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File: 61 KB, 333x512, crimeandpunishmentraskolnikovsonyalazarusfritzeichenberg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18982571 No.18982571 [Reply] [Original]

So Dosty sees the encroaching atheism, nihilism, and barbarism of the world, no Christ coming to bail him out. He wonders "But what about muh morality?" and precedes to pen hundreds of pages why its okay for him to be a good boy. He carefully fabricates the situation where Raskolnikov's rewards for crime are limited, the consequences of his action magnified, and the punishment for confession reduced. 8 years in the hole with your waifu is better than most of us are getting. Complete softball.

So by the novel's end, not even Raskolnikov is convinced by Christian Slav Morality. Because Dosty chickened out of making the perfect crime the perfect crime, Raskolnikov can't reject the evil was was presented with. And he never comes up with an answer of his own. He sees that Sonya is nice to him, she's a Christian, therefore he's a Christian. The battle of Good vs Evil is won because, subconsciously, Good is his path to pussy. The name Sonya is derived from the name Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom...and as we know, women are neither wise nor do they particularly enjoy a man who does something for them instead of himself.

Dostoyevsky, considered perhaps the greatest novelist of all time, was a simp, putting his Goddess on a pedestal and doing everything for her instead of accepting life's harsh truths. That nothing can ever be truly off the table in the quest for power. If you don't steal, don't kill when the time is right, a more dominant man will take what's rightfully his. No cleverly written story, no woman, no Christ can change that fact.

>> No.18982597
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>destroys your argument

>> No.18983948

Most writers were simp and would be incels nowadays.

>> No.18983971

>Fat fedora fag who has never known anything beyond suburban sterility thinks he knows more than Dostoyevsky

>> No.18983972

>Dostoyevsky was a Simp
He had two wives.
At least the second one (much younger than him) was willing to do EVERYTHING for him
Once he told her that women are unable to have passions and seriously dedicate themselves to a pursuit ("b-based?") and as a response she started a philatelic collection which she carried on for 50 years

Didn't read your post

>> No.18984009

The thing is, though, very few can BE that overman/great man that mows down anyone to get what he wants. It's just a built in feature of being human. The point is that Raskolnikov wanted to be that man, and deluded himself about his character, without having the psychological constitution for murder. Even at the end, he regrets the fact that he can't be a 'great man' and despises his own 'weak' nature before coming to accept it.

I appreciated C&P because it was like an anti-Fountainhead for me. I fell in love with Roark as a young guy and tried to emulate him in all his asocial, inhuman behavior, but the truth is that my commitment to craft could never match the extreme of his (and I don't think most people can) so it was just posturing. I think there are certain masks you can wear which become skin but oftentimes there is an uncanny, deeply uncomfortable feeling in the one who is posturing.

>> No.18984046

>women do not particularly enjoy a man who does something for them instead of himself.

>> No.18984053
File: 33 KB, 612x528, istockphoto-619745720-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So Dosty sees the encroaching atheism, nihilism, and barbarism of the world, no Christ coming to bail him out. He wonders "But what about muh morality?" and precedes to pen hundreds of pages why its okay for him to be a good boy.
Shut the fuck up, you fucking faggot. Your edgy posturing is nothing but a cope from a spiritual coward too weak to find virtue.

>> No.18984454

oh how virtuous of you

>> No.18984556

Indeed. I'm trying to get you to stop being a fag.

>> No.18984578
File: 253 KB, 645x773, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[Writer] was a [nihilist internet slang]

>> No.18984600

Haha, stfu desu. I will tolerate no disrespect of Dostoyevsky, his writing in Crime and Punishment was what awoke my foot fetish