be grateful if some Anglo reviewed it and told me whether I made any syntactic, lexical or grammatical mistakes, which is more than likely. If any other Polaks are browsing, they probably know well this poem, as it is rather renowned. It's a note from a voyage that Mickiewicz took in Ukraine.

The Akkermanian steppe

As I drift onto a vista of an Ocean dry,
the coach dives into greenness and like a boat it wades
through a rustling meadow and its flowery waves,
the burdock’s coral isles gently passing by.

And as the dark is coming, the path remains unfound.
I gaze up, into the sky and ask the stars to guide.
Is that a cloud that flickers? Or is the morn just nigh?
That gleam - it’s the Dniester, the old Akkerman’s bound.

Hold! – how quiet! – I can hear the flutter of the cranes,
which the hawk’s rapid eyesight would never catch in flight.
I can hear a butterfly in the wild grass’s mane,

and a snake as it touches the herbs with light
breast. And yet, in such silence, I strain my ears in vain
for a voice from my patria. Let us go. It’s night.