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File: 11 KB, 327x499, 41pXw7UxMsL._SX325_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18984361 No.18984361 [Reply] [Original]

How the hell am I supposed to read this book? It is boring as all fuck and doesn't even make sense most of the time. Like why does it go off on tangents listing a ton of people that are literally mentioned nowhere else in the book?

>> No.18984448

I stole your thread

>> No.18984455


>> No.18984474

If it's any consolation another thief continued the chain
hope your thread gets more tho

>> No.18984479

hermeneutical wager. Suspend disbelief

>> No.18984881

It's shit. Classic case of OLD = GOOD.

>> No.18984912

Old = good
New = bad。

>> No.18984937

If you're low IQ please stop posting on this board thank you

>> No.18985053

I "got" the Bible when reading the book of numbers.

>> No.18985065

>nooooo not my heckinn bibleeno
LARPers go home >>>/x/

>> No.18985605
File: 49 KB, 540x540, da7ea755335be123892b7612dba94bb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's impossible to understand the bible if you are not saved and doesn't have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. watch this gospel video if you want to be 100% sure of going to heaven, it's easy to be saved from hell anons.


also, make sure to read the KJV, it's the preserved word of God in English. don't get a scofield/ruckman study bible because they are full of zionist propaganda. get a KJV without any studynotes/footnotes in it.

>> No.18985639

t. paid megachurch shill

>> No.18985664
File: 99 KB, 1200x1600, adambeycee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start from the start...seewat happens

>> No.18985738

So according the gospel, if I once believed that Jesus died for my sins, I am saved forever? Even if I was a child and spent most of my teenage and adult years in disbelief, even cursing His name, trying to convince others not to believe, etc?

>> No.18987667

I think a good starting point is to pray to God, asking Him to show you the way on how to read the bible, show you what to do. God is Jesus Christ. I hope you can learn how to read the bible and appreciate it. God bless you.

>> No.18987689

So I can live a life of degeneracy and sin, and still make it into heaven if I believe that Jesus died for my sins?

>> No.18987692

There is no "saved". Moronic americuck protestants garbled the message that doesn't come from their culture and that they have no capacity to understand.

Christ will come to judge to resurrected at the end of time. Those who can, will live in his Kingdom. Those who can't, well, won't. We call the dwelling place of those who can't "hell", though this is a pagan word and a poor fit.

>> No.18987702

>Those who can
How do you know if you can?

>> No.18987933

>why does it go off on tangents listing a ton of people that are literally mentioned nowhere else in the book
Because they all asked to be put in the screenshot.

>> No.18987957

As long as you didn't curse the Holy Ghost you're fine. You probably didn't because everyone forgets about the Holy Ghost.

>> No.18988080

>As long as you didn't curse the Holy Ghost you're fine
Not him but of course, of fucking course I had to curse the Holy Ghost
Every time I set out to do something I have failed even before I start

>> No.18988091

I few through the first two books. Leviticus onwards was a bit dull until it picked up with Joshua.
It's like the WOT slog you have to power through it.

>> No.18988139

This may be bait, but in case it's not:
To curse the Holy Spirit is more than just saying
>Arg I hate god and all that it's nonsense I think its retarded
etc etc
To my knowledge (which may be incorrect) it's more of an ongoing disillusionment with the works and testimony of the Spirit, and writing it off as nothing but demons/outright false without repenting of it.
If you truly love God and want to become more like Jesus, then you probably aren't actively dong that, and aren't dooming yourself.
If you were, then you'd be becoming increasingly wicked to the point where you wouldn't care at all.
So you're probably fine anon.
Jesus loves you

>> No.18988140

What country are you from where people even know what the Holy Ghost is?
Here in America most people don't know what the Trinity is