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/lit/ - Literature

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18979833 No.18979833 [Reply] [Original]

"You will never represent, Raphael, a young girl’s erotic dream. You have to resign yourself to the inevitable; such things are not for you. It’s already too late, in any case. The sexual failure you’ve known since your adolescence, Raphael, the frustration that has followed you since the age of thirteen, will leave their indelible mark. Even supposing that you might have women in the future - which in all frankness I doubt - this will not be enough; nothing will ever be enough. You will always be an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew. In you the wound is already deep; it will get deeper and deeper. An atrocious, unremitting bitterness will end up gripping your heart. For you there will be neither redemption nor deliverance. That’s how it is."

>> No.18979845
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>> No.18979847

Hands down the most brutal passage in all of literature.

Houllebecq is a genius.

>> No.18979860

A-anons I'm not feeling very well

>> No.18979866

Why do you always post the exact same quote? Is the rest of the book so shit? Are the other pages blank? Or do you actually not read at all and just look for excuses to wojakpost?

>> No.18979868

I'm so fucking tired of Houllebecq and his retarded thirst for some imagined, idealised teenage pussy. It doesn't even seem like he believes his own shit.

>> No.18979875

boo hoo. move on faggot

>> No.18979876
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might as well kill myself now

>> No.18979888
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>killing yourself over an incel post on 4channel
maybe you should

>> No.18979889

Oh no, I will never represent a young girl's erotic dream! A female will never flick her bean while imagining my body! How am I to live with such knowledge?! WOE IS ME!

>> No.18979891
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no use dwelling in self resentment, especially because it's addictive. just have to find some other avenue of worth

>> No.18979897

Lol pleb

>> No.18979902

you failed as a man

>> No.18979926

>man is defined by his ability to wet holes
Please leave this literary board and skulk back to the nigger ghetto of /r9k/ where you belong

>> No.18979943


>> No.18979949

this is why you need to get pussy in high school otherwise you turn into a horrible neurotic mess and write miserable garbage like this.

>> No.18979989


octogenarian pussy > teen pussy desu lads

>> No.18980010

>what zero pussy does to a mf
Just.. just have sex.. just have sex incel, please.

>> No.18980063
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Incels are worse than child rapists and should be publicly gutted. Holy fuck you pathetic fucking faggots piss me off with your constant whining about muh high school pussy and muh shitty jawline. just have sex or fuck off and KYS already.

>> No.18980070

No u.

>> No.18980072

just have sex

>> No.18980075
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are you offering?

>> No.18980100

>teen girls dont want to have sex with me my entire life is pointless WAAAAHHHHHHHH
I can't inagine being this pathetic, and I'm a kissless virgin. Move on with your life already.