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1897249 No.1897249 [Reply] [Original]

Does any of the creative lot in /lit/ have stories/poems on Love/Romance/emotion.
if yes i'd love to see them. Reading "Essays in love" by alain de botton atm. The love of my life left me on this day 10 months ago, and the pain it still lingers.

>> No.1897268

Its finally over, jigs finally up
The tables been cleared but I can't get enough
Its a bruise to my ego, a shot to my heart
It makes me wonder, should I ever restart?

The grass won't be as green, the sky won't be as clear
Another person to my heart, could never be as dear
But I need to move on just to prove I know how
Putting aside that I still need you now

I'll wake up tomorrow, with a gap in my soul
But nothings forever, or so i've been told
I try to move on, but my heart holds me back
Says "her loves like a safe, that you've just gotta crack"

I buy in every time, I believe that it's true
Because i'll never love anyway as strongly as you
But as the sun rises, and as the sun sets
My love will be forever, I hope you never forget.
Wrote this while in a particularly angsty relationship related situation

>> No.1897267

If by that, you mean "do you write about people's perceptions, hang-ups, and psychological issues in regards to the vague notion of 'love'?", then yes.

>> No.1897279
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The word may have no meaning by itself, the meaning is due to the lips that utter it, you may call it a false perception or psychological issues, i respect that but what i felt was "love" to me.

I love your style bro, it's very nice and gloomy :(

>> No.1897292


>> No.1897299
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>> No.1897301

True love is when you look at them to know less alone.
Their silence gives a speech.
Their sleep demands a sculpture.
Their heated tongue beats torture.
Their caress twitches a scalpel;

cutting open the bloodpumper to drain out that unhealthy hot uglypus.

Everysomeone who loved another more than allso themselfless has known true love. Every sum of one more who wished their balloon with abandoned ballasts could raise anyother's anchors, set sail on a relationship and float into harbors havens and bays lusts loving truly.
Let's end the mythology. We'll clasp each other in a dreadful embrace, dine on the slaughter, part in hatred, and recollect the passion of a delinquent disaster waiting on a catalystastrophe.

Maybe one day remembering the laughter, cry.
We were alive.
We are merely dead.
So you and I survived.
Let's end this myth o logic.

Whose logic that it wasn't true?
Whose myth is this?
They? Those people? Theirs?
Everyanyone knows how much They know.

>> No.1897302

At least you're capable of love, you self-pitying jackass.

>> No.1897306

"If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don't even start. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives and maybe even your mind. It could mean not eating for three or four days. It could mean freezing on a park bench. It could mean jail. It could mean derision. It could mean mockery--isolation. Isolation is the gift. All the others are a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to do it. And, you'll do it, despite rejection and the worst odds. And it will be better than anything else you can imagine. If you're going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It's the only good fight there is."
— Charles Bukowski (Factotum)

>> No.1897346

I got on /lit/
to feel the love
then I got hit
bya shit log

>> No.1897353
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I've only written one "love" based poem... I was 16 and flunking English.

Love is like a fast cigarette
first drag is pure, first drag is best.
Love is like a fast Cigarette
first drag is how we judge the rest.

Love is like a fine whisky
first shot is ecstasy, next shot is fine.
Love is like a fine whisky
several shots will fuck you up given time.

>> No.1897356

not bad bro

>> No.1897631

Posted this before, but I guess it fits the bill.

I kissed a girl today.

As her bloody hue of lipstick smacked into the only provision of a kiss I could provide, being completely dry in a state of terror, the sensation of flavor and pain crumbling into my mind all at once was exhilarating; to a degree I've yet to feel in ten year old soles. In the first moments, there was a rustle occurring as our faces fought for just a sliver of sight on the other, producing the most awkward of effects as there was a multitude of naive young faces shining on us as a little shop of horrors.

Oh god, now it's all just before me! here lay me, barely attuned to the world of vulgarity outside of watching church lads peeking up skirts in confusion, in a state of premature drowning coated in childish passion that I had practically initiated in a pathetic attempt at rape. Luckily enough, I've not such intentions – she just so faithfully had my gesture coming to her.

On steeping myself back to our histories between one another, there is little to linger on outside of such similar day. Yes, to think that my lightly painted kissing partner did make her so angelic appearance once more at a previous occasion of such vulgarity, such mediocrity! At times, this recollection could be called upon as stupid and even miniscule in the most serious cases, and yet, what a moment it was to such a blank slate as myself.

>> No.1897637


The memory fades in – I am nearly at the end of my sixth year alive and I'm so terribly happy. The sun, mere moments before utter desolation, dripped lower into the backdrop of mountains surrounding my otherwise average lower schooling institution, as to paint the scene for prepared murder. In a flash – or a bell really – a riot squad of giggling girls surround me in a sick ritualistic coo regarding the celebrations of one's near birth, in which I remain afloat in the clouds as a clear superior to such runts; however, there is no God that could curb the bolt just ready to strike. I-I look and they chatter like little monkeys, and as their words blur as one collective horror show, the faces seem to follow suit in their deformation – then, in a sudden jolt of silence, I drown in her gaudy lips the first time. A single hole in the circle, a single step ahead of the ring, a single moment of our kiss; there lay no sense in the forever that strung beside her girlish favor.

She looks away, red as the blood that seemed to be feeding into each of our hearts too fast, too furious for the stupidity of the moment, to the awkward cheers and chirps of our mates. Amazing! surely I was to accept the blind happiness that lead the moment on – yet, my mind had a way of assuring truth. There is only what was visible to base my feelings on – the little crowd is alive in drunken rage of love and adoration for the moment, as their eyes hold as mirrors to my face, dead. Dead in a naive loss of innocence that I hated not to understand, alive only to breathe and keep standing as she, and the ever shrinking crowd, took my joy with them to their homes in stories around the dinner table. To think, as if they were the ones dealing with such crisis!

>> No.1897639


Upon the actual date of my seventh year, the muddy replays began to take some sort of toll on my mental ability. Screens before my eyes, the only thing worth seeing to me anymore just seemed to be her, and oh, how sick that I only cared to relive a moment of oxygen loss. Red – wine stained splash of the Gods; she had passed the wrong nectar to the wrong fool. School days in the memory seem to rust and slow, however, there was no mistake in my youth – she would have her kiss in return; pleasant or not.

My creed, the idea of reliving that day in another more positive light, proved no better than the moment itself; with the utter twitch of mention regarding the day so surprisingly soon to come, the neurons wept in a frenzy of emotion. Clocks ticked and nights fell, as living realizations arose only to tear away at me in a constant feud; they pierced through my petty lies when I considered my position to be one of great power with regards to my "awesome revenge"; beyond, there only lay fear of her lush face touching mine once more.

The ultimate terror that would be replayed – in a flash – if she, true to her savage vampire nature, robbed me of the total strife that is borne in revenge, all in that blushed face of hers. The ultimate terror – she turns away to the ever imposing peanut gallery of screeching apes, a thick beet once more from her lamb to the slaughter, while I lay cold, a standing pool of blood seeping from one poor exploded heart.

>> No.1897643


As our fates, even with her ignorance of it all, came into bloom, I struck myself sly in obtaining some luck – the avoidance of history's God-given grasp on repetition! and yet, by today's incident of higher terror, there was nothing of the sort to be found. Trembling clothing fades in a slow mist as the story, alive in its origin from such a recent occurrence, paints only my dainty blue eyes in a dumb gaze over at her budding grace in juvenile growth. Time, ill in its general tone, only seemed to boost at the moment of insanity that I had birthed within my mind; that bobbed yellow apple of hair just years before, now, the locks of a Valkyrie, seasoned in the temptation of her fellow Vikings; the cheery aura brought by her entrance to a scene now left malice in its path, for, with trendy school-wear upon her slender body, why bother with the common filth? I found it so intense, my description of her alluring essence, that as I continued on within my mind, my motives almost were wholly for personal kindness. However, there remained nothing that let the sweat bleed as what I had so come to rob – those puffed cheeks, bloated as ever with the same coat of blushed red ripped from within me. To her advantage, she was in grave luck to have such an upstate youth enact the most humbling of revenges, even if there remained so many other more appetizing options.

"A little slice of stake and garlic pie, my love?"

>> No.1897647


In a suave stroll to her boisterous herd of friends, drunk as ever in their situations regarding their petty school lives, the floor seemed to clack! along with me as the target of my suicide mission became clearer, as if to announce the arrival of the end to nearby enemies. A quick look around – as the sun oozes down the mountains around the outside quad area I feel myself shrinking back into that six year old outfit, and if nature was going to force me to relive my day of anguish, my wimpy steps now left plenty of time to retreat. In a flash, however – death arrived.

"Jesse Arnold, is that you? Ooooooh my god, it is! Where have you been? I feel like it's been forever since I've even seen you! Do you still attend?"

She was mocking me, as if there would be any other answer but yes, why on Earth would I even be here? As her voice left me in a literal daze, the voices of the crowd fell silent as a theater audience, our meeting but an act in this afternoons show. With no training, with not an ounce of boyish charm born into me from my father, my plan towards any sort of flimsy revenge tore apart, sickly as the day it was made.

"Um, yeah, yeah. Actually, Elena, I kind of had to…oh god! This will be a bit weird…"

>> No.1897653


don't blush, I can't. I seemingly inch over to a closer position for my assault, the faces around me seem to morph with every tip-toe of mine. A group in disgust – they perhaps see right through me? – some still so ignorant in their happiness, others simply disappointed in my return into their ring of existence, how kind! I had finally made my way close enough to Elena's airy fragrance, and it was when I had looked into her face clearly did I see true bliss for my situation. She had read me as an entire novel within mere seconds of my arrival, and frankly seemed quite ample with it. A surge of electrical heat surfed through my bloodstream as all fear dived below into darkness within my mind; she was surely prepared.

"Just returning something to you, my love."

The dedication ended as my graceful plunge of revenge took action among the blinks of the ever mounting crowd, faces all powdered in their awkward first greet with revenge. Just before impact – the wind sits still, and for just a moment, I cherish the ability for me to breathe such luscious air, yet, time never is enough for me. As her bloody hue of lipstick smacked into the only provision of a kiss I could provide, being completely dry in a state of terror, the sensation of flavor and pain crumbling into my mind all at once was exhilarating; to a degree I've yet to feel in ten year old soles. In the first moments, there was a rustle occurring as our faces fought for just a sliver of sight on the other, producing the most awkward of effects as there was a multitude of naive young faces shining on us as a little shop of horrors.

>> No.1897656


Sharply, snapped from a dream, I recall her ripping away from me in a violent rasp. I smile dumbly, assuming victory, but my eyes look onward in flames to my hellish outcome once more – there she stand in a furor, cheeks blushed like little beating hearts on her face upon each side of snarled lips. As she began her vent of words, I could not contain myself any longer. Today, I cried like no other time, among the pathetic laughter of my peers, the utter hatred of my only lively desire in life so far. In the stretch of the failures somebody as young as I could achieve, I've yet even now to understand wholly what kind of cruel God could watch over such scenarios, finding completely justice. The eventual strength I could muster to drag my wounded corpse from the battlefield forced me to leave behind the extra weight for the dogs – dignity, courage, joy; thick flesh for a full meal. My recording of this situation, I hope, provides a guide for myself in age towards any sort of moment that may reoccur, that I may fight the unbeatable with even more diligence than can provide now.

Oh, but what a kiss it was.

>> No.1897672
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>The love of my life left me on this day 10 months ago, and the pain it still lingers.

I bet she's had someone else's sperm on her face or in her mouth at some point during the last three days.