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/lit/ - Literature

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18975089 No.18975089 [Reply] [Original]

Books for a wagie that lives with chronic nerve pain?

>> No.18975106

>chronic nerve pain
tell us what happened lad

>> No.18975112
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>> No.18975139

Atypical trigeminal neuralgia

>> No.18975221
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Reject modernity, return to fung

Or something like that. Throw out the damn blowjacks too.

>> No.18975534

Are those things related?

>> No.18975585

What do you actually do for a living? Just curious.

>> No.18975659

Another made up mental illness, no such thing in the wild

>> No.18975666

The Stoics, Gurdjieff (conscious suffering). They helped get me through an intense hour of sciatica. I'm talking, crying in the middle of night the nerve pain is so bad intense.

>> No.18975768

Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Nothing afflicts a Muslim of hardship, nor illness, nor anxiety, nor sorrow, nor harm, nor distress, nor even the pricking of a thorn, but that Allah will expiate his sins by it.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5641, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim

>> No.18976630

>nerve pain
>mental illness

>> No.18976634

he's homeless and posts on mcdonald's wifi

>> No.18977188

>Atypical trigeminal neuralgia
OP literally has "suicide disease" and still hasn't anheroed. What is stopping you OP?

>> No.18977265

My upcoming self-published autobiographical novel, sans the nerve-pain but with shrimp posture from sedentary lifestyle. Watch me become the next /lit/ meme author.

>> No.18977685 [DELETED] 

Call of the Crocodile by F. Gardner, kind of deals with those issues

>> No.18977878

Based book. Have a garden?

>> No.18978082
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>> No.18978419

lives in abject poverty on a meager pension and spends 24/7 here because her life choices left her alone with no family

>> No.18978436

Engels. Socialism. Utopian and Scientific.

>> No.18978536

Absolute shit deal m8. Have a relative with herpetic neuralgia.Don't get on gabapentin/neurontin, that shit will give you lasting brain fog.

Re: book rec's as a fellow wagie with chronic illness. Read any Raymond Carver. He really cuts to the dread of just trying to eek out a normal existence.

>> No.18978551


$3200 a month, mostly untaxed, if your salary is at the max. Work a few more years then file. If I had nerve pain, that is what I would do. That is my fallback plan if I don't make it in life or my health declines.

The book "Win your Social Security Disability Case" is usually suggested.

t. disbarred attorney currently in the oil industry not giving legal or medical advice.

>> No.18979907

>pain is real!!

no, it's literally just in your head. harden the fuck up and get back to work wagie

>> No.18979964

Hyperion Cantos

>> No.18980180
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>> No.18980731

I can't tell if Butterfly got replaced, if she changed, or if I've changed, because I find myself agreeing more and more with the posts I see from her
>lives in abject poverty on a meager pension
sounds pretty /lit/, I plan on doing the same

>> No.18980744

>in the wild
pure ideology